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胡赟  余雪薇 《新建筑》2006,(4):45-47
扎哈·哈迪德的设计方案在广州歌剧院的竞标中夺得第一名,并引起建筑界的广泛讨论。试从哈迪德独特的建筑形式、女性建筑设计师身份以及她的设计理念在广州歌剧院中的体现等几个方面切入,分析这位杰出的女性解构主义建筑大师的独特设计风格,同时将广州歌剧院方案与她的其他作品相比较,对一些关于啥迪德的普遍观点加以阐述。  相似文献   

本文试图通过对中国传统居住建筑中男性空间与女性空间的比较研究,阐述了"男尊女卑"伦理观对于传统居住建筑设计的深广影响,具体而言,主要从建筑布局、空间、构件以及装饰等角度,以单一住宅到复合式院落的空间演化为叙述轴线,尝试分析了中国传统等级观念与居住建筑设计的关系,关注当代空间设计对性别忽视的状况。  相似文献   

作为设计项目开始的一个重要环节,场地设计有时并没有得到足够的重视。究竟是什么原因造成了这种情况?有没有与具体建筑项目相适应的一套行之有效的操作方法?作者对问题进行剖析,对当下流行的一些观点作出了辨析,强调建筑师应具备较强的分析问题与解决问题的能力。并在具体工程实践中,结合具体案例分别从功能、生态、文化三个方面入手来阐明场地设计中的一些基本关注点。  相似文献   


Issues concerning sexuality and gender are rarely addressed in the discourse of modern Turkish architecture. Given the gendered associations of domesticity, the architecture of the house provides the most obvious context to explore these issues. In the early years of the Turkish Republic, images of the modern house and modern, secular women were actively promoted by the architects and intellectuals of the new nation-state. Representations of women, which abound in popular journals but end up dispersed between the lines in contemporaneous architectural texts, often escape critical scrutiny. In general, only the imaginary figure of an asexual “ideal Turkish woman” is allowed to have legitimate entry to the discourse on modern Turkish culture. Here, I focus on the figuration of woman in architectural discourse with particular emphasis on a domestic reference in a book by smail Hakki Baltacp?u, a leading intellectual of the period. I argue that by containing an inadvertent reference to the figure of woman, Baltacp?u's text both introduces sexuality and exposes the lack of the feminine element in architectural discourse.  相似文献   

As it is increasingly being recognized that projects play a key-role in creating a more sustainable society, the integration of the concepts of sustainability into project management should be considered as one of the most important global project management trends today. This integration refers both to the sustainability of the project's deliverable and to the sustainable management of projects. In this last perspective, sustainable project management, the project manager has a central and influential position. However, many factors or circumstances influence the behavior of the project manager with regards to addressing sustainability in his or her project?The study reported in this paper explored the variety factors that stimulate the project manager to address sustainability issues in the project he or she is managing. Based on the factors provided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPA), the study used Q-methodology to explore different subjective patterns of stimulus project managers experience. Based on the factor analysis of 49 Q-sorts, we discovered three factors in the stimulation of sustainable project management behavior. These three factors, that represent distinct stimulus patterns, were labeled as “Pragmatic”, “Intrinsically motivated” and “Task driven”.By identifying three distinct patterns of what stimulates project managers to address sustainability issues, the study contributes to a successful implementation of sustainable project management as a new ‘school of thought’ in project management.  相似文献   

本文以威海99名邸连排别墅方案的设计构思,探讨了建筑与自然,建筑与建筑,人与建筑的和谐思想在建筑设计中的表达。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a revised interpretation of the Maison de Verre suggested by the program for the building, which incorporates both a house and a gynaecological practice. The argument makes a gendered reading of the house, building an analogy between the body of the woman who seeks to be cured by the gynaecologist and the 'organism' of the city which requires 'purging' by the actions of the architect. In the role of scientist eradicating 19th century decay, dirt and congestion from the city, the architect replaces the 'contaminated' urban tissue with clean, white, bright space. The essay takes a new look at the meaning of technology in modern architecture. It also raises questions about our assumptions concerning the authorship of buildings and how they are produced. The conclusion is not unique to this house, but sheds light on the way in which the practices of the architect in the era of early modernism were regarded as redemptive.  相似文献   

刘珩 《时代建筑》2008,(1):36-41
迪勒+斯科菲迪奥的许多建筑方案很难说是建筑,没有明确的使用功能,没有内外的围合,常常源于建筑师自己界定或假想的命题:具体的场地激发了简单的观念,这个观念虽然是独立于功能以外的东西,是建筑师个人感性的出发点。但他们运用建筑师的思维、手段或方式再把观念表达出来,最后的形式本身就是观念直接呈现的产物。这种建筑创作和实践方式的典型例子便是1991年未完成的“缓慢的房子”和2002年在瑞士博览会上的“朦胧”临时展示建筑;然而当一个观念不能再独立存在的时候,当建筑的实用性和社会性进入的时候,观念建筑师又如何面对和适应这种转变?波士顿当代艺术馆作为迪勒+斯科菲迪奥在美国本土的第一座公共建筑效果又如何?文章主要通过剖析迪勒+斯科菲迪奥的三座“建筑”来探讨观念、观念的妥协和它的表达方式之间的问题。  相似文献   

This essay explores the public image of women architects in Wilhelmine Germany, examining the tension between cultural conceptions of femininity and the social construction of the architect as a masculine figure. Writings published between 1908 and 1920 concerning women architects are analyzed according to five prominent themes: the architect's body, the negotiation of the building site, the architect's mind and the female brain, the persona of the architect, and the woman architect as mistress of the domestic realm.  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(1):76-87

The now-global presence of Samayapuram Mariyamman, a goddess from Tamil Nadu, has complicated discussions about her identity as a “local” deity of limited influence. This article details the contemporary veneration of the goddess in the urban, island city-state of Singapore. For the past thirteen years, her devotees in Singapore have observed a festival in her honor, christening it the “Sri Samayapuram Mariyamman Kul Varppu Celebrations” (KVC). This goddess festival is framed around the core ritual of kul varppu, a “porridge offering” to the deity, anchoring the event firmly within the votive tradition of devotional Hinduism. While this ritual has persisted in households over time, it has now been incorporated into, and stands at the center of a consciously organized, collective, goddess festival in an urban, multicultural, cosmopolitan context, and has acquired a fresh set of meanings. Its guiding principles rest in a commitment to the “ways of the ancestors,” a set of customary religious practices, which have been largely “forgotten” and that are being revived for the “benefit of future generations.” “Bringing back the old ways” is an idiom through which devotees articulate their revitalization efforts, manifest concretely in privileging ritual attention to folk Hindu deities. The article begins by offering an ethnographic grounding for this project, specifying the research trajectory and recording the methodological routes traveled. Next, the article narrates the form of the festival I observed in 2004 and 2005, followed by a turn to its material dimensions, emphasizing the cooking of the porridge, the reproduction of sacred space, and the movement of the deity within this. Coming to the present, the article ends by charting the shifts that have taken place in the festival's enactment over a thirteen-year period and in the organizing group's portfolio and agenda.  相似文献   


The rise of post-WWII television markets around the world required new technical solutions for broadcast media. These solutions became novel examples of urban-scale infrastructure, including the “television tower” as a unique structure. Among early American examples is Baltimore’s three-mast “candelabra” television tower, completed in 1959. Although the project’s feasibility depended upon advances in structural design, its most significant innovation was institutional. As an early example of “infrastructure sharing,” Baltimore’s candelabra tower illustrates how innovative built form can engender a new relationship among technology, urban infrastructure, and the production of cultural capital.  相似文献   

Now that Jane Jacobs' ideas are seen as urban planning orthodoxy, it is unclear how her institutional goal of progressive change for the field will carry forward. In the 1960s, Jacobs created the conditions for institutional change by offering a thorough critique of the “Radiant Garden City Beautiful” orthodoxy of urban planning and presenting a solution for the problems that she saw with this approach. She argued that the top-down, design-oriented planning of her time hurt the lives of individual residents and diminished society as a whole. Her solution was a new way of seeing the city: as a functional and efficient social system. Since the 1990s, a global planning orthodoxy – of which Jacobs' ideas are part – developed around the “Smart Sustainable Resilient City.” This orthodoxy has been subject to critique, but Susan Fainstein's Just City theory offers tools for comprehensively challenging the approach and a solution for addressing the problems. In order to demonstrate the need for institutional change within the Smart Sustainable Resilient City orthodoxy, I use the Just City theoretical perspective to interpret the results of an analysis of green gentrification in New York City between 1990 and 2014. I argue that the over-valuation of Jacobsian diversity within the current urban planning orthodoxy generates unjust outcomes. The just green city, then, requires de-emphasizing Jacobs' intellectual project in favor of her far more important institutional project.  相似文献   

揭示粤港澳大湾区实施建筑师负责制存在的困难及政策文件解读,为业界人士参与大湾区建筑师负责制提供参考。对《粤港澳大湾区建筑师负责制指引(征求意见稿)》进行解读,结合问卷做现状研究,总结归纳。发现业界对建筑师负责制发展疑虑集中在收费、法律法规、责任保险、建筑师综合能力等方面,而《指引》对上述问题均做了详细规定。《指引》为大湾区实施建筑师负责制提供了有效政策基础,构建健康有序市场体系及建筑师培养体系,加强建筑创作和设计原创的知识产权保护是推动建筑师负责制实施的有效之举。  相似文献   

In her book Coming to Writing, Hélène Cixous suggests that the woman writer must always struggle to establish her right to write. Within the field of architecture the act of writing is often assumed to be a passive after-effect of the built form and not an active force that might substantially participate in the process of design and its material outcome in a world. Using Cixous as a guide, I will argue that a creative and critical practice of writing can materially contribute to the thinking and doing of architecture, especially with regard to the woman architect.  相似文献   

Responsive architecture in general and solar design in particular have been directed in recent years mainly towards the development of individual buildings. This article presents a project for the design of a cluster of 100 residential units in the cold highlands of the Israeli desert — the Negev. The project shows the transformation of environmental conditions to built form at different scales: the entire cluster, the individual building and the architectural components of the building. The trajectory of the sun in winter and summer, the direction of strong disturbing winds, and the daily and annual temperature readings are form determinants that establish the structure of the project.It is suggested that an expansion of this design approach can create a “solar urbanism” that will enhance the adaptation of settlements to their environments and thus form a “new sense of place” that so often does not exist in contemporary town planning and architecture.This project is the winning entry of a national competition for the design of “an urban cluster based on climate and energy considerations” organized by the Ministries of Housing & Construction, and Energy & Infrastructure, together with the Israeli Association of Engineers and Architects.  相似文献   

玛丽丝·罗默尔是当代荷兰知名女建筑师,其设计作品与理念有着鲜明的特色,善于从社会、环境出发探讨建筑之于城市的意义。同时她将女性建筑师的细腻敏锐以及富有艺术气质的特点注入作品之中。本文通过对玛丽丝·罗默尔的访谈及其代表作品和设计理念的简介诠释,并引发对荷兰建筑师群体特征的评价。  相似文献   

李彬 《中外建筑》2009,(10):47-49
本文通过对建筑师Mauricio Pezo和Sofia von Ellrichshausen设计的Poli house立面窗户的分析,解读了形式背后精确地的功能、空间和场地的逻辑关系,以及建筑师的设计理念。希望其会给我们带来一些建筑本体的思考。  相似文献   

The Letzigrund stadium in Zurich. After a record construction time of approx. 1 1/2 years the Letzigrund stadium in Zurich was completed in August 2007. One of the great events taking place in this stadium is the European Soccer Championship Euro 08. The Letzigrund is however not a pure soccer stadium but a multifunctional stadium in which the annual athletics meeting “Weltklasse Zürich” and concerts will take place. In contrast to many other new sites it was not built at the peripherals of the city but in the midst of a residential area. Consequently, it was one of the intentions of the architect to create the stadium very open which demanded very high engineering standards in the realisation of the construction of the roof.  相似文献   

建筑形态学是一个很综合很复杂的课程题目,因为建筑创作是具有一定主观意识的过程,建筑形态的塑造也受到方方面面太多因素的制约。所以研究建筑形态学可以理解为是在研究建筑师在方案创作中所遵循的道理和他或她对于平时大脑中存储的各种事物的形态处理方式。扎哈·哈迪德是当前时代最具有代表性的建筑师,通过分析她最具代表性的作品,来学习建筑形态学的知识。  相似文献   

In 1966, President Mobutu initiated his political doctrine of recours à l'authenticité in the Congo. Aimed at erasing all traces of Belgian colonialism, it not only led to interventions in social and political life but also found expression in a new state culture, embodied in art and architecture. We trace the impact of this doctrine in the work of Eugène Palumbo, an Italian architect who designed several iconic public buildings under Mobutu's reign. Palumbo's projects, we argue, highlight the tension of an architect seeking to develop an architectural language evoking both “authentic” Congolese culture and notions of progress and modernity.  相似文献   

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