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A CO 2 heat pump system using recovered heat from the stack coolant was provided for use in fuel cell vehicles, where the high temperature heat source like in internal combustion engine vehicles is not available. The refrigerant loop consists of an electric drive compressor, a cabin heater, an outdoor evaporator, an internal heat exchanger, an expansion valve and an accumulator. The performance characteristics of the heat pump system were investigated and analyzed by experiments. The results of heating experiments were discussed for the purpose of the development and efficiency improvement of a CO 2 heat pump system, when recovering stack exhaust heat in fuel cell vehicles. A heater core using stack coolant was placed upstream of a cabin heater to preheat incoming air to the cabin heater. The performance of the heat pump system with heater core was compared with that of the conventional heating system with heater core and that of the heat pump system without heater core, and the heat pump system with heater core showed the best performance of the selected heating systems. Furthermore, the coolant to air heat pump system with heater core showed a significantly better performance than the air to air heat pump system with heater core. 相似文献
After the CFCs and the HCFCs were deemed unfit as working fluids in refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump applications, there has been a renaissance for carbon dioxide technology. Heat pumps is one of the application areas where theoretical and experimental investigations are now performed by an increasing number of research institutions and manufacturers. This paper gives an overview of some of the current activities in the CO 2 heat pump field. Discussed are the important characteristics of the transcritical CO 2 process applied to heat pumps, and also discussed are theoretical and experimental results from several heat pump applications. Provided that calculations and system designs are performed on the premises of the working fluid, and that test plants are constructed and operated to fully exploit the specific characteristics of both the fluid and the transcritical process, the results show that CO 2 is an attractive alternative to the synthetic fluids. Competitive products may be launched in the near future. 相似文献
A prototype transcritical CO 2 heat pump was constructed for heating water to temperatures greater than 65°C while providing refrigeration at less than 2°C. The heating capacity was 115 kW at an evaporation temperature of +0.3°C and a hot water temperature of 77.5°C, with a heating coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.4. Performance data is presented for each of the compressor, the gas cooler, and the recuperator as well as for the overall heat pump system. Equipment performance data was incorporated into a computer model to enable parametric investigations of heat pump performance. Model predictions showed that the hot water temperature could be increased from 65 to 120°C with a relatively small reduction in heating capacity and heating COP of 33 and 21%, respectively. Model predictions also highlight the potential for significant capacity improvements by eliminating the recuperator in favour of a larger gas cooler. 相似文献
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of a transcritical CO 2 cycle with an internal heat exchanger for hot water heating. Performance test and simulation have been carried out for a transcritical CO 2 cycle by varying secondary heat transfer fluid temperatures at evaporator and gas-cooler inlets as well as the discharge pressure. Variations of mass flow rate of refrigerant, compressor power, heating capacity, and co-efficient of performance (COP) with respect to the length of an internal heat exchanger are presented at various operating conditions. Good quantitative agreement between model predictions and experimental results has been found; most parameters have absolute average deviations of less than 4%. As the length of the internal heat exchanger increases, COP is enhanced but heating capacity tends to decrease due to the trade-offs between the effectiveness and pressure drop in the internal heat exchanger. 相似文献
A novel system for space heating has been developed taking advantage of the favourable characteristics of the transcritical CO 2 cycle, where heat is rejected by cooling of supercritical gas at gliding temperature. By a proper design of a counter flow heat exchanger it is possible to heat air to high temperatures and thereby giving the driving force for circulation of air through the heat exchanger, in consequence without using a fan. A concept without a fan, here called a fan-less concept, would give several advantages; no noise, no power consumption for the fan and increased comfort with reduced air draft in the room. The concept may also be used for heat rejection in systems for light commercial applications or other applications where fan assisted heat rejection concepts are used today. An experimental study of a CO2 to air heat exchanger has been performed. The heat exchanger was made of a vertically finned aluminium profile. Tubes for CO2 were mounted in the base of the profile. CO2 at supercritical pressure flowing downwards through the profile was heating air flowing in the channels formed by the fins of the profile. In this way a perfect counter flow heat exchange was obtained. The prototype heat exchanger was 2000 mm high and 190 mm wide, with 45 mm deep fins. A simulation model was developed and verified to give good accordance with the experimental data. The model was then used to study how different design parameters influence the efficiency of the heat exchanger. By altering the number of fins and the fin thickness of the tested profile, the heat output at a given condition could be increased to almost double, meaning that the initial design was relatively far from optimal. With the original heat exchanger profile design concept a heat exchanger with height, width and depth of, respectively 2000, 750 and 200 mm, would be required in order to achieve a heat output of 2500 W if the constraints for assumed acceptable efficiency was applied. If a heat exchanger with less height is preferred, the width will have to be increased in order to maintain about the same front area, width times height. Ideas have also been introduced for how to improve both the compactness and efficiency of the heat exchanger by introducing a compact counter flow heat exchanger in the lower part of the air flow channel. It is concluded that the new concept looks promising for use as the indoor heat exchanger in an air-to-air heat pump or as a gascooler for heat rejection in small commercial equipment, when using CO2 as refrigerant. 相似文献
The cooling performance of a CO 2 cycle must be improved to develop a competitive air-conditioning system with the conventional air-conditioners using HFCs. In this study, the cooling performance of a variable speed CO 2 cycle was measured and analyzed by varying the refrigerant charge amount, compressor frequency, EEV opening, and length of an internal heat exchanger (IHX). The basic CO 2 system without the IHX showed the maximum cooling COP of 2.1 at the compressor discharge pressure of 9.2 MPa and the optimum normalized charge of 0.282. The cooling COP decreased with the increase of compressor frequency at all normalized charges. The optimum EEV opening increased with compressor frequency. Simultaneous control of EEV opening and compressor frequency allowed optimum control of the compressor discharge pressure. The optimal compressor discharge pressure of the modified CO 2 cycle with the IHX was reduced by 0.5 MPa. The IHX increased the cooling capacity and COP of the CO 2 cycle by 6.2–11.9% and 7.1–9.1%, respectively, at the tested compressor frequencies from 40 to 60 Hz. 相似文献
CO 2 is one of the few non-toxic and non-flammable working fluids that do not contribute to ozone depletion or global warming, if leaked to the atmosphere. Tap water heating is one promising application for a trans-critical CO 2 process. The temperature glide at heat rejection contributes to a very good temperature adaptation when heating tap water, which inherits a large temperature glide. This, together with efficient compression and good heat transfer characteristics of CO 2, makes it possible to design very efficient systems. A heating-COP of 4.3 is achieved for the prototype when heating tap water from 9°C to 60°C, at an evaporation temperature of 0°C. The results lead to a seasonal performance factor of about 4 for an Oslo climate, using ambient air as heat source. Thus, the primary energy consumption can be reduced with more than 75% compared with electrical or gas fired systems. Another significant advantage of this system, compared with conventional heat pump water heaters, is that hot water with temperatures up to 90°C can be produced without operational difficulties. 相似文献
Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHE) were investigated in an experimental supercritical CO 2 loop. The inlet temperature and pressure were varied from 280 to 300 °C/2.2 to 3.2 MPa in the hot side and from 90 to 108 °C/6.5 to 10.5 MPa in the cold side while the mass flow rate was varied from 40 to 80 kg h −1. The overall heat transfer coefficient range is 300–650 W m −2 K −1 while the compactness with respect to the heat exchanger core is approximately 1050 m 2 m −3. The empirical correlations to predict the local heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop factor as a function of the Reynolds number have been proposed for the tested PCHE. 相似文献
Experiments were performed on the convective boiling heat transfer in horizontal minichannels with CO 2. The test section is made of stainless steel tubes with inner diameters of 1.5 and 3.0 mm and with lengths of 2000 and 3000 mm, respectively, and it is uniformly heated by applying an electric current directly to the tubes. Local heat transfer coefficients were obtained for a heat flux range of 20–40 kW m −2, a mass flux range of 200–600 kg m −2 s −1, saturation temperatures of 10, 0, −5, and −10 °C and quality ranges of up to 1.0. Nucleate boiling heat transfer contribution was predominant, especially at low quality region. The reduction of heat transfer coefficient occurred at a lower vapor quality with a rise of heat flux, mass flux and saturation temperature, and with a smaller inner tube diameter. The experimental heat transfer coefficient of CO 2 is about three times higher than that of R-134a. Laminar flow appears in the minichannel flows. A new boiling heat transfer coefficient correlation that is based on the superposition model for CO 2 was developed with 8.41% mean deviation. 相似文献
This paper presents results of an experimental study to investigate the effect of conduction through the fins on the capacity of a serpentine gas cooler. The gas cooler was a part of a transcritical CO 2 system which was operated in A/C mode. The capacity of the gas cooler was carefully measured in the chamber which simulated the outdoor condition with the original heat exchanger. In order to experimentally validate the conduction effect on the capacity, some sections of the fins, where the conduction was most significant, were cut by EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining). The capacity of the heat exchanger, after cutting fins, was measured in the same chamber at nearly identical test conditions as before cutting. Gas cooler capacity was improved up to 3.9% by cutting the fins, and temperature difference between refrigerant exit and air inlet for the gas cooler was reduced by 0.9–1.5 °C. The maximum uncertainty in the capacity measurements was 2.5% and the accuracy of temperature measurements was 0.1 °C. It was shown by system simulation that system COP could be improved by 5% by eliminating this severe conduction effect, as was done in this experiment. The tube surface temperature at some points of the gas cooler was measured and infrared images were taken to show the conduction effect before and after cutting fins. 相似文献
The Nusselt number variations of supercritical carbon dioxide during in-tube cooling are presented and discussed. Using data presented in this paper as well as prior publications, a new correlation to predict the heat transfer coefficient of supercritical carbon dioxide during in-tube cooling has been developed. The new correlation is presented in this paper. It is based on mean Nusselt numbers that are calculated using the thermophysical properties at the wall and the bulk temperatures, respectively. It is seen that the majority of the numerical and experimental values are within ±20% of the values predicted by the new correlation. 相似文献
In this study, a method of using a capacitance sensor was investigated as a means to measure the mass fraction of a type of PAG oil flowing with CO 2 in a transcritical cycle. The test facility equipped with the capacitance sensor was fabricated to establish and maintain a known oil mass fraction and to measure the capacitance of the CO 2/oil mixture. By using this facility, the relationship among three parameters (reduced CO 2 density (CO 2 density divided by the critical density of CO 2), oil mass fraction, and relative dielectric constant of the CO 2/PAG oil mixture) was developed. For the range of oil mass fraction 0–0.07, the error of new measurement method was within 0.005 for a wide range of pressures and temperatures tested. This study established the method of measuring the oil mass fraction continuously in the transcritical CO 2 cycle without affecting the cycle performance. Through this method, the effect of oil mass fraction on the characteristics of the oil circulation behavior and the performance of the transcritical CO 2 cycle can be investigated. 相似文献
A numerical simulation is performed to examine the heat and fluid flow characteristics of the branching system in a single-phase parallel-flow heat exchanger (PFHE) and to obtain its optimal shape. The relative importance of the design parameters [injection angle of the working fluid (Θ), inlet shape and location ( Yc), and height of the protruding flat tube ( Yb)] is determined to decide the optimization sequence. The optimal geometric parameters are obtained as follows: Θ=−21°, Type A, Yc=0 and Yb=0. The heat transfer rate of the optimum model compared to that of the reference model is increased by about 55%. The optimal values of the parameters can be applicable to the Reynolds number ranging from 5000 to 20,000. 相似文献
This paper evaluates performance merits of CO 2 and R134a automotive air conditioning systems using semi-theoretical cycle models. The R134a system had a current-production configuration, which consisted of a compressor, condenser, expansion device, and evaporator. The CO 2 system was additionally equipped with a liquid-line/suction-line heat exchanger. Using these two systems, an effort was made to derive an equitable comparison of performance; the components in both systems were equivalent and differences in thermodynamic and transport properties were accounted for in the simulations. The analysis showed R134a having a better COP than CO 2 with the COP disparity being dependent on compressor speed (system capacity) and ambient temperature. For a compressor speed of 1000 RPM, the COP of CO 2 was lower by 21% at 32.2°C and by 34% at 48.9°C. At higher speeds and ambient temperatures, the COP disparity was even greater. The entropy generation calculations indicated that the large entropy generation in the gas cooler was the primary cause for the lower performance of CO 2. 相似文献
Using economizer in R-744 heat pump cycle is an effective way to improve the heating capacity in cold climates. In this paper, a modification construction of reciprocating compressor with economizer port, a Voorhees compressor was introduced and the heat pump cycle with Voorhees economizer was compared with the traditional screw or scroll economizer cycles. Both the R-744 transcritical heat pumps with and without Voorhees economizer were tested at the same conditions with different air mass flow rates and different evaporating temperatures. The results show that the heating capacity of the heat pump with Voorhees economizer can be two times higher than the transcritical heat pump without economizer at low evaporating temperature conditions. At the same capacity operation conditions, the efficiency of the heat pump with Voorhees economizer is higher at high refrigerant mass flow rate conditions. The optimum discharge pressure of the heat pump with Voorhees economizer is found to be higher than the heat pump without economizer at the same ambient conditions. For mobile heat pump application, CO 2 transcritical heat pump with Voorhees economizer demonstrates better performance comparing to the conventional transcritical CO 2 heat pump without economizer when the evaporating temperature is lower than −20 °C, or when the mobile is idling with low compressor RPM. 相似文献
Various field-test systems using carbon dioxide as the only refrigerant have been installed since December 2001. In this paper we will analyse an ‘all-CO 2’ supermarket, which has been operating in the North of Italy since January 2003.The seasonal COP is calculated, based on prior laboratory measurements, and a comparison is made with a conventional direct expansion system using R404A.The total annual energy consumption of the installed CO 2 system is estimated to be about 10% higher than the direct expansion R404A solution. It is still possible to further improve efficiency and approach the efficiency of present R404A systems. These improvements are identified.The cost of the CO 2 installation is compared to the cost of an equivalent direct expansion R404A installation, the most economic among the various present types of commercial refrigeration systems. Because of the lack of suitable mass-produced components, the CO 2 installation is estimated to be, today, about 20% more expensive. 相似文献
A series of experiments were conducted on a heat pump equipped with a distillation column. The system was operated with R32 and with a 30/70% by mass mixture of R32/134a to examine the difference between the transient performance trends with a pure fluid (R32), and those with a zeotropic mixture (R32/134a). Additionally, the effects of varying heat transfer fluid mass flow, compressor speed, and accumulator sump heat input were examined. Each test was 1 h in duration. The heat pump capacities did not generally achieve steady state during the R32/134a tests. Steady state was generally achieved during the R32 tests. As a percentage of the final (end-of-test) capacity, the rate of capacity increase was greater during the R32/134a tests than during those conducted with the pure fluid. The R32/134a tests exhibited capacity oscillations early in each transient that were not present during the R32 tests. The results show that circulating refrigerant mass and composition are the primary controlling factors with regard to transient capacity. 相似文献
A typical transcritical CO 2 system shows lower performance than conventional air conditioners in cooling mode operation. In addition, the CO 2 system shows a large variation of the performance according to refrigerant charge whereas the conventional systems do not show large variation. In this study, the performance of the CO 2 heat pump was measured and analyzed by varying the refrigerant charge amount at standard cooling condition. In addition, the performance sensitivity of the CO 2 system as a function of refrigerant charge was compared to those for the R22, R410A, and R407C systems. The cooling COP of the CO 2 system was reduced more significantly at undercharged conditions than at overcharged conditions as the deviation from the optimal charge increased. The expansion loss was the dominant factor affecting system performance at undercharged conditions, while the gascooler loss became the major parameter at overcharged conditions. Among the systems investigated and compared in this study, the CO 2 system showed the most reduction in performance at undercharged conditions. 相似文献
Whenever the fractional temperature lift ΔT/ Tc of a heat pump is 0.15, simple cycles with one-stage throttling exhibit unsatisfactory energy performance. The adoption of multi-stage throttling, both in non-regenerative and regenerative cycles, is the most direct way of improving the cycle coefficient of performance ( COP). The performance of these complex cycles is found to be a function of the molecular complexity of the working fluid, the reduced evaporation temperature, the fractional temperature lift and the number of stages of throttling. Furthermore, complex cycles are shown to be equivalent to a combination of simple cycles and their performance may be directly inferred by this route. Such calculations show that for a given fractional temperature lift an optimum molecular complexity (between that of R12 and n-butane) exists. Fluids with simpler molecules exhibit excessive vapour superheating during compression, and those with more complex molecules have excessive throttling losses. Also, with complex cycles, regeneration should be applied only to the cycle at the lowest temperature in order to improve the cycle COP and to prevent condensation during compression. As a general trend, however, complex cycles suffer a significant loss in performance compared to optimized simple cycles due to the adverse area of the two-phase diagram in which they work. 相似文献
This paper presents the experimental tests on HFC-134a condensation inside a small brazed plate heat exchanger: the effects of refrigerant mass flux, saturation temperature and vapour super-heating are investigated.A transition point between gravity controlled and forced convection condensation has been found for a refrigerant mass flux around 20 kg/m 2 s. For refrigerant mass flux lower than 20 kg/m 2 s, the saturated vapour heat transfer coefficients are not dependent on mass flux and are well predicted by the Nusselt [Nusselt, W., 1916. Die oberflachenkondensation des wasserdampfes. Z. Ver. Dt. Ing. 60, 541–546, 569–575] analysis for vertical surface. For refrigerant mass flux higher than 20 kg/m 2 s, the saturated vapour heat transfer coefficients depend on mass flux and are well predicted by the Akers et al. [Akers, W.W., Deans, H.A., Crosser, O.K., 1959. Condensing heat transfer within horizontal tubes. Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser. 55, 171–176] equation. In the forced convection condensation region, the heat transfer coefficients show a 30% increase for a doubling of the refrigerant mass flux. The condensation heat transfer coefficients of super-heated vapour are 8–10% higher than those of saturated vapour and are well predicted by the Webb [Webb, R.L., 1998. Convective condensation of superheated vapour. ASME J. Heat Transfer 120, 418–421] model. The heat transfer coefficients show weak sensitivity to saturation temperature. The frictional pressure drop shows a linear dependence on the kinetic energy per unit volume of the refrigerant flow and therefore a quadratic dependence on the refrigerant mass flux. 相似文献