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斜入射条件下毛细波的激光衍射   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立了斜入射情况下毛细波的激光衍射理论。当激光斜入射到几10至几102Hz毛细波上,观察到稳定、清晰的衍射图样,衍射光强分布随着毛细波振幅的变化而变化,并有缺级现象出现,衍射图样具有明显的位置不对称分布。利用傅立叶光学讨论斜入射情况下毛细波的激光衍射,毛细波为正弦型位相反射光栅,给出了毛细波激光衍射的光强理论分布。利用该理论讨论了衍射图样的缺级现象和位置不对称分布,并对衍射图样进行了模拟,理论与实验基本相符。  相似文献   

液体毛细波的波矢和振幅反映了液体的表面张力以及粘滞特性,将表面波等效为反射型光栅,其波矢和振幅可通过一束激光的衍射信号测得,从而得到液体的表面张力系数和粘滞系数。基于此原理,文中搭建了光学测量液体表面张力系数和粘滞系数的实验教学装置。装置通过引入频率可调的机械振子以及PID(proportion integral differential)温控模块,实现了变参数测量;对衍射光斑信号使用了边缘探测和类“质心”算法以确定光斑的中心位置和光斑强度,测量了不同温度的水以及不同浓度的酒精的表面张力系数和粘滞系数,验证了实验装置的精确性,表明该装置适合于实验教学推广。  相似文献   

飞秒激光在LiNbO3晶体上烧蚀衍射光栅   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用脉冲宽度为50 fs,中心波长为800 nm,重复频率为1000 Hz的乜秒激光脉冲在LiNbO3晶体上烧蚀表面衍射光栅,采用632.8 nm的He-Ne激光测量不同光栅的衍射效率.在激光脉冲能量和光栅常数相同的情况下,烧蚀速率由20 μm/s增大到200 μm/s时,所加工光栅的1级衍射效率从1.7%增大到2.3%;如果光栅常数和烧蚀速率不变,将激光脉冲能量由70 nJ增大到110 nJ,所加工光栅的1级衍射效率从1.9%减小到1.3%;随着光栅常数的增大,在LiNbO3晶体上烧蚀光栅的各级衍射效率也随之增加.对实验结果进行理论分析表明,可以通过提高烧蚀速率、降低激光脉冲能最和增大光栅常数来提高飞秒激光加工光栅的衍射效率.  相似文献   

衍射光学激光共振腔所有商品激光器都用球面或平面镜来建立激光模。但球面镜腔只代表极小一组可能的共振腔结构。最近,衍射光学技术已有可能制作具有任意相位反射系数的优质反射镜,从而出现一组全新激光共振腔。这些新腔可有独特和所希望的性质,如用户可设计的模式形状...  相似文献   

饶炯辉  方启万 《激光技术》1997,21(3):182-184
半导体激光器给出的是半功率点处的发散角,在计算时必须进行变换,因实测LOC激光器发散角较大,本文对高斯光束发散角变换公式进行了少许修正,导出了模拟器衍射损耗公式,并计算了三种模拟器的衍射损耗。  相似文献   

从部分相干光束的传输定律出发,得到了部分相干光束刀边衍射时的远场光谱的表达式.根据该表达式对衍射场中的光谱进行了理论研究。研究的结果表明:衍射场中的光谱将随着观察点位置而改变,并且对于固定观察点,其光谱将随着相对空间相干度以及光束透过率的变化而变化。  相似文献   

激光肌肉衍射条纹的机理与探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

部分相干光经多个圆孔衍射后的偏振度变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
基于随机电磁光束的相干偏振统一理论和部分相干光的传输定律,研究了部分相干光源所发出的光经过多个圆孔衍射后的偏振度变化情况。以高斯-谢尔(Gauss-Schell)模型光束为例,研究了多个圆孔衍射后的轴上偏振度变化。发现随着圆孔数量的增加,偏振度将出现相应的变化,并且经过足够长的传输距离之后,偏振度将趋于一个定值。以三个圆孔为例,重点研究了圆孔大小、圆孔间距、源平面处的相干长度以及源平面的偏振度取值等参量对轴上观察点的偏振度影响。  相似文献   

为了研究不同入射角下的激光干扰效果,采用逐步调节光轴指向的方法,对不同入射角下的干扰效果进行了实验研究和理论分析,取得了不同入射角下激光束在探测器上光斑位置、接收能量和光斑形状的数据。结果表明,光斑位置随入射角的增大而线性移动,对于本文中的光电成像系统而言,移动速率为入射角每增加0.1°,光斑偏离探测器中心16个像素;接收能量随入射角的增大而减小,对于本文中视场角为8°的光学系统而言,减小的幅度不超过1%;不同入射角下的激光光斑形状满足空间平移不变性。这一结果对开展激光干扰光电成像系统试验是有帮助的。  相似文献   

A simple experiment for laser diffraction of capillary waves on liquid film surface (LFS) is realized. Steady and visible diffraction patterns are obtained. The dispersion relation of capillary waves on LFS is verified by laser diffraction. In particular, both the relation between the wave number and the film thickness at a fixed angular frequency and the relation between the angular frequency and the wave number at a fixed film thickness are investigated. The theoretical and experimental results are in good agreement.  相似文献   

The radar backscatter of natural snow surfaces was measured at 10 GHz and 35 GHz and at grazing angles from1degto0.3deg. For horizontal polarized radiation the terrain clutter per unit area (m2) at 10 GHz of a flat snow terrain decreases from -50 dB at1degto -70 dB at0.4deg. The return is approximately 10 dB lower for vertical polarized radiation. The terrain clutter was found to depend on the free water content of the snow. The radar cross sections of ice blocks placed on the snow surface is roughly proportional to the square of the area of the ice block facing the radar at 10 and 35 GHz and is approximately 20 dBsm below the return expected for a perfectly reflecting plane surface. At 95 GHz the ice blocks become diffuse reflectors.  相似文献   

Bradley  P.A. 《Electronics letters》1970,6(15):457-458
The mechanisms by which radio waves reflected from the ionosphere experience focusing are discussed. Calculations of this focusing are presented for oblique propagation at low angles of elevation via the E and F layers, and curves for use in prediction studies are given.  相似文献   

应用双尺度方法(Two-Scale Method,TSM)计算了海面的后向散射系数(Backscattering Coefficient,BSC).由于实测的海面散射系数在大角度与理论不相符,尤其是水平(Horizontal,HH)极化,中等尺度的碎浪模型被用来对海面散射系数进行修正.通过对不同参数的中等尺度碎浪散射系数进行统计平均,可以得到碎浪的平均散射系数.运用碎浪的覆盖率模型,将碎浪模型与海面的散射系数进行结合,得到了含碎浪的海面散射系数修正模型.结果表明,该模型在大入射角下能对HH极化有明显的修正作用,使其与实验数据更为吻合.对于垂直(Vertical,VV)极化,TSM计算的结果本身就与实验数据吻合得较好,碎浪也没有对其有明显的修正.  相似文献   

Explicit expressions are presented for the radiation fields scattered by rough surfaces. Both electric and magnetic dipole sources are assumed, thus excitations of both vertically and horizontally polarized waves are considered. The solutions are based on a full-wave approach which employs complete field expansions and exact boundary conditions at the irregular boundary. The scattering and depolarization coefficients axe derived for arbitrary incident and scatter angles. When the observation point is at the source these scattering coefficients are related to the backscatter cross section per unit area. Solutions based on the approximate impedance boundary condition are also given, and the suitability of these approximations are examined. The solutions are presented in a form that is suitable for use by engineers who may not be familiar with the analytical techniques and they may be readily compared with earlier solutions to the problem. The full-wave solutions are shown to satisfy the reciprocity relationships in electromagnetic theory, and they can be applied directly to problems of scattering and depolarization by periodic and random rough surfaces.  相似文献   

Diffraction analysis is presented for infinite planar conducting-cylinder grids illuminated by normally incident (parallel-polarized) plane waves, the electric fields of which are parallel to the cylinder axes. The Green's function kernel integral equations are used for the induced currents, which are based on the equivalent waveguide theory and solved for the currents by the moment method. This is a universal analysis approach, applicable to infinite planar grids made of conducting cylinders of arbitrary cross section, uniform or periodic, dense or sparse, single layer or multilayer  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol.37, no.1, p.84-88 (1988). Diffraction analysis is given for infinite planar conducting-strip grids illuminated by normally incident (perpendicular-polarized) plane waves, the electric fields of which are perpendicular to the strip axes. Iris-surface electric field integral equations are used which are based on the equivalent waveguide theory, and then the electric field is solved for using the moment method. This is a universal approach applicable to infinite planar grids made of conducting strips of rectangular cross section, uniform or periodic, dense or sparse, single layer or multilayer  相似文献   

利用高能电子在强激光场中散射发出激光同步辐射,根据Lorentz方程与电子能量方程构建高能电子与强激光场的对撞模型,并通过MATLAB软件模拟高能电子在与强激光场对撞时电子运动的三维轨迹以及不同观测角度上同步辐射的脉宽和最大功率,进而分析不同观测角度对激光同步辐射特性的影响。模拟结果表明,观测角度由0°增大到360°期间,激光同步辐射的最大功率先减小后增大,而其脉宽先减小后增大,两者都于观测角为180°处左右呈现出一定程度的对称。且在0度或360度处获得的最大辐射功率取值最大,脉宽最小,能量最集中。  相似文献   

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