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羊驼毛工艺性能测试分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了羊驼毛纤维表面的鳞片形态特征,对其长度、细度、卷曲、摩擦等工艺性能进行了测试分析,并与山羊绒、超细羊毛、64支澳毛进行了对比研究。结果表明:羊驼毛纤维表面鳞片边缘不光滑,且鳞片翘角大,密度小。纤维的摩擦因数、摩擦效应都比较大,具有很好的缩绒性能。羊驼毛直径粗,有连续型或间断型髓腔。其纤维的卷曲数较少。羊驼毛工艺性能优良,各项指标满足纺织加工的要求。尤其是其长度长、力学性能优异,产品开发潜力巨大。 相似文献
养殖乌苏里貉是为了给裘皮加工企业提供原皮材料,而裘皮企业所生产的产品又必须被广大消费者所认可,消费终端的需求就是今后貉皮的发展方向。 相似文献
毛氨包芯纱的测试方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了氨纶的弹性机理、特性 ,以及毛氨包芯纱的形成结构与分类 ,并通过开发毛氨弹性产品 ,总结了测试毛氨包芯纱支数、喂入比、强力、伸长、捻度等主要物理指标的新方法 ,用于控制纱线及成品的产品质量。 相似文献
文章对丝毛混纺哔叽织物的服用性能进行了测试,结果表明:蚕丝和羊毛混纺哔叽织物的透气性、悬垂性优于毛涤混纺织物,呢面光泽优于同规格毛涤产品;抗起毛起球性能较好。总之,丝毛哔叽织物的服用性能比全毛和毛涤混纺织物有一定的优势。 相似文献
拉伸-定形处理对人发强伸性能的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
人发及羊毛等角蛋白纤维经拉伸一定形处理后,其强伸性能发生了一定的变化。文中系统地研究了拉伸处理及拉伸一定形处理对人发强伸性能的影响。结果表明,毛发拉伸保护剂对人发纤维具有明显地保护作用,从而使该拉伸改性工艺在较短的时间内得到较高的定形效果和较好的综合机械性能。 相似文献
结合我国兔产业的状况,分析了目前加工兔毛产品所采用粗纺梳毛机的局限性、精纺梳毛机的问题及梳棉机对纤维的损伤性,从而提出研制新型兔毛梳理机的重要性.新型兔毛梳理机的设计主要结合兔毛纤维的特点以及解决其他梳理机加工兔毛存在的问题进行,对所研制生产出的毛网卷捻兔毛梳理机的结构及作用进行了分析,新型兔毛梳理机的主要特点是:用毛网卷捻器代替了一般梳理机从道夫上取下毛网的斩刀或剥棉罗拉,生产出的毛条为有捻毛条;该机对纤维损伤少,去粗、短、杂效果好;在梳前准备工序中不加和毛油,并可加工各品级的兔毛及其他类似的纤维. 相似文献
介绍了粗纺牦牛绒衫缩绒整理的方法和工艺流程,研究了不同缩绒工艺整理的牦牛绒织物的主要服用性能.运用数理统计的方法对实验结果进行了统计相关分析,得出了牦牛绒衫的主要服用性能指标,如面积收缩率η、顶破强力F、保暖率S和拉伸弹性回复率PE,与缩绒整理的主要工艺参数缩绒温度、缩绒时间和助剂用量之间的定量关系的回归方程以及最佳工艺参数,所得结论对指导生产、提高产品质量具有实际意义. 相似文献
高收缩涤纶的机械性能测试分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
新型的高收缩涤纶纤维目前正在被越来越多的生产商和用户所青睐,对高收缩涤纶短纤维的机械性能作了测试,并对测试结果进行了详细地分析。 相似文献
Kaplan PD Polefka T Grove G Daly S Jumbelic L Harper D Nori M Evans T Ramaprasad R Bianchini R 《International journal of cosmetic science》2011,33(2):171-182
Loss of pigmentation in hair fibres is one of the most obvious phenotypic changes with ageing and has been a topic of increasing interest in the study of follicle biology. The onset of greying brings cosmetic complaints that grey fibres are wild or difficult to manage. Of course, these perceptions may be the consequence of visual obviousness rather than underlying physical or chemical differences. Although several studies have compared pigmented and unpigmented fibres, few have tried to control genetic and ethnic difference as well as extrinsic factors such as photoexposure and chemical treatment. We have recruited subjects with salt-and-pepper hair from a population of Old Order Mennonites who, for cultural reasons, are not only prohibited from chemically treating their hair but also limit their exposure to sunlight. Hair samples were examined for elemental composition, surface energy, Young's modulus, break stress, bending modulus, shear modulus and water sorption/desorption isotherm. The parameters were evaluated statistically for global differences, individual differences and typical individual differences. Consistent with previous published literature, few global differences were found between pigmented and unpigmented hair across the population. We do find that many individual subjects had differences between pigmented and unpigmented fibres. These differences tend to be more pronounced in bulk than in surface properties. The small differences in mechanical properties and moisture uptake and loss lend support to the perception by consumers that grey hair is wilder, drier and less manageable. 相似文献
新型的高收缩涤纶纤维目前正在被越来越多的生产商和用户所青睐,对高收缩涤纶短纤维的机械性能作了测试,并对测试结果进行了详细地分析。 相似文献
Simon Godfrey William Staite Philip Bowtell Jennifer Marsh 《International journal of cosmetic science》2013,35(3):264-271
Globally, billions of individuals wash their hair in water, which acts as an exogenous metal source. Many studies which measure the metal levels found on human hair specifically aim to remove exogenous materials prior to analysis. Although this is needed when using hair analysis to probe the impact of the local environment on endogenous metal levels, it is not relevant for understanding exactly what is on hair as a result of contact with its daily environment. Understanding these levels are important, as the presence of redox active metals, such as copper and iron, can impact fibre health, either as a result of UV irradiation, or during the hair colouring process. A global hair sampling study of over 300 individuals from nine countries has been performed, and the combined endogenous and exogenous metals analysed. The levels measured vary widely, even within the narrow geography of each hair sampling location. The levels of calcium, magnesium, copper and iron were not correlated, and within each location, there are expected to be individuals with high metal levels. Levels increased from hair root to tip for calcium, magnesium and copper, attributed to hair contact with the environment showing the impact of exogenous metals in the overall levels on hair. Levels of redox metals were comparable between individuals who coloured or did not colour their hair, although water hardness ions were statistically significantly higher for hair colouring individuals. Individuals who perceived their hair health as poor had higher metal levels on their hair. Controlling metals on hair, either by preventing their binding during environmental contact, or through controlling their ability to cause hair damage, should lead to improved consumer perceived hair health. 相似文献