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10月21日,NVIDIA公司于今日正式宣布,公司放下备受期待的3DTV Play软件现已正式上市,该软件让用户能够将支持3D立体幻镜(NVIDIA 3DTV Vision)技术的笔记本和台式机连接至3D高清电视,从而获得顶级的高清大屏娱乐体验。  相似文献   

2010年10月21日英伟达公司于今日正式宣布.公司旗下备受期待的英伟达3DTV Play软件现已正式上市.该软件让用户能够将支持英伟达3D立体幻镜技术的笔记本和台式机连接至3D高清电视.从而获得顶级的高清大屏娱乐体验。戴尔消赘类与中小企业产品事业部副总裁Sam Burd表示:“全新的XPS笔记本系列产品可提供戴尔笔记本有史以来最佳的声音与视频效果。  相似文献   

This paper describes an immersive system,called 3DIVE,for interactive volume data visualization and exploration inside the CAVE virtual environment.Combining interactive volume rendering and virtual reality provides a netural immersive environment for volumetric data visualization.More advanced data exploration operations,such as object level data manipulation,simulation and analysis ,are supported in 3DIVE by several new techniques,In particular,volume primitives and texture regions ae used for the rendering,manipulation,and collision detection of volumetric objects;and the region-based rendering pipeline is integrated with 3D image filters to provide an image-based mechanism for interactive transfer function design.The system has been recently released as public domain software for CAVE/ImmersaDesk users,and is currently being actively used by various scientific and biomedical visualization projects.  相似文献   

Although their advantages are well known, technology alliances may not always positively affect innovative performance. Previous studies have found several explanations for this problem. Technology alliances often require excessive resources and capabilities to create and maintain relationships with partners. In addition, they divert managerial attention and functions from internal research and development (R&D) activities. In this study, we hypothesize that firms often execute inefficient technology alliance strategies, thus affecting their innovative capabilities negatively and consequently reducing their subsequent innovation performance. Specifically, we test whether firms with greater prior experience in technology alliance are more likely to execute inefficient technology alliance strategies. Second, we attempt to investigate the negative effects of technology alliances on firms' internal R&D capabilities. To test our hypotheses, we employ data from 1,036 technology alliances in the US nanobiotechnology sector. Implications from the analyses are offered for executives and technology alliance strategies. Specifically, we propose that firms should adopt technology alliance but with due consideration of its negative aspects and the firms' limited resources.  相似文献   

2009年12月15日,恩智浦半导体公司宣布推出PNX5130,这是业内第一个能够在单芯片中实现3DTV、帧速率转换(FRC)和局部背光调光功能的视频协处理器。由于不需要外部FPGA设备来支持3DTV,恩  相似文献   

当前摄像机阵列采集的视频分辨率与帧率普遍不高,还不能满足制作高质量3DTV节目的需要。设计与实现了一种高分辨率摄像机阵列,可以依据应用需要,自由配置为27fps帧率1280×1024分辨率,或93fps帧率640×480分辨率两种模式。讨论了该摄像机阵列的总体结构设计、摄像机单元设计、同步控制机制与实时存储技术等。  相似文献   

Affordance Theory has been widely discussed as a potential resource for the design of interfaces for CSCW and other systems. In this paper, we discuss the extension and adaption of this concept beyond the psychology of perception to the social distribution of a common stock of knowledge. We suggest that a working division of labour as that is known, oriented to, and rendered visible by the management of space and artifacts within a working environment can afford knowledge of organisational routines and practices. Learning to see the working division of labour is coming to understand the organisation. The grounds for extending the concept in this way are derived from consideration of an actual example taken from fieldwork. Some implications for the design of CSCW systems are reviewed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the claim that humans will readily form team relationships with computers. Drawing from the group dynamic literature in human-human interactions, a laboratory experiment (n=56) manipulated identity and interdependence to create team affiliation in a human-computer interaction. The data show that subjects who are told they are interdependent with the computer affiliate with the computer as a team. The data also show that the effects of being in a team with a computer are the same as the effects of being in a team with another human: subjects in the interdependence conditions perceived the computer to be more similar to themselves, saw themselves as more cooperative, were more open to influence from the computer, thought the information from the computer was of higher quality, found the information from the computer friendlier, and conformed more to the computer's information. Subjects in the identity conditions showed neither team affiliation nor the effects of team affiliation.  相似文献   

林丰 《计算机应用研究》2011,28(9):3576-3578
3DTV编解码技术及其立体视频流的优化传输方法是构建实时立体多视角3DTV系统的关键所在。通过对立体视频压缩编码和优化技术、立体视频解码技术,以及运动补偿预测与视差补偿预测技术的分析,在基于DSP平台TMS320DM642上进行AVS标清立体视频编解码及视频流优化传输,得出将互补的流媒体内容分发技术加以融合的立体视频流传输方法。  相似文献   


We explore the question of whether machines can infer information about our psychological traits or mental states by observing samples of our behaviour gathered from our online activities. Ongoing technical advances across a range of research communities indicate that machines are now able to access this information, but the extent to which this is possible and the consequent implications have not been well explored. We begin by highlighting the urgency of asking this question, and then explore its conceptual underpinnings, in order to help emphasise the relevant issues. To answer the question, we review a large number of empirical studies, in which samples of behaviour are used to automatically infer a range of psychological constructs, including affect and emotions, aptitudes and skills, attitudes and orientations (e.g. values and sexual orientation), personality, and disorders and conditions (e.g. depression and addiction). We also present a general perspective that can bring these disparate studies together and allow us to think clearly about their philosophical and ethical implications, such as issues related to consent, privacy, and the use of persuasive technologies for controlling human behaviour.


For complex climbing robots, which work in difficult 3D outdoor environments, the gravity force has an important influence with respect the robots changes during its motion. This type of climbing robots is self-supported in the complex 3D structures (bridges, skeleton of the buildings, etc.) which require periodic, manually performed inspections and maintenance. The use of non-conventional climbing robots for this type of operation is highly appropriate. Their locomotion system commonly comprises arms/legs that permit the robots 3D mobility (gait). These mechanisms also enable the robot to support itself and guarantee its stability. This paper presents the main features of non-conventional climbing robots mobility on complex 3D environments: power supply, number of DOFs, lightweight structure, gait, speed, secure grasp, etc. It also covers the general theory underlying the design of climbing robots, their kinematics, with its specific, unconventional mobility. The paper not only describes the climbing robot mobility theory but also provides several examples taken from the ROMA and MATS robots families. The developed robots have high degree of autonomy with totally on-board control system. These autonomous robots demonstrate in the course of real experimentation that the criteria for design, control strategy and path planning are accurate. Finally, the paper examines trends in climbing robot technology.Carlos Balaguer received his Ph.D. in Automation from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Spain in 1983. From 1983–1994 he was with the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation of the UPM as Associated Professor. Since 1994, he has been a Full Professor of the Robotics Lab at the University Carlos III of Madrid. Prof. Balaguers research has included robot design and development, robot control, path & task planning, force-torque control, assistive and service robots, climbing robots, legged and humanoid robots, and human-robot interaction. He has published more than 120 papers in journals and conference proceedings, and several books in the field of robotics. He is a member of IEEE and IFAC, and former President of IAARC.Antonio Gimenez studied Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and received his PhD from the University Carlos III of Madrid in 2000. Currently he is Associated Professor at the Robotics Lab atthe University Carlos III of Madrid. He participated in numerous national and international R&D projects in robotics and automation. His research interest includes design and robot development, rehabilitation robots, climbing robots, and automation in construction. Recently he is very active in the field of computer-aided mechatronics design. He has published numerous refereed publications in international journals, and conference proceedings.Alberto Jardón Huete is currently finishing his Ph.D. degree in Automation Engineering. He received his B.Sc. in electronics engineering (1998) and is graduated in Electrical Engineering (2002) at University Carlos III of Madrid. He is an active member of the Robotics Lab since 1997, and has collaborated in the development of the climbing robots ROMA I, ROMA II, and other research projects of relevance. Currently he is focused in the design and development of light weight service robots. His interests include assistive robotic design, mechatronics, robotic research, the development of tools to perform this research and the transfer of robotics technology to industry.  相似文献   

Executive information systems represent a significant departure from traditional computer-based information systems. Advocates of executive systems claim that their systems offer the leading-edge option for making computers truly effective for supporting key management functions. This paper examines the interaction between key characteristics of executive systems and fundamental features of human thinking drawn from the field of Behavioral Decision Theory. We examine the possibility that the operation of these systems may reinforce or intensify certain biases in human information processing. We present three examples of potential bias-intensification: availability, regression effects, and overconfidence. Next, the paper applies the concept of decisional guidance to develop design implications for executive systems. Lastly, the paper offers avenues for theoretical development and empirical research.  相似文献   

Time-sharing performance of a group of pilots was compared with that of a group of college students. In a secondary task paradigm, both groups were required to perform five dual tasks with various degrees of structural similarity. A higher degree of task interference was observed for the structurally more similar task pairs. The data were consistent with the results from previous research and support the concept of multiple resources. Although the pilots appeared to be more efficient in one of the dual task conditions, evidence for a general difference in time-sharing ability between the students and the pilots was not compelling. It was concluded that the degree to which time-sharing performance is structure dependent is not easily alterable by training. The results suggested that laboratory findings on the structural determinants of time-sharing efficiency are generalisable to operational environments.  相似文献   

A natural extension of cloud services is to extend platform independence via virtualization to a security model. For security as a service to be a viable cloud offering, customers must be able to establish their own security policies and risk framework. Today, cloud customers must purchase, install, and configure the antiviral, antispyware, antimalware, and so on, services in their host environment. However, if cloud providers offered security as a service in these virtualized environments, customers could integrate these security measures into their risk profile to ensure that the cloud risk posture is acceptable for their mission. By leveraging the service delivery model, a cloud can deliver security as a service as part of a virtualized infrastructure as a pay-for-service offering. This configuration lets customers selectively choose the countermeasures they wish to implement as dictated by their risk profile. The practicality of this security-as-a-service approach will continue to evolve with technology. In spring 2009, VMware released the VMsafe API, which supports third-party security applications in the hypervisor (a virtual-machine monitor). If VMsafe performs as claimed, it will enable the cloud-computing environment to support security as a service. The VMsafe API offers the immediate opportunity to begin the long-needed transition of cloud computing from a trusted environment to a secured environment.  相似文献   

Kanis H 《Ergonomics》2002,45(14):1037-41; discussion 1042-6

In experimental data, it is common to find persistent oscillations in the aggregate outcomes and high levels of heterogeneity in individual behavior. Furthermore, it is not unusual to find significant deviations from aggregate Nash equilibrium predictions. In this paper, we employ an evolutionary model with boundedly rational agents to explain these findings. We use data from common property resource experiments (Casari and Plott, 2003). Instead of positing individual-specific utility functions, we model decision makers as selfish and identical. Agent interaction is simulated using an individual learning genetic algorithm (GA), where agents have constraints in their working memory, a limited ability to maximize, and experiment with new strategies. We show that the model replicates most of the patterns that can be found in common property resource experiments.JEL classification: C72; C63; C91; Q2  相似文献   

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