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This paper refines the notion of reusability of tools for user modelling by defining three layers of reusable tools. It then reviews several research projects that have developed such reusable tools, GUMS, GUMAC, BGP-MS, um and UMT. Finally it summarises the current state of research into reusable tools in terms of these systems.This work is supported by Telecom (Australia) Grant Reference Y05/04/34 and BLO/02/02/89.  相似文献   

The number of CAD programs and their capabilities have risen greatly in recent times. As well, the number of Application Programmer Interface (API) products and the number of representation standards for display, database storage and communication has also risen. These applications, API products and representation standards are generally not compatible except through specific, individually programmed interfaces. Incompatibility of API software products arises because of: (i) different representations for the same information, and (ii) different ways of communicating with the API products. This article describes the derivation of a generic software architecture to overcome the second source of incompatibility. The derivation employs the “box structure” (system engineering) software development methodology in a generic, high level manner; by considering activities performed with current CAD software, but without going into the details. The objective is to determine the types of software objects required and the types of messages that must be passed between them. The result is an architecture in which Tool objects embodying individual software tools are plugged into a Shell object which holds the Tool’s together as a single program, provides for interactions between Tool’s and controls when each Tool is active. In this way separately developed software tools can be combined seamlessly into a highly graphical and interactive environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents the combined use of meta-modelling and graph grammars for the generation of visual modelling tools for simulation formalisms. In meta-modelling, formalisms are described at a meta-level. This information is used by a meta-model processor to generate modelling tools for the described formalisms. We combine meta-modelling with graph grammars to extend the model manipulation capabilities of the generated modelling tools: edit, simulate, transform into another formalism, optimize and generate code. We store all (meta-)models as graphs, and thus, express model manipulations as graph grammars.We present the design and implementation of these concepts in AToM3 (A_To_ol for M_ulti-formalism, M_eta-M_odelling). AToM3 supports modelling of complex systems using different formalisms, all meta-modelled in their own right. Models in different formalisms may be transformed into a single common formalism for further processing. These transformations are specified by graph grammars. Mosterman and Vangheluwe [18] introduced the term multi-paradigm modelling to denote the combination of multiple formalisms, multiple abstraction levels, and meta-modelling. As an example of multi-paradigm modelling we present a meta-model for the Object-Oriented Continuous Simulation Language OOCSMP, in which we combine ideas from UML class diagrams (to express the OOCSMP model structure), Causal Block Diagrams (CBDs), and Statecharts (to specify the methods of the OOCSMP classes). A graph grammar is able to generate OOCSMP code, and then a compiler for this language (C-OOL) generates Java applets for the simulation execution.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a virtual integrated surface modeller (VISM) equipped with two advanced tools for 3D surface modelling in virtual reality (VR). VISM has been implemented thinking that the immediate visual feedback greatly improve complex surface modelling and also creativity. The proposed new tools are progressive skinning (PS) and curve-over-surface shaping (COSS), both implemented on a bimanual virtual environment. PS lets the designer generate a new surface by interactively and automatically adding section curves to a non-uniform rational B-spline surface. COSS is based on curve-over-a-surface progressive constraining in order to deform an area of an existent surface. Efficient numerical solutions are proposed to achieve true interactive modelling sessions.  相似文献   

Computer network technologies have been growing explosively and the study in computer networks is being a challenging task. To make this task easy, different users, researchers and companies have developed different network modelling and simulation (MS) tools. These network MS tools can be used in education and research as well as practical purposes. They vary with their characteristics. This paper reviews some of the most important network MS tools developed recently. This paper also shows a classification of the tools used in communications networks.  相似文献   

In modelling complex ecological systems
  • 1.(i) a new theory of diffusion of non-conservative particles,
  • 2.(ii) procedures for aggregation and averaging of ecosystem components with subsequent hierarchical decomposition and for
  • 3.(iii) joint analysis of dynamic and logical informational models were developed and shortly described.
Numerical procedures support the elaboration of prognoses about the behaviour of men-controlled ecological systems. Some results in modelling the North-West Black Sea shelf ecosystem are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Energy saving methods can be employed to reduce energy consumption in buildings, or improve indoor thermal conditions. An example of those methods is the use of permeable coverings, but there are other important parameters like thermal inertia. To understand and predict these energy saving procedures, one may employ different software resources. In the present paper a review of existing software resources is carried out, and, as a consequence of this review, HAM tools were selected to simulate the indoor environment of school buildings. Results show that parameters like thermal inertia can interfere in the solar heat gains, changing the building time constant. Other parameters, like air changes per hour or the use of permeable coverings, present a clear enhancement of indoor environment conditions.  相似文献   

We consider two topics important to the database administrator: data conversion and database cost modelling. Suitable tools for these topics have been missing or their capabilities are insufficient in many practical situations today. We discuss approaches, principles, concepts and techniques, that can be used to manage these complex issues and pay special attention to factors that can be used to improve software which, in turn, provides the database administrator with a convenient and flexible interface.  相似文献   

This paper describes the work undertaken in the Scholarly Ontologies Project. The aim of the project has been to develop a computational approach to support scholarly sensemaking, through interpretation and argumentation, enabling researchers to make claims: to describe and debate their view of a document's key contributions and relationships to the literature. The project has investigated the technicalities and practicalities of capturing conceptual relations, within and between conventional documents in terms of abstract ontological structures. In this way, we have developed a new kind of index to distributed digital library systems. This paper reports a case study undertaken to test the sensemaking tools developed by the Scholarly Ontologies project. The tools used were ClaiMapper, which allows the user to sketch argument maps of individual papers and their connections, ClaiMaker, a server on which such models can be stored and saved, which provides interpretative services to assist the querying of argument maps across multiple papers and ClaimFinder, a novice interface to the search services in ClaiMaker.  相似文献   

Arguments are presented for the necessity of integrating diagnostics and supervision in technological machines. An example of integrated diagnostics and supervision of the machine tool main drive, based on an expert system and neural network, is shown. Problems of intelligent thermal displacement supervision and questions related to practical supervision of machining centres are presented.  相似文献   

There exists a recognized need to predict the actions of a robot or robot-type system. This paper investigates the requirements of the designers and users of such equipment and attempts to evaluate current work in this field. Much of the work being attempted is essentially novel and the aim is to minimize duplication and to concentrate effort in relevant areas.  相似文献   

Market research for requirements analysis using linguistic tools   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Numerous studies in recent months have proposed the use of linguistic instruments to support requirements analysis. There are two main reasons for this: (i) the progress made in natural language processing and (ii) the need to provide the developers of software systems with support in the early phases of requirements definition and conceptual modelling. This paper presents the results of an online market research intended (a) to assess the economic advantages of developing a CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tool that integrates linguistic analysis techniques for documents written in natural language, and (b) to verify the existence of the potential demand for such a tool. The research included a study of the language – ranging from completely natural to highly restricted – used in documents available for requirements analysis, an important factor given that on a technological level there is a trade-off between the language used and the performance of the linguistic instruments. To determine the potential demand for such tool, some of the survey questions dealt with the adoption of development methodologies and consequently with models and support tools; other questions referred to activities deemed critical by the companies involved. Through statistical correspondence analysis of the responses, we were able to outline two profiles of companies that correspond to two potential market niches, which are characterised by their very different approach to software development.
Mich LuisaEmail: Phone: +39-461-882087Fax: +39-461-882093

《Computers in Industry》2005,56(3):305-322
In the rapidly changing environment of the knowledge economy, an enterprise must respond to potential future changes when developing and implementing enterprise systems, which must be thus flexible and integrateable. The paper presents a method for integrating distributed Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) with the backend of enterprise systems developed by various software vendors. This method, with a Meta Model as the core integration technology, will enable enterprise systems to meet the demands of system integration, and to achieve, based on XML document standards, information integration. The method of integration is sufficiently flexible and expandable to integrate existing enterprises systems as well as systems that may be introduced into enterprises in the future. The study, which takes an on-line purchase system for electronic commerce as an example of the use of the proposed Meta Model, addresses the integration of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to achieve enterprise resources sharing, shorten purchase time and lower operation cost.  相似文献   

A computer program, VVF, has been developed to assess the suitability of a territory as habitat for a species. It integrates several types of Habitat Suitability models into a Geographical Information System. In addition to standard GIS functions, VVF allows a user to create, modify and store new Habitat Suitability models for different species, to create Habitat Suitability maps by running Habitat Suitability models for specific areas, and to process these maps. The program requires only basic GIS knowledge and is very flexible, so as to guarantee a broad applicability. VVF is aimed at assisting public decision-makers and conservation biologists to assess the viability of endangered and threatened species, to evaluate policies and plans for wildlife management, as well as species translocations, reserve design and habitat protection. VVF can also be used in Environmental Impact Assessment. In this paper, VVF is demonstrated with an application for Ibex.  相似文献   

As a recent trend, Grids are emerging as the next-generation computing platform. Organizations and academic research are beginning to develop monitoring tools and monitoring systems as needed for their Grid implementation. These monitoring tools and systems have their own features and are not necessarily interoperable due to different design and implementation approaches. This paper presents the design and implementation details of the resource monitoring framework (RMF) that provides network administrators and researchers with a consistent, easy to use, scalable GUI interface for a wide range of monitoring applications. The key RMF design goal is to use any measurement tools within a single infrastructure for Grid clusters and the global Grid environment.  相似文献   

Ecological understanding is often imprecise and heterogeneous; relationships between different quantities and objects may only be expressed in roughly quantitative or even non-quantitative terms. We argue that there is a need for general time-driven simulation modelling systems capable of utilising these types of understanding, using vegetation dynamics as an example. Although work has gone into developing qualitative models in the past, it has not focussed on the needs of time-driven simulation and there is currently no off-the-shelf solution available. This paper presents a categorisation of the types of knowledge that comprise formal models, then uses the categorisation as the basis for exploring and developing a framework for time-driven simulation modelling with imprecise, heterogeneous knowledge. One of the key concepts presented is the explicit separation of all non-quantitative state variable values from their direction and rate of change. From this concept a general computational method is developed for updating non-quantitative state variables in time-driven simulation. First-order logic is advocated as a suitable representational vehicle and a modelling system that implements the proposed framework is briefly presented. We believe that the framework provides a useful step towards increasing the practical utility of available knowledge.  相似文献   

We aim to inform the development of decision support tools for resource managers who need to examine large complex ecosystems and make recommendations in the face of many tradeoffs and conflicting drivers. We take a semantic technology approach, leveraging background ontologies and the growing body of linked open data. In previous work, we designed and implemented a semantically enabled environmental monitoring framework called SemantEco and used it to build a water quality portal named SemantAqua. Our previous system included foundational ontologies to support environmental regulation violations and relevant human health effects. In this work, we discuss SemantEco’s new architecture that supports modular extensions and makes it easier to support additional domains. Our enhanced framework includes foundational ontologies to support modeling of wildlife observation and wildlife health impacts, thereby enabling deeper and broader support for more holistically examining the effects of environmental pollution on ecosystems. We conclude with a discussion of how, through the application of semantic technologies, modular designs will make it easier for resource managers to bring in new sources of data to support more complex use cases.  相似文献   

Wetland ecosystems have acquired importance among the scientific community because of their role in biogeochemical cycling and as source and sink of greenhouse gas emissions particularly methane (CH4) in addition to the ecosystem services that they provide. To estimate the CH4 emission from wetlands in spatial domain, models incorporating the geospatial tools are required. Accordingly, main focus of this study is to demonstrate the utility of geospatial techniques in assessing the spatial CH4 emission variability from four different regions of Uttar Pradesh (UP), India, namely, Western, Central, Bundelkhand, and Eastern regions deploying Semi-Automated Empirical CH4 emission Model (SEMEModel) using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer data of 2010–2012. SEMEModel is a three-tier model which determines the CH4 emissions in spatial domain as a function of remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) derived wetland components including wetland area and corresponding temperature factors coupled with point CH4 emission coefficients developed via field measurements. Results of the study have shown that eastern region of UP exhibited maximum estimated/modelled CH4 emissions (43.10 Gg yr?1) as compared to other regions due to more area being under wetlands whereas central region was found to be the least contributor (0.266 Gg yr?1) due to the fact that it has minimum wetland area (0.40%) among all the regions. It was observed that estimated/modelled CH4 emissions depicted an increase by 4.96 orders of magnitude in 2010–2011 and 4.04 orders of magnitude in 2011–2012 when estimated by applying literature-based global CH4 emission coefficients for UP in place of CH4 flux values derived in field. It signifies that the upscaling of CH4 flux values using literature-based CH4 flux values of one region to another region may not reflect actual values. Therefore, this study not only helps to improve accuracy of CH4 emission estimates from wetlands but also credibly adjudges that integration of CH4 flux field measurements with modern tools of RS and GIS will immensely assist to reduce the uncertainties in CH4 emission predictions done over larger regions.  相似文献   

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