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通过分析目前建筑施工现场民工管理的重点和难点,探讨了人脸识别门禁系统在建筑施工现场的应用,经实践证明,人脸识别门禁系统对建筑施工现场的民工管理有非常好的辅助作用。  相似文献   

建筑业,作为国民经济的先导性和基础性产业,在我省正以强劲的发展势头,为海峡西岸经济区建设和推进我省新农村建设做出重大贡献。建筑农民工是建筑业的主要从业人员,承担着建筑施工一线繁重的建设任务。农民工的素质不仅决定建筑的质量和安全生产,也关系着建筑企业的市场竞争力和长远发展,因此,本文通过分析该行业的现状,提出了加强建筑业农民工职业技能培训的建议。  相似文献   

工会组织在建筑企业安全生产中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨春荣 《山西建筑》2008,34(12):203-204
从加强安全文化理念教育、大力营造安全文化氛围、明确安全文化建设内容、制定安全文化建设原则以及形成安全文化建设机制等方面就工会组织如何实施企业安全文化建设、营造企业安全文化氛围作一探讨,体现了工会组织在企业安全生产中的作用。  相似文献   

Reports abound of the detrimental effect of the construction skills crisis on the performance and future development of the UK construction industry. The industry's continued growth in output, coupled with its unpopularity as a career choice, has led to extreme pressure on its labour market capacity. There remains, however, a paucity of empirical research into the nature of its highly complex labour market. In particular, very little attention has been paid to the impacts being felt by the smaller firms who account for the vast majority of the industry's economic output and employment. This paper reports on research that has explored the perspectives of smaller employers with respect to the skills crisis. Using an inductive methodology, this research canvassed the opinions of representatives of small‐ and medium‐sized (SME) firms in order to establish the impact of skills shortages on the operational efficiency of the industry. The paper reveals the complex interplay of factors which have combined to shape the industry's skills crisis in recent years and uncovers the practical implications for firms attempting to operate in increasingly tight labour market conditions.  相似文献   

The ongoing skills crisis in the UK construction industry has constrained the productive capacity of the industry. Past research and skills policies have largely failed to develop an understanding of the realities of the skills crisis at the grassroots level. Solutions offered by researchers and policy makers have previously had little demonstrable impact in addressing skills concerns. Much of these policies seems disconnected from the realities experienced by employers and by those working in the industry. A critical perspective on resolving the skills crisis is offered. A set of mutually reinforcing research and policy initiatives are proposed, including the need for researchers and policy makers to move away from the conventionally national approach in addressing the skills problem and to engage in genuine, joined‐up thinking that meets the needs of local regions. Furthermore, employers and employees are called to be reflective practitioners in their participation of the skills development agenda. Adopting these recommendations could overcome many shortcomings in research and policy that have hitherto done little to combat the construction skills crisis.  相似文献   

Construction workers are a high risk group for poor health and occupational disability. A participatory action research (PAR) project was undertaken at construction sites in Queensland, Australia. Using the PAR framework, a needs-based health promotion planning model was implemented. Health promotion measures were designed to address the ‘SNAPO’ health risk factors (i.e. smoking, nutrition, alcohol consumption, insufficient physical exercise and overweight/obesity). At the largest site participating in the research, preliminary health assessments revealed levels of physical health that were comparable with those of the general Australian population. The construction workers’ mental health was poorer than that of the general Australian population. A consultation workshop with a representative group of workers at the site identified healthy eating, smoking cessation and physical exercise as priority areas for intervention. Several health promotion measures addressing these issues were implemented, including a quit smoking programme, a ‘healthy options’ menu in the site canteen, healthy eating and cooking workshops and onsite yoga and stretching sessions. A subset of workers at the site reported their health behaviour in weekly ‘logs’. The log data revealed fluctuations in health behaviour over a 14-week period. Evaluation interviews and a focus group revealed environmental impediments to the adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviours. Workers identified the need to provide a work environment that is supportive of healthy behaviour as critical to the effectiveness of specific health promotion measures.  相似文献   

The vast economic growth in China in the past decade has brought forth opportunities for the development of its construction industry. However, the construction industry in China has been criticised for poor performance and low effectiveness in terms of quality and profitability in the face of challenges and uncertainties resulting from the fast changing economic environment. Given that organisational culture plays a significant role in work performance and effectiveness, the apparently low effectiveness of the construction industry may be related to the culture of the contractors' organisations. The culture–effectiveness (C‐E) relationship has received increased attention in organisational research and the aim of the study is to develop a culture–effectiveness model of the contractors' motivated behaviour towards performance. Results of cluster analysis of the culture profiles of Chinese construction enterprises show that hierarchy and clan cultures are dominant and that culture profiles of Chinese contractors may vary in different geographical regions.  相似文献   

The increasing global nature of construction projects has highlighted the importance of multiculturalism and the new challenges it brings to project execution. However, there has, as yet, been no empirical work that quantifies explicitly the extent to which communication determines the success of multicultural projects. This paper explores the ability of project managers in Kenya and the UK in communicating effectively on multicultural projects. The study examines the cultural factors that influence communication and explores how communication can be made effective in multicultural project environments. Using data from 20 interviews in Kenya (10) and UK (10), the results show that communications within multicultural project environments can be effective when project managers demonstrate an awareness of cultural variation. Participants further highlighted that, one of the critical components of building multicultural project teams is the creation and development of effective cross cultural collectivism, trust, communication and empathy in leadership. The study underscores an urgent need for future research to investigate effective guidelines or strategies for effective collectivism and communication in multicultural project teams.  相似文献   

Research into the formation of alliances, relevant in the field of strategic management and especially, in the construction industry, is often explained in terms of interdependency and complementarities (exogenous factors). In contrast, the influence of a firm’s social relations networks (endogenous factors) has hardly been studied at all. Thus, a model is needed that includes both exogenous and endogenous factors as antecedents to the formation of strategic alliances in the construction industry. Cooperation in the construction sector is especially frequent, above all in public works programmes, as their scale requires coalitions of different‐sized firms. Accordingly, to explore how both exogenous and endogenous factors influence the formation of alliances, a social network analytical method—Multiple Regression Quadratic Assignment Procedure (MRQAP)—was applied to cooperative project coalitions in the Spanish public works construction sector from 2001–2007. Empirical findings confirm that construction companies form coalitions, principally on the basis of past alliances. Membership of business associations and groups is also a key factor, though the influence of geographic proximity is the most debatable result. In the construction industry, the formation of alliances is conditioned, among other factors, by previous social and economic relations that can generate the necessary information and trust for the selection of whichever partner is considered the most suitable for the development of the joint project.  相似文献   

张建锋  许家文 《山西建筑》2014,(34):193-195
简述了节能施工技术的实施背景,分析了节能施工技术在现场中应用的意义,对风能、太阳能、墙体节能、地热能、屋面节能施工技术作了详细阐述,并预测了节能施工技术在现场中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The just-in-time (JIT) philosophy has been used in the manufacturing industry for some forty to fifty years. This system increased not only the productivity of the industry but also the quality of its products. Explorative studies have been completed in recent years to see how JIT can be applied into the construction industry to reap the benefits of the system. Most of these studies have concluded that it is possible to apply the techniques of JIT in the construction industry with some modifications. Taking into consideration that one of the key components of site management is concerned with waste management (i.e. bringing wastage down to the minimum), this study focuses on applying JIT for site layout to improve productivity and quality. By eliminating waste on site, controlling the movement of inventory coming into the site and within the site, and controlling the usage of mechanized plant and equipment, smooth work flow can be achieved.  相似文献   

Research suggests that women in academia face problematic career paths as a result of masculine cultures and horizontal segregation. At the same time, research in the construction sector has documented the barriers women face in entering and remaining in construction careers. Construction academia is investigating in this exploratory study to determine whether gender disparities found in academic research generally are valid in this field. As there is a lack of data on women in academia, particularly by sub‐disciplines, scientific publication is used to explore gender differences and similarities. Publication is a significant area where gender disparities have been found in other fields and an area that can have substantial consequences for career progression in academia. The data are from a wider European study exploring women’s participation in construction research and are based on secondary analysis of statistics from the ISI Web of Knowledge. Gender differences in publication are found to exist, suggesting that women are under‐represented in construction research at a similar rate to women in engineering and technology academia. However, there are important differences between the different areas of construction research, which indicate that women may not face the same barriers and difficulties in all areas of construction academia. It also highlights the need for further research to investigate horizontal segregation and the gendered nature of publication, citation and collaboration in construction research.  相似文献   

Organizations are sites where gendered ideologies are established and played out and in the case of the construction industry there is a strong underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities in certain positions such as site managers. Masculine ideologies here denote the totality of norms, belief and assumptions that serve to enact specific images of e.g. leadership work. In the case of the Swedish construction industry, the site manager role is enacted as a paternal figure having full control of the situation, always in the position to take care of emerging and unforeseen events, and spending long hours at work. Such site management role is thus reproducing gender ideologies, imposing expectations on individual site managers, and erecting entry barriers for e.g. women or individuals not willing to forsake family life. The managerial implications are that the construction industry needs to critically evaluate what demands are put on site managers and how to create more balanced leadership positions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of factors affecting productivity among members of the construction workforce in Turkey. A survey of 82 construction firms in Turkey is undertaken using a questionnaire of 54 questions directed to managers, engineers, architects, and other technical staff. Using the results of the survey, economic and socio-psychological factors that affect labour performance are evaluated and discussed in detail. The results show that monetary factors remain pre-eminent in influencing productivity, but that socio-psychological factors appear to be of increasing importance in this developing economy.  相似文献   

Project‐based construction workers in the Australian construction industry work long and irregular hours and experience higher levels of work‐to‐family conflict and burnout than office‐based workers, giving rise to an interest in alternative work schedules as a means of supporting work–life balance. Alternative work schedules were implemented in four case study construction projects in Australia. Interventions differed between projects, with two implementing a compressed work week, and the others introducing reduced hours schedules (one of which was optional). Data were collected from each case study project, using various combinations of focus groups, surveys, interviews and daily diary collection methods. The results were mixed. The compressed work week appears to have been favourably received where it was introduced. However, waged workers still expressed concerns about the impact on their weekly ‘take‐home’ pay. Attempts to reduce work hours by changing from a six‐ to a five‐day schedule (without extending the length of the working day between Monday and Friday) were less favourably received. Waged workers, in particular, did not favour reduced hours schedules. The results confirm the existence of two distinct labour markets operating in the Australian construction industry and markedly different responses to alternative work schedules, based upon whether workers are waged or salaried. The results clearly show that attempts to improve work–life balance must take the structural characteristics of the industry's labour markets into consideration in the design of interventions. The impact of alternative work schedules is likely to be moderated by institutional working time regimes within the construction industry.  相似文献   

A vision of change for innovation within the perspective of revaluing the construction industry is essential to develop a culture of self-sustaining improvement, mutual recognition, respect and support in the long term in North Cyprus. The research attempts to put forward a case for a restructuring of the construction sector in order to deliver a step in change in quality of output and to realise maximum value to all clients, stakeholders and end users. The main objective of this study is to (1) determine current innovation practices and identify key issues that contribute to successful implementation (2) assess the existence and severity of barriers to change for innovation (3) propose solutions for overcoming barriers to change for innovation in construction industry and develop a framework to revaluate the construction industry. The research includes an extensive literature study, interviews with managers on the challenge of change for innovation in construction, analysis of this information to develop findings, and extending these to present the key strategic issues that could be targeted for revaluing the construction industry. The paper commences on understanding the firms’ own processes and detecting their weaknesses and strengths, determining the strategies and actions that should be made in the short term to adopt innovation practices and helping the North Cyprus construction industry to learn as a whole. The paper concludes how the drivers of change for innovation can offer benefits to construction firms in North Cyprus if appropriate strategies are adopted.  相似文献   

李仁勇  蒋炳亮 《山西建筑》2009,35(11):221-222
分析了加强施工现场临时用电安全监理控制力度的意义,探讨了施工现场临时用电准备阶段、施工阶段的安全监理控制对策、要点与安全资料要求,以有效控制施工用电,减少安全隐患或事故,保证工程施工的顺利进行。  相似文献   

吉桂兰 《山西建筑》2002,28(3):99-100
漏电保护器是保障施工现场临明用电安全、有效的技术设备。介绍了漏电保护器在施工现场的配置、选用原则及安装注意事项。根据漏电保护器的工作原理,分析了施工现场造成漏电保护器误动作的原因,总结了漏电保护器的接线方法和检测方法。指出漏电保护器在设入运行后,必须定期检查试验,否则,就失去了漏电保护的意义。  相似文献   

针对施工现场管理的现状,阐述了施工现场管理实行全程电脑化的必然趋势,着重介绍了多媒体网络技术在施工现场管理中的新应用,阐明了施工现场管理中应用网络技术具有的重要意义。  相似文献   

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