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Abstract.  Surface water bodies are expected to form in several pits at the Getchell Open Pit Mine after mining has ceased due to inflowing surface and ground water. Predicting the long-term geochemical behavior of the pit water is important in assessing potential environmental effects. One of the pits, the Summer Camp Pit, began to develop a pit lake in 1991 when dewatering ceased and the pit was used to store water pumped from underground operations. This provided a field-scale opportunity to identify the controls on lake water chemistry and determine the effects of seasonal mixing events on long-term chemical behavior. During a five-year period (1996-2001), a number of physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the lake were monitored with the intent of using this information as a basis for predicting long-term geochemical behavior of future lakes in the other pits. Seasonal and multiyear cycles were identified within the water column. These cycles were influenced by climatic changes and element and sediment loadings of inflow to the lake. Stratification occurred, with the metalimnion or active layer of the lake evolving from a low total dissolved solids (TDS), alkaline water to a high TDS, neutral to mildly acidic water, until turnover occurred due to density variations between the metalimnion and epilimnion, completely mixing the layers. A hypolimnion that formed has the potential to stabilize metals in the basal sediments as sulfide minerals below a chemolimnion in the lake. Longer-term events also appear to involve the hypolimnion.The monitoring program demonstrated the dynamic nature of a pit lake and how the complex limnology can affect seasonal water quality. Such considerations are important in interpreting water quality from pit lakes and in selecting monitoring data to use when constructing mathematical models for predicting changes in water quality.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Permitting of open pit mines that intersect the groundwater table necessitates the use of sophisticated numerical models to determine the temporal impact of pit lake hydraulics. However, while mine feasibility and the potential environmental influences of open-pit dewatering can be estimated using conventional screening-level methods, to date there have been few published transient analytical solutions to estimate the pit lake recovery duration and inflow rates. The Comprehensive Realistic Yearly Pit Transient Infilling Code (CRYPTIC) described here is based on the Jacob-Lohman equation, modified to include the pit geometry and effects of precipitation and evaporation from the pit lake surface as well as the input/output of external flows. It assumes that the aquifer is homogeneous and isotropic with laterally extensive horizontal flow but differs from other methods in that it includes transient inflows. CRYPTIC was used to successfully model the Berkeley Pit Lake (Butte, Montana) recovery data and its predictions also compared favorably with results from the Pipeline Pit (north-central Nevada) numerical model. However, while this analytical approach provides useful hydraulic insights at the feasibility stage of mine planning, more detailed analysis is required to determine critical mine permitting requirements. For example, the lateral extent of the drawdown cone, time to maximum extent of dewatering, and temporal effects on springs and seeps require deployment of a full numerical code and substantially more data.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Sleeper open pit gold mine operated from the mid-1980s through the mid-1990s. Operations were mostly sub-water table and extensive dewatering was required to lower groundwater levels by 180 m. Dewatering flows peaked at 930 L/s, with most flow contributed from an alluvial aquifer. After completion of mining, the pit was rapidly filled with water pumped from the alluvial aquifer to reduce the exposure time of sulfide wall rocks and waste rocks in the ultimate pit. The pumped alluvial groundwater provided a large volume of low total dissolved solids (TDS), high alkalinity water that controlled the early chemistry. The rising lake waters were amended with lime to buffer excess acidity contributed to the lake from reactive pit wall rocks during submergence. The pore water contained in submerged waste rock at the base of the pit was elevated in TDS and subsequently of higher density that the lake water. The density contrast and waste rock location limited contributions of waste rock pore water to the main body of the lake. Some stratification of the early lake occurred, with shallow water characterized by higher pH, low dissolved metals, and sulfate; deeper water had lower pH and higher dissolved metals and sulfate. The reservoir of alkalinity in the shallow layer mixed with the deeper waters and created a stabilized lake with a homogenized column that exceeded water quality expectations. Current water quality meets all Nevada primary drinking water standards with the exception of sulfate, TDS, and manganese, which are slightly elevated, as predicted. Chemistry has remained stable since development of the initial lake.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the Berkeley pit lake water ranges from 2 to 4 mg/L, and is comparable to that of its inflow waters. On the dates sampled, the DOC concentrations decreased towards the surface of the lake, in a manner similar to the concentration of dissolved Fe. This may reflect adsorption of DOC onto newly formed ferric precipitates in the epilimnion of the lake. The total organic carbon (TOC) content of the lake sediment is 0.20 to 0.33%, and is on the low end of TOC in natural aquatic sediments. In contrast, the DOC concentrations of sediment pore waters are unusually high, ranging from 50 to 380 mg/L, and are much higher than DOC values of pore waters from typical marine or lacustrine sediments. The high DOC concentrations are explained by release of adsorbed organic carbon from ferric precipitates as they age and recrystallize, coupled with the relative scarcity of heterotrophic bacteria in the acidic and heavy metal-rich waters that would otherwise consume DOC through reduction of sulfate.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Due to operational and regulatory practicalities, pit lakes will continue to be common legacies of mine lease relinquishments. Unplanned or inappropriate management of these geographical features can lead to both short- and long-term liability to mining companies, local communities, and the nearby environment during mining operations or after lease relinquishment. However, the potential for pit lakes to provide benefit to companies, communities, and the environment is frequently unrecognised and yet may be a vital contribution to the sustainability of the open-cut mining industry. Sustainable pit lake management aims to minimise short and long term pit lake liabilities and maximise short and long term pit lake opportunities. Improved remediation technologies are offering more avenues for pit lakes resource exploitation than ever before, at the same time mining companies, local communities, and regulatory authorities are becoming more aware of the benefit these resources can offer.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Unconsolidated sediment at the bottom of the Berkeley pit lake is a mixture of detrital silicate minerals derived from sloughing of the pit walls and secondary minerals precipitated out of the water column. The latter include gypsum and K-rich jarosite. The pore waters have a similar pH to the overlying lake waters (pH 3.1 to 3.4), and have similarly high concentrations of dissolved heavy metals, including Al, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Zn. Sediment cores show that the top meter of the sediment column is moderately oxidized (jarosite-stable). Petrography, chemical analysis and geochemical modelling all suggest a transformation of poorly crystalline ferric compounds such as schwertmannite and/or ferrihydrite near the sediment surface to jarosite with depth in the core. No evidence of bacterial sulfate reduction was found in this study, despite the presence of 0.3 to 0.4 wt% organic carbon in the pit lake sediment.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The basic chemical properties of Tertiary (T) and Quaternary (Q) aquifers near the Piaseczno opencast sulphur mine and the water in the open pit, along with the stratigraphy and hydrogeology of the area, were characterized to assess the feasibility of inundating the mine with ground water. Ground water quality varied markedly in the opencast area. A distinct stratification was noted in the pit water; total dissolved solids, calcium, chloride, hardness, and hydrogen sulphide increased from the top water level to the bottom of the pit lake. The concentrations of SO42- and Cl- in the opencast water were very high, especially in the hypolimnion zone. Based on our preliminary analysis, it appears that an artificial lake formed in the Piaseczno open pit could be used in the future as a fish and wildlife habitat as well as for recreational purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In the Eastern Middle Anthracite field of Pennsylvania, a formerly acidic (pH = 3.6) surface mine lake (initially approximately 45,000m3 in volume) is being reclaimed using fluidized bed combustor (FBC) ash. The pH of the water in the pit dramatically increased when the alkaline ash was added. The pH of the water is now well buffered, and has not dropped below a value of 11.0 since March 2000. Analysis of data from samples collected over the past six years indicate that the lakes alkalinity is controlled by carbonate, silicate, and hydroxide reactions. The relative importance of these factors varies with ash input, and can be determined in a predictable fashion. Laboratory tests determined that the mass of CaO was more significant than the particle surface area on the pH of the solution. Using only alkaline material, the transition between caustic and carbonate alkalinity was apparent, though this did not account for interaction with silicate minerals, which should be considered when using alkaline ash for reclamation. Field data indicate that with time, the pH will again decrease but will be buffered by calcite present on both the upper walls of the mine pool and within pores of the FBC ash. Less than 1% of the ash is currently used to increase the pH and alkalinity, so a large reserve exists for long term buffering capacity.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Berkeley pit lake in Butte, Montana is one of the largest accumulations of acid mine drainage in the world. The pit lake began filling in 1983, and continues to fill at a rate of roughly 10 million liters d-1. This paper details how changes in mining activities have led to changes in the rate of filling of the pit lake, as well as changes in its limnology and geochemistry. As of 2005, the Berkeley pit lake is meromictic, with lower conductivity water resting on top of higher conductivity water. This permanent stratification was set up by diversion of surface water—the so-called Horseshoe Bend Spring—into the pit during the period 2000 to 2003. However, the lake may have been holomictic prior to 2000, with seasonal top-to-bottom turnover events. The present mining company is pumping water from below the chemocline to a copper precipitation plant, after which time the Cu-depleted and Fe-enriched water is returned to the pit. Continued operation of this facility may eventually change the density gradient of the lake, with a return to holomictic conditions. A conceptual model illustrating some of the various physical, chemical, and microbial processes responsible for the unusually poor water quality of the Berkeley pit lake is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract.   The results of static tests are used to geochemically model the distribution of potentially acid and non-acid forming materials and plan mining excavation and overburden dumping to prevent or minimize the generation of acid rock drainage (ARD). The accuracy of the model depends very much on the amount and validity of the available pre-mine data and how the data is interpreted in both lateral and vertical directions. This results of such modelling was compared with subsequent overburden information provided by analysis of blast hole drill cuttings. We found that the model overestimated the amount of potentially acid forming material, but that it was still useful in ARD prevention.  相似文献   

Abstract  An attempt was made to use the U.S. EPA DRASTIC ranking system to assess the vulnerability of ground water in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Analysis of the various system components indicate that several DRASTIC factors would have to be modified to consider the effects of mining, subsidence, and ground water rebound.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The net acidity of a water sample can be measured directly by titration with a standardized base solution or calculated from the measured concentrations of the acidic and basic components. For coal mine drainage, the acidic components are primarily accounted for by free protons and dissolved Fe2+, Fe3+, Al3+, and Mn2+. The base component is primarily accounted for by bicarbonate. A standard way to calculate the acidity for coal mine drainage is: Acidcalc = 50*(2*Fe2+/56 + 3*Fe3+/56 + 3*Al/27 + 2*Mn/55 + 1000*10-pH)—alkalinity, where acidity and alkalinity are measured as mg/L CaCO3 and the metals are mg/L. Because such methods of estimating acidity are derived by independent laboratory procedures, their comparison can provide a valuable QA/QC for AMD datasets. The relationship between measured and calculated acidities was evaluated for 14 datasets of samples collected from mine drainage discharges, polluted receiving streams, or passive treatment systems, containing a total of 1,484 sample analyses. The datasets were variable in nature, ranging from watersheds where most of the discharges contained alkalinity to ones where all of the discharges were acidic. Good relationships were found to exist between measured and calculated acidities. The average acidity measurement was 239 mg/L CaCO3 and the average acidity calculation was 226 mg/L CaCO3. Linear regressions were calculated for individual datasets and for the entire dataset. The linear regression for the entire dataset was: Acidcalc = 0.98 * Acidmeas – 8, r2 = 0.98. The good correlation between calculated and measured acidity is the basis for an easy and inexpensive QA/QC for AMD data. Substantial variation between measured and calculated acidities can be used to infer sampling or analytical problems.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Microbial alkalinity production was evaluated as a method to prevent reacidification of neutralized mining lakes by acidic ground and seepage water. We used 60 L mesocosms to represent the sediment and water column of a shallow acidic mine lake. To enhance alkalinity production, acidic and neutralized lake waters were treated with either phosphorus (controlled eutrophication) or organic matter (controlled saprobization). Controlled eutrophication could not produce enough autochthonous biomass as substrate for microbial alkalinity production to change the acidity of the water. Chemical pre-neutralization of the acidic water caused the inorganic carbon concentration to increase, but at the same time, hindered algae growth by reducing the availability of phosphate by sorption to the freshly precipitated iron hydroxide. This effect was so strong that even high phosphorus additions could not increase the algae biomass production. In contrast to controlled eutrophication, controlled saprobization produced significant alkalinity. Despite inhibition of the most important alkalinity producing process, namely microbial sulfate reduction, by low pH values, the microbial alkalinity production rate was not affected by pre-neutralization of the water column. Other alkalinity producing processes raised the pH in the reactive zone until sulfate reduction was no longer inhibited.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Airborne geophysical reconnaissance was used to identify potential flow paths for mercury-rich, acidic water entering Clear Lake near the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine. Airborne magnetic and electromagnetic conductivity surveys were conducted over a 12.3 km2 (4.75 mi2) area that included the Oaks Arm of Clear Lake and the old mine. These surveys identified four magnetic and/or conductive anomalies that may represent groundwater conduits towards or away from the Herman Impoundment. An anomaly that extended from Herman Impoundment through a waste rock dam and into Clear Lake was selected for a more detailed ground electromagnetic conductivity survey. The combined results of the airborne and ground surveys provided a detailed, lateral depiction of conductive zones, the most probable pathways for groundwater flow. These surveys also identified near-surface areas that may contain elevated concentrations of sulfide minerals that weather to produce acid groundwater.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Modeling of mine water rebound in the southernmost zone of the Durham Coalfield has been undertaken in an attempt to reproduce observed water level recovery, since the 1970s, within five coal blocks south of the Butterknowle Fault. The lumped parameter model GRAM (groundwater rebound in abandoned mineworkings) was chosen to perform the simulations since it overcomes, to a large extent, a common problem found in such studies, namely a lack (especially concerning historic hydrogeological records) and superabundance of various kinds of data. The results obtained from this approach are satisfying and closely resemble the observed pattern of mine water rebound for the mining blocks studied. Such research indicates the critical dependence of predictions on factors such as the volume of water flowing into the system, the percentage runoff, and the value of storage coefficient assigned to the old workings. Model predictions are most useful as a tool for improving the conceptual understanding of abandoned mine systems and as a basis for evaluating alternative possibilities of coalfield behaviour, rather than as a strict quantitative assessment for all management purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract.   This paper summarizes the dynamics and causes of the Stava disaster, and highlights some risky design procedures that led to the 19 July 1985 tailings dam failure. It then presents the Stava 1985 Foundation, which was formed to focus attention on such risks and to strengthen the culture of respect for human lives and safety.  相似文献   

Abstract  Closure of Pb-Zn mines in the Iglesias district (SW Sardinia, Italy) caused the cessation of pumping in 1997, and the consequent flooding of underground workings. Deep saline water mixed with the shallow groundwater as the water table rose, increasing salinity. Stratification caused the saline water at depth to settle over a period of three years. At the beginning of rebound, an increase in dissolved Zn, Cd, Pb, and Hg was observed under near-neutral pH conditions. Following peak concentrations, a marked decrease of Zn, Cd, and Hg, and to a lesser extend Pb, occurred. After 7 years of rebound, the concentrations of these metals are relatively low at most mine sites, although the levels are generally still higher than in unmined areas. Nowadays, the highest release of metals to the aquatic system occurs from the weathering of tailings and mine wastes.  相似文献   

Abstract  Closure of Pb-Zn mines in the Iglesiente district (SW Sardinia, Italy) caused the cessation of pumping in 1997 at Monteponi, and in 1998 at San Giovanni. Consequent flooding of underground workings occurred in the district and also involved Campo Pisano. In June 1998, as the water table rose from 160 to 20 m below sea level, the deep saline water mixed with the shallow ground water at Monteponi and nearby mines. In the same period, an increase in dissolved metals (especially Zn, Cd, and Pb) was observed under near-neutral pH conditions. Following peak concentrations, a marked decrease of Zn, Cd, and Hg occurred. Dissolved Pb showed fluctuating concentrations over the monitoring period (1996-2005). In January 2000, when the water table rose to 20 m above sea level, the salinity of ground water decreased significantly at all of the mines. Stratification caused the more saline water at depth to settle three years after rebound started. Depth profiles carried out in 2005 at Monteponi, San Giovanni, and Campo Pisano showed an increase in conductivity and dissolved metals in ground water at deeper levels, especially at depths below sea level.After eight years of rebound, a marine component was still present at depth in ground water at San Giovanni (about 2%), and to a lesser extent at Monteponi (about 0.4%).  相似文献   

Abstract.   Drainage systems in large surface mines are designed to accomplish three basic objectives: keeping working conditions dry, stable and safe; lowering hydrostatic pressure and increasing the effective stress of soil to improve slope stability; and ensuring pit floor workability. This can be achieved with drainage facilities that include channels, water collection sumps, and pump stations. We report the development of a computer-aided system called Dewatering of Open Pit Mines (DEWOP), which can assist open pit mine designers to solve water-related problems. The system was developed in a Visual Basic object programming language, taking advantage of multi-user, open database connectivity, such as Microsoft Access, for storage and processing of information. In tests at coal and copper surface mines, it reduced drainage facilities costs by 8%.  相似文献   

Abstract  About 2.5 million t of sedimentary phosphorite mine tailings, highly enriched with trace metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn, are dumped annually in the coastal waters of Togo without any pre-treatment, causing serious pollution problems in the region. We conducted laboratory jar tests of a coagulation-flocculation procedure with coagulants RM45U and AN945MPM to clarify the sludge. The efficiency of the method depends particularly on two factors: the amount of coagulant and the solid concentration of the sludge to be treated. Thus, with a mud concentration of 47.7 g/L, the average optimal amount of the two coagulants was 25 mg/L. With both coagulants, water turbidity passed from 60 x 103 NTU to approximately 3 NTU after clarification with the optimal amount of the two coagulants. RM45U reduced concentrations of Pb by 40%, Zn by 98.8%, Fe by 80.6%, and Cd by 32.8%. AN945MPM reduced Pb by 20%, Zn by 98.5%, Fe by 48%, and Cd by 32.8%.  相似文献   

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