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麦婵婵  许林涛  陈宁 《山西建筑》2008,34(12):236-237
主要介绍了PFI模式的概念、分类以及优点,分析了我国基础设施项目开发引进PFI模式的可行性,并且针对我国的现状提出了引进PFI模式需要解决的几个问题,以促进PFI模式的发展,从而促进我国基础设施建设的发展。  相似文献   

Re-engineering construction: going against the grain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Despite the enormous body of scholarship that has tracked the transformation of social housing from the ‘public housing model’ of the welfare state era to the ‘social housing model’ of today, large gaps remain in our understanding of this shift. This paper addresses on one such vacuum—the controversial use of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) as part of the Labour Government's Decent Homes programme in England. Focusing on ‘council housing’ schemes, a critical overview is presented of the housing PFI experience so far. The main purpose is to understand the motives and drivers behind the use of PFI in housing at different scales, assess the progress of the national PFI programme and explore the significant issues, controversies and challenges encountered. The paper concludes that PFI has proved to be more complicated and expensive than its proponents predicted and should be discontinued in the social housing sector.  相似文献   

One of the most significant environmental impacts of buildings occurs through the consumption of energy during their operational lives. It is a well-known fact that buildings in the UK are only a fraction as efficient as current approaches and available technologies permit. The effective management of the design process is pivotal in the delivery of buildings with improved energy efficiency but, despite this, the monitoring of energy performance is not currently a typical part of the construction design process. This paper describes the development of a design management procedure in which energy performance is monitored from the earliest phases of building inception. The decision support tool gives guidance to design teams at a stage in the design process where there is currently a lack of information on project-specific energy performance issues, and their environmental and economic implications. Life cycle cost performance is captured through elemental life cycle costing, in which the implementation of systems to improve efficiency are considered as a function of additional and avoided life cycle costs. This procedure has been developed through public-sector private finance initiative (PFI) projects, which allow a longer-term view of both capital and operating costs, since the contractors are an integral part of the long-term management consortium. The much greater level of opportunity presented in these contracts and the potential to influence the wider marketplace could offer a breakthrough for the wider acceptance of environmentally sensitive building design.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,全球正经历着知识经济时代的转型与变革。近年来在香港大学教育资助委员会的推动下,各高等院校均积极开展知识转移实践,即知识转化与应用活动。透过这些活动,不单社会大众收益,学者及研究员们亦能从中了解实社会问题和需求,从而促进研究的可行性。该文以香港最早开展此方面活动的高校之一——香港中文大学建筑学院为例,浅析如何在建筑教育与研究中开展知识转化与应用实践。  相似文献   

A considerable amount of research has confirmed the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge sharing behaviours. However, less research has been conducted on the impact of project sub-cultures in relation to the sharing of knowledge between projects, particularly in project based organizations (PBOs). The unique structures and contexts characterized by PBOs indicate the need to investigate further the impact of cultures present within PBOs and their effect on knowledge sharing. We report on a rich case study of four large Australian-based PBOs whereby the cultural values of these large organizations were seen to impact significantly on whether project teams were more or less likely to improve inter-project knowledge sharing. Furthermore, this research demonstrates the utility of using Cameron and Quinn's (2005) Competing Values Framework to evaluate culture in the context of PBOs.  相似文献   

There is little guidance in the literature on programme-based learning and knowledge transfer. We framed our research question as ‘What are the mechanisms for, drivers of, and barriers to programme-based learning?’ and investigated both within- and cross-programme learning at multiple levels. Our exploratory qualitative investigation of senior managers (primarily at the Programme Director/Delivery Director level) in a large UK-based telecommunications and network services provider revealed a number of interesting and important insights. Participants interviewed tended to call upon their own tacit knowledge and experience to understand their programmes in the first instance. Knowledge acquisition and sharing was largely through social contacts and peer-to-peer connections rather than the formal processes. Explicit organisational knowledge in this instance served mainly for reference but could be ‘signposted’ by trusted colleagues. Learning effects varied over the lifecycle of the programme and, in the case organisation, the enterprise programme office was not viewed as being conducive to effective learning. The findings have practical implications for understanding within- and cross-programme learning.  相似文献   

Private Finance Initiative (PFI) has been used on many projects in the UK in the delivery of public services. Cost, time and risk performance in public projects was anticipated to be improved by the superior skills of the private sector. So far, there are limited empirical studies on the life cycle performance of PFI projects, especially performance comparison between different sectors. This study investigated and compared variations in costs, time, and client requirements tracking it through the strategic business case stage to the operational phase in healthcare and transport sectors. It explored the influence of sector-specific factors, project size and maturity of the PFI on these variations. It used documentary analysis of full business cases of five PFI projects and a questionnaire survey of 44 PFI projects in the UK. The findings reveal that there are still considerable cost and time overruns and requirement changes in PFI projects in both sectors over the development of the project and its early use. The health sector was better than the transport sector for time overruns but was worse on costs. Smaller-value projects outperformed larger projects on cost variations but underperformed on time.  相似文献   

Building on the notion that the relations among large-scale structures, institutions, and individuals influence the inter-national transfer of planning knowledge, this article investigates the micro-processes that impact the metamorphosis of the transferred knowledge as it undergoes synthesis and adaptation. It proposes a model that links the transactions among the individual transfer agents, whether personal (person-centered) or professional (subject-matter-related), firstly, to the theoretical and practical levels of planning knowledge and secondly, to the structures and institutions. The model is then applied to the Master Plan of Amman, Jordan where planners from Toronto, Canada have been involved. The analysis reveals that during their interpersonal transactions, the transfer agents are better able to synthesize and adapt the transferred theories and practices than when the transfer process progresses toward the institutional level. The findings also reveal the significance of a structure that is conducive to the transfer agents for the synthesis and adaptation of knowledge.  相似文献   

鲍梓婷  张婷婷   《中国园林》2024,40(3):48-54
河流景观是人类需求与自然基底相互作用形成的复 杂、多尺度嵌套的社会生态和水文地貌系统。基于水文地貌学 原理的“河流样式框架”为理解河流“形式与过程”之间的关 系提供了一个成熟的分析工具。系统梳理河流样式框架的基本 原则、具体步骤与核心内容,提出多尺度的空间层级划分、河 流样式与地貌单元的分类体系是该框架解释河流特征与河流行 为的核心方法。进而在流域尺度依据地貌状况与修复潜力评估 结果确定各个河段修复管理的优先次序,在河段尺度通过河流 演变轨迹分析预测河流的变化趋势。以期为“基于过程”的河 流景观修复设计与行动计划提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Private finance initiative (PFI), as a form of public/private partnership (PPP), helps to contract the private sector to governmental projects. In contrast to traditional public financed projects, PFI projects are procured by allowing a private sector entity to take the responsibility to design, build, finance, and operate (DBFO) an asset for a contract period of up to several decades. Moreover, banks are perceived to take the leading role in financing PFI projects. Since project financing involves credit assessment of loan applicants, banks have employed popular credit scoring models to assess their creditworthiness. Although the existing models are useful for credit scoring, new models have to emerge in response to ever-changing business practices. This paper therefore aims at introducing the application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) as an alternative credit-scoring model. Unlike traditional credit-scoring building on a formula where weights to a set of criteria are assigned subjectively, DEA will automatically generate the relative weights for analysis. However, incorporating DEA demands additional considerations, which are discussed in this paper. Finally, examples are demonstrated for illustrating this alterative approach to credit scoring by DEA.  相似文献   

知识转移是作为一种新的组织管理手段,对于国有企业构建学习型组织有至关重要的作用。针对国有企业构建学习型组织中知识转移存在的问题,提出了对策。  相似文献   

邓锋 《国际城市规划》2012,27(4):58-64,101
通过总结相关文献,本文提出了一个城市制度分析的理论框架。分析的三个基本维度是基于城市的三个主要特征:城市土地和地方公共品(或集体品)的消费和交易是捆绑在一起的;住房所有者购房后流动性降低;不动产具有耐久性。本文的分析说明城市土地利用的中心问题是胁迫问题,而整合土地所有者和集体品提供者是各种城市组织的一个基本制度结构;私有社区和购物中心代表了不同的整合方式;不动产的耐久性则可能通过市场结构对城市制度的内部形式产生影响。  相似文献   

“原真性”是遗产旅游的核心,但对原真性的认识国内旅游界仍然较为混乱。该文通过对旅游领域原真性概念及理论发展历程的综述,从客观存在状态和主体感知两个角度,确立了原真性理论的整体框架,尤其重新审视了“客观主义原真性——建构主义原真性——存在主义原真性——后现代主义原真性”的理论逻辑,明晰它们在整体框架中的学术定位,以期推动旅游学科自身的基础理论建设,并使得理论在本土化应用过程中更加合理。  相似文献   

Achieving good value for money (VFM) is the principal objective of any private finance initiative (PFI) project while sustaining it throughout the contract life is the greatest challenge. Empirical evidence is required to understand uncertainties surrounding VFM of PFI before finding effective ways to improve it. Variations in costs, time and client requirements are explored, between successive review stages of PFI projects from the strategic business case stage through to the operational phase. The magnitudes of these variations are established and critical parameters that influence them are identified. The research methods include a documentary analysis of the full business cases of five PFI projects and a questionnaire survey of 44 PFI projects from the healthcare and transport sectors in the UK. The findings reveal that the current VFM assessment of PFI projects is often carried out under conditions of considerable uncertainty with frequent changes in costs, timescales and client requirements. The list of critical parameters can help practitioners to identify priority areas and achieve a long-lasting VFM. The study broadens the understanding of whole life aspects of VFM of PFI projects and the interactivity of project parameters at different stages.  相似文献   

刘建明 《建筑科学》2012,28(5):92-96
某复杂公建项目超限单体结构采用框支框架结构体系,其外部框架在2层及3层平面连续内收,形成二次转换体系。工程设计时选用SATWE、PMSAP程序进行了多遇地震、设防地震以及罕遇地震作用下的抗震分析和性能化设计,解决了局部大空间、二次转换结构等技术难点,达到了预定的性能目标,满足了三水准抗震设防要求。计算结果表明,本工程结构体系和构件具有较好的抗震性能和安全储备。文中阐述了为满足建筑功能要求而采用的大跨度型钢混凝土转换梁、型钢混凝土框支立柱等关键部位的分析和设计,可为相近的工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

In this research, we investigate how IT-enabled business projects can be managed to contribute value to the client organization. We take a knowledge view of this issue, and conceptualize knowledge management as a three dimensional concept comprising knowledge stock, enabling environment and knowledge practices. We suggest that knowledge management enables the creation and alignment of three types of project-based knowledge that are critical to achieving desired business outcomes: technical design knowledge, organizational change knowledge and business value knowledges  相似文献   

蔡震 《室内设计》2016,(1):4-13
国家“一带一路”战略实施以来, 国内外政治与经贸格局呈现出了一定的变化 趋势。国家战略的长期贯彻实施,有赖于国 家内部空间格局的全面支撑。基于这一背 景,需要系统地考察国外地缘政治与经贸格 局的演变与发展趋势,全面梳理国家内部空 间格局的演变历程,并对现有空间格局进 行必要的研判和思考。文章提出在“一带一 路”战略背景下,国家内部格局的构建思路, 即从单向开放、梯度推进调整为全面开放、 东西分工对进的整体空间格局。国家空间格 局的轴带组织上建立从海陆分割、东西失 衡、北重南轻调整为海陆统筹、东西均衡和 南北贯通的网络框架。在国家空间格局节点 构建上,配合海陆统筹的轴带网络框架,发 展和培育网络上的关键节点,分级组织,建 立西部双核,优化“钻石结构”。并提出在国 际门户地区建立国家新区+自贸区的顶级政 策平台的设想。进而,文章进一步阐述了对 局部地区空间格局调整的思路与方向。  相似文献   

In contrast to traditional projects, which are assumed to be fully specified and then executed with little learning anticipated, complex projects cannot be fully specified at the outset and require continuous learning over their life cycles. Nevertheless, the key role of knowledge formation and learning in managing complex projects is under-developed for expanding project capability boundaries to include knowledge uncertainty and indeterminacy.  相似文献   

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