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鸡内金、陈皮、山楂是具有促消化作用的天然物质,采用L9(33)正交试验法确定它们在酥性饼干中的添加量,研制具有促消化功能的儿童酥性饼干。在基本配方的基础上确定的最佳配方为:鸡内金0.5%,陈皮1.5%,山楂10.0%。  相似文献   

利用液体发酵羊肚菌菌丝体做原料,研究一种具有羊肚菌风味的酥性饼干。通过单因素试验和统计产品与服务解决方案分析软件SPSS分析研究菌粉添加量、加水量以及加糖量对饼干风味的影响。最佳配方为:小麦粉50 g,羊肚菌粉11 g,水8 mL,绵白糖16 g,黄油11.5 g,鸡蛋25 g,小苏打和碳酸氢铵(按1∶4质量比)共0.5 g。焙烤时间13 min,焙烤温度220℃。在此条件下,羊肚菌酥性饼干风味最佳。  相似文献   

以紫薯和魔芋为主原料,配以低筋面粉、鸡蛋、白砂糖、纯牛奶、食用油、黄油、双效泡打粉等为辅料制作紫薯魔芋酥性饼干。经过制作工艺试验得到紫薯魔芋酥性饼干的最佳烘烤温度为面火180℃、底火180℃,最佳烘烤时间为15 min。紫薯魔芋酥性饼干的最佳配方:低筋面粉100 g、鸡蛋20 g、紫薯粉20 g、魔芋粉0.5 g、白砂糖30 g、食用植物油45 g、黄油20 g、双效泡打粉1.0 g、纯牛奶20 g。所制成的紫薯魔芋酥性饼干风味较为独特,外形完整,口感酥脆。  相似文献   

以核桃、燕麦、面粉、白砂糖和玉米油等为原料制作核桃燕麦酥性饼干,在单因素试验的基础上。通过正交试验和感官评价对配方进行优化。结果表明:核桃燕麦酥性饼干的最佳配方为低筋粉100%、核桃仁55%、燕麦粉26%、玉米油38%、白砂糖30%、奶粉6%、食盐0.8%,小苏打0.8%和鸡蛋50%。再以面灾170℃、底火150℃烘烤15min。在此条件下,产品色、香、质地和口感较佳,营养价值高。  相似文献   

本文开展了添加鸭血粉的酥性饼干的研制,研究了油脂用量、白砂糖用量、加水量等对血粉酥性饼干品质的影响,通过正交试验确定了该酥性饼干的最佳配方为:血粉添加量3.3%,油脂用量18%,白砂糖用量36%,加水量14%。分析检测表明,血粉酥性饼干的铁含量高达3.67mg/100g,是补充铁营养素的良好食品。  相似文献   

以甜杏仁与蜂蜜为原料,研制甜杏仁蜂蜜酥性饼干。选取甜杏仁粉、起酥油、蜂蜜和绵白糖添加量等4个因素进行单因素实验,然后利用L9(34)正交设计进行工艺优化,对饼干理化指标进行检测分析。结果表明,杏仁酥性饼干的最佳配方为:甜杏仁粉添加量8%,起酥油添加量25%,蜂蜜添加量20%,绵白糖添加量20%。最佳焙烤参数为:面火180℃,底火150℃,时间14 min。在此条件下,制作饼干产品,风味纯正,品质优良。  相似文献   

选择沙棘籽粕粉、沙棘果皮粉、鸡蛋蛋白粉为主要材料,配合其他辅料研究开发富含蛋白质和膳食纤维的沙棘酥性饼干。采用单因素试验与正交试验相结合的方法,探讨了饼干生产中沙棘籽粕粉、沙棘果皮粉和鸡蛋蛋白粉添加量对饼干面团性能和成品感观品质的影响,得出了沙棘酥性饼干的最佳工艺配方:以小麦粉质量为100%计,沙棘籽粕粉6%、沙棘果皮粉9%、鸡蛋蛋白粉14%、黄油37%、白砂糖33%、水22%、小苏打1.4%、碳酸氢铵1.2%、奶粉10%、聚葡萄糖2%、饼干专用酶0.4%、大豆磷脂0.6%、食盐0.8%。由最佳配方制得饼干产品中蛋白质质量分数达到13.12%,膳食纤维质量分数达3.3%。  相似文献   

以麦胚和低筋粉为原料研制麦胚酥性饼干,通过正交试验对饼干配方进行优化,并利用质构仪对饼干的硬度、咀嚼性和黏着性进行测定。结果表明:麦胚粉粒度为60目,麦胚粉与低筋粉之比为1∶4,以低筋粉和麦胚粉总量为基准添加糖粉30%、黄油50%、奶粉15%,在此配比下,研制的饼干色泽金黄、口感松脆、麦香味浓郁、营养丰富。  相似文献   

利用白萝卜粉制作白萝卜酥性饼干.采用单因素和正交试验方法,通过质构和感官分析,对白萝卜酥性饼干的配方进行优化,并对其体外消化特性进行研究.试验结果表明:白萝卜酥性饼干的最佳配方为以小麦粉质量为基准,添加白砂糖20%、蛋液20%、白萝卜粉10%、食用油16%,制得的白萝卜酥性饼干感官得分最高,硬度适中,含水量符合国标GB...  相似文献   

通过综合评价法建立函数,在前期单因素试验基础上设计正交试验,结合感官和质构指标分析,确定了豆渣酥性饼干和韧性饼干的配方.得到的酥性饼干最优配方为豆渣10 g、黄油80 g、蛋液40 g、糖粉35 g.豆渣韧性饼干最佳配方为豆渣2 g、糖粉35 g、蛋白50 g、蛋黄40 g.通过最优配方制得的豆渣酥性饼干和韧性饼干质构...  相似文献   

以皂荚种子为主要原料,对料液比、提取温度、搅拌速度、搅拌时间进行研究,利用四因素三水平的正交试验,获得皂荚植物胶最佳提取条件,即料液比为1∶20(g/mL),提取温度为60℃,搅拌时间90 min,搅拌速度为24 r/min。在此条件下得到的植物胶,配制成不同浓度的溶液对鲜切苹果和土豆进行涂膜处理,并在4℃下贮藏。以感官评定、失重率、褐变度指标验证皂荚植物胶在涂膜保鲜中应用的效果,证明其能抑制果蔬褐变和腐败变质。此研究为鲜切果蔬的保鲜提供新思路,对皂荚植物胶的综合利用具有积极意义。  相似文献   

为优化党参山楂健脾养胃咀嚼片的配方工艺,采用单因素试验对矫味剂、黏合剂、润滑剂和片剂硬度进行筛选;采用混料设计试验研究配方中5种成分的不同配比组合对咀嚼片感官质量的影响,优选出最佳配方。确定的最佳配方为:干膏粉95.60%、阿斯帕坦1.80%、柠檬酸0.80%、薄荷香精0.80%、桔子香精0.50%,以体积分数为95%乙醇为黏合剂,质量分数为0.50%的硬脂酸镁为润滑剂,压片硬度50N。按此配方制得的党参山楂健脾养胃咀嚼片表面光滑圆整、色泽均匀、酸甜适中、口感良好。  相似文献   

以丁香花、奶粉、陈皮、大枣、红糖、山楂及低筋粉等为主要原料,采用感官评价结合质构仪的方法,在单因素试验的基础上进行正交试验研究添加丁香花制作系列保健饼干的最佳配方及工艺优化。结果表明:在低筋粉100 g,红糖38 g,酥油19 g,饴糖4.67 g,奶粉5.93 g,碳酸氢钠2.53 g,碳酸氢铵0.47 g,纤维总量20 g,加水量27 g,上火温度190℃,下火温度180℃,烘烤7 min后得到成品感官品质最佳,口感良好,甜味适中,颜色均匀,表面平整。影响此饼干品质的主次因素从大到小依次是:红糖用量、加水量、纤维总量、酥油用量。  相似文献   

本文研究了大豆分离蛋白质、奶粉、α-淀粉酶等对高蛋白韧性饼干品质的影响,通过正交试验确定了高蛋白韧性饼干的最佳配方为:面粉90%,生粉10%,大豆分离蛋白7%,奶粉3%,α-淀粉酶0.006%。  相似文献   

The effect of wheat flour replacement by a resistant starch-rich ingredient (RSRI) on the structure of short dough biscuits was studied by oscillatory and creep and recovery tests to determine linear viscoelastic properties. The RSRI was substituted for the flour at three different levels, 20%, 40% and 60% (w/w). The use of RSRI increased the elastic and the viscous moduli but did not influence tan δ. The compliance values during the creep test were adjusted successfully to the Burger model. The creep and recovery test revealed an increase in elasticity and resistance to flow and a decrease in deformability with RSRI, but the differences were only significant at the 40% and 60% levels. The RSRI did not affect relative recovery, thus no effect on the type of structure is expected. Deformability was positively correlated with biscuit spread during baking.  相似文献   

Sucrose is the main sugar used in short dough biscuit formula, and it plays an important role in the biscuit manufacturing as well as in the biscuits final quality. However, for health reasons, high levels of sucrose are undesirable, making sucrose replacement an important issue to study. The present study focused on sucrose reduction and its replacement by polyols (erythritol and maltitol) in short dough biscuits. The effects were investigated in a model system composed of gluten and different sugars (sucrose, maltitol, and erythritol), in biscuit dough, and in baked biscuits. Modulated thermal analysis showed that sucrose decreases the glass transition temperature; however, for both polyols studied, no transition was found due to a plasticization effect. The gelatinization of starch in the biscuits was not affected by the sugar or quantity of sugar used. Temperature sweeps of short dough revealed that the presence of sugar delays the transitions. Furthermore, G* increased with sucrose replacement, with the smallest changes for the maltitol-containing biscuits compared to the control. Finally, texture and dimension analyses were carried out. Sugar-free and erythritol-containing biscuits were compact, elastic, and resistant to the breaking force compared to the control biscuits and the maltitol-containing biscuits.  相似文献   

以薏仁粉和低筋蛋糕粉为原料,采用感官评价与质构仪测定的方法,通过单因素和正交试验研究了薏仁粉添加量、黄油添加量、糖粉添加量和水的用量对薏仁饼干感官评分与酥脆性的影响,结果表明,薏仁饼干的最佳配方参数为:薏仁粉添加量20 g、黄油添加量35 g、糖粉添加量35 g、水的用量为60 g,烘烤条件为面火195℃、底火165℃、烘烤时间为10 min。按此最佳配方制作的薏仁饼干口感酥脆、风味独特、品质优良。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of inulin as fat replacer on short dough biscuits and their corresponding doughs. A control formulation, with no replacement, and four formulations in which 10, 20, 30, and 40 % of shortening was replaced by inulin were studied. In the dough, shortening was observed surrounding flour components. At higher fat replacement levels, flour was more available for hydration leading to significant (P?<?0.05) harder doughs: from 2.76 (0.12)?N in 10 % fat-replaced biscuits to 5.81 (1.56)?N in 30 % fat-replaced ones. Biscuit structure was more continuous than dough structure. A continuous fat layer coated the matrix surface, where starch granules were embedded. In general, weight loss during baking and water activity decreased significantly (P?<?0.05) as fat replacement increased. Biscuit dimensions and aeration decreased when fat replacement increased, e.g., width gain was +1.20 mm in 10 % fat-replaced biscuits and only +0.32 mm in 40 % fat-replaced ones. Panelist found biscuits with 20 % of fat replacement slightly harder than control biscuits. It can be concluded that shortening may be partially replaced, up to 20 %, with inulin. These low fat biscuits are similar than the control biscuits, and they can have additional health benefits derived from inulin presence.  相似文献   

以红薯、糖、油为主要原料,研究红薯饼干的最佳配方;以感官评定得分为指标,采用正交试验对饼干生产工艺进行优化。试验结果表明,对饼干外形、色泽、结构、风味、口感等品质的综合影响从主到次,依次是红薯含量、糖含量、油含量,得到红薯饼干的最佳配方为:小麦粉100 g、红薯40 g、白砂糖50 g、人造奶油24 g、玉米淀粉5 g、小苏打0.65 g。  相似文献   

通过感官评价的方法,在单因素试验的基础上进行正交试验研究紫薯营养饼干的最佳制作参数。试验结果表明:紫薯营养饼干的最佳配方为紫薯泥的添加量为40%,食用植物油的添加量为33%(以小麦粉的质量为基准);最佳烘烤条件为烘烤温度180℃、烘烤时间10 min。在这种条件下得到的紫薯营养饼干的感官品质最佳,香气适中,口感酥脆,表面颜色均匀,无焦糊现象,而且具有良好的营养和保健功能。  相似文献   

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