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The rapid growth of the Indian construction sector over the last few decades and recurring failure in on-time delivery highlight the need for a systematic analysis of the factors influencing delay. A theoretical structural equation model representing the influence of four key latent variables on project delays in the Indian construction industry has been developed. Data collected from a questionnaire survey and personal interviews, with 77 valid responses from clients, contractors and designers or architects, were used to further formulate and analyse the model. The results of the structural equation model suggest that client’s influence is one of the most significant factors affecting time performance on Indian projects. Client’s influence is also found to be one of the key contributing factors resulting in lack of commitment and contractor’s inefficiency in the project. Lack of efficient construction planning plays the second key role in adverse time performance. While the effect of lack of commitment on contractor’s inefficiency is highly significant, neither of these two factors has any direct impact on time delay in projects. Contrary to the notion that the contractor is the only party responsible for delay in construction projects, the results clearly highlight the importance of the role of clients and technical expertise in planning in achieving satisfactory time performance on Indian projects. It is hoped that these research findings will contribute significantly to the Indian construction industry’s efforts in addressing the root causes of delay and enhancing the time performance on projects.  相似文献   

Assessing schedule delay's impact on total project duration to distribute delay liability remains a controversy. None of existing delay analysis methods is perfect because including an element of assumptions, subjective assessment and theoretical projection. Windows-based delay analysis methods are excellent in identifying and measuring construction schedule delays. Based on a previous study identifying potential problems in available windows-based delay analysis methods, this study proposes an innovative windows-based delay analysis method, called the effect-based delay analysis method (the EDAM method). The EDAM method performs delay analysis using extracted windows and determines delay impacts by considering the effects of delays on the critical path(s). According to its application to hypothetical cases and comparisons with other methods, the EDAM method is efficient in delay analysis and effective in solving concurrent delays and determining schedule shortened. The proposed EDAM method is a good alternative for schedule delay analysis for construction projects.  相似文献   

Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly used in the United Kingdom's public facilities and services provision through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Despite some casualties, PPP/PFI projects have been undertaken successfully, but the reasons for success are not entirely clear. Questionnaire survey research examined the relative importance of 18 potential critical success factors (CSF) for PPP/PFI construction projects in the UK. The results show that the three most important factors are: ‘a strong and good private consortium’, ‘appropriate risk allocation’ and ‘available financial market’. Factor analysis revealed that appropriate factor groupings for the 18 CSFs are: effective procurement, project implementability, government guarantee, favourable economic conditions and available financial market. These findings should influence policy development towards PPPs and the manner in which partners go about the development of PFI projects.  相似文献   

Innovation is vital to successful, long-term company performance in the construction industry. Understanding the innovation process, how innovation can be enhanced and how it can be measured are key steps to managing and enhancing innovation. The factors that affect innovation on a project were identified, as well as how these factors can be used to measure the level of innovation on a project, and the practices and processes that encourage and facilitate innovative changes. Case studies of construction projects in the United States revealed three necessary components of innovation: idea generation, opportunity and diffusion. A variety of practices are used to optimize each component including support and commitment from the owner/client and firm upper management, workforce and project team integration and diversity. Applying the practices identified in the research leads to enhanced innovation through better communication among project team members, integration of the design and construction disciplines, more efficient designs, development of unique ways of completing work and sharing of the lessons learned. The end result of innovation will be projects that successfully meet and exceed cost, quality, schedule and safety goals.  相似文献   

根据工程总承包项目的临时性和唯一性特点,总结多年从事水泥工程总承包项目管理的实践经验,提出了工程总承包项目管理具有共性的主要难点和处理办法。  相似文献   

李冠英 《山西建筑》2006,32(17):197-198
结合工程监理经验,分析了影响工程项目建设的平衡与定位两个因素,介绍了做好平衡与定位两项工作应处理好的问题,以避免工程建设损失,促使项目管理更规范化、科学化。  相似文献   

The changing face of the engineering and construction industry is described, the main underlying trends and factors in this change being identified. The range of strategic options considered by firms in this sector in response to new challenges is examined. Finally, an analysis of the organizational and managerial implications of the changes is given.  相似文献   

代建制项目成功因素探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从政府放权及投建分离、企业的固有实力、企业与各外部组织接口等方面分析了代建制项目的成功因素,推动了代建制在我国工程管理领域的进一步展开。  相似文献   

张尚  顾国华 《山西建筑》2007,33(11):200-202
通过对苏州市建设监理企业资质和监理从业人员情况的分析,阐述了苏州市建设工程监理行业发展的现状及存在的问题,提出了苏州市建设监理行业和企业发展的相关建议,以促进苏州市建设工程监理行业健康持续地发展。  相似文献   

This research has mainly focused on the practice of knowledge management in Thai construction projects at the on-site work level. The main objective was to identify whether or not knowledge factors influence on-site execution of works. A combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches was employed. The focus group interview with 16 construction managers was conducted to gather in-depth information related to practice of project knowledge management. This data was used to develop the questionnaire to explore key knowledge factors. The questionnaire was sent to 103 participants in 70 construction projects in Thailand. The survey data were analyzed by factor analytic techniques to identify key knowledge factors influencing on-site construction works. The findings showed that there were six key knowledge factors: (1) visionary leadership, (2) reward or incentive, (3) collaboration, (4) trust, (5) information technology, and (6) individual competency or skills.  相似文献   

浅论建设工程项目管理与建设工程监理的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴枫彩 《山西建筑》2009,35(24):208-209
从涵义、业务范围及相关政策法律和规章等方面探讨了建设工程项目管理与建设工程监理的关系,指出建设工程项目管理代表了工程监理今后的发展方向,应鼓励和支持有条件的监理企业向工程项目管理企业过渡。  相似文献   

浅谈施工企业的项目管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭文斌 《山西建筑》2003,29(14):91-92
通过对施工企业项目管理工作的成绩与存在问题的分析 ,说明深化项目管理体制改革 ,加强对工程项目的基础管理工作是施工企业搞好施工管理的重点。  相似文献   

在大型、复杂的建设项目上传统的项目管理模式的缺点日益凸显,而网上项目管理作为一种新型的项目管理模式,已在国外的许多项目上取得了成功的应用。首先分析网上项目管理的有关概念及其潜在的优势,在此基础上就我国建设项目中开展网上项目管理所面临的问题进行探讨,并提出相应的对策,供我国开展网上项目管理时参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

如何加强施工企业项目管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周国峰 《山西建筑》2009,35(28):195-196
介绍了项目管理的概念、特点、目标及范围,重点研究了如何加强项目管理,从人员、施工组织、安全质量、成本核算四方面制定具体的管理措施,以保证工程质量,为企业创出更高的效益。  相似文献   

董艳东 《山西建筑》2012,38(19):286-287
从建筑项目施工中资料管理的重要性出发,着力分析了目前资料管理中存在的问题,提出了一些加强资料管理的建议,从而使建筑工程技术资料管理更加完善。  相似文献   

建设工程项目造价管理是工程建设过程中的重要部分,造价管理必须贯穿项目各阶段,包括决策设计阶段、项目实施阶段、竣工验收阶段。良好的造价管理可以节约成本、提升利润和缩短工期。文章就工程造价控制的意义和相关措施进行具体分析论述。  相似文献   

In many countries, ageing populations, skills shortages and increasing inter-sector labour competition has made graduate recruitment and retention a priority in the construction industry. Understanding what constitutes an employer-of-choice in the eyes of graduates is important in meeting this challenge. A survey of 160 undergraduates across 26 international universities concluded that the top three most important workplace characteristics for university students on construction courses are: positive work relationships, being able to learn on the job, and a workplace that is passionate about work. Distinct gender differences were exposed between preferences as were differences in preferences compared to the preferences of graduates in other industries. These findings contribute to our understanding of how students make choices about employers, what factors are important in making those decisions and how these factors vary between different graduate groups. They also contribute to our understanding of how to design better recruitment strategies to attract talent to the construction sector in an environment where demand is anticipated to exceed supply for some time ahead.  相似文献   

秦英广 《山西建筑》2009,35(34):205-206
深入探讨了建设工程施工项目管理,提出了施工项目管理的两个层次,即思想性方法和技术性方法,从组织机构管理、质量管理、成本管理、安全生产与文明施工管理等方面进行了阐述,积累了工程施工项目管理经验。  相似文献   

刘玉祥 《山西建筑》2004,30(20):129-130
对项目管理的概念进行了概述,介绍了项目经理在施工中的职责,并从合同管理、项目经理的选聘和授权、标后预算等方面对项目管理中的几个关键环节进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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