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本文阐述了以IT咨询的一些认识.主要内容包括什么是IT咨询、IT咨询的目的、IT咨询内客、IT咨询框架及IT咨询顾问必备的能力.  相似文献   

许骏  柳泉波 《计算机工程》2002,28(5):249-251
网页设计制作已成为当前计算机基础教育的重要内容,掌握网页制作技能的有效途径是在解决问题过程中学习(learning by doing)。介绍一种训练IT技能的新型教学软件iTutor,重点讨论了iTutor的核心技术-网页文件解析器的设计原理与算法。  相似文献   

管理咨询引入商业IT应用一直是行业人士普遍关注的热点.许多商业IT应用项目实施的不尽如意,其中一个重要的原因就是商业用户和软件开发商之间没有达到在同一层次上的交流和沟通,前者看问题的角度多从商业本身的经营管理特点出发,而后者更侧重于技术.第三方管理咨询的角色就是在二者之间填平差距,成为一个必不可少的“中间件”.  相似文献   

This paper provides the newly developed IT consulting SERVQUAL measurement tool. In an attempt to measure the IS customers' perceived quality of the consulting services they received, the researchers developed a diagnostic tool of SERVQUAL based on the solid theoretical background, which can specifically be applied to the IT consulting service sector. It is composed of 6 dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, process and education, and the former four are derived from IT SERVQUAL and the latter two are added to consider the characteristics of IT consulting service.To develop IT consulting SERVQUAL, 7 consultants having over the 10 years careers, 3 customers having much experienced of consulting service, and 2 professors majoring in MIS have examined the constructs and the items of questionnaires. And this research had been applied to 86 respondents of 42 different organizations that had received IT consulting services over 2 past years to ensure the validation of this tool. The correlation and the factor analyses were conducted for validation of the measurement tool.The results indicated that six different areas in the measurement tool are significantly related with level of the customer satisfaction in spite of their few problems in its validation and its application in the field will be helpful to identify their problems and make plans for advancement.  相似文献   

开发一套IT咨询服务支撑系统,以促进服务标准化、规范化.在了解信息系统工程监理发展现状的基础上,结合平台的建设目标和建设任务,介绍平台的设计思想和设计依据,对平台进行系统的描述,提出平台的主要功能,设计与实现资源库和文档目录体系,描述平台的具体功能和用户的类型.采用Web2.0技术和Java程序设计语言,开发完成IT咨...  相似文献   

As the information technology (IT) environment becomes more complex and as IT investments undergo closer scrutiny, managers are seeking better ways to assess how well-positioned their organization is in its strategic deployment of information. This column discusses how organizations can determine this position by evaluating their current use of information technology.  相似文献   

Thompson  Colin 《ITNOW》2006,48(3):6-7

In the corporate world, IT consultancies are unique. They provide professional services to clients, like most consultants. But unlike many consultant fields, IT consultants also commonly develop the technological tools their clients need to improve their business operations. This business model allows IT consultants to flexibly redesign business processes that achieve client objectives, because these business processes can evolve hand-in-hand with the IT tools. However, these two workloads - developing the tools and providing the professional services - often conflict within the inner workings of the IT consultancy.  相似文献   

在WIN98及其应用程序中,许多操作都可用SHIFT键,若能灵活使用SHIFT键,工作效率将明显提高。1开机时 (1)启动时:在系统启动出现“Srarting Win-dows98”提示时,按下 SHIFT键可进入安全模式;若按下SHIFT+F5则以Command Prompt启动,进入纯DOS方式;若按下SHIFT+F8将以Step-by-Step Confirmation方式启动,即系统在加载每一个应用程序前要用产确认。 (2)在启动过程中:在启动过程中进入桌面时,按下SHIFT键不放,将忽略“…  相似文献   


高职高校文秘《办公自动化》课程教改研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IT咨询行业自上个世纪80年代产生至今,其业务内容及服务方式都在不断更新变化,管理提升、业务流程优化、企业信息化规划、企业信息化实施与持续改善等越来越多的内容被引入到IT咨询行业中来。全球咨询业每年按照20%左右的速度增长,信息技术和信息系统的实施是迄今为止咨询业中最具活力的部分,其次是培训,战略规划,变革管理以及人力资源管理等领域。目前IT咨询业市场份额主要被控制在几家大的跨国公司手里,国有企业在技术和人员配备上都不占上风,但在服务的持续性保障、风险控制上却有独特的优势。  相似文献   

VB串行通信高级编程技巧   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以丰富的实例详细介绍VB串行通信高级编程的技巧,并提供了十分精炼的程序代码,解决了PC机与单片机或PLC进行高速复杂通信时的诸多实际问题。  相似文献   

本文以丰富的实例详细介绍VB串行通信高级编程的技巧,并提供了十分精炼的程序代码,解决了PC机与单片机或PLC进行高速复杂通信时的诸多实际问题.  相似文献   

In today's competitive world, many organizations are pursuing total quality improvement programs, and as a result of these initiatives, are seeking to define world class capabilities. The organizations with these aspirations are trying to improve product and service quality, business process quality, or delivered quality, and are becoming aware that information technology is playing a more substantial role in realizing these quality goals.  相似文献   


In today's competitive world, many organizations are pursuing total quality improvement programs, and as a result of these initiatives, are seeking to define world class capabilities. The organizations with these aspirations are trying to improve product and service quality, business process quality, or delivered quality, and are becoming aware that information technology is playing a more substantial role in realizing these quality goals.  相似文献   

该文通过分析,认识到职业教育中双师结构教师建设的重要性。进而以IT行业双师技能测评为研究对象,构建基于多Agent的IT双师技能网络测评系统模型,并探讨各Agent的功能,以及如何协作共同完成测评任务。此类系统可根据双师的专业和特长,自动调整测评策略,从而达到较为客观、科学评价双师技能测评目的。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术和信息技术的发展与普及,IT技能计算机辅助评价理论与实践得到了不断发展和深化,在此基础上实现的计算机辅助评价系统也得到了广泛的推广和使用。基于现有的IT技能计算机辅助评价的理论和实践,首先分析了国内外IT技能计算机辅助评价系统已有的优势和存在的不足,其次对现有的单机版IT技能自动阅卷系统进行改进和完善,最后设计并开发了一个IT技能网络自动阅卷系统,该系统采用了局域网多台计算机自动阅卷既提高了自动阅卷系统的准确性和效率,形成良好的反馈信息,又对学习者的学习提供良好的帮助,有效促进教学和学习。  相似文献   

针对微控制器中按键处理问题。列举不同场合对按键处理的设计优化。重点讨论了非编码键盘的抖动及干扰消除优化。结合ADC按键,设计一种新型软件滤波方法一阀值平滑滤波,详细介绍了其软硬件的实现过程。通过验证,此方法既能有效扩展键盘又能实现消抖,有效提高微控制器资源的利用。  相似文献   

This article, first of all, supports the idea that the undeniable process of ICT-based technological convergence implies the social, cultural and business unification of the world of media and culture. The poor performance of the megamerger is a clear indicator of the unstable ground of the convergence hypothesis. Secondly, it argues in favour of cooperation between different expertise, skills and cultures to make multimedia products or to supply multimedia services, instead of creating from scratch a brand new class of hybrid skills and professions. Thirdly, a variety of new possible and realistically achievable professional profiles in cultural industries and institutions are illustrated. Eventually a set of public policies, in the light of a new role for cities and regions, is developed. Correspondence and offprint requests to: Francesco Garibaldo, Fondazione ‘Istituto Per il Lavoro (IPL)’, via Marconi 8, 40122 Bologna, Italy. Email: f.garibaldo@ipielle.emr.it  相似文献   

2006年初,美国专栏作家托马斯·弗里德曼写了一本书《世界是平的》引起轰动。这本书阐述了互联网和信息技术是如何推翻阻碍全球化进程的第三堵墙的。的确,互联网和信息技术推动了经济全球化和贸易全球化,甚至人才竞争全球化。今天我们可以看到无数小业主通过阿里巴巴与未曾  相似文献   

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