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During the last decade, sustainable development issues have been gradually adopted in Greece's construction industry, changing the traditional methods and technology. The aim of this investigation is to identify potential drivers of change, to position them properly in the wider context of sustainable construction and to outline the progress to be expected in the coming decade. The methodological framework used is a Delphi technique based on a questionnaire of 20 experts (consultant engineers, construction managers and contractors). The results show that the most important influences on sustainable construction in Greece are energy conservation measures, resource conservation strategies and waste reduction. In terms of the initiatives expected in the coming decade, energy conservation measures, waste reduction measures, as well as product innovation and certification are expected to rank high. In conclusion, the results are consistent with those of previous researchers showing significant trends towards land use, energy, and resource conservation.  相似文献   

There are problems associated with the Turkish construction sector; some of these problems are implications of Government policy, restrictions imposed on public construction projects, bureaucratic procedures, contractual clauses incorporating unfair risk sharing and inadequacies in control mechanisms. Some problems can be attributed to inadequate technological knowhow, and/or lack of education and training incen1 tives in new technologies and management approaches. This paper presents findings from research that was aimed at investigating the applicability of partnering in the Turkish construction sector as an alternative approach in seeking solutions to some of the problems within this industry. The findings suggest that the partnering approach could help reduce some of the problems associated with the Turkish construction sector, although the implementation of this approach is likely to face complications, mainly in terms of cultural change requirements and the bureaucracies associated especially with the public construction process. The findings also suggest that if partnering were to be considered for Turkey, the private construction sector would offer more flexibility in the implementation of this approach, rather than reliance on the Government for the introduction of partnering into Turkey.  相似文献   

The American Arbitration Association (AAA) has undertaken a number of reforms to the dispute resolution process, engendered by the ‘quiet revolution’ of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and its impact upon traditional arbitration mechanisms. This paper appraises the procedural changes which relate to the three distinct schemes: Fast Track Rules, Regular Track Rules, and Large Complex Case Rules; it also looks at parallel progress in mediation and partnering. The author concludes that the US construction industry has undergone, and continues to undergo, a transition from private adjudication, such as arbitration, through the ‘settlement-oriented interventions’ of ADR to more comprehensive approaches, as exemplified by partnering.  相似文献   

The evolution of the governance of China's construction industry is examined. The reasons for uncertainty in governmental management along with its impact on industry performance are considered. Recent changes arising after the 9th National People's Congress, including a series of restructuring of government bodies and changes in responsibilities are discussed. Government intervention is being simplified and reduced, leading to increased stability for the construction industry.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the construction sector in the Asian region demonstrate three trends: (1) larger private sector participation in infrastructure projects, (2) increasing vertical integration in the packaging of construction projects, and (3) increased foreign participation in domestic construction. This paper attributes the trends to the globalization and deregulation of markets necessitated by fiscal, technological and managerial constraints. Although these trends present intra-Asian opportunities, there are also areas of concern. The trends have helped polarize the financial and technical superiority of the developed countries and the corresponding inferiority of the developed countries in the region of the developing ones. In the long term, this gap could be filled through technology transfer. In the short term, however, there are concerns that imported construction services could grow at the expense of the indigenous sectors of the developing countries. This paper illustrates this dilemma with the case of Japan as a world leader in international construction services. Its dominance has apparently come through the orchestration of industrial and corporate policies, implemented in a highly regulated and protected domestic market. However, construction industries in other Asian economies (such as China) will have to leapfrog in technology, finance and management know-how (e.g. through joint ventures with developed countries' construction companies) before they can become formidable powers in an environment that has become much more global, more de-regulated, more open and more competitive than before.  相似文献   

An analysis of success factors and benefits of partnering in construction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Partnering is increasingly being used on construction projects. Partnering involves the parties to a construction project working together in an environment of trust and openness to realise the project efficiently and without conflict. Using a UK-wide postal questionnaire survey, the opinions of different types of organisation — consultants, contractors, and clients were assessed in relation to the success factors and benefits of partnering. The study shows that UK contractors and clients are more positive about partnering than consultants. The research also indicates that certain requirements must be met if partnering is to succeed. In particular, trust, communication, commitment, a clear understanding of roles, consistency and a flexible attitude are necessary. It is recognised that nothing will change without considerable effort from all parties. Respondents believe that partnering can bring significant benefits, including fewer adversarial relationships and increased end-customer satisfaction, to the construction industry if all parties involved in a project strive for its success.  相似文献   

The British construction industry is presently going through a period of rapid change. A combination of government-led reform initiatives, changes in government procurement strategies, and increasing exposure to international competition is focusing minds and shifting positions. This paper provides an analysis of the institutional aspects of these changes, identifying the root of the problems that the reforms are tackling, and indicating what the prospects of success might be. The paper starts with a historical overview of the evolution of what is here called the professional system, which has dominated the British industry for 150 years. This provides the context for the exploration of the two principal forces for change in the industry - the reform of contractual relations, especially the diffusion of partnering, and the shift of government procurement towards concession contracting in the shape of the Private Finance Initiative. In conclusion, the prospects for success are discussed, noting that the British construction industry is relatively successful in international markets, but that it shares many traditional problems of other sectors of British industry - the predominance of personal capitalism has meant a failure to develop organizational capabilities - the most notable symptom being the continuing reliance on self-organizing gangs of workers for actual production. Le secteur de la construction britannique traverse actuellement une periode de mutation rapide. Des initiatives de reforme lancees par le gouvernement, une evolution de la strategie des approvisionnements gouvernementaux et une plus grande sensibilite a la concurrence internationale occupent les esprits et font bouger les positions. La presente communication analyse les aspects institutionnels de ces changements, localise les racines des problemes auxquels s'attaquent les reformes et indique quelles sont les chances de reussite. Ce document commence par une revue historique de l'evolution de ce que l'on appelle au Royaume-Uni le 'systeme professionnel' qui domine l'industrie britannique depuis 150 ans. On dispose ainsi des elements qui permettent d'explorer les deaux principaux axes du changement qui agissent dans l'industrie britannique de la construction, a savoir la reforme des relations contractuelles (notamment la diffusion du partenariat) et le passage des approvisionnements gouvernementaux a des contrats de concession sous forme d'initiatives financieres privees. En conclusion, l'auteur examine les chance de reussite et note que l'industrie de la construction du Royaume-Uni obtient d'assez bons resultats sur les marches internationaux mais qu'elle partage bon nombre des problemes traditionnels d'autres secteurs industriels de ce pays. La predominance du capitalisme personnel a empeche le developpement des capacites d'organisation, le symptome le plus remarquable etant le fait que l'on continue a s'appuyer sur des groupes auto-organises de travailleurs pour la production proprement dite.  相似文献   

Raftery, J., Pasadilla, B., Chiang, Y. H., Hui, E. C. M. and Tang, B. S. (1998) Construction Management and Economics, 16, 729–37 review recent developments in the construction industries in Asia. They discuss the main causes and effects of key trends in globalization and their impact on the industries. This paper considers some of the points raised by Raftery et al. It starts with an overall review of their paper. It then considers construction industry development in general, technology transfer and joint ventures, and the impact of policy reform on the industries. It suggests additional relevant issues, and highlights some areas where further research would be appropriate.  相似文献   

Surveys of the top 400 US contractors were conducted in 1979, 1983 and 1993 to identify the areas with potential for productivity improvement in the construction industry. The trends in the findings of these surveys are observed and interpreted. The results indicate that cost control, scheduling, design practices, labour training, and quality control are the functions that consistently over the years are perceived as having considerable room for productivity improvement, whereas materials packaging and foreign developments in construction technologies are perceived consistently as functions that do not have much effect on improving construction productivity. The functions that were identified as needing more improvement in 1993 compared with the previous surveys were prefabrication, new materials, value engineering, specifications, labour availability, labour training, and quality control, whereas those that were identified as needing less improvement than in the previous surveys were field inspection and labour contract agreements. Also, respondents indicated consistently over the years that they are willing to participate in activities related to improving construction productivity but are not interested in funding any such activities.  相似文献   

Many construction companies have adopted partnering in their construction projects over the past 10–15 years due to favourable project outcomes achieved. Its use in construction projects has been increasing rapidly as its benefits become more apparent and pervasive. This paper reviews the partnering literature within the construction field and tries to portray the comprehensive picture of benefits for the partnering practice. Through partnering and the active involvement of all key project parties, the project is more likely to be completed within budget, on time, and with the least number of conflicts, claims and work defects. Also, this paper reports upon the findings of a questionnaire survey of partnering benefits in Hong Kong. Seventy‐eight project participants completed a questionnaire to indicate the relative importance of partnering benefits. The perceived benefits were measured and ranked from the perspectives of the client, contractor and consultant for cross‐comparison. The results revealed that ‘Improved relationship amongst project participants’, ‘Improved communication amongst project participants’ and ‘More responsive to the short‐term emergency, changing project or business needs’ were the most significant benefits derived from the use of partnering. More partnering arrangements should be actively introduced into the construction procurement process so that every party can enjoy the full benefits of partnering.  相似文献   

Partnering in construction has been presented as a potentially important way of improving construction project performance through the direct benefits it can bring to both clients and contractors. However, there is still considerable debate about the nature and merits of a partnering approach. This paper attempts to contribute towards this debate by exploring the presumed link between partnering and cultural change within the industry, at both organizational and interorganizational levels of analysis. To do so, it draws upon theory and research from the social sciences (especially organizational theory) to explore some of the issues, problems and dilemmas which emerge when full and proper account is taken of the complexities of organizations, as well as some of the subtleties and intricacies of the concept of organizational culture. The paper concludes that it is only by fully appreciating the effects of such complexity that a more realistic and practical approach to the development and implementation of partnering will emerge.  相似文献   

This paper reports research aimed at the establishment of a model of interdependence between the construction sector and the national economy, based on a long term trend, for the developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. This study follows research undertaken by previous writers who have investigated the relationship between the construction sector and economic development and found a positive relationship between the share of construction in gross domestic product (GDP) and the level of per capita national income. In addition, recent economic and demographic trends in Sub-Saharan Africa are presented and significant events that have had a great impact in this region are highlighted. Evidence is presented that a long term decreasing growth in GDP per capita corresponds directly to a relative decrease in construction volume. The converse does not appear to be true.  相似文献   

Re-engineering construction: the role of research and implementation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This note reports the background research sponsored by the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) for the development of a strategy for re-engineering construction. Three different data collection methods were used: a survey of CIB coordinators, a web-survey and three regional workshops. The principal conclusion is that the concept of Re-engineering Construction restrictive, and the concept of re-valuing construction was posed as a broader alternative that better captures the challenges facing the international construction industry. Other important findings are the widespread perception that the challenges facing the construction industry are shared by many countries and that considerable scope exists for international exchange and collaboration in this area. Relatively low emphasis has been given to technology issues such as prefabrication and information technology in meeting these challenges.  相似文献   

Twenty-three constructability concepts are identified. Based on these, an industry-wide questionnaire was administrated in Peninsular Malaysia. The respondents were the engineers working with owners, consultants, contractors, subcontractors and construction management firms. The importance, from the viewpoint of the Malaysian engineers, of the constructability concepts and the degree of the actual application of those concepts in the Malaysian Construction Industry is presented so that an insight on constructability implementation can be established. Fieldwork results revealed that the Malaysian engineers showed high acceptance of 22 concepts and rejected the one that relates to the fast-track method of construction. Those engineers accepted the constructability concepts from the theoretical point of view but generally they did not apply these concepts in their practices. The study also concludes that the Malaysian engineers show a wide understanding of the majority of the concepts. However, they did not link those concepts under the umbrella of constructability.  相似文献   

Research into partnering performance measures for building and construction projects becomes crucial because a growing trend of client organizations has been observed to adopt partnering approach to procure their projects worldwide over the past decade. Although there are some related research studies and papers documented on this research area, few, if any, comprehensive and systematic research studies focus on developing a comprehensive, objective, reliable and practical performance evaluation model for partnering projects in construction. A Partnering Performance Index (PPI), which is composed of seven weighted Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), has been developed to measure, monitor, improve, and benchmark the partnering performance of construction projects in Hong Kong. A set of Quantitative Indicators (QIs) and well-defined ranges of Quantitative Requirements (QRs) for each QI have been further established using the Delphi survey technique and Fuzzy Set Theory. Evaluation of partnering success can now be based on quantitative evidences, thus tackling the subjectivity of performance evaluation. By making use of the Internet and database technology, PPI can be monitored on-line, thus saving much time, cost and efforts on data collection and retrieval than if they are done manually. As such, an Internet-based computerized partnering monitoring and benchmarking tool, namely the Computerized Partnering Performance Index System (CPPIS) has been developed. The Internet-based CPPIS enables project participants to input data at any time and location and the project administrators could perform data analysis via the Internet. The CPPIS also enables project managers to measure, monitor, improve and benchmark their partnering performances against those already stored in the database. Graphical presentations of data and various performance measures are also built in to assist various end-users to identify problematic areas and critical success factors for achieving partnering excellence.  相似文献   

The problems of construction industries in developing countries are well researched. For over three decades, proposals have been made for action to address these difficulties. Developing countries have implemented these recommendations, and other initiatives. However, results have been disappointing and the problems have persisted. A possible reason for the lack of progress is the absence of measurable targets in construction industry development programmes to guide and assess, at intervals, the success of their implementation. This paper critically discusses the formulation of a set of indicators for measuring and monitoring progress in the effort to improve the construction industry in a developing country. Previous proposals of indicators and those used in Singapore are examined. A set of indicators is suggested and their merits and possible problems are considered. Recommendations are made on how the indicators can be most effectively implemented.

Les problèmes liés à l'industrie du bâtiment dans les pays en voie de développement sont clairement définis. Pendant plus de trois décennies, des propositions ont été formulées en vue de mener des actions visant à surmonter ces difficultés. Les pays en voie de développement ont suivi ces recommandations et pris d'autres initiatives. Néanmoins, les résultats ont été décevants et les problèmes ont persisté. L'une des raisons possibles du manque d'avancée est l'absence d'objectifs mesurables dans les programmes de développement de l'industrie du bâtiment, qui permettraient de guider et d'évaluer, par intervalles, la réussite de leur mise en oeuvre. Le présent document aborde de façon critique la formulation d'un groupe d'indicateurs destinés à mesurer et à surveiller la progression des efforts destinés à améliorer l'industrie du bâtiment dans un pays en voie de développement. Il examine également les propositions antérieures relatives à des indicateurs, ainsi que celles utilisées à Singapore. Il suggère enfin un groupe d'indicateurs et examine leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients éventuels. Des recommendations visant à optimiser l'utilisation de ces indicateurs sont également formulées.  相似文献   

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