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This note is a comment on Mok, C.K., Rao Tummala, V.M. and Leung, H.M. (1997) Practices, barriers and benefits of risk management process in building services cost estimation, Construction Management and Economics, 15 (2), 161–75, which describes research into the risk perceptions and risk management practices of building services engineers in Hong Kong. The note questions statements made in the paper and parts of the research design and data analyses.  相似文献   

The importance of the utilization of cranes in construction operations has resulted in the development of structured methods for crane selection. Most of these methods are for crane model selection and require the user to stipulate the type of crane to be used for the construction operation under consideration. Availability of a structured method for crane type selection will greatly benefit the overall crane selection process. This paper describes a prototype integrated crane selection tool, called IntelliCranes, designed to assist in both crane type and crane model selection. The key feature of IntelliCranes is the systematic incorporation of subjective and qualitative criteria in crane type and model selection.  相似文献   

In many market sectors there has recently been an apparent step change for the better in how companies perform their core business. The result has been increased competitive advantage for companies in the electronic products, automotive, insurance, banking and mechanical sectors. Careful research has shown that the way forward for the construction sector to similarly benefit from the new methodology is to apply well established ‘business systems engineering7rsquo; (BSE) principles. But business systems engineering is concerned with both engineering and integrating the technological, financial, organizational and cultural aspects of business processes. The responsive housebuilder is the particular example selected herein to demonstrate the power of the approach. By re-engineering the design, financing, and production processes, the housebuilder first learns to survive economic turbulence. However, second it grows by increasing market share via the exploitation of new opportunities enabled by much reduced delivery times. The outcome is therefore a welcome addition to the construction sector survivability categories originally listed by Steven Groák in The Idea of Building.  相似文献   

对土木工程中结构的振动控制进行了总结,对具有压电控制驱动的智能结构给予重点总结。过去的十年中,全世界范围内智能结构在螺旋形地发展着。这些智能结构方面的成就主要依靠材料来实现,如压电陶瓷、形状记忆合金、可控流体如磁流变液、电流变液、光纤维传感器和多种其他材料。压电陶瓷是一种低成本、轻质、便于成型的材料,可应用于结构振动的主动控制。压电陶瓷有多种形式如刚性片、柔性片、叠层式压电陶瓷堆、粗纤维复合驱动器和压电陶瓷摩擦阻尼器。只需要对原始结构做出轻微的改变,就可以将压电陶瓷驱动器粘结在结构高应变区域的表面,或者将其植入结构中形成组合结构。另一方面,在对原结构做出轻微改进之后,叠放型驱动器可以与这种需要高控制力和微小位移的结构结合成一体。首先介绍了压电陶瓷材料、各种驱动控制方法和压电陶瓷驱动器的类型,然后回顾了压电陶瓷驱动器在各种不同类型的土木工程结构中如梁、桁架、钢框架和悬索桥等的应用研究。  相似文献   

Earthworks planning for road construction projects is a complex operation and the planning rules used are usually intuitive and not well defined. An approach to automate the earthworks planning process is described and the basic techniques that are used are outlined. A computer-based system has been developed, initially to help planners use existing techniques more efficiently. With their input, the system has been extended to incorporate a knowledge base and a simulation of the earthworks processes. As well as creating activity sets in a much shorter time, the system has shown that for a real project, the model is able to generate activity sets that are comparable to those generated by a project planner.  相似文献   

李志成 《福建建筑》2009,(8):108-111,116
通过对传统招标方法的比较研究,结合重庆江北国际机场航站区扩建的工程实践,总结了在机场项目建设中推行无标底招标的方法、操作程序及应注意的问题,积累的丰富经验和教训、管理制度和措施对今后的基本建设工作会有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

建筑制图类课程的授课对象是大学一年的新生,他们对建筑结构不了解,传统的教学手段培养学生的是二维和三维之间转换的空间思维能力,但不适应现代建筑业的发展要求。BIM技术不仅具有很高的可视化性质,还具有很强信息传递功能。将BIM应用到建筑制图类课程实践中,建立完善的建筑信息模型,根据专业需求通过三维的平移、旋转和缩放以及漫游等功能以不同的视点切换查看建筑的模型,增强学生的空间思维能力和培养学生对建筑结构的感性认识。通过学生动手实践建立建筑模型,培养学生对建筑结构的理解。参加BIM类竞赛促进教学改革,推动建筑业教学事业的发展,培养建筑信息时代的人才。同时为我校转为应用技术型高校提供理论实践基础。  相似文献   

BIM技术在建筑业的应用越来越广泛而深入,将BIM技术引入高校土木工程专业教学改革具有重要现实意义。本文分析总结了沈阳工业大学土木工程专业BIM教学改革研究与实践情况,着重介绍了基于BIM的课程体系设置和各项教改实践举措以及取得的改革成果,可供参考。  相似文献   

由于运营隧道的隐蔽性和风险因素的不确定性、复杂性增加了运营隧道防水系统可靠性研究的难度。根据历史数据和专家经验建立了贝叶斯网络拓扑结构并确定根节点发生故障的先验概率值,将Leaky Noisy OR 模型引入到贝叶斯网络中,大大降低对条件概率值的需求量,同时提高模型的准确性。并应用GeNIe Ver 2.0 软件对模型进行推导,分别计算出隧道防水系统的失效概率和各风险因子的后验概率,根据后验概率的大小可以为隧道防水系统运营维护提供理论指导,提高工作效率。通过对各风险因子进行敏感性分析,找到系统中存在的敏感性因子,指导在隧道施工中降低敏感因子的发生概率以提高隧道防水系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

随着建筑行业的信息化发展, BIM(建筑信息模型)得到了高度重视, BIM的应用逐渐普及, 然而, 行业内现有BIM专业人才已无法满足BIM进一步发展和推广的需求。本文针对BIM人才的缺失现状, 分析影响土建类本科院校BIM人才培养实践效果的主要原因, 建议土建类本科院校从加大对BIM专业教学设施的投入、解决BIM软件的兼容性问题、教学与实践相结合、培养专业的BIM教师队几个方面入手改善土建类本科院校BIM人才的培养效果。  相似文献   

工程建设领域BIM应用飞速发展,信息在工程全生命期的重要作用和价值体现对高校这一培养高级专业技术人才的重要阵地提出了明确需求。在专业认证背景下,如何在课程设置及培养环节中体现BIM进而支撑土木工程专业人才培养目标和毕业要求,以期达到行业发展对土木工程专业人才BIM素养的需求是各高校面临的重要问题。本文调研了9所美国典型高校及26所国内通过工程专业认证的高校土木工程专业BIM课程体系建设现状,分析讨论了目前国内高校BIM课程设置的特点及存在的问题。在此基础上,结合土木工程专业认证OBE理念,提出了土木工程专业认证背景下BIM课程教学内容及三种课程开设方式建议,分析了三种方式的优点和局限性,以期为土木工程专业BIM课程体系的建设提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

随着社会与经济的发展、城市化水平的不断提高,防灾减灾显得极其重要。本文论述城市在防灾减灾中的重要性,提出构建城市防灾减灾数字信息系统的必要性,以及构建信息系统的内容与方法。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国建筑行业信息技术的发展,出现了BIM技术,它为人防工程建设提供了有利的技术条件。本论文介绍了BIM的概念,重点归纳了目前BIM技术在人防工程设计、施工中的应用。通过自身参与的某人防工程的BIM设计与施工,分析总结了BIM技术在人防工程中的应用要点。  相似文献   

BIM与VR技术作为一种全新的理念和技术,是建筑业信息化发展的新动力和必然趋势。BIM与VR技术的普及将需要大量的新型人才,同时给土木类本科生培养提出了新的要求。本文在总结目前土木工程CAD教学模式所面临问题的基础上,介绍了BIM与VR技术应用状况,结合我国土木工程类专业人才培养方案和教学条件,探索和实践了BIM与VR技术在土木工程CAD教学模式。新的教学模式不仅使学生了解并运用BIM与VR技术,而且提高了学生创新与实践能力。  相似文献   

土木工程材料课程教学内容改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
土木工程材料课程要适应时代的发展,就需要对课程教学进行必要的改革。应根据土木工程专业所面向的具体行业特点,合理设置教学内容,并根据材料的发展,及时更新教学内容;紧紧围绕实际工程应用,突出材料基本性能与工程应用特性的教学,重点培养学生的工程概念与工程材料应用能力;加强材料耐久性的教学,注重培养学生“全寿命”工程设计概念与社会责任感;节约意识和环保意识的培养应从课堂教学开始。  相似文献   

针对目前用人单位对BIM技术人员需求量大,而高校学生对BIM技术的认知水平和应用能力不足的问题,结合土木工程专业培养目标与用人单位的需求,从土木工程专业人才培养方案、BIM课程设置体系、BIM教学方法等方面对土木工程教学改革进行探讨和实践,以加强学生的BIM技术能力培养。实践证明:通过土木工程教学改革及人才培养模式的修订,有利于整体提高学生的BIM技术水平,契合用人单位对毕业生的要求。  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken to explore the experience of ‘burnout’ among engineers working in the Australian construction industry. The most widely recognized model of burnout, comprising emotional exhaustion, cynicism and a diminished sense of personal accomplishment was found to be valid. However, Australian engineers experience a strong sense of the social worth of their professional activity, independently of believing in their own individual competence as engineers. There was also a widespread belief that the rewards enjoyed by engineers as a result of their professional endeavours are not commensurate with their level of skill and responsibility. The results of the study also show that burnout cannot be attributed to a single cause but occurs as a result of a complex interaction of individual characteristics and issues in the work environment. As such, there is no single ‘cure’ for burnout and multiple intervention strategies are probably needed. However, the relative importance of job characteristics compared to personality characteristics in predicting burnout suggests that job re-design may be an effective preventive strategy. Cynicism and emotional exhaustion were strong predictors of engineers' intention to leave their jobs. This suggests that measures to prevent burnout could also help to reduce turnover and its associated costs.  相似文献   

钱锋  汤朔宁 《时代建筑》2005,(6):136-141
文章简要分析了建筑师在设计同济大学土木工程学院大楼时所坚持的理念,即尊重现有校园环境,创造良好空间,同时尽力展现钢结构在建筑结构、构造甚至装饰方面上的作用。  相似文献   

根据21世纪人才培养的客观要求,研究并构建了土木工程、建筑规划、环境工程(“土建环”)三学科本科教学大平台,以面对建设类学科众多的情况,适应快速发展的社会对宽口径人才的需求。  相似文献   

当代社会土木工程专业的大发展,实施素质教育,提高学生创新意识,对传统的结构实验教学和管理模式进行改革,建立开放式实验室,实行开放式实验教学和管理一超市化教学模式具有重要意义.结构实验的超市化教学模式主要是指结构实验的教师尽可能多的准备实验个数,根据实验类别而分成若干个实验室(就象超市的不同商品区域),让学生进行选择,就象在超市,每个学生可以根据自己的兴趣和总学时要求,在每一个实验室中选择那些自己最感兴趣及最迫切需要学习和掌握的实验来做,这样可以极大地提高学生学习的积极性,同时也能培养学生的自主创新能力,既满足不同的学生对实验内容及想掌握的技能的不同要求,又提高了实验设备的使用效益.  相似文献   

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