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为了对热泵干燥污泥的方法进行研究,采用自行设计的污泥热泵干燥装置对含水率为55%-60%的污泥进行干燥试验研究。分析了风量、空气参数、冷凝温度和蒸发温度等对干燥效果的影响。试验表明,风量、空气参数、冷凝温度和蒸发温度对干燥效果有较大的影响,随着风量的增大,出水量逐渐增多,在风量达到800-1000m3/s,达到一个最佳的干燥效果,此时能耗比为0.73。  相似文献   

湿污泥颗粒的流化床干燥实验及模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在鼓泡流化床内以河砂为干燥介质,对单颗粒湿污泥的流态化干燥特性进行实验研究,得到了流化床温度、污泥初始水分、污泥粒径及流化速度对干燥速率的影响规律:流化床温度及污泥粒径对干燥速率的影响都呈指数规律;污泥的水分越大,干燥速率越大;在鼓泡流化床流化速度达到2倍临界流化速度以上时,充分流化,流化速度再增大(2~5倍临界流化速度)对干燥速率没有明显影响. 在基本的扩散传质理论的基础上,利用实验数据回归得到湿污泥在鼓泡流化床内干燥的半经验模型,为流化床污泥干燥器的设计提供了基础数据和依据.  相似文献   

魏瑞军  汪曌 《广东化工》2014,41(19):148-149
污泥表观干燥动力学研究是污泥处理的一个非常重要的方法。通过对5 mm厚度的污泥分别在五种不同温度(80、100、120、140和160℃)下进行实验对比,并进行动力学方程拟合。结果表明,干燥速率常数K是污泥干燥动力学研究中一个重要的参数,温度越高,则干燥速率越大。计算得到样品污泥活化能为19.2325 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

污水污泥干燥特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污泥产量巨大且成分复杂,而干燥污泥是城市污泥减量化最有效的方法之一。通过实验研究污泥干燥特性,重点介绍污泥干燥特性的研究现状,分析污泥干燥过程以及温度、粒径、形状等因素对污泥干燥特性的影响,并提出依据干燥特性提高污泥干燥速率的发展方向。  相似文献   

食品热泵干燥实验装置的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要介绍用于实验的食品热泵干燥装置,并给出了初步测试结果。  相似文献   

采用污泥薄片模拟分散态污泥干化过程,研究了干化风速、温度对污泥干燥速率的影响,并分析了污泥干燥过程中的形貌变化,采用热红联用分析污泥在(35~700℃)干化过程中气体的释放情况.结果表明:污泥干燥过程中的自由水、空隙水和吸附水干燥速率不同,提高干燥温度和热风风速,污泥干燥速率增大;污泥体积的收缩主要由于自由水的蒸发,粘滞区的存在是由于自由水蒸发完毕而引起干燥速率发生突变;污泥升温过程中释放的气体主要有C02、H2O、NH3、VFA及庚烷,273.75~333.76℃的温度区间为失重速率最大区域;VFA在273.75℃释放量最大,庚烷在333.76℃释放量最大.  相似文献   

在简要介绍热泵干燥装置基本结构和工作原理的基础上,对热泵干燥装置的特点、市场拓展、应用与推广中的主要问题和解决思路、技术发展等进行了较全面的分析,为科学地把握和应用热泵干燥技术提供了较好的参考。  相似文献   

为提高干燥效率、优化干燥效果,采用以含油污泥为黏结剂,与粉煤掺混干燥制备型煤的方式对含油污泥进行资源化处理。研究了掺煤量、干燥风速、干燥温度和型煤粒径对干燥过程的影响,并得到含水率和干燥速率随时间变化曲线。结果表明,以含油污泥为黏结剂制型煤的干燥过程可分为三个阶段:升速阶段、等速阶段和降速阶段。掺煤量主要影响降速阶段,风速主要影响升速阶段,温度主要影响升速阶段和等速阶段,粒径主要影响降速阶段。掺煤量越大、风速越大、温度越高、粒径越小,则干燥速率就越大。试验筛选出最佳干燥条件:掺煤量为65%、风速为2.75m/s、温度为105℃、粒径为10mm。对最佳干燥条件下的干燥过程进行干燥动力学模型拟合,求解干燥方程,得出Page(Ⅱ)模型相关系数平方为0.991时,拟合效果较好,能够反应其干燥特性。  相似文献   

通过对热泵干燥箱的热力学分析和对热泵干燥箱干燥过程的试验研究,认为热泵干燥箱干燥物料具有高效节能、干燥温度低和对周围环境无污染等优点。试验结果表明热泵干燥箱在干燥过程中干燥室内的各点温度和相对湿度在干燥01~2.5h之间相差最大,最大温差为13.5℃,这时热泵干燥箱的除水量也最大为6.1kg水/h。  相似文献   

氢气作为热泵干燥装置干燥介质的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了氢气作为热泵干燥装置干燥介质时,干燥介质与物料的对流换热系数、对流传质系数、干燥介质的流动阻力、单位体积干燥介质与水蒸气的饱和混合物中的水蒸气量、单位体积干燥介质在绝热干燥过程中的最大水蒸气吸收量等特性,并与空气作为干燥介质时进行了对比,为氢气型热泵干燥装置的开发提供了较好的参考.  相似文献   

Conventional drying, dehumidification drying, and combined conventional-dehumidification drying of wood were experimentally studied in this article. The results showed that the energy consumption in the dehumidification drying is the least but its drying time is the longest. The energy consumption in the combined drying is more than that in the dehumidification drying but less than that in the conventional drying, and the drying time is half of that in the dehumidification drying. The advantages of the combined conventional and dehumidification drying are discussed from the experiments results.  相似文献   

Conventional drying, dehumidification drying, and combined conventional-dehumidification drying of wood were experimentally studied in this article. The results showed that the energy consumption in the dehumidification drying is the least but its drying time is the longest. The energy consumption in the combined drying is more than that in the dehumidification drying but less than that in the conventional drying, and the drying time is half of that in the dehumidification drying. The advantages of the combined conventional and dehumidification drying are discussed from the experiments results.  相似文献   

Vasile Minea 《Drying Technology》2013,31(14):1630-1643
This article presents a 13-m3 wood dryer coupled with a 5.6-kW (compressor power input) heat pump. Drying tests with hardwood species such as yellow birch and hard maple were completed in order to determine the system's energy performance. Supplementary heating to compensate for the dryer heat losses was supplied using electrical coils or steam exchangers. The heat pump running profiles and dehumidification performance in terms of volumes removed and water extraction rates, coefficients of performance, and specific moisture extraction rates were determined for two all-electrical and two hybrid drying tests. The hardwood drying curves, share of the final moisture content, and final quality of the dried wood stacks, as well as total drying energy consumption and costs, were determined for each drying run. Finally, the total energy consumption of the drying cycles using a heat pump was compared with that of a conventional drying cycle using natural gas as a single energy source.  相似文献   

Energy Consumption in Industrial Drying of Radiata Pine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports the results of an exploratory study designed to reduce heat and electricity consumption in industrial drying of radiata pine. The experiments were performed with slight modifications of the standard drying schedules used by the sawmill to dry radiata pine in 100-m3 industrial kilns. The heat and electricity consumption were determined with data collected during the drying runs and calculations based on mathematical models. The results showed that depending on the case, heat and power consumption were respectively reduced by up to 14 and 35%.  相似文献   

Efficient solar drying requires that the drying rate is quantitatively known as a function of the environment and the control. To develop a drying-rate model for wastewater sludge, data were collected at a solar drying installation in Füssen, Germany. In this solar dryer, wet sludge is uniformly spread over a concrete floor under a greenhouse-like transparent cover. The sludge is mixed mechanically several times a day by an autonomous robot (electric mole®), the structure is fan-ventilated horizontally, and the indoor air is mixed by electric fans. Data of evaporation rate, environmental conditions, and control operations were collected over three drying cycles. Evaporation rate via sludge sampling and via vapor balance across the structure compared favorably, justifying the use of hourly vapor-balance data. Four types of prediction models were considered: physical, additive, multiplicative, and neural network. The multiplicative model has been selected for potential implementation. The most important predictors of evaporation rate, for the conditions under consideration, were (1) solar radiation, (2) outdoor temperature, (3) ventilation rate, and (4) dry solids content of the sludge. Air mixing is an order of magnitude less effective (per unit of air discharge) than ventilation.  相似文献   

Heat pump–assisted dryers are an alternative method for drying heat-sensitive food products at low temperature and less relative humidity with lower energy consumption. The mathematical models of a heat pump dryer consist of three submodels; namely, drying models, heat pump models, and performance models. Heat and mass balance of both refrigerant and air circuits in all components of the system are used for development of mathematical models. The models are used for design of different components of heat pump dryers operating under constant drying rate condition. A simple stepwise design procedure for batch-type, closed-loop heat pump dryer is also presented.  相似文献   

日益严格的环保要求促使环保投资的增大,压缩了炼油企业的利润空间,因此,环保设施的节能降耗成为重要的研究课题。某炼油厂采用"干化-焚烧"工艺处理含油污泥,该工艺成熟稳定,适合长周期运行,最大程度地实现减量和无害化,同时回收部分焚烧的热量作为干化单元的热源。结合该处理流程对设施能耗进行分析,提出两个节能降耗的措施。结果表明:设计工况下,该设施单位能耗为14 180.67 MJ/t污泥(含水率80%),通过调整操作控制含油污泥的含水率,可以将单位能耗降低4.7个百分点;在长周期运行条件及环保条件满足要求的情况下,改造或停用烟气再热器(GGH),可以将单位能耗降低3.1个百分点;若两种方法相结合,理论上单位能耗可以降低至13 070.03 MJ/t污泥,减少7.8个百分点。  相似文献   

开放式热风干燥(AD)工艺以其设备成本低、操作和维修简单等特点,在国内大批量脱水蔬菜生产中仍占有较高的比例。但开放式AD蔬菜的能耗高,故对其进行节能技术研究是项急需而有意义的。我们可以从AD工艺前处理、AD和其它干燥方法联合、干燥系统改进、余热回收以及工艺参数再优化等5个方面来降低AD蔬菜生产中的能耗。  相似文献   

介绍了一种污泥干燥焚烧处置系统,分析了影响干燥焚烧系统能耗的因素。分析结果表明,污泥干燥机入口温度越高、污泥初始含水率越低、污泥干燥后含水率越高,污泥干燥焚烧系统能耗就越少,装机容量就越小,设备的外形尺寸就越小,干燥焚烧系统的一次性投资就越低。  相似文献   

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