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Labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum), a slow-growing late successional evergreen, is highly unpalatable to snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus). Germacrone, a sesquiterpene that is the major component of the essential oil ofL. groenlandicum, was shown by bioassay to be a potent antifeedant to hares. Its concentrations in leaves and intemodes of the plant are high enough to defendL. groenlandicum from hares. This chemical defense of Labrador tea from herbivory is consistent with the resource availability theory of antiherbivore defense.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of the plant antifeedants, pinosylvin and pinosylvin methyl ether (PME), on suppression of feeding by snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus). Screening bioassays showed clearly that pinosylvin suppressed feeding by hares when sprayed directly on coniferous tree seedlings. Pinosylvin odor, when associated with food (but not mixed with it), also significantly reduced consumption of rabbit chow by hares. Large pen bioassays indicated that both pinosylvin and PME significantly reduced feeding on tree seedlings by hares when the antifeedants were sprayed directly on trees. In field bioassays near Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, pinosylvin sprayed on trees and encapsulated in controlled-release devices of PVC plastic, with an internal wire as a twist-tie for attachment to tree, significantly reduced feeding by hares. Thus, pinosylvin will generate an avoidance response in terms of feeding by snowshoe hares. This response is likely triggered by an olfactory pathway based on positive results with controlledrelease devices attached to seedlings. Our study reports the first practical utilization of plant antifeedants for forest crop protection and wildlife management.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of mustelid anal-gland compounds in suppressing feeding by snowshoe hares on coniferous tree seedlings. Pen and field bioassays indicated that 3-propyl-1,2-dithiolane from the stoat (Mustela erminea), and secondarily, 2,2-dimethylthietane from the mink (M. vison) had a very negative effect on feeding behavior of hares. The major component of stoat anal gland secretions, 2-propylthietane, and the related compounds, thietane and 2-methylthietane, were not effective. 3,3-Dimethyl-1,2-dithiolane from the least weasel (M. nivalis) and ferret (M. putorius) and di-n-propyldisulfide (acyclic analog of 3-propyl-1,2-dithiolane) similarly did not affect hare feeding. 3-Propyl-1,2-dithiolane and 2,2-dimethylthietane (also found inM. erminea) may act as interspecific chemical signals which induce a fear or avoidance response in hares. Such compounds have outstanding potential as area repellents to reduce crop and livestock depredations. Our study reports one of the first practical utilizations of mammalian semiochemicals in crop protection and wildlife management.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of the volatile constituents of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) urine in suppressing feeding by snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) on coniferous tree seedlings. Pen and field bioassays indicated that the odor of fox urine and its principal component, 3-methyl-3-butenyl methyl sulfide, had a negative effect on feeding behavior of hares. The other sulfur-containing compounds, 2-phenylethyl methyl sulfide and 3-methylbutyl methyl sulfide, as well as six other constituents, were not effective. Synthetic urine mixtures composed of eight and nine volatile constituents, respectively, did not suppress feeding in pen bioassays. However, the mixture of eight compounds in a field bioassay did result in significantly fewer seedlings being eaten by hares than in the control. 3-Methyl-3-butenyl methyl sulfide may act as an interspecific chemical signal which induces a fear or avoidance response in hares. Additional work is required to determine the optimum concentration and release system for 3-methyl-3-butenyl methyl sulfide to be used as a mammalian semiochemical in crop protection.  相似文献   

Mountain hares (Lepus timidus L.) commonly have high proportions of birch (Betula spp.) in their winter diets, whereas European hares (Lepus europaeus) do not. The effects of a birch extract added to laboratory diets offered to mountain hares and European hares on the digestibility and sodium balance were measured. The extract added contained total phenolics equivalent in amount to that occurring in diets containing 0, 40, 60 and 80% dry matter of birch twigs. Increasing dietary phenolic concentration led to reduced voluntary food intake and apparent protein digestibility in both hare species. No effects on apparent dry matter digestibility were observed. The highest concentration of birch extract caused severe sodium losses via the urine by European hares but not by mountain hares. The effects of the birch extract within the digestive system appear to be similar in the two hare species, whereas the mountain hare appears to be better adapted to the toxic effects that disrupted sodium balance in the European hare. These preliminary results suggest that detoxification rather than digestive abilityper se may contribute to different mammalian herbivores' feeding strategies.  相似文献   

Pungenin was synthesized from 3,4-dihydroxyacetophenone by a short sequence involving manipulation of protecting groups on the 3 and 4 hydroxyl functions. Bioassays indicated that the glucoside is a modest feeding deterrent for sixth-instar spruce budworm larvae, but it does not appear to retard the development of small larvae or lead to increased mortality.  相似文献   

The influence of mustelid (weasel) anal-gland compounds (semiochemicals) and a plant antifeedant (pinosylvin) on snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) and meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) feeding damage was investigated. This study has shown conclusively that when applied to spring-planted lodgepole pine seedlings, pinosylvin is effective in significantly reducing feeding damage. Seedlings treated with pinosylvin suffered damage levels of 2.3% and 21.2% compared to the controls with damage levels of 24.5% and 41.0%. Weasel scent was found to reduce damage levels, but the reduction was not statistically significant in all blocks.  相似文献   

The antifeedant activity of a series of 21 chalcones, flavanes, and flavanones isolated from the generaLonchocarpus andTephrosia (Leguminosae) was assessed by behavioral and electrophysiological bioassays against larvae ofSpodoptera littoralis andS. exempta. The antifeedant activity is related to the molecular structure of the compounds, and possible modes of interaction with the insect taste receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

A previous report that the relative payabilities of juvenile versus maturePopulus balsamifera towards browsing snowshoe hares is due to the presence of 2,4,6-trihydroxydihydrochalcone in the juvenile growth form has been shown to be incorrect. Specifically, 2,4,6-trihydroxydihydrochalcone is present in internodes ofPopulus balsamifera in exceedingly low concentrations (<0.02% wet wt) and its concentrations are not elevated in internodes of the juvenile developmental stage. Its high levels in the buds (20–25% wet wt) ofPopulus balsamifera, however, probably makes it a deterrent substance for herbivores that cannot remove buds from twigs during foraging.  相似文献   

Pine oil, a by-product of the pulp industry, is a feeding repellent to snowshoe hares and voles. In pen trials with snowshoe hares and field trials with voles, when given a choice between food in a pine oil-treated bowl and a control bowl, the animals fed preferentially from the control bowl. When the hares were presented with food only in a pine oil-treated bowl, two hares showed a reduced rate of food consumption and one hare did not feed at all. Pine oil contains monoterpenes which may inhibit microbial symbionts in the digestive tracts of hares and voles. The repellent action of pine oil is likely based on this interference of digestive processes, and it is of adaptive advantage for cecal digestors to avoid it. Pine oil has potential as a commercial repellent for snowshoe hares and voles.  相似文献   

Pentane extracts of matureDrosophila melanogaster males substantially increased the attractiveness of food odors to both males and females in a wind-tunnel olfactometer. Extracts of females caused no such increase. An active component of the extract was isolated and identified as (Z)-11-octadecenyl acetate (cis-vaccenyl acetate, cVA), and synthetic cVA was active in bioassay. Hydrolysis of the ester linkage or movement of the double bond to the 9 position destroyed the activity. Mature virgin males released cVA into their feeding vials, and amounts of synthetic CVA equal to that released per male caused significant bioassay responses. Females, which were known to receive cVA from males during copulation, were found to emit relatively large amounts of the ester into their feeding vials within 6 hr after mating. cVA had been demonstrated previously to be a close-range pheromone inD. melanogaster, discouraging males from courting other males or recently mated females; it now appears to have a longer-range function as well.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of predator odors (fecal, urine, and anal scent gland) in suppressing feeding damage by snowshoe hares was investigated in pen bioassays at the University of British Columbia Research Forest, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada. A total of 28 bioassay trials tested the effects of these odors on hare consumption of willow browse and coniferous seedlings. Lynx and bobcat feces, weasel anal gland secretion, and lynx, bobcat, wolf, coyote, fox, and wolverine urines resulted in the most effective suppression of hare feeding damage. Novel odors of domestic dog urine and 2-methylbutyric acid did not reduce feeding. A field bioassay with lodgepole pine seedlings and weasel scent provided significant results comparable to the pen bioassays. The short-term (up to seven days) effectiveness of these treatments was more likely due to evaporative loss of the active repellent components of a given odor than habituation of hares to the stimulus. Predator odors as repellents have a biological basis compared with the anthropomorphic origins of commercial repellents. When encapsulated in weather-proof controlled-release devices, these odors could provide long-term protection for forestry plantations and agricultural crops which experience hare/rabbit feeding damage.  相似文献   

Volatiles released from individual entrance holes of eight spruce bark beetles (Ips typographus) were collected during the first week of attack on a resistant host tree. In order to quantify the release of the highly volatile 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MB) from attacking males, a new method was developed with deuterated quantification standard released at the time of collection. The amounts of collected volatiles, as analyzed by GC and GC-MS, showed a large variation between individual holes and also between subsequent entrainments from the same hole. Most of the quantified compounds on the average have two maxima, with a pronounced intervening depression. The amounts of releasedcis-verbenol (cV) increased five times during the first two days, while the amounts of MB were consistently high. The attacked spruce tree was not taken by the beetles, and the average amounts of the two aggregation pheromone components, MB and cV, increased again after the first maxima. The first peak of oxygenated monoterpene, released in the beginning of the attack containing -terpineol, terpinen-4-ol, bornyl acetate,trans-pinocarveol, and verbenone, was possibly due to spontaneous oxidation of monoterpene hydrocarbons from the tree. Microorganisms established in the gallery wall phloem probably participated in the production of oxygenated monoterpenes during the second increase.Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to determine the impact ofp-hydroxyacetophenone,p-hydroxybenzoic acid, catechol, and protocatechuic acid on respiration of two spruce mycorrhizal fungi:Laccaria laccata andCenococcum graniforme. These phenols are produced byVaccinium myrtillus,Athyrium filixfemina, andPicea abies, predominant species of spruce forests in the Alps, and they are also present in humic solutions at 10–10 M or 10–5 M. Respiration of the two fungi was inhibited by the four phenolic acids, even at concentrations ranging from 10–5 M to 10–7 M. These data show phenolic acids from humic solutions have biological activity at extremely low concentrations, suggesting a contribution ofV. myrtillus, A. filixfemina, andP. abies to allelopathic inhibition of mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

Although within-plant variation in the nutrient and allelochemical composition of phloem sap has been invoked to explain patterns of host use by phloem-feeding insects, little is known about within-plant variation in phloem chemistry. Here I describe a new technique in which I use the green peach aphid,Myzus persicae Sulz., to investigate within-plant variation in the concentrations of chemicals in the phloem sap of black mustard,Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (Cruciferae). Relationships between the concentrations of chemicals in aphid diets and honeydew were established using honeydew from aphids fed on artificial diets with known concentrations of amino acids, sucrose, and sinigrin. These relationships were applied to honeydew from aphids fed on different aged leaves of black mustard to estimate the concentrations of the chemicals in phloem sap. Sinigrin concentration was estimated to be high (>10 mM) in phloem sap in young leaves, calling into question the prevailing opinion that phloem sap contains only low concentrations of allelochemicals. High concentrations may function as defenses against sap-feeding herbivores. Within-plant variation in phloem sap composition was high: (1) young leaves had high concentrations of nutrients (216 mM amino acids, 26% sugar) and sinigrin (>10 mM); (2) mature and presenescent leaves had lower concentrations of nutrients (77–83 mM amino acids, 19–20% sugar) and low concentrations of sinigrin (1–2 mM); and (3) senescing leaves had high concentrations of nutrients (199 mM amino acids, 25% sugar) and low concentrations of sinigrin (3 mM).  相似文献   

Induced volatile terpenes have been commonly reported among diverse agricultural plant species, but less commonly investigated in odorous plant species. Odorous plants synthesize and constitutively store relatively large amounts of volatiles, and these may play a role in defense against herbivores. We examined the effect of herbivory and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) exposure on the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the marsh elder, Iva frutescens, which contains numerous constitutive VOCs, mainly mono- and sesquiterpenes. Our specific goal was to test for the presence of inducible VOCs in a naturally occurring plant already armed with VOCs. The abundant, native specialist leaf beetle Paria aterrima was used in herbivore induction trials. VOCs were sampled from herbivore wounded and unwounded, and from MeJA treated and untreated I. frutescens. Total VOC emissions were significantly greater in response to herbivory and MeJA treatment compared to unwounded controls. Herbivore wounding caused a substantial shift in the emission profile (42 VOCs from wounded, compared to 8 VOCs from unwounded I. frutescens), and MeJA had a similar yet less substantial influence on the emission pattern (28 VOCs from MeJA treated compared to 8 VOCs from untreated I. frutescens). Constitutive VOC emissions predominated, but some VOCs were detected only in response to herbivory and MeJA treatment, suggesting de novo synthesis. Several VOCs exhibited a delayed emission profile in contrast to the rapid release of constitutive VOCs, and principal components analysis revealed they were not associated with constitutive emissions. While I. frutescens contains many constitutive VOCs that are released immediately in response to herbivory, it also produces novel VOCs in response to feeding by the specialist P. aterrima and MeJA treatment.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that leaf resin ofHymenaea courbaril (Leguminosae) functions as a defence against herbivory was tested in a series of experiments with the generalist herbivore, beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua Hübn). Pure leaf resin obtained by steam distillation was incorporated into an artificial diet at 0.0%, 0.16%, 0.50%, and 1.60% (dry weight) in one experiment and 0.0%, 1.0%, and 3.2% (dry weight) in a second experiment;S. exigua larvae were reared on these diets. In four palatability experiments the amount of leaf area eaten was compared between pairs of different leaf material. Mortality due to viral infection of larvae in the first feeding experiment showed a dose-response to leaf resin concentration. In the second experiment larvae showed a dose-response in the reduction of pupal weight and delay of time to pupation. These are interpreted as a dose-related stress onS. exigua which occurs with increased resin concentration in the diet. In the palatability tests,S. exigua strongly preferred untreated to resintreated bean leaf disks, bean disks toH. courbaril immature leaf disks,H. courbaril immature leaf toH. courbaril mature leaf, and bean leaf disks toH. courbaril newly emerged leaf disks. From these results, we conclude thatH. courbaril leaf resins possess toxic and feeding-deterrent properties which make them effective as an herbivore defense.  相似文献   

Cantharidin, a potent vesicant and antifeedant, is identified for the first time in two oedemerid beetles from the western hemisphere. Amounts of the substance per beetle were found to range from 2 to 7 g inHeliocis repanda and from 15 to 35 g inOxycopis thoracica. Females had two to three times more cantharidin than males of the same species. Cantharidin loads of these beetles are sufficient to irritate human skin.  相似文献   

The emission of species-specific odors byPristiphora erichsonii andP. wesmaeli is accompanied by a characteristic defensive behavior called snap bending. When the larvae are disturbed, blends of volatile compounds are emitted from ventral glands. The odor ofP. erichsonii, a colonial species, is composed of bornyl acetate, borneol,trans-pinocarveol, myrtenol, benzaldehyde, and tetradecyl, hexadecyl, and octadecyl acetates, whereas that of the solitaryP. wesmaeli is composed of 3-carene-10-al, linalool, myrtenal, and benzaldehyde. The role of these compounds in the defensive behavior of the larvae is discussed.Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae.  相似文献   

Hypericin, an anthrone dimer inHypericum perforatum (Guttiferae), is shown for the first time to be phototoxic to generalist lepidopteran larvae; survivorship was reduced and development prolonged forHeliothis zea (Noctuidae) andPlatynota flavedana (Tortricidae) that consumed hypericin diets in the presence of light. Survivorship for both species is enhanced when photoactivating wavelengths are excluded by filters. In natureP. flavedana successfully survives onH. perforatum by tying together leaves and feeding inside the ties. Shielded from light, the larvae are protected by their mode of feeding from phototoxic compounds.  相似文献   

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