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Demand for construction managers is considerable and is projected to grow through the next decade. To meet the demand for construction managers, construction management programs will have to produce enough graduates. However, to produce graduates, programs must first attract students to their programs. This study collected data from students enrolled in a construction management (CM) degree program at multiple universities to learn about their perceptions of factors that attracted them to a construction management degree program. A comparative analysis was performed to identify differences in influential factors by gender. The results indicate that very few differences exist, in regard to the factors that attract students to construction degree programs, between male and female students. It was also found that while all factors identified were positively influential, there are substantial differences between the factors regarding how many students they reach and their level of positive influence. Career opportunities was found to be the most influential factor in attracting students of both genders to CM programs, followed by, internships, non-internship work experience, and fieldtrips to job sites. Factors were also identified for CM programs trying to increase their female enrolment to focus on.  相似文献   

以社会需求和学生就业为导向加大毕业设计改革的力度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了目前国内高校毕业设计工作的具体现状,指出了毕业设计改革的紧迫性和重要性.通过对大学毕业生分配工作变化过程的回顾,提出了以社会需求和学生就业为导向进行毕业设计选题的改革,同时,在毕业设计期间,开设相应的毕业设计专题讲座,加深学生对即将从事的工作行业背景的了解,增强相关的专业基础及技能,毕业设计课题紧密结合其具体工作实际.通过试点后情况表明这一改革已初见成效.  相似文献   

研究生是高层次的教育群体,而当代研究生的思想动态已呈现出新的时代特点。导师和辅导员是研究生思想政治教育工作的主体,也是研究生思想政治教育工作中最重要的两支力量。研究生导师与辅导员协同育人,最核心的是将德育工作与教学、科研、学科建设等工作相结合,在思想政治素质的培养和成长成才的过程中,遵循研究生的群体特征和成长规律,充分调动和发挥导师、研究生朋辈和研究生自我教育的积极性、主动性,坚持责任分担、资源共享、优势互补等原则,形成协同育人机制。  相似文献   

BIM和可持续性一体化课程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色建筑和可持续性施工一直以来都被列入本科和研究生阶段的施工管理项目课程中。在这类课程中,能源与环境设计认证(LEED)绿色建筑评级系统是一项重要课题。大学中现有的LEED教学一般都仅限于教科书和参考书中的基础理论。由于缺乏实践经验,学生们通常都难以理解LEED系统的基本原理,因此也不能理解LEED项目是如何在工程领域中实现的。本文将探讨林克尔(Rinker)建筑学院通过整合BIM,研究实验出一种能够促进可持续性的创新教学方法。BIM-for-LEED教学模式以佛罗里达大学校园中已通过LEED认证的建筑为例,利用先进的BIM制作和分析工具来表达成功获得LEED认证的关键设计因素。这个教学重点强调了满足LEED认证所需的设计要素,以及满足这些要素所需的BIM解决方案中的功能性。教学中所设置的课程和实验,都是为了进一步扩展学生在计算机辅助的可持续性设计方面的知识,更重要的是,亲自参与建模实验可以了解满足LEED认证的设计流程的最基本元素。在学期结束时,学生们不仅对可持续性和LEED评级系统有了更深入的理解,同时还掌握了关于LEED认证建筑建模的扎实技能。利用校园中LEED项目的优势在于学生们可以随时看到这些建筑,并分辨出其设计和实际建成建筑之间的区别,从而丰富了他们对从设计阶段到施工阶段,乃至建筑运营和维护阶段的可持续性设计和LEED的理解。  相似文献   

以职业竞争力为导向的工程造价专业教学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在大学生就业形势严峻的今天,如何提高学生的职业竞争力已成为高校学生培养工作的一个重点。文章从工程造价专业毕业生在实际工作中存在的问题出发,深入分析工程造价专业的职业竞争力,建立了五项核心能力模型,并结合学校实际,提出了工程造价专业五项核心能力重点培养的具体措施。  相似文献   

研究生导师的问题,事关学生创新教育的最终效果,必须予以重视。针对目前社会上关于研究生创新培养及导师工作的一些讨论,对大家关注的研究生导师工作的几个问题提出了自己的观点和看法。创建科学、合理的导师工作机制与模式,可以使导师的指导工作能更好地遵循研究生创新培养规律的需要。  相似文献   

刘百国 《山西建筑》2010,36(3):213-214
分析了地方院校土木工程本科毕业生的情况及就业的形势,提出了以就业为导向的实习基地建设及意义,指出了毕业实习基地建设中有待进一步研究的问题,以增强学生的就业竞争力。  相似文献   


Over the past decades, the use of mobile technology has increased and the attitude towards work has changed, making it possible to work anywhere at any time. However, workers still seek work environments that stimulate networking and collaboration possibilities. This has led to the growing popularity of co-working spaces. However, little is known about the specific preferences of co-working space users. The aim of this research is to analyse user preferences for co-working space characteristics. Stated choice data were collected by means of a questionnaire which was completed by 219 respondents of 25 co-working spaces in the Netherlands. A mixed-multinomial logit model was used to analyse the user preferences. Results show that the main motivations for co-workers to work in a co-working space were that they were looking for a workplace outside their home that allows them to work in an inspiring work environment where the accommodation is affordable. Accessibility and atmosphere/interior are the most important characteristics when choosing a specific co-working space. These results provide owners or managers of co-working spaces with clear insights about how to cope with co-worker preferences by offering co-working spaces with good accessibility by car and public transport, a semi-open layout and a homelike interior.  相似文献   

黄薇 《山西建筑》2014,(16):265-266
针对高职院校建筑工程技术专业学生的特点,结合毕业生在施工企业工作的情况,找出在《建筑结构体系受力分析与计算》课程教学方面存在的一些问题,进而探讨如何在教学内容、教学方法等方面作好相应的优化和改革,以培养出适应岗位需求的高素质建筑工程专业毕业生。  相似文献   

Research into workplace stress in the construction industry has been dominated by studies undertaken in Hong Kong, England and Australia, with relatively little attention having been paid to African countries. A purposively selected sample of thirty-six construction professionals (comprising architects, project managers, construction managers, engineers and quantity surveyors) based in Cape Town, South Africa, were surveyed regarding their perceptions about, and experiences of, workplace stress. The purpose was to identify and rank job demand, job control and job support factors and to analyse these by gender and professional grouping, both in terms of how respondents perceived them, as well as in terms of how frequently they had experienced them. The main finding was that respondents’ perceptions about the importance of job demand, job control and job support factors were largely consistent with their own experience of these factors. Distinguishing between perceptions and experience of stressors and moderators of stress was, however, considered valuable because the fact that differences were found indicates the need for precision in the design of scales. The highest ranked factors were, respectively, ‘critical time constraints’, ‘volume of work’ and ‘adequate compensation (salary)’. Women and men ranked items differently, as did the various professional groups. The main conclusions were that the construction project environment is a time-pressured, complex, environment in which work-life balance is negatively affected, particularly for women. Control over the type, flow and volume of work were perceived to be the main moderators of stress, whilst salary and career path opportunities were perceived to be the main job support moderators of stress. The applicability of using the job demand–control–support framework was confirmed given that the main stressors, control and support moderators were found to be to be largely consistent with the findings of previous studies. Future research taking a gendered approach should anticipate issues important to female respondents and should consider the benefits of qualitative methods. The design of research focusing on construction professionals should consider using the project team as the unit of analysis to ensure that the influence of the interconnectedness of participants’ roles is taken into account.  相似文献   

This paper examines how merit-based tuition assistance policies implemented by a growing number of states affect one important dimension of college graduate behaviour: the conditional probability of working in the state. Using a restricted-use administrative dataset for West Virginia, we find that, conditional on in-state enrolment and graduation, graduates that received merit aid are less likely than similar non-recipient graduates to work at establishments in the state. These results suggest that the positive influences of merit aid in West Virginia on human capital accumulation stemming from increased in-state college enrolment and graduation are dampened by the locational decisions of the recipients after graduation.  相似文献   

案例课程教学以理论与实践结合为着力点,旨在解决理论知识和实际工作脱节的问题。案例课程教学符合工程硕士培养目标,是现阶段工程硕士教育改革重要方向。以河海大学地质工程专业工程硕士案例课程为例,探讨了案例课程建设、实施,并给出案例教学进一步改进的建议。研究表明,案例教学法作为一种与工程硕士相适应的教学模式,能够有效调动研究生学习积极性,促进研究生思考,提升学习成效;同时又是一个具有启发性、开放性和互动性的学习过程,需要教师和研究生相互配合、共同努力完成。案例教学法需从加强教师科研素养、丰富教学案例类别、甄选典型实用工程案例、加强师生互动和完善研究生评价机制五个方面进行改进。  相似文献   

加强研究生学术诚信教育是新世纪高等教育培养目标的必然要求,是培养创新型人才和科技强国的重要保证。高校和研究生培养单位无论在教育理念、制度建设和教育环节等方面学术诚信教育都存在缺失。我们要转变教育理念,在制度建设和教育环节上加强和重视学术诚信教育,提高研究生学术诚信自律意识和能力。  相似文献   

借助简化版环境感知恢复性量表来判断自然环境与城市环境的环境感知恢复性与环境偏好,调查50个研究生对100张照片的感受,利用SPSS进行了统计分析,比较了自然环境照片和城市环境照片,证实了注意力恢复理论和压力缓解理论的主要观点与假设,指出了环境感知恢复性的主要影响因素,得出了人们的环境偏好。  相似文献   

研究生教育是中国教育体系的重要组成部分,也是最高层次。其区别于其他阶段的显著特点是学生在完成基础课程的同时,要进行一系列的科学研究。这也是科技创新的重要来源之一。该研究采用自行设计调查问卷的方式,对国内7所知名高校130名研究生的科研现状进行调查分析。研究结果表明:约60%的研究生在科研创新活动中不够勤奋,对待科研活动的热情不高;79%的导师采取给定学生一个大致方向,让学生自己摸索的方式进行研究生培养,研究生与导师的交流较少;绝大多数研究生都具有问题意识,但创新思维、批判精神尚显不足。  相似文献   

通过总结哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院10多年来校企合作培养应用型研究生的经验,找出应用型研究生学位论文质量影响因素,探索如何通过本校、其他高校和企业三方共建应用型硕士研究生学位论文评价体系,同时提出可供其他高校参考的应用型硕士研究生培养改革思路。  相似文献   

The paper aims to revive an interest in the notion of responsible project management education (RPME) in the context of related contemporary debates about the integration of reflexivity, ethics and sustainability in the business schools' curricula; the purpose, values and effectiveness of university education; and practical relevance of business and management courses, to mention only a few. We offer an interpretation of what RPME at university level may mean concerning the practice of curriculum design and pedagogy of project management courses in light of a perceived nature of project management theory and the field as practised. We argue that responsible project management education should make the theorising of the process of projectification, relational complexity and practical wisdom (combining prudence, instrumental and value rationality) accessible and appealing to all involved and should pursue experiential reflective learning. To illustrate how it may work in practice, we reflect on our longstanding experience with designing and delivering a PM module for an MBA programme. Apart from the challenge with maintaining the requisite diversity of the teaching team and practitioners' input into the course, we illuminate some benefits and challenges as perceived by the participating students. These are: discomfort caused by encountering a different ‘project management’; excitement in embracing the unexpected; light-bulb moments in redefining one's own understanding of PM practice and in finding a new way of understanding and dealing with a specific situation in the workplace.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In recent years, there has been a substantial amount of empirical work done on the causes of residential segregation. Nevertheless, better understanding of to what extent ethnic groups choose to live in the proximity of each other, or to what extent segregation is forced upon them is imperative. Prior research on self‐segregation either focused on discovering underlying motivations for self‐segregation, or the effect of stated preferences on observed patterns of segregation, whereas few studies directly link motivations, preferences, and segregation to one another in more detail. This article seeks to clarify mechanisms driving self‐segregation, subsequently relating self‐segregation to actual residential segregation. The results suggest that preferences for coethnic neighbors, driven mostly by interethnic prejudice, contribute to observed residential isolation to a certain extent. In some cases, perceived and experienced hostility and discrimination toward ethnic minorities stimulate self‐segregation as well, while interethnic contact decreases it.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between space and the digital industries through everyday work practices in Shoreditch, London. Drawing on interviews with digital workers, the paper examines how work unfolds in multiple settings and how the built environment supports these work patterns. Digital work extends from the office or the residence (the base) to multiple settings (ancillary spaces) in what can be defined as an extended workplace. The study identifies micro and macro scale characteristics of the built environment that are relevant (spatial characteristics of semi-public and public spaces, access and control, location, and attributes of the neighbourhood) expanding the understanding of why and how place matters for these industries. A typology of ancillary spaces and some reflections on policy implications are advanced.  相似文献   

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