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The Hoover Dam was completed two years ahead of schedule and under budget despite political, economical, technical, and organizational obstacles. Previous literature regarding the Hoover Dam project focused primarily on the aspects of design, engineering, and construction, with minimal analysis or discussions on project and program management techniques unique to this undertaking. This paper examines project and program management practices applied to the building of the Hoover Dam, and discusses how these factors contributed to the establishment and evolution of modern project management principles, tools, and techniques. A historical review of the Hoover Dam project reveals that the project team implemented a number of innovative strategies and practices that are comparable to critical success factors for today's megaprojects to overcome monumental project challenges and obstacles. This paper conveys the organizational and managerial best practices and presents lessons learned associated with the planning and construction of the Hoover Dam project.  相似文献   

为了帮助建筑设计师及废弃物相关管理人员清晰地理解设计阶段导致建筑废弃物产生的原因,在总结国内外文献的基础上,结合访谈从建筑技术、材料管理规划、设计师行为态度、设计师能力、建筑设计、外部制度6 方面归纳了设计阶段影响建筑废弃物减量化水平的因素,并据此设计调查问卷,针对深圳市的建筑设计人员展开广泛调查。根据调查分析结果,识别出了设计阶段影响废弃物减量化水平的35 个主要因素,并据此提出了相应的措施建议。  相似文献   

项目管理成熟度模型在IT行业取得的巨大成功使之很快被应用到了20多个领域,建设工程领域就是其中之一。国内建设项目管理成熟度的研究已历经10余年,各种研究混杂交错,需要得到比较系统的梳理。从项目管理成熟度的发展历程和研究现状出发,从基础理论和应用障碍研究以及建设项目管理成熟度模型两个方面对其在我国建设工程领域的研究情况进行了剖析。并分别从建设细分领域和参建方的不同视角进行了成熟度研究现状的综述,指出了建设领域成熟度研究对非过程因素的忽视。期望对建设工程领域的后续成熟度研究有所启迪。  相似文献   

工程项目造价管理是项目管理工作的重要组成部分,同进也贯穿了项目管理工作整体过程,甚至决定了项目建设的成功与否。如何对土建工程造价进行有效管理是企业思考的问题。项目建设会受到各方面因素的影响,因此会存在风险,而项目造价也会存在风险,因此需要通过相关手段对风险进行管理。利用模型可以模拟项目造价,从而发现项目存在的风险与问题,提前做好准备措施,从而避免在后期建设的过程中造成更大的负面影响。  相似文献   

Extensive studies have been conducted to examine the factors affecting construction productivity, but efforts have rarely been made to obtain craft workers' input. A survey was administered to 1996 craft workers throughout the US to quantify the workforce's perspective of construction labour productivity. Specifically, the survey measured the impact of 83 productivity factors, which had been identified through 18 focus group sessions with craft workers and their immediate supervisors on jobsites located throughout the US. Craft workers provide detailed insight into the factors affecting their daily productivity, and most of the adversarial factors affecting construction labour productivity can be addressed by jobsite management teams. The major findings indicated that craft workers and foremen share a general perception of the factors impacting on construction productivity; however, differences do exist. Specifically, foremen reported factors related to project management and engineering drawings having a more severe impact on their productivity compared to craft workers, and craft workers reported factors related to construction materials as having a more severe impact.  相似文献   

聂华 《城市建筑》2012,(9X):46-46,49
铁路赢交桥工稃项目建设是一项大规模的、复杂的管理工程,专业化、工厂化、机械化、信息化的现代化管理手段的应用,为提高工程建设管理水平提供充分的科技基础。本文了阐述现阶段信息化技术在工程建设项目管理中应用的背景和意义,提出工程信息化管理的目的和主要内容模式,并结合信息化系统在南京路铁路立交桥建设中的实际开发应用,详细介绍系统框架和各模块的功能作用,最后就信息化系统的实施进行相关讨论。  相似文献   

加入WTO后工程管理专业人才培养的对策   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
我国加入WTO后建筑业面临挑战。在分析项目总承包与工程总承包、施工总承包的区别基础上 ,探讨工程管理专业的人才培养问题 ,并提出了培养懂国际惯例操作实务、技术综合能力强、有创新精神的国际化工程管理人才的对策  相似文献   

The repeated and inevitable occurrence of defects remains one of the primary causes of project schedule and cost overruns in construction. Currently, quality management on site is done by site managers through their visual senses. However, it is often challenging for a handful of site managers to perform quality management efficiently for an entire site based on inspected progress of construction works. As a consequence, inspections are often omitted, resulting in faulty construction and quality degradation which may necessitate rework. This may adversely affect project costs and schedule. This paper addresses these issues by utilizing BIM, image-matching, and augmented reality (AR) to develop two types of defect management systems including: 1) an image-matching system to enable quality inspection without visiting the real work site; and 2) a mobile DM-AR app which enables workers and managers to automatically detect dimension errors and omissions on the jobsite. The two systems are tested and evaluated by lab and site experiments for reinforcement concrete (RC) work to assess the benefits and limitations. Experimental results demonstrate the defect management system's effectiveness in automatic omission and error detection at real job sites. The study emphasizes the potential applicability of BIM, image-matching, and AR technologies that could be utilized to improve construction defect management.  相似文献   

以“理性人”假设为基础的期望效用理论指导风险评估时忽略了企业自身应对风险的能力,在一定程度上会影响后续风险管理工作的科学性与有效性。根据问卷调查获取的数据,分析了项目管理者风险应对能力、基于期望效用的风险重要性指数及风险管理投入努力度三者之间的关系。研究结果表明:基于期望效用理论的风险重要性排序与管理者相应的风险应对能力排序之间存在显著差异,管理团队的风险应对能力与其针对风险的管理投入之间具有更强的正相关关系。并建议在现有风险评估体系中增加项目管理者风险应对能力这一指标。  相似文献   

Due to the increasing complexity and flexibility of business activities, project-based organizations have become common. In such organizations, project management competencies, which refer to a collection of knowledge, personal attitudes, skills, and relevant experience, are core assets that must be taken seriously. Formalized project management career paths have been widely implemented in the construction industry. However, most recent studies treat project management competencies as static constructs and fail to consider their dynamic changes as a career path advances. To fill this gap in the literature, this study conducted an empirical examination of project management competencies integrated with a career model for the construction industry. First, key project management competencies are identified through a literature review. Then, a project management career model for large Chinese construction companies is developed based on an empirical investigation of six large Chinese construction companies from various sectors. Moreover, a quantitative analysis is performed to explore how these competencies dynamically change as position levels rise in the career model. The research findings indicate that significant differences in project management competencies exist at different levels of the career model. However, the distribution remains steady at different project management position levels for conceptual and organizational competencies, human competencies, and technical competencies.  相似文献   

A significant proportion of performance failures (e.g., structural failure, cost overruns, delays) are due to human error in the construction of in-situ reinforced concrete elements. A Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) model has been developed to simulate the effect of human error on the construction of a reinforced concrete beam. The proposed HRA model incorporates the effect of (i) initial errors (i.e., before engineering inspections) and (ii) errors remaining after engineering inspections. The following typical construction tasks are considered: number and size of reinforcing bars, effective depth of steel reinforcing, beam width, and quality of concrete mix. Human performance models are described for each of these microtasks. It was found that human error leads to a significant loss of structural safety. It was also shown that engineering inspections significantly increased structural reliability, but the resulting structural reliability was still an order of magnitude lower than "nominal" estimates of structural reliability.  相似文献   

家装工程作为我国建筑领域重要的组成部分,其当前的管理模式仍十分落后,严重阻碍了自身的发展。调查并总结了目前我国传统家装工程在设计、预算、施工、验收和使用阶段存在的问题和管理模式的严重缺陷,基于BIM 技术的可视化模型、工程量清单分析和4D 施工模拟技术等功能分析了BIM 技术的优势与其在家装工程中的应用价值,提出改变传统家装管理模式、实现家装工程设计-施工一体化的全生命周期管理方式,并对新型管理模式的系统功能与具体流程进行探索,分析了目前BIM 技术在我国推广存在的障碍,对于推进我国BIM 技术改革与实现家装工程透明化、信息化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

陈杰玲 《山西建筑》2009,35(19):199-200
通过介绍我国工程项目管理的现状,指出了我国工程项目管理中存在的不足,结合多年从事项目管理的经验,从工程项目管理体制、项目管理的手段等方面探讨了加强工程项目管理的措施,以提高我国工程项目管理水平。  相似文献   

In this study, we build a conceptual model, which draws upon information systems implementation theory, to investigate the relationship between critical success factors related to the implementation of ERP software and the goal of competitive advantage. We test this model with data from a survey of 217 Australian organisations, using structural equation modelling (SEM). We find that organisations can best achieve competitive advantage by carefully managing: a) training and education, and b) system integration activities. Perhaps unexpectedly, neither well-conducted business process re-engineering nor good project management necessarily lead to competitive advantage. We have extended prior knowledge by providing empirical evidence that some CSFs do influence competitive advantage but that others may not. The results confirm that overall project delivery outcomes can be improved by understanding the influence of factors on both project management performance and post-implementation performance. Some theoretical and managerial consequences of the study's findings and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

任毅 《建筑知识》2014,(3):206-207
建设工程质量不仅关系到建设工程的适用性和建设项目的投资效益,同时也关系到人民群众生命和财产的安全。以某工程项目为例,对影响工程项目质量管理的主要资源因素进行分析概括,然后制定相应的工程管理质量措施,以期实现对施工质量的有效控制,保证工程质量达到预期的目标。  相似文献   

新工科建设对交通工程专业人才提出了新的要求。机场建设项目管理与施工技术课程是交通工程专业的核心课程,文章介绍了该门课程的地位和特点,针对该课程教学存在的问题,提出在新工科背景下,应以学生为中心,注重学生创新能力的培养,并从教学大纲、教学内容、教学手段和方法、课程考核方式、课程评价和教材建设等方面对机场建设项目管理与施工技术课程教学提出具体改革措施。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,国家对大型工程建设的投资力度越来越大,大型工程建设对我国的国民经济发挥着不可替代的作用,因此对大型工程建设的管理不可忽视。虽然总体上我国大型工程质量有了显著提高,但仍存在一些问题。而且大型工程事业关系着我们每个人的生活和国家的经济发展,其质量又是大型工程的生命线,所以大型工程质量问题是一个具有重要研究意义的课题。本文首先介绍了结构方程模型相对传统分析方法的优势,接着运用结构方程模型(SEM)对大型工程质量的影响因素进行了具体分析,估计出其简单路径图,最后得出了大型工程质量管理的结构方程模型及其关键影响因素,此方法将对大型工程质量管理有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

推动以设计为龙头的工程总承包模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任何工程的勘察设计(以下简称设计)是项目建设的纲领性文件,是项目的出发点和起源点.所以说,设计是龙头,工程总承包(EPC)模式是全过程的管理,即设计、设备采购、施工设计,因此,工程总承包的龙头是设计.任何项目的实施必须从龙头开始,从“设计”这个龙头做起,它是从技术到技能的落实,是把复杂劳动变为简单劳动,是理论指导实践的全过程,是系统的、全面的和完整的工程管理.本文从工程建设活动的各阶段特点出发,介绍以设计为龙头的工程总承包,从而积极推动云南的工程总承包模式.  相似文献   

陈学振 《城市建筑》2014,(21):257-257
随着国民经济的持续快速增长,我国的建筑业获得了空前的发展。然而由于建筑工程管理本身的复杂性,我国目前在工程管理中存在诸多的不足和漏洞。本文分析了建设重难点工程安全监理的安全控制措施。  相似文献   

为了促进建筑业持续健康发展,业界开展全过程工程咨询试点工作,全国各个项目也纷纷落地。全过程工程咨询整合了建设项目各个阶段,因此其流程设计是咨询服务开展重要的一环。从流程模型角度出发,通过文献研究全过程工程咨询的控制和机制要素识别全过程工程咨询服务流程的影响因素,运用DEMATEL 方法分析各个影响因素之间的相互关系,发现项目团队、项目信息、管理资源是全过程工程咨询流程的关键影响因素,并据此提出发展全过程工程咨询的建议和对策。  相似文献   

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