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Consultants' fees and technical submissions in two-envelope fee tendering are usually converted to scores. The fee scores and technical (quality) scores are then multiplied by predetermined weightings and aggregated. To preserve the desired influence of the predetermined weightings, the fee score and technical score variability differences need to be balanced, otherwise, when aggregated, one variable will end up dominating the other variable. Currently, such adjustments are not undertaken in the popular two-envelope fee tendering models. It seems that in many cases the consultant selection becomes biased in favour of the lowest fee rather than the quality. Important influences that contribute to the fee-technical score variability imbalance include suicidal fees and non-serious fees (which increases fee variability) and similar size consultant firms with similar experience and workload levels offering similar, if not identical, services (which reduces technical score variability). This paper offers four alternative approaches to the correction of the fee-technical score variability imbalance. If the client is able to distinguish between suicidal, serious and non-serious fees, then it is suggested that first the consultants submitting suicidal and non-serious fees should be disregarded. A normalization approach (in which the consultant's technical and fee scores are re-scaled to fall between unity and zero) should then be applied. If the client is unable or unwilling to distinguish between suicidal, serious and non-serious fees then aggregating on the basis of the consultants fee and technical score rankings appears to be the best method out of the three remaining approaches.  相似文献   

Two-envelope fee bidding is used frequently in allocating commissions to willing consultants such as architects, engineers and surveyors. Consultant fees and technical scores are normally aggregated to form a total score. The consultant obtaining the highest total score is usually awarded the commission. The consultant's objective is to get the highest total score possible because this maximizes the chance of winning. Consultants can submit to the procurer any of a number of different technical proposals which is then converted to a technical score. Only one technical score+fee combination will result in the highest total score, i.e. the optimum technical score+fee combination. This paper offers consultants an approach to better identify their optimum technical score+fee combination. In using this approach consultants need to develop a total score continuum based on (1) the consultant's original technical proposal and fee, (2) the absolute lowest fee and corresponding technical score, and (3) the absolute highest technical score and corresponding fee. The total score becomes the dependent variable and the fee the independent variable. Since the total score continuum is regressed on three points it will almost certainly be curvilinear in shape. Given that the optimum total score is at the highest point of the continuum, the optimum fee can be determined through differentiation. The corresponding technical score can then be found. After adjusting the original technical proposal to reflect the corresponding technical score, the optimum fee and adjusted technical proposal can then be submitted to the procurer.  相似文献   

聚居于川西高山峡谷地区的藏羌民族,处于历史上多民族文化互相冲撞又互相整合的"藏彝走廊"地区。特殊的地理位置及历史上的民族交融,使其民居聚落与民居建筑强烈地表现出其民族地域属性,成为独具特色的地域建筑文化景观。"5.12"地震之后的灾后重建中,如何传承当地独特的地域建筑景观是人们普遍关注的问题,本文以理县甘堡藏寨重建案例入手,站在地区建筑学的立场上进行反思,试图阐释尊重文脉,尊重本土精神,尊重民族习俗的方法和通道,期望对于我们今后的民族村落建设有所裨益。  相似文献   

The UK housing industry has been slow to adopt new working practices which have brought improvements in product quality and customer focused operations to many sectors of manufacturing industry. Instead, the dominant business driver has been land and house price inflation, with the market characterized by pronounced boom-and-bust cycles. Reports on the sector often have highlighted the need for research and action aimed at bringing about fundamental changes in its operations, both to satisfy social needs and benefit the companies in the industry. This paper examines the drivers needed for implementing new customer focused business processes in the sector. Of particular importance is the development of a product strategy based on an understanding and analysis of the market. Results are presented from a large market survey that was carried out, and their implications for the industry are discussed.  相似文献   

汪圣  李金云 《山西建筑》2008,34(2):262-263
在对影响工程项目评标的多种因素进行定性和定量分析的基础上,采用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联分析建立了灰色关联分析评标模型,经过案例分析结果表明:基于灰色关联分析的工程项目评标方法方便实用、评标结果科学合理。  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the technical efficiency of container ports in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea for the 2017–2019 period. A non-monotonic inefficiency effects model is used since it can reveal non-monotonic relationships and capture observation-specific marginal effects. Findings imply that while increasing physical size has non-monotonic effects on efficiency, increasing connectivity has monotonic positive effects on efficiency. Decision-makers should avoid large-scale infrastructure investments triggered by only the fierce competition to control underutilization. Making decisions focused on higher connectivity about marketing and operational structure could positively impact the performance of container ports.  相似文献   

针对大空间建筑公共场所人员疏散问题,以疏散时间为评价指标,以人员密度为影响因素,基于Anylogic仿真平台对不同引导疏散策略进行仿真研究。结合引导员的数量、位置和有效指挥范围,主要研究平分出口等面积分区引导、基于最短路径优化引导,以及结合平分出口等面积分区与最短路径优化的3种静态引导策略,并与无引导的疏散进行对比。仿真结果表明:无引导的疏散效率最低,结合按平分出口的等面积分区与最短路径的引导策略疏散效率最高,基于最短路径的引导策略疏散效率随人数的变化呈现先高后低的特点,按平分出口等面积分区的引导策略疏散效率随人数变化呈现先低后高的趋势。  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of a carbon dioxide emissions matrix for the Oeiras municipality, one of the largest Portuguese municipalities, located in the metropolitan area of Lisbon. This matrix takes into account greenhouse gas emissions, caused by an increase of electricity demand in buildings as well as solid and liquid wastes treatment, from the domestic and services sectors. Using emission factors that were calculated from the relationship between the produced energy and amount of treated wastes, greenhouse gas emissions in the Oeiras municipality, were estimated for a time series of six years (1998 to 2003). The results obtained showed that the electricity sector accounts for about 75% of the municipal emissions in 2003. This study constitutes a tool to define sectors for appropriate action, including energy planning and also public information.  相似文献   

肖少白  高海  杨建华 《山西建筑》2007,33(10):52-54
在发展可持续交通的需求下,针对西安市的城市交通现状,提出了轨道主导型TOD策略,并分析了轨道主导型TOD对城市布局的影响,基于TOD的城市布局对西安市交通的优化作用,最后阐述了以轨道交通为主体的公共交通一体化战略。  相似文献   

首先介绍了系统、连续系统、离散系统、项目、科研项目、高校科研项目系统等相关概念;其次研究了项目系统的离散性,归纳了科研项目的基本特征,提出了项目系统离散、离散度的概念,分析了项目系统理想状态与实际状态的矛盾;再次,从认识论角度指出项目系统的连续性期待与离散性现实的矛盾是客观规律的表现,这一矛盾可在科技创新的理念下统一起来;最后,提出了项目系统离散特性下科研管理的若干要点。  相似文献   

将2009年修订的《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施暖通空调.动力》与2003年版进行了比较,总结了2009年版中提出的将低碳设计落到实处的16项具体措施,包括室内设计温度、集中供暖系统热计量、排风热回收等的规定,并举出具体实例证实了这些措施的节能减排能力。  相似文献   

通过对软土地区某地下室工程“先打桩后基坑挖土”与“先基坑挖土后打桩”两种施工顺序的技术、经济比较.最终选用后者实施,其施工经验可供同类项目参考。  相似文献   

薛娟  万巍 《山西建筑》2011,37(36):78-79
以某钢结构厂房为例,对吊车梁系统进行了全面检查,同时对吊车梁静挠度进行了现场测试,并对吊车梁承载能力、挠度以及疲劳强度进行了验算,根据现场检查、测试以及验算分析结果,提出了对吊车梁系统进行加固的处理意见。  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a cost recovery model for a wastewater treatment and reuse process based on the polluter pays principle that, among other things, provides appropriate incentives for efficient waster use and guarantees its future availability. Finally, the proposed cost recovery model is then applied using date provided by the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Island, Spain). Using the tariff system proposed in this article for wastewater reuse, citizens would become aware of the financial investments involved in this process with the consequent impact on saving water, which would then help maintain reserves.  相似文献   

在社区建设中,作为现代服务业组成部分的社区商业日益凸显其重要性,我国城市中既要有繁荣繁华的中心商业,又要有便氏利民的社区商业。以上海为例,在对上海社区商业现状和定位分析的基础上,提出了发展上海社区商业的两类模式,希望以此促进我国社区商业的快速发展。  相似文献   

Surfaces of freshly cut Bath limestone exposed along various roadsides before and after the reduction of traffic in the historical city centre of Oxford, England (following the Oxford Transport Strategy or OTS), presented an opportunity to investigate changes in soiling and fungal growth in relation to changing traffic pollution. Spectrophotometric data using an X-Rite SP68 sphere spectrophotometer provided quantitative information on soiling before and after the OTS. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided a means to view and quantify the microbial inhabitants in detail, using a technique which registered and counted branching beaded structures. Results indicated that at Longwall Street soiling became more pronounced and microbial cover lower, with the reverse occurring at High Street where the greatest improvements in surface lightness were found. Other sites showed less clearcut responses in soiling and microbial growth. Overall, microbial growth was pronounced within hollows on stone surfaces before the OTS, with some signs of spreading of growths away from hollows after the OTS. A complex relationship between air pollution, soiling, and microfloral growths is revealed by the study which needs to be taken into account in soiling management strategies.  相似文献   

韩再川 《山西建筑》2002,28(6):138-139
技术标的是投标工作的主要组成部分,而技术标的编制又是整个投标报价工作的基础。论述了技术标的编制特点和编制技巧,技术标的要充分展示企业的综合实力,要针对工程项目的具体特点和技术要求,编制得既先进合理又切实可行,特别要展示新技术、新材料、新工艺、新机具的应用优势,达到力挫“群雄”而中标的目的。  相似文献   

李旭庆 《矿产勘查》2024,15(3):395-402
螺旋钻进是一种高效且无冲洗液循环的钻进工艺技术,国内还没有将其应用于铝土矿钻探项目的先例。经过几内亚某超大型铝土矿钻探项目的全面实际应用,为总结钻探施工经验,充分发挥和挖掘螺旋钻进工艺技术的优势,解决施工中存在的地层、钻进参数、钻头结构之间相互匹配问题,通过与其他同类矿区不同钻进工艺之间,以及该项目南、北矿区两类钻机的钻探技术经济指标的对比分析后认为,在铁帽层中钻进时,应减少刮刀钻头切削齿的数量并合理分布,减小钻头与岩层的接触面积,提高单个切削具承受的压力,并降低钻头的转速;在其他岩层中钻进时,应采用常规钻进压力,并适当提高钻头转速,从而降低孔内事故和设备故障率,提高钻进效率。  相似文献   

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