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从概念上对市场有效性与市场效率进行区分之后,以发行价中会计信息含量和发行费率为标准,实证分析了我国证券一级市场效率在不同发行制度下的变化情况。结果表明,我国证券一级市场效率在短暂的核准制阶段达到最高,这意味着行政干预会导致市场效率的降低。  相似文献   

丙烯酸市场分析与技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为重要的化工基础原料之一.丙烯酸主要用于生产水溶性涂料和胶粘剂用的共聚单体丙烯酸丁酯和乙酯,以及用于生产高吸水性树脂。其中。用于生产丙烯酸酯约占总需求量55%。冰丙烯酸用于生产超级吸水剂聚合物(高吸水性树脂,SAP),占世界需求量约32%.以及洗涤剂聚合物。少量用于生产聚丙烯酸酯用作增稠剂、分散剂和流变控制剂。随着下游产品的丰富与发展,世界范围内的丙烯酸生产能力也在不断增加。  相似文献   

2005年1月至6月,中国工控网通过对超过300个访问对象深入访谈,将用户、系统集成商、供应商以及业内专家对市场现状以及未来发展的判断予以了汇总和分析,形成了《2005中国DCS市场研究报告》。期望能够站在一个观察者的角度上,以工控网的资源集群智,用专业的方法剔谜障,为大家呈现出一个能够在相当程度上反映中国DCS市场状况的研究报告。  相似文献   

路巍 《中国包装》1999,19(5):49-49
在东欧碳酸软饮料市场日益兴旺,包装水销量达到历史新高。波兰拥有欧洲增长最快的啤酒市场。俄罗斯酿酒商希望稳固市场发展。但Canadean咨询专家最新的报告显示饮品潮已给为满足其发展需求而快速运作的包装工业带来了诸多问题。Canadean通过对捷克共和国、匈牙利、波兰、俄罗斯、斯洛伐克共和国和乌克兰的啤酒和软饮料市场的研究发现,在过去的五年中(1993年至1997年)上述六国碳酸软饮料销售量增长了17亿升,其增长量几乎占总销量(55亿升)的45%。俄罗斯的碳酸饮料市场发展最快,1997年销售量增长了…  相似文献   

一.铍铜 市场日本铍铜轧制材料市场,2003年较低迷,2004年稍有恢复。特别是2004上半年,汽车用铍铜需求坚挺,加上手机、数码家电相关的需求,恢复的基调在继续。但秋后,好的趋势开始变坏起来。国际市场总的趋势与日本相同。由于市场向亚洲、向中国转移,亚洲的市场增长显著。而且,今后亚洲市场将拉动世界市场的增长。估计2005年日本国内市场将与2004年持平,而亚洲市场将继续活跃。  相似文献   

去年5月份以来,国际油价居高不下,带动塑料、溶剂、粘合剂等石化附属产品价格涨势猛烈,致使软包装企业受到不同程度的冲击,行业整体微利甚至亏损。部分企业纷纷压缩产量,在半停产和停产状态之间徘徊;有的企业干脆卖设备转行。由此看出大部分软包企业的市场应变能力欠佳,所整合的市场链较为脆弱。众所周知,软包装行业由于本身市场成熟度较差,理性不足;  相似文献   

通过对中国照相市场150多年的回顾,简要介绍了摄影术传入中国后,照相市场经历的初步形成、早期发展、大众化普及、彩色化和传统与数字照相共同发展的五个历史时期,叙述了照相市场的新特点和21世纪中国照相市场的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着医药市场的不断发展,医药包装市场也发生了深刻的变化,药品的外包装越来越精美、轻便,大大方便了临床和消费者的用药需要。然而,在日常的生活中我们也常常碰到由于包装而产生的问题,使药品资源造成浪费和经济损失。  相似文献   

市场 2001年日本铍铜展延材料需求有大的跌落。2002年汽车需求坚挺加上开春以来以便携电话等为主的需求有所回升,但入夏之后回升无力,陷入停滞不前的状态。国际市场和日本处于相同的态势,所谓的向亚洲转移、向中国转移更加显,市场结构的变化(特别是欧美市场跌落)加快。2003年,估计推动铍铜展延材料需求的电脑、通讯相关的需求将继续低迷,整体上无大的回升希望,估计将停留在微增的水平上。  相似文献   

张蓉 《流程工业》2007,(7):16-16
2006年,朗盛在Chinaplas展会的新闻发布会上正式宣布中国是“朗盛进军亚洲”战略的重要支柱,一年后,朗盛在中国市场的表现如何?5月21-24日在广州举行的Chinaplas2007期间,朗盛再次表明了其对亚洲和中国市场的承诺。[编者按]  相似文献   

于松嘉 《影像技术》1997,(3):6-10,13
传统的光化学成像体系:银盐感光材料应用范围广泛,感光度,分辨率高,但实时性。非银盐感光材料具有实时性,分辨率极高。但大部分产品感光度极低。  相似文献   

The urgent need for ecofriendly, stable, long‐lifetime power sources is driving the booming market for miniaturized and integrated electronics, including wearable and medical implantable devices. Flexible thermoelectric materials and devices are receiving increasing attention, due to their capability to convert heat into electricity directly by conformably attaching them onto heat sources. Polymer‐based flexible thermoelectric materials are particularly fascinating because of their intrinsic flexibility, affordability, and low toxicity. There are other promising alternatives including inorganic‐based flexible thermoelectrics that have high energy‐conversion efficiency, large power output, and stability at relatively high temperature. Herein, the state‐of‐the‐art in the development of flexible thermoelectric materials and devices is summarized, including exploring the fundamentals behind the performance of flexible thermoelectric materials and devices by relating materials chemistry and physics to properties. By taking insights from carrier and phonon transport, the limitations of high‐performance flexible thermoelectric materials and the underlying mechanisms associated with each optimization strategy are highlighted. Finally, the remaining challenges in flexible thermoelectric materials are discussed in conclusion, and suggestions and a framework to guide future development are provided, which may pave the way for a bright future for flexible thermoelectric devices in the energy market.  相似文献   

The trend of globalization and outsourcing makes supply unreliable and companies begin to have supplier diversity embedded into their procurement departments. Traditionally, contract suppliers are a major supply channel for many companies, while the effectiveness of reactive supply sources, such as spot markets, is often ignored. Spot markets have negligible lead times and higher average prices comparing with contract suppliers. In our research, procurement utilizes the combinatorial benefits of proactive supply (a contract supplier) and reactive supply (a spot market). The uncertainties of yields, spot prices, and demand, and the correlations among them are also taken into consideration when designing procurement plans. The objectives of this paper were to evaluate the effectiveness of dealing with uncertain supply using the spot market along with the contract supplier and to model the dependences among all the potential uncertainties. This research also seeks high expected profits without overlooking the associated variances. The analytical expression to determine the optimal order quantity is obtained under the most general situations where commodities can be both bought and sold via the spot market. Some properties are derived to provide useful managerial insights. In addition, reference scenarios, such as pure contract sourcing and the spot market restricted for buying or selling only, are included for comparison purposes.  相似文献   

This work presents the status, in Brazil, of pharmaceutical patents granted by US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and their role on the Brazilian Pharmaceutical market. Data show that 27.1% of the US-granted patents filed in Brazil are granted by Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) and 76.5% of them have their term extended due to provision of article 40 of the Brazilian Industrial Property Law (LPI 9279/96), while 65% of these US-patents are not valid in Brazil, evidencing market openness and independence of patent examination of INPI before USPTO. The effects of INPI backlog of patent examination on pharmaceutical market are also highlighted. These aspects are relevant to stablish better strategies to reduce backlog and to orient public policies to stimulate the Brazilian industry, especially with respect to the production of generic and similar drugs.  相似文献   

A variety of fundamental modelling approaches exist using different competition concepts with and without strategic behaviour to derive electricity prices. To investigate the quality and practicability of these different approaches in energy economics, a perfect competition model, a Cournot model and a Bilevel model are introduced and applied to different situations in the German electricity market. The three electricity market approaches are analysed with respect to their ability to represent electricity prices and the possibility of market power abuse. Market prices are taken as a benchmark for model validity. As a result, the perfect competition model fits best to today’s market situation in most hours of the year. The Bilevel approach explains prices in high load hours sometimes better than the competition model. But complexity and calculation time increase disproportionately. In addition to the analysis of model quality, we use three scenarios to quantify how a high renewable feed-in influences the ability to abuse market power. Results show that the ability to address market power strongly depends on the amount of installed capacities.  相似文献   

章玮 《声学技术》1997,16(1):39-43
目前,我国有170余万听力和语言障碍的残疾儿童,这些聋儿中绝大多数都存在可利用的残余听力,尽早对他们进行听力-语言培建训练,就完全有可能使这部分聋儿走出无声世界。在此项工作中,听务康复设备起着至关重要的作用,而当前尚无一种功能全面,性能稳定,且适合国情的系统能提供给社会。  相似文献   

Molecular simulation of a PTCDA sulfide polymer crystal, in which a layered structure can be clearly observed. As reported on p. 1616 by Taolei Sun, Jutang Sun, and co‐workers, this is a new class of promising organic positive‐electrode materials for Li‐ion batteries. The excellent electrochemical performance of these materials, which is comparable or even superior to conventional inorganic materials, as well as their high safety, environmental friendliness, molecular design flexibility and diversity, and low cost, endow them with broad application and market potential.  相似文献   

伴随着市场经济体制的建立和发展以及近年来高等教育大众化的推进,当前我国的高等学校与市场之间逐步形成了以下几种新的关系状态:高校对市场的依赖关系;高校与多种市场发生着日益密切的关系;高校与市场的关系趋于多样化。  相似文献   

随着光伏产业、平板显示技术的发展, 市场对于透明导电材料的需求量迅速增加。传统的透明导电材料氧化铟锡(ITO)面临着资源不足、脆性大的问题, 无法满足市场需求。铜纳米线透明电极导电性好、成本低、柔性好, 是一种有潜力的新一代透明导电材料。近年来, 铜纳米线的合成及其在透明导电领域的应用引起了研究人员的关注, 并取得显著的进展。本文从铜纳米线的合成方法、合成机理, 铜纳米线透明电极的制备方法及后处理手段, 铜纳米线透明电极在光伏器件、电加热元件、柔性可穿戴器件中的应用等方面的研究进展进行了阐述。并对铜纳米线研究及应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

We consider a risk-neutral firm that can procure raw material via long-term contract as well as in spot market, using the material as a one-to-one input to produce a seasonal product and selling it in the customer market. The firm can use the advance booking discount (ABD) program to entice customers to place their orders prior to the selling season. The ABD program provides an opportunity for the firm to update its understanding of the regular demand and spot price. We separately analyse two cases: (NI) no information updating and (IU) information updating cases. In each case, we derive the optimal discount pricing strategy and corresponding expected profit of the firm. By comparing them, we investigate the value of information updating obtained from the pre-committed order. Among others, our study finds that if the product has a relatively high profit margin, or a low profit margin where the raw material spot price is more sensitive to the trading volume, it is optimal for the firm to implement the discount strategy. The optimal discount coefficient in the IU case is never lower than in the NI case. We further find that the optimal discount coefficient in the NI case decreases in spot market volatility; however, it increases in spot market volatility if and only if the firm’s market share is larger than half of the total market demand in the IU case.  相似文献   

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