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The development of three-dimensional sonography represents a milestone in the history of diagnostic ultrasound. It has become possible to evaluate a region of interest not only in the horizontal and vertical planes but also in a third, i.e. the frontal, plane. Among other possible applications, this technique greatly facilitates volume estimation. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the accuracy and precision of volumetry based on three-dimensional sonography. The results demonstrate a good correlation between estimated volumes and the volumes measured by transvaginal needle-guided follicle aspiration performed under sonographic visualization. Our findings confirm the conclusion of previous studies that three-dimensional sonography is making a valuable contribution to imaging techniques.  相似文献   

Methods are described for the simultaneous measurement of extracellular fluid volume (ECFV) and plasma volume (PV) in sheep using dilution of 82Br (as sodium bromide) and 131I-labelled ovine gamma globulin. Following injection of 82Br (100 micronCi), equilibrium in blood was reached after 3 h at which time only 4% of the injected dose was in rumen water. The ECFV was measured as the mean of the 2- and 3-h bromide space after correction for the relative water content of plasma, the Gibbs-Donnan factor and the loss of 82Br into red blood cells. 131I-labelled ovine gamma globulin (20 micronCi) was injected after the 3-h 82 Br space was obtained and blood samples were taken at 10, 20, 30 and 40 min. In 16 determinations in 11 sheep (25-47 kg body weight) the mean (+/- s.e.m.) ECFV was 9112 +/- 289 ml (or 245 +/- 9 ml/kg). The mean PV for 16 observations in 11 sheep measured together with ECFV was 1597 +/- 62 ml (or 42-8 +/- 1-8 ml/kg). Although there was no relationship between body weight and PV there was a significant correlation between ECFV and body weight and also significant negative correlations between body weight and ECFV or PV when these were expressed as a function of body weight. The variation in ECFV measured on four occasions over 7-10 days in four sheep was 3-5% (range 2-6-4-6%). For PV measured in two animals on two consecutive days at the same time as ECFV the coefficient of variation was 1-5 and 2-1%. Acute sodium depletion (250-670 mmol) by parotid duct cannulation in three sheep resulted in a fall in ECFV which would account for only 15-20% of the sodium deficit. The remainder is presumably derived from ruminal sodium stores.  相似文献   

Perceptual equivalents of confirmation biases and framing effects are observed in Ss' estimates of feature numerosity. Ss are asked to estimate the percentage of display items that have a particular feature. Features either are randomly distributed or are spatially clustered such that features of the same type tend to be close. Ss systematically overestimate the prevalence of features in clustered displays. The pattern of results is best explained by a regional salience bias: Features tend to be more salient if they belong to regions that have a high concentration of instruction-mentioned features. The regional salience bias is contrasted with a feature salience bias: Features tend to be more salient if they are mentioned in the instructions. The relations among the observed perceptual bias and traditional confirmation biases, numeric estimation, and attention are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Almost all methods of measuring residual volume of urine in the bladder of patients undergoing urologic assessment are biased to an unknown extent. The authors describe the application of an unbiased stereologic technique for estimating the volume of bladder urine known as the Cavalieri method. The method requires imaging of a series of systematic (ie, equally spaced) parallel sections through the bladder. Such data can be conveniently obtained with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. If sampling begins at a position randomly chosen within the distance corresponding to the section interval, bladder volume is estimated without bias as the sum of the areas of the bladder sections on the images multiplied by the section interval. Computer-aided point-counting techniques represent an efficient means of obtaining the required section area estimates. Optimum sectioning and point counting densities for estimating bladder volume were established by analyzing detailed data sets obtained in five volunteers. It was shown that if an average of only 20 points were counted in each of only five systematic sections through the bladder, the volume of bladder urine was estimated with a coefficient of error of about 5%. By studying these five volunteers and an additional 13 with MR imaging and the Cavalieri method, the authors showed that the difference between the volume of urine in the bladder before and after micturition is unbiased (ie, shows no systematic difference) with respect to the volume of urine voided by the subjects.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of brovincamine fumarate, a Ca(2+)-channel blocker, on choroidal blood flow. We measured the choroidal blood volume continuously for 1 hour using laser Doppler flowmetry, as well as systemic blood pressure, heart rate, and intraocular pressure in six urethane-anesthetized rabbits after intravenous administration of 0.1 mg/kg or 0.5 mg/kg brovincamine. As a control, ten rabbits receiving no medication were used. All the data were recorded and analyzed using MacLab on a computer. In both the 0.1 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg brovincamine-injected groups, the choroidal blood volume decreased significantly after administration, but showed no significant difference from controls. Vascular resistance in the choroid showed a significant increase over the value before administration and over the control group. The heart rate decreased significantly compared to the value before injection and to the control group. The mean blood pressure in both dose groups and the intraocular pressure in the 0.5 mg/kg injected group were significantly higher than the controls. These results indicate that intravenous administration of 0.1 mg/kg or 0.5 mg/kg brovincamine does not cause an increase in the choroidal blood volume in urethane-anesthetized rabbits.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to develop a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between vascular proton exchange rates and the accuracy and precision of tissue blood volume estimates using intravascular T1 contrast agents. Using computer simulations, the effects of vascular proton exchange and experimental pulse sequence parameters on measurement accuracy were quantified. T1 and signal measurements made in a rat model implanted with R3230 mammary adenocarcinoma tumors demonstrated that the theoretical findings are biologically relevant; data demonstrated that over-simplified exchange models may result in measures of tumor, muscle, and liver blood volume fractions that depend on experimental parameters such as the vascular contrast concentration. As a solution to the measurement of blood volume in tissues with exchange that is unknown, methods that minimize exchange rate dependence were examined. Simulations that estimated both the accuracy and precision of such methods indicated that both the inversion recovery and the transverse-spoiled gradient echo methods using a "no-exchange" model provide the best trade-off between accuracy and precision.  相似文献   

While intravenous and volatile anesthetics have widely differing effects on cerebral blood flow (CBF), clinical studies suggest that the relative differences in their effects on intracranial pressure (ICP) may be smaller. Because acute changes in ICP are determined primarily by changes in cerebral blood volume (CBV), we compared the impact of propofol, pentobarbital, and isoflurane on CBF and CBV in rats. Equipotent doses of the three agents were determined by tail-clamp studies. Animals were then anesthetized with propofol (20 mg/kg load, 38 mg.kg-1.h-1 infusion), pentobarbital (30 mg/kg load, 20 mg.kg-1.h-1 infusion), or isoflurane 1.6-1.8%. Two hours later, CBF and CBV were measured using 3H-nicotine as a CBF tracer, and 14C-dextran and 99mTc-labeled red cells as markers for cerebral plasma and red blood cell volumes (CPV and CRBCV), respectively. Total CBV was the sum of CPV and CRBCV. CBF was 2.0-2.6 times greater with isoflurane than with propofol or pentobarbital (137 vs. 67 and 52 ml.100 g-1.min-1, respectively). By contrast, while CBV was greater in the isoflurane group than in either the propofol or pentobarbital groups, the magnitude of the intergroup differences were much smaller (propofol = 2.49 +/- 0.28 ml/100 g; pentobarbital = 2.27 +/- 0.15 ml/100 g; isoflurane = 2.77 +/- 0.24 ml/100 g, mean +/- SD). These results suggest that the simple measurement of CBF may not adequately describe the cerebrovascular effects of an anesthetic, at least with respect to predicting the magnitude of the agents likely effects on ICP.  相似文献   

Recently, we proposed that the higher stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output (Q) of endurance-trained (ETR) versus untrained (UTR) individuals are attributable primarily to the enhanced diastolic filling of ETR consequent to a larger blood volume (BV). To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of manipulating BV on the cardiac function of six ETR and six UTR males. Both groups were examined in the control BV condition (BVctl), then ETR were examined immediately following a 500 mL reduction in BV (BVred) and UTR were examined immediately following a 500 mL expansion of BV (BVexp). In BVctl, compared with UTR, ETR had significantly greater BV (16%), maximal diastolic filling rate (47.4%), maximal ventricular emptying rate (24.6%), SVmax (31.6%), Qmax (29%) and VO2max (54.5%). Following BVexp in UTR, there were immediate significant increases in maximal diastolic filling rate (22.5%), SVmax (9.1%), Qmax (8.9%), and VO2max (12.7%). Following BVred in ETR there were immediate significant decreases in maximal diastolic filling rate (27%), SVmax (14.3%), Qmax (14.7%), and VO2max (7.0%). Maximal systolic emptying rate did not change significantly following BVred or BVexp. We conclude that changes in SV and Q consequent to alterations in BV are attributable primarily to changes in diastolic function, and the majority of the higher diastolic filling rate of ETR is due to their larger BV.  相似文献   

AIMS: To estimate the cost of population screening for haemochromatosis in Australia and to compare the cost of alternative screening strategies. METHODS: The costs of screening for haemochromatosis were analysed in a hypothetical study using transferrin saturation as the primary screening test, with confirmation of the diagnosis by either liver biopsy or DNA testing for the recently-described haemochromatosis gene. RESULTS: Screening, with confirmation of the diagnosis by liver biopsy, would cost between US$5079 and US$8813 per case detected (excluding administrative costs), depending on the screening strategy (Aust$ = US$0.80). If a DNA test were used instead of liver biopsy, the cost would be reduced to an estimated US$3954-US$4410 per case. This would be further reduced to US$2457 by detection of additional cases by screening family members. The least costly strategy utilised a transferrin saturation threshold of 55% and DNA testing for confirmation of the diagnosis; however, a transferrin saturation threshold of 45% increased the cost only marginally. The initial screening step (transferrin saturation) accounted for 74%-94% of the estimated cost of the screening programme. CONCLUSIONS: Screening for haemochromatosis using transferrin saturation involves relatively modest costs which may be recovered if complications of haemochromatosis can be prevented by early detection and treatment. The most cost-effective strategies utilised transferrin saturation for initial screening, followed by DNA testing. Reduction in the cost of transferrin saturation would lead to a significant reduction in total screening costs. Additional benefits of a screening programme include detection of other iron overload disorders and iron deficiency.  相似文献   

A continuous hematocrit (HCT) monitor, Crit-Line, was introduced to examine the change in patients' blood volume (BV) due to albumin loss during double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) treatments. Nine patients with autoimmune diseases or ABO incompatible renal transplantation received 15 DFPP treatments under Crit-Line monitoring. In these patients, plasma albumin concentration (C(P)) changed from 3.7 +/- 0.6 g/dl to 3.5 +/- 0.5 g/dl and HCT from 28.7% +/- 3.3% to 31.3% +/- 4.3% (change ratio [CR] of BV = -8.1%) during treatment with albumin concentrations (C(S)) of 9.5 +/- 1.0 g/dl and 500 ml volumes (V(S)) of supplementation fluid. Although the apparent CR value of C(P) was -5.3%, on average, the CR of albumin in the patients' plasma (M(P)) was -16.1%, which means a corrected CR value of C(P) by the HCT value to eliminate the influence of the patient's blood volume contraction during treatment. Albumin loss usually occurred in DFPP treatments. The decrease in BV was induced by an oncotic pressure drop due to albumin loss, and often resulted in a blood pressure drop. The amount of albumin loss during DFPP treatments strongly depends on sieving coefficients of the plasma separator (SC(PS)) and the plasma fractionator (SC(PF)), the filtration fraction of the plasma fractionator (FF(PF)), pretreatment C(P) value, and C(S) and V(S) values of the supplementation fluid. To determine the optimum C(S) and V(S) values for each patient, the authors introduced a variable blood volume model for albumin transport in DFPP. In this model, changes in C(P), HCT, and BV values could be estimated during treatment. For example, a patient with an HCT of 31.2%, body weight of 61.1 kg, and pretreatment C(P) of 4.4 g/dl received a DFPP treatment using a plasma separator, OP-05 (SC(PS) of 0.99), and a plasma fractionator, Evaflux 2A (SC(PF) of 0.40), under FF(PF) of 0.8 with a V(S) of 500 ml. A value for C(S) of about 10 g/dl is required for the patient to maintain a normal C(P) level during treatment by an estimation from the model. As a result of the treatment with a C(S) of 10 g/dl, the patient had no adverse reactions, such as a blood pressure decrease, during treatment under these conditions.  相似文献   

A flow rate estimating method was investigated for a centrifugal blood pump developed in our institute. The estimated flow rate was determined by the power consumption, the rotating speed of the motor, and the hematocrit value. The power consumption and the rotating speed of the motor were measured with a wattmeter. The examinations were performed in a closed mock loop filled with goat blood with hematocrit values of 21.5%, 28%, 34%, and 42%. Measured values of blood viscosity were 2.47, 3.09, 3.71, and 5.07 mPa.s at a share rate of 37.5/s, respectively. A linear correlation between the power consumption and the pump flow rate was observed in all hematocrit values. But variations in hematocrit caused a difference in the flow rate up to 1.1 L/min at the same power consumption and rotating speed. Effects of blood viscosity on the flow estimation were corrected by the hematocrit value. The value of the coefficient of determination, R2, between the estimated flow rate and the measured flow rate was 0.988. These results may indicate that the flow estimating method calculated by the power consumption of the motor, the rotating speed, and the hematocrit value is useful in the clinical situation.  相似文献   

Rapid blood and plasma volume measurements gain increasing interest in order to avoid unnecessary blood transfusions. Only the indocyanine green method seems to satisfy the demand for a fast, safe and reproducible bedside method. We summarized older and newer experiences with this method, and also summarized the results for practical application.  相似文献   

To compare the effects of heparin thrombolytic agents in pulmonary thromboembolic disease, we randomly assigned 40 patients with pulmonary emboli but without other clinical cardiopulmonary disease either to heparin followed by oral anticoagulants (21 patients) or to urokinse or streptokinase followed by heparin and then by oral anticoagulants (19 patients). The effects on pulmonary-capillary blood volume and diffusing capacity were compared at two weeks and at one year. The pulmonary-capillary blood volume (in milliliters per square meter of body-surface area) was abnormally low (30 +/- 2.4) [+/- S.E.]; normal, 47 +/- 1.5) in the heparin-treated group at two weeks and remained unchanged at one year. In contrast, it was normal (45 +/- 2.5) in the group receiving thrombolytic agents, both at two weeks and at one year (P < 0.001). The pulmonary diffusing capacity was reduced to 69% of the predicted value in the heparin group at two weeks and 72% at one year, whereas it was 85% of the predicted value in the thrombolytic group at two weeks and 93% at one year (P < 0.001). These results indicate that thrombolytic agents allow more complete resolution of thromboemboli than do heparin and anticoagulants and that they improve capillary perfusion and diffusion.  相似文献   

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