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该文以黑龙江省宁安市渤海国上京龙泉府遗址博物馆的方案创作为例,探索如何通过理性分析,将制约条件转化为设计契机,协调处理好新建博物馆与遗址的关系,并以"真诚"的态度去实现对历史文明的传承和保护。  相似文献   

Between 1988 and 1992 new rules were enacted to open the EU utilities procurement market to increased competition. The aim was to end national preference for local suppliers and to encourage increased cross-border trade both from within the EU and, when appropriate, from countries outside. This article draws on data that analyse the impact of the new rules on utilities procurement in 1993. The data show that so far the new rules have not significantly altered the preference of EU member states for procurement from locally based suppliers.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of modern buildings and the use of fast-track methods of procurement systems has meant the expeditious and successful completion of the design phase of a project has become ever more important. This paper describes a research methodology that can help plan the building design process. Design models, based on data flow diagrams, have been developed to map information flows during the design of a modern building. These models are analysed using Steward's design structure matrix, which allows ordering of the tasks to produce schedules or design plans based solely on information flowing between design tasks. Traditional ordering is based on experience but modern complex projects require a more rigorous approach. Design is an inherently iterative activity and design structure matrix analysis reveals how to order most efficiently interdependent tasks and use estimates of design information further to improve the scheduling of design tasks.  相似文献   

An overview of current design practices for submarine pressure hulls is presented, along with the results of a survey of the literature that was conducted to determine standard nonlinear numerical modelling practices for those structures. The accuracies of the conventional submarine design formulae (SDF) and nonlinear numerical analyses for predicting pressure hull collapse are estimated by comparing predicted and experimental collapse loads from the literature. The conventional SDF are found to be accurate within approximately 20%, with 95% confidence, for intact pressure hulls. The accuracy of a wide range of nonlinear numerical methods, including axisymmetric finite difference and general shell finite element (FE) models, is found to be within approximately 16% with 95% confidence. The accuracy is found to be within 9% when only higher fidelity general shell FE models are considered. It is shown how the observations taken from the survey could serve as a starting point for establishing modelling guidelines, quantifying the accuracy of nonlinear FE analysis in pressure hull collapse calculations, and introducing this method into a design procedure by way of a partial safety factor.  相似文献   

Several analytical studies have been conducted on the out-of-plane buckling of X-bracing systems. Most of these studies do not consider effects of the mid-span (center) connection and inelastic behaviors of X-bracing system. Usually, one diagonal is interrupted at the center and a gusset plate connects it to the other continuous diagonal and the discontinuous diagonal is modeled as partly pinned. In this study, simple approximated solutions are obtained for the direct evaluation of the elastic buckling loads of X-bracing systems with discontinuous diagonals. The effective length factors are suggested for the general case, i.e., tension and compression diagonals have different section properties, lengths, and axial loads. Inelastic buckling loads of X-bracing systems with discontinuous diagonals are also studied. Inelastic buckling loads are determined using column buckling curves with the suggested effective length factor, and are compared with those from FEM analyses. It is found that inelastic buckling loads of X-bracing systems with discontinuous diagonals from the column buckling curves are over-predicted when the stress level of a tension diagonal is high.  相似文献   

With an additional target reliability index of 1.098, the Rackwitz-Fiessler method was used to evaluate the coefficients associated with the design development length of a GFRP rod in concrete in the case of pull-out bond failures. As a result of the evaluation, the coefficients are proposed to be 0.0816 and 0.0933 for ordinary and aggressive exposures, respectively. The coefficient of variation of GFRP strength could exert the most significant influence on averaged coefficients. The effects of diameter and GFRP average strength greater than 750 MPa are found to be negligible. A linear relationship between the averaged coefficient and additional target reliability could be employed for developing a performance-based bond design methodology. With the combination of flexural analysis, the proposed relationship between the averaged coefficient and the so-called strength utilization factor could be applied to for the determination of a customized design development length of a GFRP rod in concrete.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(3):101129
This report discusses the challenges associated with geotechnical design through a review of research on the reliability analysis of geotechnical structures. This report is organized into two parts: (1) challenges related to the geotechnical structural design in the conventional and narrow sense, and (2) challenges related to evolving the geotechnical structural design in the broad sense. In the first part, the uncertainties to be considered in foundation design are listed, and their statistics are examined. Additionally, the sensitivities of each uncertainty propagation to the design outcome (performance) are examined, and the perspectives in the narrow sense of structural design are discussed. In the second part, the necessity of evaluating the temporal change of the structural state (structural performance) by reliability updates with additional observations, considering the design of geotechnical structures as the management system of the initial design, construction, and maintenance through a review of research is discussed. Furthermore, the importance of evolving to a more flexible design system, i.e., recalling the original idea of the performance design concept, is indicated.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether and how forms of entrepreneurial governance effecting deprived regions of the UK have embraced urban design as a necessary and distinctive feature of regeneration efforts. It applies established theory and thinking to work completed in the city centre of Liverpool since the late 1990s. The article examines the economic and governance context through which new forms of urban design policy and guidance have emerged, and discusses whether and how they have been applied to developments emerging across the centre.The case has embraced an urban design agenda and this can firmly be attributed to entrepreneurial forms of governance, although the attributes of the built form sometimes credited to such places were not so evident. Principles embedded in policy and guidance have dovetailed with substantive thinking within urban design and can be recognised in significant projects. Whilst there should be a concern for the privatisation of the public realm generally, issues such as gentrification and a more general concern for placelessness are overstated. Iconic forms of development have not materialised. Forms of over development, such as tall buildings, have been moderated by policy and guidance. Large scale projects can be designed to fit into and enhance the fabric of the city when urban design thinking is clearly embraced by partners. Established critiques of the relationship between urban design and entrepreneurial forms of governance have not always explored the multiple meanings and discourses that the built environment can contain, but where urban design is concerned the discussion must at least embrace the criteria urban designers themselves employ to design schemes or judge the results.  相似文献   

王贽 《中外建筑》2005,(6):66-67
本文总结了一个建筑作品从设计到成品所需经历的过程和影响成品的种种因素,从建筑设计和室内设计一体化进程的科学性和必要性入手,表述了一个优秀的建筑师所应具备的条件.  相似文献   

Multi-story reinforced concrete tunnel form buildings are one of the common structural types in regions prone to high seismic risk due to the buildings inherent earthquake resistance and ease of construction. Despite their good performance during earthquakes in 1999 in Turkey, and abundance of such structures scattered worldwide, current seismic codes and design provisions provide insufficient guidelines for their seismic design. As a compensatory measure, a series of modal and nonlinear static analyses are conducted by emphasizing the characteristic dynamic behavior of tunnel form buildings including impacts of wall-to-wall and wall-to-slab interaction and effects of torsion and wall-openings on the load transfer mechanism and seismic performance. A new formula for explicit determination of their fundamental period is developed in addition to a recommended response reduction factor and reinforcement detailing around shear-wall openings.  相似文献   

杨建觉 《时代建筑》2008,(3):114-125
20世纪末,以“有机”、“生态”为鲜明特征的北欧建筑逐渐引起国际建筑界的关注与推崇,SHL、鲍卡戴斯、科里斯·巴特斯等北欧设计领袖也成为世界建筑设计的旗帜性人物。伴随着北欧建筑的强势登陆,“奢极至简”的建筑风尚和价值取向将给中国建筑界时下流行的繁复、奢靡之风提供反思与警醒,并将掀起一场设计艺术与生活方式的革命风暴。  相似文献   

宗轩  贺云飞 《城市建筑》2011,(11):31-34
本文通过对同济大学游泳馆建成后几年实际使用中的设计问题分析及场馆运营分析,剖析同济游泳馆与社区良好结合的原因,并对大学体育场馆向社区开放的设计及运营提出建议。  相似文献   

The development of new ideas is an essential concern for many design projects. There are, however, few in-depth studies of how such ideas emerge within these contexts. In this article we offer an analysis of the emergence of ideas from specific sources of inspiration, as they arise through negotiation and transformation, and are mediated by design artefacts during an Inspiration Card Workshop, a collaborative event in which findings from domain studies are combined with technological sources of inspiration, in order to generate design concepts. We present a micro-analytic study of the interwoven social and artefact-mediated interactions in the workshop, and identify essential phenomena that structure and create momentum in the development of new design concepts, namely (1) the manifest properties of Inspiration Cards and Concept Posters as physical props for encouraging and supporting design moves, (2) the semantic dimensions of the cards and posters as catalysts for discussion, derivation and ideation, and (3) ad hoc external sources of inspiration as means of supplementing and developing design concepts. The analysed design situation is characterised as being socially distributed, artefactually mediated, adaptive and emergent.  相似文献   

A building has been constructed at the Building Research Establishment in the UK which is intended as a model for office buildings of the future. The study enabled a research team to assist with refining an element of this building at design stage and monitor it in use. The element was the glass louvre itself within a system of automatically-controlled louvres that were intended to provide solar shading to reduce heat gains. Initially it was anticipated that a secondary set of blinds would be used to control glare. However in the revised brief, the primary louvred shading system was designed to perform both functions and also, if possible, aid the penetration of daylight into the interior parts of the building. This paper considers some of the factors examined by the designers and describes a study undertaken by the researchers to investigate the shading devices using physical models. Comparisons are made between the conditions within the scale model and those experienced in the finished building. The implications of using scale models in future design studies are discussed. On a construit sur le site du Building Research Establishment de Grande-Bretagne un batiment pilote qui doit servir de modele aux futurs immeubles de bureaux. Ce projet a permis a une equipe de chercheurs d'affiner un element de ce batiment au stade de sa conception puis d'observer son comportement operationnel. Il s'agissait des persiennes en verre d'un systeme a controle automatique destine a proteger contre de soleil et a reduire les gains thermiques. On a cru, en un premier temps, qu'il faudrait ajouter des stores pour eviter l'eblouissement. Lorsque l'on a revu les specifications, on a decide que le systeme principal de persiennes devrait pouvoir assurer les deux fonctions de reduction des gains thermiques et d'anti-eblouissement et aussi, dans la mesure du possible de laisser penetrer la lumiere du jour dans les parties interieures du batiment. Cette communication passe en revue quelques uns des parametres pris en compte par les concepteurs; on y trouve egalement la presentation d'une etude entreprise par les chercheurs sur les dispositifs d'ombrage et qui fait appel a des modeles physiques. On compare les conditions regnant dans le batiment pilote et celles du batiment acheve. Les auteurs examinent egalement les consequences de l'utilisation de modeles a l'echelle dans les futures etudes de conception.  相似文献   

李敏稚 《风景园林》2016,(6):112-118
城市正经历信息化、智能化、生态化等新进程,依靠单一学科范畴越来越难以应对复杂因素驱动下的城市发展问题。城市设计被视为形体环境创造所凭籍的政策和技术框架,而旅游规划设计则是有效配置资源、平衡经济与环境发展的重要手段之一。从城市设计视野出发研究旅游规划设计,结合深入剖析体现岭南地区自然和人文特色的斗门镇区旅游规划设计案例,为探讨两种学科结合的可能性、整合专业价值和技术体系提供思路与借鉴。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,迫切需求创新意识与实践能力并重的应用型、复合型工程专业技术人才,因此,在工程专业人才培养过程中要注重学生工程实践能力,特别是工程设计能力的培养。南京工业大学自动化与电气工程学院长期通过案例分析等教学手段加强学生工程设计能力的培养,取得了一定的成果。  相似文献   


This small-scale study looks at how different urban public spaces affect and contribute to recovery from acute mental health problems. It reveals findings from in-depth interviews with eight Sheffield service users in June 2013. The occupational therapy (OT) ‘Model of Human Occupation’ framed the research so it was applicable for mental health professionals and service users. Paths to recovery were narrated through a user-focused and inclusive research process that included an Experiential Landscape Mapping workshop. This participative approach adds diversity to existing studies that are primarily quantitative, based in environmental psychology. Results suggest the significance of overarching social and symbolic themes for material preferences in landscape design, and highlight how opportunities for graded exposure to outdoor social environments can aid recovery, in accordance with the OT model. The methods employed for this study gave a longitudinal perspective, highlighting that different places can be beneficial and detrimental at different points of recovery.  相似文献   

通过对中小学校的性质和功能分析,从变配电系统、照明、插座、弱电、防雷及接地等四个方面探讨学校建筑电气的设计。  相似文献   

The paper introduces some peculiar and innovative aspects by the experimental tests carried out in a boundary-layer wind tunnel (BLWT) for the design of the roof of the new Olympic soccer stadium in Piraeus, Greece, using simultaneous pressure measurements and state-of-the-art processing techniques. The wind tunnel data are then used for the numerical simulation of the quasi-static response of the structure in the time domain, so obtaining the time histories of the structural response. The extreme values of the wind effects are evaluated directly from the statistical analysis of the corresponding time histories and are compared with those from dead loads. Finally the uniform pressure distributions are identified which produce the same extreme values of wind effects.  相似文献   

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