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Heat transfer analysis of lateral perforated fin heat sinks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article fluid flow and conjugate conduction-convective heat transfer from a three-dimensional array of rectangular perforated fins with square windows that are arranged in lateral surface of fins are studied numerically. For investigation, Navier–Stokes equations and RNG based k  ε turbulent model are used. Finite volume procedure with SIMPLE algorithm is applied to coupled differential equations for both solid and gas phases. Computations are carried out for Reynolds numbers of 2000–5000 based on the fin thickness and Pr = 0.71. Numerical model is first validated with previous experimental studies and good agreement were observed. Based on a valid numerical model, numerical solution is made to find fluid flow and temperature distribution for various arrangements. For each type, fin efficiency of perforated fins is determined and compared with the equivalent solid fin. Results show that new perforated fins have higher total heat transfer and considerable weight reduction in comparison with solid fins.  相似文献   

A parametric study of thermoeconomic performance over four micro pin fin heat sinks of different spacing and shapes was conducted. Unit cost per product exergy, relative cost difference, and exergo‐economic factor were utilized to evaluate the thermoeconomic performance. The effect of working fluid on the thermoeconomic performance was also investigated using R‐123 and water as working fluids. Unit costs per product exergy were obtained to evaluate the product costs (total exergy change between exit and inlet streams) in micro pin fin heat sinks at fixed mass flow rate and fixed pressure drop. The results of the thermoeconomic analysis were compared with the results of a past exergy performance study by the author. In the light of raw experimental data acquired from the past studies of the author, important differences between the results of exergy and exergo‐economic performances were observed. It was found that the unit cost of exergy change decreased as electrical power increased and the relative cost difference approached to unity at high electrical powers (greater than 20 W). Moreover, high exergo‐economic factor values (more than 0.5) were obtained at low electrical powers while exergo‐economic factors had a small value at high electrical powers. When looking at the effect of the working fluid, higher cost per Watts of the products (up to the double of R‐123) was obtained with water compared with R‐123 at both fixed mass flow rate and pressure drop. No significant effect of pin fin spacing on the unit cost of exergy change was observed at fixed mass flow rate, while higher unit costs (up to 102%) were recorded at fixed pressure drop for scarcely packed pin fin heat sinks. Finally, the unit cost of exergy change was found to be independent of pin fin shape at fixed mass flow rate, whereas at fixed pressure drop, the hydrofoil‐based pin fin heat sink had higher unit costs (up to 1.8 times as much) when compared with the unit costs of pin fin heat sinks having flow separation promoting pin fins. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experiments are carried out on natural convection heat transfer from square pin fin heat sinks subject to the influence of orientation. A flat plate and seven square pin fin heat sinks with various arrangements are tested under a controlled environment. Test results indicate that the downward facing orientation yields the lowest heat transfer coefficient. However, the heat transfer coefficients for upward and sideward facing orientations are of comparable magnitude. Depending on the fin structure, the performance of these two orientations shows a competitive nature. It is found that the sideward arrangement outperforms the upward one for small finning factors below 2.7, beyond which the situation is reversed. In addition, with the gradual increase in the finning factor, the performance of sideward arrangement approaches that of downward arrangement. Aside from the finning factor, the heat sink porosity has a secondary effect on the pin fin performance. The comparison among three orientations shifts in favour of upward and sideward arrangements with raising the heat sink porosity in consequence of reducing the flow resistance. The optimal heat sink porosity is around 83% for the upward arrangement and is around 91% for the sideward arrangement. In particular, the addition of surface is comparatively more effective for the downward arrangement whereas it is less effective for the sideward arrangement. This argument is supported by showing that the augmentation factor, defined as the heat transfer of a heat sink relative to that of a flat plate, is around 1.1–2.5 for the upward arrangement, around 0.8–1.8 for the sideward arrangement, and around 1.2–3.2 for the downward arrangement.  相似文献   

This study performs an experimental study of pin fin heat sinks having circular, elliptic, and square cross-section. A total of twelve pin fin heat sinks with inline and staggered arrangements were made and tested. The effect of fin density on the heat transfer performance is examined. For an inline arrangement, the circular pin fin shows an appreciable influence of fin density whereas no effect of fin density is seen for square fin geometry. This is associated with the unique deflection flow pattern accompanied with the inline circular fin configuration. For the staggered arrangement, the heat transfer coefficient increases with the rise of fin density for all the three configurations. The elliptic pin fin shows the lowest pressure drops. For the same surface area at a fixed pumping power, the elliptic pin fin possesses the smallest thermal resistance for the staggered arrangement.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on natural convection heat transfer from circular pin fin heat sinks subject to the influence of its geometry, heat flux and orientation. The geometric dependence of heat dissipation from heat sinks of widely spaced solid and hollow/perforated circular pin fins with staggered combination, fitted into a heated base of fixed area is discussed. Over the tested range of Rayleigh number, 3.8 × 106 ≤ Ra ≤ 1.65 × 107, it was found that the solid pin fin heat sink performance for upward and sideward orientations shows a competitive nature, depending on Rayleigh number and generally shows higher heat transfer coefficients than those of the perforated/hollow pin fin ones in both arrangement. For all tested hollow/perforated pin fin heat sinks, however, the performance for sideward facing orientation was better than that for upward facing orientation. This argument is supported by observing that the augmentation factor was around 1.051.11, depending on the hollow pin diameter ratio, Di/Do. Meanwhile, the heat sink of larger hollow pin diameter ratio, Di/Do offered higher heat transfer coefficient than that of smaller Di/Do for upward orientation, and the situation was reversed for sideward orientation. The heat transfer performance for heat sinks with hollow/perforated pin fins was better than that of solid pins. The temperature difference between the base plate and surrounding air of these heat sinks was less than that of solid pin one and improved with increasing Di/Do.  相似文献   

In pin-fin heat sinks, the flow within the core exhibits separation and hence does not lend itself to simple analytical boundary layer or duct flow analysis of the wall friction. In this paper, we present some findings from an experimental and modeling study aimed at obtaining physical insight into the behavior of square, in-line pin fin heat sinks. In addition to the detailed pressure measurements, the overall thermal resistance was measured as a function of Reynolds number and by-pass height. A “two-branch by-pass model” was developed, in which a one-dimensional difference approach was used to model the fluid flow through the heat sink and its top by-pass duct. Inlet and exit pressure losses were as important as the core pressure drop in establishing the overall flow and pressure drop. Comparisons were made with the data using friction and heat transfer coefficients available in the literature for infinitely long tube bundles of circular cross-section. It was shown that there is a good agreement between the temperature predictions based on the model and the experimental data at high approach velocities for tall heat sinks, however the discrepancy increases as the approach velocity and heat sink height decrease. The validated model was used to identify optimum pin spacing as a function of clearance ratio.  相似文献   

结合纵向涡发生器和开缝的优点,提出一种复合强化传热翅片,并对该种翅片的传热与流动特性进行数值计算.由于翅片结构比较复杂,在三角形小翼及X形开缝区域应用阶梯逼近进行网格划分.复合翅片的强化作用在于两方面:一是在三角形小翼和X形开缝后的流场均产生了纵向涡,对流体产生较强的扰动;二是带状开缝的间断表面抑制了边界层的增长,平均...  相似文献   

In the present study, the heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids cooling in the mini-rectangular fin heat sink are studied. The heat sinks with three different channel heights are fabricated from the aluminum by the wire electrical discharge machine with the length, width and base thickness of 110, 60, and 2 mm, respectively. The nanofluids are the mixture of de-ionized water and nanoscale TiO2 particles. The results obtained from the nanofluids cooling in mini-rectangular fin heat sink are compared with those from the de-ionized water cooling method. Effects of the inlet temperature of nanofluids, nanofluid Reynolds number, and heat flux on the heat transfer characteristics of mini-rectangular fin heat sink are considered. It is found that average heat transfer rates for nanofluids as coolant are higher than those for the de-ionized water as coolant. The results of this study are of technological importance for the efficient design of cooling systems of electronic devices to enhance cooling performance.  相似文献   

Detailed heat transfer measurements were performed by using 178 thermocouples in a channel with pin fin array. Local heat transfer coefficients and local heat transfer enhancement coefficients were obtained for eight Reynolds numbers ranging from 2000 to 100,000 on the endwall of the channel. The endwall boundary conditions for heat transfer investigation are heating the bottom endwall and heating symmetrically the bottom and top endwalls with constant heat flux. The mechanism of heat transfer enhancement with pin fin array has been discussed. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 30(7): 533–541, 2001  相似文献   


In this study, numerical calculations by single- and two-phase models of nanofluid turbulent forced convection in a three-dimensional wavy channel with uniform wall temperature are investigated. The numerical results for the Nusselt number ratio (Nu/Nu0) show that the heat transfer performance of a symmetric wavy channel performs better than that of an in-line wavy channel. The multi-parameter constrained optimization procedure integrating the design of experiments (DOEs), response surface methodology (RSM), genetic algorithm (GA), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is proposed to design the nanofluid turbulent convection of the three-dimensional wavy channel.  相似文献   

A theoretical and experimental study was carried out investigating the influence of thermal radiation on the thermal performance of a pin fin array heat sink with the purpose of developing accurate predictive capability for such situations, and to determine the particular design parameters and environmental conditions under which thermal radiation might be advantageous to the thermal performance. Several different types of experimental tests were run with the corresponding physical parameter variations including the emissivity of the heat sink, elevated ambient air temperature, the temperature of a visible hot surface, and its radiation configuration factor. A theoretical model, validated by experimental data, which includes the capability of predicting the influence of thermal radiation on the thermal performance of a pin fin array heat sink, was developed by introducing an effective radiation heat transfer coefficient that was added to the convective heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

错列翅片紧凑式换热器湍流流动及换热性能的数值研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用高雷诺数κ-ε湍流模型,对中高雷诺数下紧凑式错列翅片换热器的表面换热及流动特性进行数值模拟。结果表明,该种型式的换热器具有良好的流动和换热性能,拓宽了其空调领域的应用。  相似文献   

The capability of simulating natural and forced convection has been recently developed and integrated into PowerFLOW, a general purpose CFD solver based on the lattice Boltzmann algorithm. Several benchmark tests have been performed to validate this buoyancy model. Two typical cases of Rayleigh-Bénard convection with the Rayleigh number slightly above (Ra=2000) and below (Ra=1500) the critical Rayleigh number of 1708 were tested to verify the conceptual and algorithmic correctness of the buoyancy model. Then simulations of turbulent natural convection in an enclosed tall cavity with two different Rayleigh numbers, Ra=0.86×106 and Ra=1.43×106, were carried out and found to be in a very good agreement with the experiments of Betts and Bokhari.  相似文献   

NumericalSimulationof3-DTurbulentGas-ParticleFlowsInaNonslaggingCycloneCombustor¥BiaoZhou,WenyiLin,LixingZhou(DepartmentofEng...  相似文献   


In this study, numerical simulations by single- and two-phase models of nanofluids turbulent forced convection in a three-dimensional arc rib-grooved channel with constant wall temperature are investigated. The elliptical, coupled, steady-state, three-dimensional governing partial differential equations for turbulent forced convection of nanofluids are solved numerically using the finite volume approach. The average Nusselt number of arc rib-grooved channels is found to improve more with smaller rib-grooved height ratios, and some ratios of arc rib-grooved pitch. In addition, the optimization of this problem is also presented by using the response surface methodology (RSM) and the genetic algorithm (GA) method. It is found that the objective function E is better at Re?=?10,000, and the arc rib-groove has a 42.1% enhancement.  相似文献   


In this study, numerical simulations of turbulent steam forced convection in a three-dimensional angled ribbed channel with constant heat flux are investigated. The elliptical, coupled, steady-state, and three-dimensional governing partial differential equations for turbulent forced convection are solved numerically using the finite volume approach. The standard k?? turbulence model is applied to solve the turbulent governing equations. Numerical results are first validated using reference’s data reported in the literature and the maximum discrepancy between them is 3%. The effects of Reynolds number, angled rib height ratio, angled rib pitch ratio, and rib angle on the friction factor ratio and averaged Nusselt number are investigated. Numerical results show that the increase in heat transfer is accompanied by an increase in the friction factor ratio of the steam, the minimum friction factor ratio occurs at θ = 30 and the maximum friction factor ratio is found at θ = 60. In addition, after the validation of the numerical results, the numerical optimization of this problem is also presented by using the response surface methodology coupled with computational fluid dynamic method.  相似文献   

Fractal-like branching flow networks in disk-shaped heat sinks are numerically optimized to minimize pressure drop and flow power. Optimization was performed using a direct numerical search, gradient-based optimization, and genetic algorithm. A previously validated one-dimensional pressure drop and heat transfer model, with water as the working fluid, is employed as the objective function. Geometric constraints based on fabrication limitations are considered, and the optimization methodology is compared with results from a direct numerical search and a genetic algorithm.The geometric parameters that define an optimal flow network include the length scale ratio, width scale ratio, and terminal channel width. Along with disk radius, these parameters influence the number of branch levels and number of channels attached to the inlet plenum. The geometric characteristics of the optimized flow networks are studied as a function of disk radius, applied heat flux, and maximum allowable wall temperature. A maximum inlet plenum radius, minimum interior channel spacing, and ranges of terminal channel widths and periphery channel spacing are specified geometric constraints. In general, all geometric constraints and the heat flux have a significant influence on the design of an optimal flow network. Results from a purely geometrically derived network design are shown to perform within 15% of the direct search and gradient-based optimized configurations.  相似文献   

The pressure drop and thermal characteristics of heat sinks with circular micro-channels are investigated using the continuum model consisting of the conventional Navier-Stokes equations and the energy conservation equation. Developing flow (both hydrodynamically and thermally) is assumed in the fluid region and three-dimensional conjugate heat transfer is assumed in the solid region. Thermal results based on this approach are shown to be in good agreement with existing experimental data. Effects of various geometrical parameters, material properties, and Reynolds number on the thermal performance of the sink were investigated. A comparison between circular and rectangular channels at the same Reynolds number and hydraulic diameter showed that sinks with rectangular channels have lower thermal resistance, while sinks with circular channels dissipate more heat per unit pumping power.  相似文献   

The use of a boiling fluid as a coolant is an attractive option for electronic devices as electrical power densities increase. However, for systems working at the micro-scale, design methods developed for evaluating heat transfer in macro-scale evaporators are not appropriate for passages with hydraulic diameter of the order of 1 mm and below.Heat-transfer coefficients and pressure drops are reported for two surfaces, a pin-fin and a plate surface, each with 50 mm square base area. The pin-fin surface comprised of 1 mm square pin fins that were 1 mm high and located on a 2 mm square pitch array covering the base. The channel was 1 mm high and had a glass top plate. The data were produced while boiling R113 at atmospheric pressure. For both surfaces, the mass flux range was 50–250 kg/m2s and the heat flux range was 5–140 kW/m2. The results obtained have been compared with standard correlations for tube bundles.The measured heat-transfer coefficients for the pin-fin surface are slightly higher than those for the plate surface. Both are dependent on heat flux and reasonably independent of mass flux and vapour quality. Thus, heat transfer is probably dominated by nucleate boiling and is increased by the pin fins due to the increase in area and heat-transfer coefficient. The pin-fin pressure drops were typically 7 times larger than the plate values.The pin-fin heat-transfer coefficients and pressure drops are compared to macro-scale tube bundle correlations. At low vapour qualities the heat-transfer coefficients are in reasonable agreement with the correlations, but, as the vapour quality increases, they do not show the convective enhancement which would be expected for a conventionally-sized tube bundle. Measured two–phase pressure drops are in reasonable agreement with the tube bundle correlation.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations have been carried out to investigate the turbulent heat transfer enhancement in the pipe filled with porous media. Two-dimensional axisymmetric numerical simulations using the k? turbulent model is used to calculate the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in a pipe filled with porous media. The parameters studied include the Reynolds number (Re = 5000–15,000), the Darcy number (Da = 10?1–10?6), and the porous radius ratio (e = 0.0–1.0). The numerical results show that the flow field can be adjusted and the thickness of boundary layer can be decreased by the inserted porous medium so that the heat transfer can be enhanced in the pipe. The local distributions of the Nusselt number along the flow direction increase with the increase of the Reynolds number and thickness of the porous layer, but increase with the decreasing Darcy number. For a porous radius ratio less than about 0.6, the effect of the Darcy number on the pressure drop is not that significant. The optimum porous radius ratio is around 0.8 for the range of the parameters investigated, which can be used to enhance heat transfer in heat exchangers.  相似文献   

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