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引汉济渭工程调水区水库群调水模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
引汉济渭调水工程是缓解关中地区缺水,改善渭河生态的重要措施之一。黄金峡、三河口水库群、泵站群的调水模式直接决定了工程总调水量和调水效益。以多年平均调水15亿m~3为目标,设置"黄金峡水库先调水三河口水库补充调水"和"三河口水库先调水黄金峡水库补充调水"两种调水模式。通过长序列计算,对比不同调水模式下总调水量、泵站耗能和电站发电量等各项评价指标。研究结果表明:在"黄金峡水库先调水三河口水库补充调水"的情况下,引汉济渭工程可调水量15.55亿m~3,梯级总发电量5.53亿k W·h,梯级总耗电量4.91亿k W·h,净发电量为正值;在"三河口水库先调水黄金峡水库补充调水"的情况下,引汉济渭工程可调水量14.45亿m~3,梯级总发电量6.24亿k W·h,梯级总耗电量10.86亿k W·h,净发电量为负值。研究结果对于引汉济渭工程的调度具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

黄河上游龙~青段规划15个梯级水库(电站),截至1997年2月已开发投运了7个,设计总装机容量565.7万kW,年发电量232.4亿kW·h,分别占该河段设计开发容量和电量的45.4%和46.4%。以龙羊峡、刘家峡两个水库为中心的黄河上游梯级水库(电站)群的联合调度,在发电、灌溉、防洪、防凌、城市工业供水以及配合沿黄河工程施工等方面发挥了重大作用,其经济效益和社会效益十分显著。  相似文献   

长江上游地区水能资源极为丰富 ,分别占全国、长江流域和西部地区的 4 7.5 % ,89.0 % ,5 8 3% ,目前开发程度不到 5 % ,开发潜力巨大 .加快开发该地区水能资源有利于改善能源结构 ,节省煤炭资源 ,改善与保护生态环境 ;可促进西部地区开发 ,变资源优势为经济优势 ;有利于充分发挥三峡工程的作用和效益 .文中提出 4项政策建议 :研究并实施电力资源优化配置政策 ;制定远距离输电和鼓励跨地区电力电量交换的经济政策 ;完善优先开发水电的政策 ;加快并改进水电前期工作  相似文献   

对南水北调工程解决中国北方用水问题的分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李思悦  张全发 《人民黄河》2005,27(8):28-29,43
简要介绍了南水北调工程,分析了调水后我国北方用水情况,对今后的用水及缺水情况进行了预测。分析了预测结果表明:调水后,黄河上游(西线受水区)基本能满足正常来水年年份用水;在中等枯水年份,2030年和2050年分别缺水80亿m^3和50亿m^3。整个中线受水区2020年缺水量高达207亿m^3。淮河流域(东线受水区)基本能满足2030年水平的需水要求,但2050年将缺水20~40亿m^3;山东半岛依然为严重缺水区,缺水量达38.911亿m^3。  相似文献   

我国水力资源蕴藏量位居世界之首,但至今尚未对经济可开水力资源量进行实质性研究,我国水力资源大省之一的四川省,率先进行了水力资源复查工作,并纳入了经济可开发展的研究。经济可开发量的评估原则是与其他电源相比具有竞争力,采取宏观与微观,定量与定性,精确与模糊相结合的综合分析方法,通过国民经济评价定量测算,四川省的经济可开发水力资源量为10045.47万kW。5402.58亿kW,分别占全国的31.2%和  相似文献   

1 NaturalGeographicalConditionsPoyanglakeislocatedinthenorthpartofJiangxiProv inceandtothesouthofChangjiangRiver.ItreceiveswaterfromGanjiang ,Fuhe ,Xinjiang ,RaoheandXiushuirivers(referredtoasfive -rivershereafter)ofthelakesystemandwaterfromBoyang ,Zhangand…  相似文献   

鄱阳湖水文特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐德龙  熊明  张晶 《人民长江》2002,33(Z1):78-81
The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.  相似文献   

三峡水利枢纽是继葛洲坝水利枢纽建成后在长江上修建的世界第一大水电站,规模宏大,举世瞩目,具有巨大的防洪、发电、航运等综合效益,是开发治理长江的骨干工程.三峡工程的建设将对生态与环境产生广泛而深远的影响,为国内外所关注.它的有利影响主要在长江中下游,能有效地抗御洪水和提供清洁能源;不利影响主要在库区,将形成库区淹没和大量移民.长江流域湿地主要集中在中下游平原湖区,三峡建库后中游水文情势将有所改变.要全面规划,统筹兼顾,做好中游平原湖区防汛抗旱、防涝排渍工作,保护湿地,防止土壤潜育化与沼泽化.工程已于2002年11月6日在导流明渠截流;2003年6月永久船闸通航、水库蓄水,10月第一批机组发电;2009年全部工程竣工投产.三峡工程建设要使有利影响得到充分发挥,并采取有效措施,使不利影响得到减免.工程建设好后将促进西部大开发与长江流域可持续发展,对中国的能源和经济建设作出贡献,也是对长江流域最大的生态与环境保护.  相似文献   

The actual mathematical models describing global climate closely link the detected increase in global temperature to anthropogenic activity. The only energy source we can rely on in a long perspective is solar irradiation which is in the order of 10,000 kW/inhabitant. The actual primary power consumption (mainly based on fossil resources) in the developed countries is in the range of 5 to 10 kW/inhabitant. The total power contained in our nutrition is in the range of 0.11 kW/inhabitant. The organic pollution of domestic waste water corresponds to approximately 0.018 kW/inhabitant. The nutrients contained in the waste water can also be converted into energy equivalents replacing market fertiliser production. This energy equivalent is in the range of 0.009 kW/inhabitant. Hence waste water will never be a relevant source of energy as long as our primary energy consumption is in the range of several kW/inhabitant. The annual mean primary power demand of conventional municipal waste water treatment with nutrient removal is in the range of 0.003-0.015 kW/inhabitant. In principle it is already possible to reduce this value for external energy supply to zero. Such plants should be connected to an electrical grid in order to keep investment costs low. Peak energy demand will be supported from the grid and surplus electric energy from the plant can be is fed to the grid. Zero 'carbon footprint' will not be affected by this solution. Energy minimisation must never negatively affect treatment efficiency because water quality conservation is more important for sustainable development than the possible reduction in energy demand. This argument is strongly supported by economical considerations as the fixed costs for waste water infrastructure are dominant.  相似文献   

全面贯彻落实科学发展观,将“以人为本”的执政理念贯穿于水电建设的各个环节、促进水电建设的健康有序发展。通过15———20年左右的努力,把四川建成全国重要的水电能源基地和“西电东送”基地,实现水电与经济、社会、生态环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

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