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A fluorescence spectroelectrochemical sensor capable of detecting very low concentrations of metal complexes is described. The sensor is based on a novel spectroelectrochemical sensor that incorporates multiple internal reflection spectroscopy at an optically transparent electrode (OTE) coated with a selective film to enhance detection limits by preconcentrating the analyte at the OTE surface. Nafion was used as the selective cation exchange film for detecting Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), the model analyte, which fluoresces at 605 nm when excited with a 441.6-nm HeCd laser. The unoptimized linear dynamic range of the sensor for Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) is between 1 x 10(-)(11) and 1 x 10(-)(7) M with a calculated 2 x 10(-)(13) M detection limit. The sensor employs extremely thin films ( approximately 12 nm) without significantly sacrificing its sensitivity. The sensor response is demonstrated with varying film thicknesses. A state-of-the-art flow cell design allows variable cell volumes as low as approximately 4 microL. Fluorescence of the sample can be controlled by electromodulation between 0.7 and 1.3 V. Sensor operation is not reversible for the chosen model film (Nafion) and sample (Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)) but it can be regenerated with ethanol for multiple uses.  相似文献   

The use of a mediator to detect a nonabsorbing analyte during spectroelectrochemical modulation is demonstrated. The charge-selective composite film of Nafion-SiO2 was used to entrap the mediator, Ru(bipy)3(2+). The change in deltaA as detected by attenuated total reflection was then observed upon addition of the analyte, ascorbate. The effects of scan rate, concentration of mediator, film thickness, and analyte charge were studied to achieve optimal sensor conditions. The model sensor exhibited a linear range from 0.26 to 2.0 mM (R2 = 0.998).  相似文献   

Incorporation of planar waveguide technology into a spectroelectrochemical sensor is described. In this sensor design, a potassium ion-exchanged BK7 glass waveguide was over-coated with a thin film of indium tin oxide (ITO) that served as an optically transparent electrode. A chemically selective film was spin-coated on top of the ITO film. The sensor supported five optical modes at 442 nm and three at 633 nm. Investigations on the impact of the ITO film on the optical properties of the waveguide and on the spectroelectrochemical performance of the sensor are reported. Sensing was based on the change in attenuation of light propagated through the waveguide resulting from an optically absorbing analyte. By applying either a triangular or square wave excitation potential waveform, electromodulation of the optical signal has been demonstrated with Fe(CN)6(3-/4-) as a model electroactive couple that partitions into a PDMDAAC-SiO2 film [where PDMDAAC = poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride)] and absorbs at 442 nm.  相似文献   

Three modes of selectivity based on charge-selective partitioning, electrolysis potential, and spectral absorption wavelength were demonstrated simultaneously in a new type of spectroelectrochemical sensor. Operation and performance of the three modes of selectivity for detection of analytes in the presence of direct interferences were investigated using binary mixture systems. These binary mixtures consisted of Fe(CN)(6)(3-) and Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) and of Fe(CN)(6)(4-) and Ru(CN)(6)(4)(-) in aqueous solutions. Results on the Fe(CN)(6)(3-)/Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) binary mixture showed that an anion-exchange coating consisting of PDMDAAC-SiO(2) [where PDMDAAC is poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride)] and a cation-exchange coating consisting of Nafion-SiO(2) can trap and preconcentrate analytes with charge selection. At the same time, such coatings exclude interferences carrying the same type of charge as that of the exchange sites in the sensor coating. Using the Fe(CN)(6)(4-)/Ru(CN)(6)(4-) binary mixture, the Fe(CN)(6)(4-) component can be selectively detected by restricting the modulation potential cycled to a range specific to the redox-active Fe(CN)(6)(4-) component and simultaneously monitoring the optical response at the overlapping wavelength of 420 nm. It was also shown that, when the wavelength for optical monitoring was chosen as 500 nm, which is specific to the Ru(CN)(6)(4-) component, interference from the Fe(CN)(6)(4-) component for spectroelectrochemical detection of Ru(CN)(6)(4-) was significantly suppressed, even though the cyclic modulation potential encompassed the redox range for the Fe(CN)(6)(4-) component.  相似文献   

The simulation of the optical response in spectroelectrochemical sensing has been investigated. The sensor consists of a sensing film coated on an optically transparent electrode (OTE). The mode of detection is attenuated total reflection. Only species that partition into the sensing film, undergo electrochemistry at the potentials applied to the OTE, and have changes in their absorbance at the wavelength of light propagated within the glass substrate of the OTE can be sensed. A fundamental question arises regarding the excitation potential waveforms employed to initiate the electrochemical changes observed. Historically, selection has been based solely upon the effectiveness of the waveform to quickly electrolyze any analyte observable by the optical detection method employed. In this report, additional requirements by which the waveform should be selected for use in a remote sensing configuration are discussed. The effectiveness of explicit finite difference simulation as a tool for investigating the applicability of three different excitation potential waveforms (square, triangle, sinusoid) is demonstrated. The simulated response is compared to experimental results obtained from a prototype sensing platform consisting of an indium tin oxide OTE coated with a cation-selective, sol-gel-derived Nafion composite film designed for the detection of a model analyte, tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) chloride. Using a diffusion coefficient determined from experimental data (5.8 x 10(-11) cm2 s for 5 x 10(-6) M Ru(bipy)3(2+)), the simulator program was able to accurately predict the magnitude of the absorbance change for each potential waveform (0.497 for square, 0.403 for triangular, and 0.421 for sinusoid), but underestimated the number of cycles required to approach steady state. The simulator program predicted 2 (square), 3 (triangle), and 5 cycles (sinusoid), while 5 (square), 15 (triangle), and 10 (sinusoid) cycles were observed experimentally.  相似文献   

A spectroelectrochemical sensor with attenuated total reflectance at an indium-doped tin oxide (ITO) optically transparent electrode coated with a thin film of Nafion has been demonstrated for the determination of aqueous iron ion. The novelty of this sensor stems from its ability to take up colorless iron ion (Fe2+) from solution and complex it with an organic ligand, 2,2'-bipyridine (bipy), that has been previously loaded in the optically transparent charge-selective Nafion film coating the electrode. The resulting complex ion, tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)iron(II), Fe(bipy)3(2+), absorbs strongly, making it easily detectable via optical spectroscopy. Fe(bipy)3(2+) loaded into the selective film is oxidized to colorless Fe(bipy)3(3+), which gives rise to an absorbance change for quantifying iron. This paper maps the development of this sensor, from the spectroelectrochemical characterization of the complex ion at an ITO optically transparent electrode to an analysis of the uptake, retention, and optical response of the complex ion in the Nafion film. Finally, an evaluation of the uptake of aqueous Fe2+ by the bipy-loaded Nafion film is reported. These data include preliminary results illustrating the dependence of the sensor response on differing concentrations of Fe2+ in solution.  相似文献   

We report herein an attenuated total reflectance (ATR) absorbance-based spectroelectrochemical sensor for tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) ion [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)] that employs ultrathin (24-50 nm) Nafion films as the charge-selective layer. This film serves to sequester and preconcentrate the analyte at the optically transparent electrode surface such that it can be efficiently detected optically via electrochemical modulation. Our studies indicate that use of ultrathin films in tandem with continuous flow of sample solution through the cell compartment leads to a 100-500-fold enhancement in detection limit (10 nM) compared to earlier absorbance-based spectroelectrochemical sensors ( approximately 1-5 microM); markedly shorter analysis times also result. We report the dependence of the measured absorbance on sample flow rate and Nafion film thickness, and also provide calibration curves that illustrate the linear range and detection limits of the sensor using a 24 nm film at a constant sample flow rate of 0.07 mL/min.  相似文献   

We report the electrochemical detection of individual redox-active molecules as they freely diffuse in solution. Our approach is based on microfabricated nanofluidic devices, wherein repeated reduction and oxidation at two closely spaced electrodes yields a giant sensitivity gain. Single molecules entering and leaving the cavity are revealed as anticorrelated steps in the faradaic current measured simultaneously through the two electrodes. Cross-correlation analysis provides unequivocal evidence of single molecule sensitivity. We further find agreement with numerical simulations of the stochastic signals and analytical results for the distribution of residence times. This new detection capability can serve as a powerful alternative when fluorescent labeling is invasive or impossible. It further enables new fundamental (bio)electrochemical experiments, for example, localized detection of neurotransmitter release, studies of enzymes with redox-active products, and single-cell electrochemical assays. Finally, our lithography-based approach renders the devices suitable for integration in highly parallelized, all-electrical analysis systems.  相似文献   

The electrodeposition and subsequent stripping of lead and cadmium on an indium tin oxide (ITO) optically transparent electrode (OTE) were monitored by attenuated total internal reflectance. Light passing through the ITO-OTE is attenuated proportionally to the concentration of metal ion and deposition time. The wavelength dependence of the optical responses of deposited Pb and Cd was determined; optimal performance based on maximum sensor absorbance was at 750 nm for Pb and at 400 nm for Cd. Calibration curves were obtained over a range of 5 x 10(-8) to 5 x 10(-5) M and 1 x 10(-9) to 1 x 10(-5) M for Pb and Cd, respectively, using change in absorbance that accompanied deposition and subsequent stripping of the electrodeposited metal from the ITO.  相似文献   

The optical and electrochemical properties of metallic films on ITO surfaces resulting from deposition of copper and cadmium were monitored by stripping voltammetry-attenuated internal reflectance spectroscopy. The voltammetric or optical responses of both metals were examined with respect to solution conditions such as pH and presence of dissolved oxygen. The morphologies of these films were also examined using environmental scanning electron microscopy, and the microscopic electrodeposition patterns were found to influence the optical response. The wavelength dependence of the optical response of deposited copper was determined and compared with calculations; optimal performance was at 400 nm for copper. A linear calibration curve was obtained over a range of 1 x 10(-7)-1 x 10(-4) M for copper and compared with that of cadmium. The simultaneous determination of cadmium and copper was demonstrated, and the mechanism of co-deposition is discussed.  相似文献   

Detection of lead and mercury by attenuated total internal reflectance spectroscopy coupled to stripping voltammetry is demonstrated. Changes in attenuation of light passing through an indium tin oxide optically transparent electrode (ITO-OTE) accompany the electrodeposition and stripping of lead and mercury on the electrode surface. The change in absorbance during stripping of electrodeposited metal constitutes the analytical response that enables detection over a range of 2.5 x 10(-7)-5 x 10(-5) and 5 x 10(-8)-5 x 10(-5) M for mercury and lead, respectively. The spectroelectrochemical responses of mercury and lead on the ITO surface are characterized and optimized with respect to solution conditions, the potential excitation signals used for deposition and stripping, and wavelength for detection. The deposited metals were examined by environmental scanning electron miscroscopy, and the electrodeposition pattern of lead and mercury was found to influence the optical response.  相似文献   

The cation sensing property of highly sensitive chromogenic receptor N, N′-bis (salicylidine)-o-phenylene diamine (receptor 1) was studied by visual observation, UV–vis spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy. The proposed study has been targeted to sense the first transition series metal cations like Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+. Binding affinity toward Cu2+ is found to be of higher magnitude compared to the other three cations mentioned. Receptor 1 on binding with Fe3+, Co2+ Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions shows fluorescence enhancement which is due to the inhibition of PET mechanism.  相似文献   

A three-phase flow, water/n-heptane/water, was constructed in a microchannel (100-microm width, 25-microm depth) on a glass microchip (3 cm x 7 cm) and was used as a liquid membrane for separation of metal ions. Surface modification of the microchannel by octadecylsilane groups induced spontaneous phase separation of the three-phase flow in the microfluidic device, which allows control of interfacial contact time and off-chip analysis using conventional analytical apparatus. Prior to the selective transport of a metal ion through the liquid membrane in the microchannel, the forward and backward extraction of yttrium and zinc ions was investigated in a two-phase flow on a microfluidic device using 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (commercial name, PC-88A) as an extractant. The extraction conditions (contact time of the two phases, pH, extractant concentration) in the microfluidic device were examined. These investigations demonstrated that the conventional methodology for solvent extraction of metal ions is applicable to solvent extraction in a microchannel. Finally, we employed the three-phase flow in the microchannel as a liquid membrane and observed the selective transport of Y ion through the liquid membrane. In the present study, we succeeded, for the first time, in the selective separation of a targeted metal ion from an aqueous feed solution to a receiving phase within a few seconds by employing a liquid membrane formed in a microfluidic device.  相似文献   

The demand for portable real-time optical applications such as medical optical sensors and optical transceivers instigate the need for compact optical designs. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a new, compact design for binary spatial amplitude modulation in a mode-selective transmitter in a multimode fiber, adapted from microscopy. Results show that it is possible to retrieve the original continuous-amplitude transverse modal electric field from the binary amplitude-modulated image using a single lens. The retrieved image is in good agreement with the original image.  相似文献   

A single-chip multichannel surface plasmon resonance sensor (SPR) has been used to detect metal ions in aqueous solutions. The equipment was designed around a commercial light-emitting diode and a CCD camera and incorporated no moving parts. The sensing materials were based on molecular architectures of polyelectrolyte films, deposited by the layer-by-layer self-assembly technique. Two bilayer architectures, poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI)/poly(ethylenealt-maleic acid) and PEI/poly(styrenesulfonate), were shown to produce different responses to solutions containing copper, nickel, and iron. The SPR equipment was able to measure concentrations of these metals down to levels of at least 2/spl times/10/sup -5/ M.  相似文献   

Although ion exchange is often depicted as a process driven by electrostatic forces, ionic solvation or hydrophobic forces contribute greatly to ion exchange selectivity and is often the dominant factor. On a variety of commercial anion exchange columns, monovalent ClO4- elutes after doubly charged SO42- and even triply charged PO43-. For identically charged alkali metal ions, electrostatic charge densities based on crystal radii would suggest Li+ to be the most strongly retained on a cation exchanger. In practice, it is typically the least strongly held cation on most cation exchangers, because of its very high hydration energy and with most eluents its capacity factor approaches zero. Even when the ion is very poorly solvated, as with tetraalkylammonium (NR4+) cations, there has never been a report on a polymeric ion exchanger of an ideal electrostatic selectivity order where NR4+ cations elute in their increasing charge density order: R = n-butyl first, followed by n-propyl, ethyl, and last, methyl. We show that this selectivity order is easily achieved on recently described methracrylate-based monolithic capillary cation exchange columns (Ueki, Y.; Umemura, T.; Li, J. X.; Odake, T; Tsunoda, K. Anal. Chem. 2004, 76, 7007-7012) with minor amounts of hydroorganic modifiers. Indeed, under such conditions, Li+ (and other alkali cations) elutes after NMe4+.  相似文献   

The spaces (voids) available for cations in the five exchange resins with varying exchange capacities and cross-linking degrees were estimated, on the basis of the additivity of molar volumes of the constituents. Tetraalkylammonium ions (NR(4)(+); R: Me, Et, Pr) may completely exchange potassium ion on the resin having a larger void radius. In contrast, the ratio of saturated adsorption capacity to exchange capacity of the resin having a smaller void radius decreased with an increase in size of NR(4)(+) ions, due to the interionic contacts. Alkali metal ions could be exchanged quantitatively. While the hydration numbers of K(+), Rb(+), and Cs(+) were independent of the void radius, those of Li(+) and Na(+), especially Na(+), decreased with a decrease in void radius. Interionic contacts between the hydrated ions enhance the dehydration. Multivalent metal ions have the hydration numbers, comparable to or rather greater than those in water. A greater void volume available due to exchange stoichiometry released the interionic contacts and occasionally promoted the involvement of water molecules other than directly bound molecules. The close proximity between ions in the conventional ion-exchange resins having higher exchange capacities may induce varying interactions.  相似文献   

Peinado A  Lizana A  Vidal J  Iemmi C  Campos J 《Applied optics》2011,50(28):5437-5445
This work evidences the suitability of applying a single twisted nematic liquid-crystal (TN-LC) device to obtain dynamic polarimeters with high accuracy and repeatability. Different Stokes polarimeter setups based on a TN-LC device are optimized, leading to the minimization of the noise propagated from intensity measurements to the Stokes vector calculations. To this aim, we revise the influence of working out of normal incidence and of performing a double pass of the light beam through the LC device. In addition, because transmissive TN-LC devices act as elliptical retarders, an extra study is performed. It analyzes the influence of projecting the light exiting from the TN-LC device over elliptical states of polarization. Finally, diverse optimized polarimeters are experimentally implemented and validated by measuring different states of partially and fully polarized light. The analysis is conducted both for monochromatic (He-Ne laser) and LED light sources, proving the potential of polarimeters based on a single TN-LC device.  相似文献   

A variety of chemosensors have been reported for detection of metal ions. However, the metal ions could not be separated and removed at the same time for the goal of water purification. This paper presents to detect and remove metal ions from aqueous solution simultaneously by a fluorescence chemosensor and functional magnetic nanoparticles. A novel probe adamantyl (AD)–maleic anhydride (MAH)–rhodamine B (RhB) was designed and synthesized from RhB, ethylene diamine, MAH, and AD. AD–MAH–RhB showed high selectivity and sensitivity to metal ions in aqueous solution. The sensing mechanism was explored by FTIR and mass spectra. The results suggested that AD–MAH–RhB could conjugate with metal ions and form the binding complexes with various stoichiometries of probe and metal ions. Moreover, β-cyclodextrin-modified magnetic nanoparticles (CD-MNP) were fabricated and used as host materials to form inclusion complex of CD-MNP and AD–MAH–RhB-metal ions. Then, the metal ions could be removed by an outer magnet, which were confirmed by fluorescent spectrum. The probe and CD-MNP had the great potential application for sewage treatment.  相似文献   

The dynamics of laser-induced vacuum spark discharge with storage energy not exceeding 25 J has been studied in a broad range of laser pulse energies and power densities. It is shown that, using discharge-initiating laser pulse of nanosecond duration, it is possible to obtain stable single pinching of cathode jet plasma at a storage voltage above 10 kV. Plasma pinching is accompanied by the generation of a beam of multicharged ions of the cathode material (aluminum) up to Al8+. The maximum energies of ions obey the scaling relation E max = 5ZeU 0 that has been obtained previously for a low-voltage discharge. An increase in the laser pulse energy leads to growth of the average beam charge and a sharp decrease in the ion energy.  相似文献   

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