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The conserved glutamate residue at position 65 of the Propionigenium modestum c subunit is directly involved in binding and translocation of Na+ across the membrane. The site-specific introduction of the cQ32I and cS66A substitutions in the putative vicinity to cE65 inhibited growth of the single-site mutants on succinate minimal agar, indicating that both amino acid residues are important for proper function of the oxidative phosphorylation system. This growth inhibition was abolished, however, if the cF84L/cL87V double mutation was additionally present in the P. modestum c subunit. The newly constructed Escherichia coli strain MPC848732I, harboring the cQ32I/cF84L/cL87V triple mutation, revealed a change in the coupling ion specificity from Na+ to H+. ATP hydrolysis by this enzyme was therefore not activated by NaCl, and ATP-driven H+ transport was not affected by this alkali salt. Both activities were influenced, however, by LiCl. These data demonstrate the loss of the Na+ binding site and retention of Li+ and H+ binding sites within this mutant ATPase. In the E. coli strain MPC848766A (cS66A/cF84L/cL87V), the specificity of the ATPase was further restricted to H+ as the exclusive coupling ion. Therefore, neither Na+ nor Li+ stimulated the ATPase activity, and no ATP-driven Li+ transport was observed. The ATPase of the E. coli mutant MPC32N (cQ32N) was activated by NaCl and LiCl. The mutant ATPase exhibited a 5-fold higher Km for NaCl but no change in the Km for LiCl in comparison to that of the parent strain. These results demonstrate that the binding of Na+ to the c subunit of P. modestum requires liganding groups provided by Q32, E65, and S66. For the coordination of Li+, two liganding partners, E65 and S66, are sufficient, and H+ translocation was mediated by E65 alone.  相似文献   

The soluble portion of the Escherichia coli F1F0 ATP synthase (ECF1) and E. coli F1F0 ATP synthase (ECF1F0) have been isolated from a novel mutant gammaY205C. ECF1 isolated from this mutant had an ATPase activity 3.5-fold higher than that of wild-type enzyme and could be activated further by maleimide modification of the introduced cysteine. This effect was not seen in ECF1F0. The mutation partly disrupts the F1 to F0 interaction, as indicated by a reduced efficiency of proton pumping. ECF1 containing the mutation gammaY205C was bound to the membrane-bound portion of the E. coli F1F0 ATP synthase (ECF0) isolated from mutants cA39C, cQ42C, cP43C, and cD44C to reconstitute hybrid enzymes. Cu2+ treatment or reaction with 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitro-benzoic acid) induced disulfide bond formation between the Cys at gamma position 205 and a Cys residue at positions 42, 43, or 44 in the c subunit but not at position 39. Using Cu2+ treatment, this covalent cross-linking was obtained in yields as high as 95% in the hybrid ECF1 gammaY205C/cQ42C and in ECF1F0 isolated from the double mutant of the same composition. The covalent linkage of the gamma to a c subunit had little effect on ATPase activity. However, ATP hydrolysis-linked proton translocation was lost, by modification of both gamma Cys-205 and c Cys-42 by bulky reagents such as 5,5'-dithio-bis (2-nitro-benzoic acid) or benzophenone-4-maleimide. In both ECF1 and ECF1F0 containing a Cys at gamma 205 and a Cys in the epsilon subunit (at position 38 or 43), cross-linking of the gamma to the epsilon subunit was induced in high yield by Cu2+. No cross-linking was observed in hybrid enzymes in which the Cys was at position 10, 65, or 108 of the epsilon subunit. Cross-linking of gamma to epsilon had only a minimal effect on ATP hydrolysis. The reactivity of the Cys at gamma 205 showed a nucleotide dependence of reactivity to maleimides in both ECF1 and ECF1F0, which was lost in ECF1 when the epsilon subunit was removed. Our results show that there is close interaction of the gamma and epsilon subunits for the full-length of the stalk region in ECF1F0. We argue that this interaction controls the coupling between nucleotide binding sites and the proton channel in ECF1F0.  相似文献   

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