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The importance of the construction industry stems from its strong linkages with other sectors of the economy. Despite the extensive research on input–output analysis and sectoral linkages of construction, a gap is found in the literature dealing with developing economies. The objective is to study the construction linkages in a developing economy using input–output tables compiled since the 1970s in Sri Lanka. Results show that the share of construction in gross national product and national income is lower in Sri Lanka than in developed countries. In Sri Lanka, the share of manufacturing in GNP declined while the share of services has increased with economic development. The backward linkage indicator ranges between 0.364 and 0.457 during the period of 1970–2000 while output multiplier ranges between 1.496 and 1.641 indicating the ‘pull effect’. The ‘push effect’ is found to be very insignificant. An aggregated sectoral analysis reveals high dependence of construction on manufacturing followed by services. The trend analysis shows an increasing dependence of construction on the services sector. The direct and total inputs from manufacturing and services have increased over time.  相似文献   

Solid fuel burning cookstoves are a major source of household air pollution (HAP) and a significant environmental health risk in Sri Lanka. We report results of the first field study in Sri Lanka to include direct measurements of both real‐time indoor concentrations and personal exposures of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in households using the two most common stove types in Sri Lanka. A purposive sample of 53 households was selected in the rural community of Kopiwatta in central Sri Lanka, roughly balanced for stove type (traditional or improved ‘Anagi’) and ventilation (chimney present or absent). At each household, 48‐h continuous real‐time measurements of indoor kitchen PM2.5 and personal (primary cook) PM2.5 concentrations were measured using the RTI MicroPEM? personal exposure monitor. Questionnaires were used to collect data related to household demographics, characteristics, and self‐reported health symptoms. All primary cooks were female and of an average age of 47 years, with 66% having completed primary education. Median income was slightly over half the national median monthly income. Use of Anagi stoves was positively associated with a higher education level of the primary cook (P = 0.026), although not associated with household income (P = 0.18). The MicroPEM monitors were well‐received by participants, and this study's valid data capture rate exceeded 97%. Participant wearing compliance during waking hours was on average 87.2% on Day 1 and 83.3% on Day 2. Periods of non‐compliance occurred solely during non‐cooking times. The measured median 48‐h average indoor PM2.5 concentration for households with Anagi stoves was 64 μg/m3 if a chimney was present and 181 μg/m3 if not. For households using traditional stoves, these values were 70 μg/m3 if a chimney was present and 371 μg/m3 if not. Overall, measured indoor PM2.5 concentrations ranged from a minimum of 33 μg/m3 to a maximum of 940 μg/m3, while personal exposure concentrations ranged from 34 to 522 μg/m3. Linear mixed effects modeling of the dependence of indoor concentrations on stove type and presence or absence of chimney showed a significant chimney effect (65% reduction; P < 0.001) and an almost significant stove effect (24% reduction; P = 0.054). Primary cooks in households without chimneys were exposed to substantially higher levels of HAP than those in households with chimneys, while exposures in households with traditional stoves were moderately higher than those with improved Anagi stoves. As expected, simultaneously measuring both indoor concentrations and personal exposure levels indicate significant exposure misclassification bias will likely result from the use of a stationary monitor as a proxy for personal exposure. While personal exposure monitoring is more complex and expensive than deploying simple stationary devices, the value an active personal PM monitor like the MicroPEM adds to an exposure study should be considered in future study designs.  相似文献   

数字化城市管理是智慧城市建设的基础和重要组成部分,本文结合福州市实际,介绍了福州数字城管中空间数据的建设内容,重点阐述了空间数据库结构、基础数据获取、管理部件资源普查,为项目的实施提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

浅谈建筑工程分部分项工程量清单的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王亚晖 《山西建筑》2007,33(15):261-262
介绍了分部分项工程量编制的主要依据,详细地阐述了分部分项工程量清单编制的步骤,探讨了分部分项工程量清单编制时应注意的问题,以提高建筑工程分部分项工程量清单的编制水平。  相似文献   

目前垂直运输机械项目估价方法仍广泛使用预算定额计价法,但这种方法脱离项目施工进度计划,造成估价不准确,并给施工中的造价管理带来困难。通过理论分析,指出预算定额计价法存在的问题,由此提出估价方法使用不当,不但会影响到投标报价质量和竞争力,更影响到施工阶段的造价管理;提出以时间为变量的垂直运输项目费用估价方法,并以案例阐释该方法的应用。这一研究不仅对垂直运输项目自身有意义,其结论对其他项目也具有适用性或借鉴意义。  相似文献   

谈建筑工程资料在整理中存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李保霞  秦现军 《山西建筑》2003,29(13):81-82
结合建筑法、建筑规范等对工程资料的要求,针对资料在整理中存在的问题,从资料整理不规范、不完整等方面进行了论述,提出了工程资料在控制施工质量中所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

A framework is constructed that can be used to foster trust and build relationships in construction project organizations in China. The research method was based on in‐depth study of two building projects in China and data were collected via face‐to‐face interviews. The results show that as the project progresses, the dominant relationship within each stage deepens. The deepening relationship gives rise to different types of inherent risks such as a partner's self‐interest seeking behaviour and opportunistic actions. To counterbalance these risks, trust fostering tools must be employed such as careful selection and effective management of partners. The framework for fostering trust and building relationship developed in the study suggests that (1) relationship deepens from shallow dependence to deep interdependence as the project progresses; (2) different relationships bring about distinct inherent risks; and (3) different trust‐fostering tools counterbalance specific inherent risks. This framework could aid in reducing adversarial relationships by suggesting ways to foster trustworthy relationships.  相似文献   

工程量清单计价下的施工企业成本管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从施工企业成本管理的角度,研究《计价规范》和《会计准则》并行条件下,工程量清单计价对施工企业成本管理提出的新要求,并探讨工程量清单计价下施工企业成本管理应注意的问题和配套的外部环境建设问题。  相似文献   

基于结构健康监测,深入挖掘监测数据信息是获取古建筑结构健康状态,是保证其耐久性与安全性的重要手段。为精准开展数据分析与结构安全评估工作,区分硬件异常、人为扰动或环境突变两类数据异常成因,分别定义两类砌体结构古建筑监测数据异常。结合砌体结构古建筑监测数据长期静态缓变的特性,提出基于密度的改进离群点识别算法以提高监测数据清洗的质量。通过对时间序列数据的压缩分割,以及子时间序列数据的转化,实现精准拾取数据中的局部离群点。经定性定量分析,基于局部离群密度的改进离群点识别算法对于识别砌体结构古建筑监测数据局部离群点的准确度高、效率高,能够解决现有数据离群点识别算法不适用于砌体结构古建筑监测数据的问题。  相似文献   

工程量清单计价模式下的工程造价风险   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
殷铁锐 《安徽建筑》2008,15(2):139-141
我国目前正在大力推行的工程量清单计价模式是工程造价管理制度的改革,也给施工企业带来了一定的风险。文章从施工企业的角度简要论述了清单计价模式下工程造价风险管理的基本原理,列举了工程计价中可能的风险因素,并提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

基于结构健康监测,深入挖掘监测数据信息是获取古建筑结构健康状态,是保证其耐久性与安全性的重要手段。为精准开展数据分析与结构安全评估工作,区分硬件异常、人为扰动或环境突变两类数据异常成因,分别定义两类砌体结构古建筑监测数据异常。结合砌体结构古建筑监测数据长期静态缓变的特性,提出基于密度的改进离群点识别算法以提高监测数据清洗的质量。通过对时间序列数据的压缩分割,以及子时间序列数据的转化,实现精准拾取数据中的局部离群点。经定性定量分析,基于局部离群密度的改进离群点识别算法对于识别砌体结构古建筑监测数据局部离群点的准确度高、效率高,能够解决现有数据离群点识别算法不适用于砌体结构古建筑监测数据的问题。  相似文献   

董艳东 《山西建筑》2012,38(19):286-287
从建筑项目施工中资料管理的重要性出发,着力分析了目前资料管理中存在的问题,提出了一些加强资料管理的建议,从而使建筑工程技术资料管理更加完善。  相似文献   

基于我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,我国企业之间的竞争逐步朝着产品质量的方向发展。在这样的大环境下,企业为保障自身的效益逐步强化质量控制工作,并合理运用各类质量数据资料,确保质量管理作业效益的进一步提升。本文基于此,着重分析数据挖掘技术,并就该技术在建材装备制造领域中的运用进行分析,希望由此带动更高经济效益的取得。  相似文献   

申利华 《山西建筑》2010,36(35):211-212
对数据挖掘技术进行了简要介绍,针对目前企业管理现状,探讨了数据挖掘在建筑企业管理中的应用,指出在工程造价管理和材料供应等方面应充分利用数据挖掘技术进行多种策略模式下的数据分析比较,确立最优方案,从而提高自身管理决策水平。  相似文献   

Recent advancements in sensing and data acquisition technology have made monitoring of structures and infrastructure more affordable and, at the same time, more comprehensive. Examples of such advancements are application of wireless technology for communication, the utilisation of fully automated systems for long-term monitoring and the remote control of the sensing system over Internet. Although each of these technologies has been used in different structural health monitoring projects in the recent years, inclusion of an all-in-one sensing system represents the state-of-the-art in measurement techniques. This paper presents the integration of all of the above-mentioned advanced monitoring approaches in one sensing system for forensic quantification of an in-service tall building. The inclusive measurement and monitoring system along with advanced data analysis techniques enabled extraction of detailed information about dynamic characteristics of the building structure and development of reliable conclusions regarding its performance. It is shown that the performance of the investigated structural components is satisfactory in terms of strength demand. However, the level of vibration in some portions of the structure does not meet the limits of human comfort. In addition, wind-speed spectrum, acceleration response spectrum and the modes of lateral vibration are extracted to assist with evaluation of the structure's performance.  相似文献   

建筑结构抗震课程是土木工程专业主干课程。针对该课程内容多、理论深奥、概念抽象,传统教学模式效果差的现状,提出工程案例与虚拟实验相结合的教学模式。分析建筑结构抗震课程教学现状和问题,阐述工程案例与虚拟实验组合教学模式的特点,介绍工程案例与虚拟实验组合教学模式教学改革策略和课程教学内容的设置,最后以反应谱理论知识讲解为例,详细介绍案例教学与虚拟仿真混合教学模式在建筑结构抗震课程教学中的实践应用。教学中以抗震设计基本理论与方法为主线,注重师生互动,引导学生从可视化的地震情境中提出问题、分析问题直至解决问题,强调启发式教学,加深学生对抗震基本概念和原理的理解,强化学生综合能力的培养。  相似文献   

李霰 《山西建筑》2004,30(24):5-5,136
介绍了山西职工医学院教学主楼的设计概况,从方案构思、技术设计和施工管理三方面,就其设计体会作了总结,指出该设计合理,得到了有关各方的一致好评,可供同行参考。  相似文献   

如何控制建筑工程项目成本管理的漏洞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江春先 《山西建筑》2007,33(13):243-244
从材料费用、人工费用、机械使用费用等方面对建筑工程项目成本管理中存在的漏洞及其原因进行了分析,并提出了解决的对策和方法,从而把各项生产费用控制在计划成本的范围之内,以保证成本目标的实现。  相似文献   

李胜春 《山西建筑》2006,32(23):143-144
结合具体的工程实例,对粗钢筋连接技术,新型模板与脚手架技术,高强混凝土技术,建筑节能及防水技术,现代化管理与计算机技术等几项新技术进行了推广介绍,并对其综合效益进行了分析总结,以使施工技术和企业管理:水平得到了进一步提高,实现经济效益和社会效益的双丰收。  相似文献   

张秋香 《山西建筑》2002,28(9):128-129
分析了我国会计电算化的功能,重点对其发展过程中存在的总是,提出了相应的对策,并指出我国应大力开展电算化理论研究,积极稳妥地进行会计实践,以促进经济建设的发展。  相似文献   

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