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This study investigated preservice teachers’ emotional experiences while interacting within a virtual scenario-based teacher-training system called Simulation for Teaching Enhancement of Authentic Classroom beHavior Emulator (SimTEACHER). We created three types of interactions (no interaction, unexpected interaction, and expected interaction) within SimTEACHER and examined the influences of the interaction design on preservice teachers’ emotional responses in three aspects: key performance indicators (attention, emotional engagement, and sentiment), emotional valence (positive, neutral, and negative), and four basic emotions (joy, sadness, fear, and anger). Fourteen preservice teachers from a 4-year public university in southwestern South Korea participated in this study. The data of the participants’ emotional expressions were collected using the Emotient software, which has been widely used for automated facial expression recognition and analysis. A series of one-way repeated-measured Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) indicated that participants experienced higher positive and neutral emotions, higher emotional engagement, and a higher feeling of joy when they engaged in unexpected interactions than when they engaged in expected interactions or no interactions.  相似文献   

In this article, we address the issue of how emotional stability affects social relationships in Twitter. In particular, we focus our study on users’ communicative interactions, identified by the symbol “@.” We collected a corpus of about 200,000 Twitter posts, and we annotated it with our personality recognition system. This system exploits linguistic features, such as punctuation and emoticons, and statistical features, such as follower count and retweeted posts. We tested the system on a data set annotated with personality models produced by human subjects and against a software for the analysis of Twitter data. Social network analysis shows that, whereas secure users have more mutual connections, neurotic users post more than secure ones and have the tendency to build longer chains of interacting users. Clustering coefficient analysis reveals that, whereas secure users tend to build stronger networks, neurotic users have difficulty in belonging to a stable community; hence, they seek for new contacts in online social networks.  相似文献   

大家肯定都知道谷歌公司推出的个性化搜索功能——记录用户访问的网页历史,该服务能记录用户访问过的网页并进行排序、编制索引、分类。谷歌公司推出这项功能已经很长时间了,但谷歌并没有大张旗鼓地进行宣传,这似乎与谷歌一贯的风格不符。这个功能是可选的,如果用户愿意的话,可以用此工具将搜索数据永久保存。  相似文献   

电子商务需要信用“成熟’’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用,从电子商务登陆中国以来,一直都是电子商务在中国发展的瓶颈.由于消费者同电子商务企业通过网页交流,双方很难有面对面沟通的机会,因此,对于彼此的信任一般都是通过感受和体验等比较初级的手段,并没有成熟的体制或者适合的载体,来支持开放性的真实信息的传递.  相似文献   

随着Internet网络技术的不断发展和提高,电子商务悄悄向我们走近.但发展电子商务面临的问题很多,必须走一条符合中国国情的道路.回顾’98,展望’99,本文分析了我国电子商务现状及发展方向,还提出了一套面向零售业的电子商务解决方案……  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(1-2):47-67
Depending on the emotion of speech, the meaning of the speech or the intention of the speaker differs. Therefore, speech emotion recognition, as well as automatic speech recognition is necessary to communicate precisely between humans and robots for human–robot interaction. In this paper, a novel feature extraction method is proposed for speech emotion recognition using separation of phoneme class. In feature extraction, the signal variation caused by different sentences usually overrides the emotion variation and it lowers the performance of emotion recognition. However, as the proposed method extracts features from speech in parts that correspond to limited ranges of the center of gravity of the spectrum (CoG) and formant frequencies, the effects of phoneme variation on features are reduced. Corresponding to the range of CoG, the obstruent sounds are discriminated from sonorant sounds. Moreover, the sonorant sounds are categorized into four classes by the resonance characteristics revealed by formant frequency. The result shows that the proposed method using 30 different speakers' corpora improves emotion recognition accuracy compared with other methods by 99% significance level. Furthermore, the proposed method was applied to extract several features including prosodic and phonetic features, and was implemented on 'Mung' robots as an emotion recognizer of users.  相似文献   

1997年笔记本电脑市场增长乏力,其原因有很多。纵览1997,上半年笔记本电脑主流名牌市场从486向初级Pentium过渡,下半年从初级Pentium向高性能奔腾过渡。经过一年的孕育,笔记本电脑性能日趋完善,从最初的“办公”型过渡到集办公、娱乐、消费为一体的“综合”型。影响笔记本电脑市场增长的一个主要因素是  相似文献   

虽然TCO标准已经司空见惯,但你是否了解它呢!你知道一个产品要通过TCO认证需要符合哪些标准吗?你又是否了解最新的TCO‘03呢?本文愿给你答案。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍MCS—51单片机控制世界钟的显示系统,着重阐述该系统的系统结构、硬件和软件的组成。  相似文献   

人们期望的1997年终于降临了。在辞旧迎新的时刻,编辑部全体同仁谨向广大读者、作者及广告客户致以亲切的问候,并衷心地感谢大家对本刊的鼓励与支持。在过去的一年里,我们不断地接到读者、作者的纷纷来信,又收到了数以千计的《评刊表》《读者意见调查表》,在这大量的信息中,我们充分感受到读者对本刊的理解与厚爱,同时,我们更珍视那些宝贵的批评与建议。编辑部将这些信息进行了综合与分析,经过反复的研究讨论认为,首先本刊工作人员应加强责任心,不断提高业务水平,减少差错。在坚持“先进、实用、普及”  相似文献   

从旧金山的金矿到伦敦的哈克逊广场(Hoxton Square),Levi’s品牌都是一流的。现在看看Graeme Aymer是如何解析这一品牌的发展过程的.[编者按]  相似文献   

值此1998年来到之际,本刊编辑部谨向广大读者,作者及广告客户问好,祝大家在新的一年中身体健康,事业发达。在过去的一年,本刊坚持遵循“先进、实用、普及”的编辑方针,受到广大读者的欢迎,订阅数稳步上升。今年,我刊将参照读者的意见,在“AV·家庭影院”栏目中,请专家讲学.在发烧友之间进行信息和经验交流,使工薪阶层爱好者少走弯  相似文献   

近日,中国电信承建的第一个数字化景区—数字三清"工程已基本建——"成并进入调测阶段,这是中国电信对三清山申报世界自然遗产景区工作的积极贡献。  相似文献   


世纪之交的世界充满着激动与不安,充满着希望与幻想,对IT业来说也是如此。时代的发展,将计算机科技和IT产业推到了一个显要的位置,使身处这个业界之内的人们倍感荣耀,仿佛肩负着推动人类历史前进的重任,这里的人们满怀激情又努力进取。IT产业是当今世界上最具活力、最令人兴奋的产业,在英语中,表示活力、激励、兴奋意义的词语有许多,其中之一是Stimulate,它来源于拉丁文的Stimulare,其原意就是“刺激”。IT是一个开放的竞技场,它从来不担心缺乏刺激,在20世纪最后的一年里,它会有更加出色的表现,…  相似文献   

冷战以后,随着世界上东、西方对抗状态的结束和前苏联等国及华约集团的解体,世界各国发现,‘核冬天’的恶梦虽然已经遥远,但是世界上并不太平,‘战争恶魔’并未离去,只是变换成另外一种面目出现在世界人民面前。与过去突出的不同之处在于:各种各样的微型战争取代了大规模的常规战争和全面战争,世界经济的分散化导致了世界战争的分散化,军队将会越来越多地执行‘非战争性行动’的任务,诸如:在分离主义动乱、武装政变、种族冲突、宗教暴力、边界争端、内部动乱、恐怖活动以及难民浪潮等等之中执行维和任务等等。同时随着世界性的城…  相似文献   

WhatnewtrendintheinformationtechnologyfieldWillhavethemostlong-termimpactonbusiness?MyOwncandidateisoneword:trust.It'snowclearthatwearen'tmovingtowardandinFormationeconomy,butatrusteconomybasedoninforMationandtechnology.Inbusiness.to-businessefectronlccommerce,wbhasbytoayearformorethanadecade,thetrustissuenowIsalsothekeyblockageorenabler.Ayearago,noneofthemagazinesthatspecializeIndectronlcdatalute。hange(E)usedthe、rd.NowIt’Shardtlldofleaidnthanartllewlthmtlnthetitle.Tradlllgpa…  相似文献   

美国eBay 2002年3月向易趣注资3000万美元,与易趣结成战略合作伙伴关系。2003年6月,eBay向易趣追加1.5亿美元的投资。2004年6月双方开始展开平台对接工作。9月17日零时eBay易趣平台对接完成,从此,中国的网民可以直接与外国网民交易。  相似文献   

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