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南非位于非洲大陆南端,面积1223201平方公里,人口为4690万。有黑人、白人、其他有色人种和亚洲人四大种族,分别占总人口的79.3%、9.4%、8.7%和2.6%。其中黑人约3720万,主要有祖鲁、科萨、斯威士、茨瓦纳、北索托、南索托、聪加、文达、恩德贝莱等9个部族,主要使用祖鲁语和班图语。白人约440万,主要是荷兰血统的白人后裔(约占57%)和英国血统的白人后裔(约占38%),语言为南非荷兰语和英语。 相似文献
新学期开学期间学生文具市场情况如何?近日,笔者走访了江苏史泰博佩佩办公用品有限公司和上海的世纪联华、家乐福、新世界百货、易初莲花等商场。许多商场设学生用品专柜,只见各专柜前选购文具的人群摩肩接踵,收款处前排起了长队,一派热气腾腾的景象。这些市场的学生文具热销场面,从一个侧面反映了现在的学生文具市场。 相似文献
上海各文具专卖店、大卖场、综合性商场、新华书店搭建学生文具专柜,节日气氛很浓,吸引消费者购买;营业员热情接待,仔细介绍,通过各种方法扩大销售。 相似文献
据相关统计,我国文具市场的销售规模为1500亿,其中学生文具市场份额约占1/8,大约为180多亿,并且每年以10%的幅度增长。目前,国内的文具行业销售商普遍规模小、渠道分散、商品低劣, 相似文献
我国现有2.1亿名学生,巨大的学生文具市场吸引着越来越多的企业加入学生文具的生产行列。如何销售这么多产品,就成了众多企业所关心的话题。 相似文献
牛年春节在国际金融风暴中度过,学生文具市场的销售情况,成了我们行业生产企业的关注点。带着这种心情,笔者于2009年1月27日至2月1日(大年初二至初七),考察了上海世纪联华、好又多、家乐福、易初莲花、新世界百货、第一八百伴和豫园市场等12家商场、超市的学生文具柜;电话采访了浙江、江苏、安徽、山东、湖南、湖北、辽宁、广东等地的部分经销商。 相似文献
<正>7月5日,夏日初盛,我有幸随中国制笔协会赴日韩考察团一行去国外了解制笔业的行情,这是一次难得的机会,虽通过短短数日的参观、考察、拜访和交流等活动,但所见所闻深有感触,现略表体会一、二,仅供业内同仁借鉴。考察交流的基本情况,本次考察由中国制笔协会副理事长魏淑君为团长,浙江德清智星实业有限公司董事长王忠强和昆山乐美文具有限公司产品总经理黄智化任副团长的中国制笔协会赴日本、韩国考察团一行十八人,应全日本文具协会和韩国文具协会的邀请,于2010年7月5日至14日对日本和韩国进行了为期十天的考察交流及市场调查。团员有:青岛普乐斯铅笔有 相似文献
Mbulaheni Thomas Mutengwe Natalie Hildegard Aneck-Hahn Magdalena Catherina Van Zijl Christiaan De Jager 《Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment》2016,33(1):95-104
Food is likely to be one of the major pathways through which people are exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. With the exception of residual effects, there are concerns that a number of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals exert adverse effects upon endocrine systems in wildlife and humans. The current study reports selected pesticide concentrations and the total estrogenic activity of fruit and vegetables using the recombinant yeast oestrogen screen (YES) and T47D-KBluc reporter gene assays. A total of 53 food samples (27 fruit and 26 vegetables) from Johannesburg and Tshwane fresh produce markets (in South Africa) were analysed. Of these, 17 contained one to three different pesticide residues with concentrations ranging between 0.01 and 0.68 mg kg–1, whereas in the rest of the samples no residues were detected. All pesticides detected except in one sample were below the maximum residue level (MRL), but others were unauthorised for use in specified fruit and vegetables. Estrogenic activity was detected in 26.4% (14 samples) of the samples tested, and the estradiol equivalents ranged from 0.007 to 2 pg g–1. Although the estrogenic activity was low, it may contribute to adverse health effects. Continuous monitoring for pesticides in fruit and vegetables is important in view of the unauthorised pesticides detected in produce from South Africa and the endocrine-disrupting chemical activity found. 相似文献
Researchers at the South African Medical Research Council used the Bangkok Declaration, Thailand, 2009, as a guideline for their food composition activities. The vision is to build a comprehensive food composition database for the country. Activities are directed at increasing the number of food items with country-specific nutrient information; encouraging research organisations, universities and the food industry to become involved in nutrient data generation and the generation of yield factors for South African dishes. The introduction of the South African Food Data System (SAFOODS) website and a symposium were major food composition activities. Educating users on the correct application of food composition data is an important endeavour. The national South African Food Data Advisory Group (SAFDAG) formed in 2008, advises and supports food composition activities at SAFOODS. In conclusion, with the support of SAFDAG, SAFOODS activities are aimed at compiling a country-specific food composition database and promoting its scientific use. 相似文献