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为更好地探索分析建筑业起重机械事故原因,以国家住建部网站获取的 2012~2017 年起重伤害事故部分调查报告为样本,采用拉夫堡 ConAC 模型,开展建筑业起重设备事故原因调查和分析。同时运用事故路径网络图进一步分析各层原因之间的因果关系。结果表明,建筑业起重机械事故三大致因分别为:动作行为、监督管理、风险管理;追溯到事故发生的本质原因形成如重物坠落打击伤害类型事故链,为建筑企业安全管理提供科学的依据和决策。  相似文献   

研究了建设项目大中型事故模型从致因理论到阶段性模型的转变。首先分析建设项目大中型事故基于“过程性”的特点,进而在综述现有事故致因理论和阶段性模型的基础上,探讨建设项目大中型事故管理从致因理论向阶段性模型转变的必然性,巩固已建立的建设项目大中型事故阶段性模型,并对阶段性模型在大中型事故管理中的应用进行了展望。研究表明,阶段性模型可以有效解决建设项目大中型事故的实时控制问题,从致因理论向阶段性模型的转变是加强事故进程管理的必然要求。  相似文献   

Construction work in oil and gas projects is both challenging and hazardous. The occupational hazards are often associated with fatigue and stress, and an accident is one possible outcome. The purpose of the two‐part study was to identify the new and emergent risks within the top 10 ranked risks and to evaluate their contribution to accidents. Three hundred and twenty stakeholders, from four oil and gas construction projects in mainland China participated in the survey questionnaire. Fifteen workers, who have experienced actual fatigue‐related accidents, were also interviewed. All of the stakeholders unanimously ranked fatigue as the most critical risk perceived to cause accidents with emotional disturbance, the emergent risk. This is the first time that fatigue has been identified as the leading accident risk in the construction industry. It was further reported as a trigger risk to a bundle of other synergetic risks. The new discovery confirms the need to consider fatigue as a complex multidimensional phenomenon and the lynchpin to reducing accidents. These findings have created new responses to the problem of accident causation and alternative views to accident mitigation. The discoveries will open new opportunities for future research in the areas of fatigue and stress risk management in construction.  相似文献   

通过对70 例建筑火灾事故调查报告的整理,利用关键词抽取致因要素,并结合频率统计得出施工阶段事故中人的因素最为关键,使用阶段事故中物的因素最为关键。利用ISM 方法,从“人-物-管理-环境-其他”角度出发,建立建筑火灾事故致因要素解释结构模型,对各要素层级之间的逻辑关系进行分析,得出各层次的事故原因,为建筑火灾事故防范提供依据。  相似文献   

高处坠落事故危害大,发生频率高,居六大建筑伤害事故之首。对于高处坠落事故的研究多停留在定性分析其发生原因和预防措施等方面,未有针对此类事故最优安全投入分析的研究。通过构建基于FTA法的安全投入优化分配模型,对实际工程案例进行分析,对于给定的安全总投入在各具体安全投入项之间进行最优化分配,从而使事故发生概论最低。结果表明,该模型对指导各类事故具体安全投入管理具有参考价值,建议我国建筑业企业应该适当增加对于安全教育和工业卫生等方面的投入,从而达到优化管理效应。  相似文献   

To enhance workplace safety in the construction industry it is important to understand interrelationships among safety risk factors associated with construction accidents. This study incorporates the systems theory into Heinrich's domino theory to explore the interrelationships of risks and break the chain of accident causation. Through both empirical and statistical analyses of 9358 accidents which occurred in the U.S. construction industry between 2002 and 2011, the study investigates relationships between accidents and injury elements (e.g., injury type, part of body, injury severity) and the nature of construction injuries by accident type. The study then discusses relationships between accidents and risks, including worker behavior, injury source, and environmental condition, and identifies key risk factors and risk combinations causing accidents. The research outcomes will assist safety managers to prioritize risks according to the likelihood of accident occurrence and injury characteristics, and pay more attention to balancing significant risk relationships to prevent accidents and achieve safer working environments.  相似文献   

地下燃气管网事故的致因理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了早期的燃气管网事故致因分析方法、燃气管网事故致因综合分析法。分析了近年来发生的几起典型燃气管网泄漏事故的原因,明确了导致事故发生的各种原因之间的因果关系,找出导致事故发生的本质原因。提出了修正的燃气管网事故致因理论,对燃气管网安全运行状况的改善提出了建议。  相似文献   

刘旭  刘晨阳 《山西建筑》2010,36(5):135-136
在对大量深基坑工程事故案例分析的基础上,对基坑工程的风险源、基坑事故分类等进行了总结,从建设管理、勘查、设计、施工及监理等各方面引起基坑事故的原因进行了探讨,并提出了相关的风险防范措施,以期能对工程设计和施工有所帮助。  相似文献   

Problems on occupational health and safety are commonly occurred in the construction industry, including falling of materials or person from height, stepping on objects and injured by hand tools. Key of dealing with project safety and risk assessment in construction industry is important, thus, way on doing assessment and liability of assessment are necessary for all professionals. However, it is found that those professionals prone to heavily rely on their own experiences and knowledge on decision making on risk assessment, which lack of a systematic approach and lack of ways to check the reliability of the decisions. This paper investigates the need for people involved in construction to take systematic and effective risk assessments for different trades. 14 common types of trades, accidents, and accident causes are explored, in addition to suitable risk assessment methods and criteria. A Risk Assessment Model (RAM) is then developed for assessing risk levels as various project stages with various work trades. A case study is used to prove the workability and reliability of the developed RAM in the practical industry. The developed RAM is found to be benefit for predicting high-risk construction activities and thus preventing accidents occurred based on a set of historical accident data.  相似文献   

近年来我国各类地铁建设安全事故频发,造成了重大的工程经济损失和严重的社会负面后果。为提升我国的地铁建设安全、揭示地铁建设事故发生的特征与规律,基于统计学的视角,对我国2001—2020年期间发生的336起事故,从时间、地域、事故类型、事故工程性质、事故严重程度等维度进行了系统全面的统计分析。研究发现:地铁建设事故总体呈现上升态势且事故分布呈现显著的时空分异特征;事故类型以坍塌为主但逐渐多元化;不同于海因里希法则的事故三角形,我国地铁建设事故总体呈沙漏型分布。最后围绕上述统计发现,给出了相应的安全管理启示,如在事故高发时段加强常态化监督检查工作、确定重点防控的事故类型、根据事故类型风险等级进行精细化的预案管理,以及构建全国地铁建设事故案例库以加强事故的检测与预防等。  相似文献   

当前我国工程建设行业安全生产事故发生仍然较多,施工安全生产管理仍存在较多不足。为强化施工安全管理,降低事故发生率,以系统思想和事故致因理论为基础,分析施工安全事故致因机理并结合案例数据进行统计分析。从组织管理、技术管理、资源保障、教育培训和应急救援 5 个方面,对施工安全事故致因进行归纳和分类。通过收集 2005~2016 年间我国571 起施工安全事故案例报告和相关资料,分析各起事故发生的原因,统计各项事故致因出现的频数和频率,划分关键、次关键和一般事故致因。揭示了组织管理、技术管理存在缺陷最多,违规作业最易诱发事故等规律。并针对关键致因提出了相应对策,可为改进施工安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

事故致因理论是安全管理的基本理论,对导致事故发生的因素进行分层分级管控是减少安全事故发生概率的重要途径。基于系统思维,将建筑施工安全事故致因作为一个系统,划分为6个子系统、16个因素和43个子因素。获取了1320份施工安全事故报告和102份调查问卷,对这两类数据进行了统计和回归分析,并基于统计和回归分析的结果,从施工安全事故致因中识别出7项关键致因、5项高发致因和5项低发致因。以2019年河北衡水市翡翠华庭项目施工升降机吊笼坠落事故为例进行分析,将其实际发生的事故致因与统计回归分析结果进行比较,验证了所构建的施工安全事故致因层次与分类分级结果的合理性和实用性。  相似文献   

王振华 《今日消防》2021,6(8):40-43
文章通过对架空管线事故的成因、危害及事故特点进行分析,提出架空管线因输送物料的不同,其架设方式也不同,造成事故的原因也各有侧重,按照油气架空管线事故成因选择处置对策,并就灭火救援现场参战人员的注意事项作了进一步概括.  相似文献   

天然气管道火灾危险区域预测方法与预防措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
论述了城市埋地天然气管道泄漏事故的原因和后果。建立了火灾危险区域计算关系式,结合北京市近年来典型的管道事故,对事故后果的主要影响因素(管道运行压力、管道破损面积等)进行了定量分析。火灾危险区域半径大于城镇燃气设计规范中规定的管道距建筑物的最小距离,管道运营公司应当加强与公众及第三方施工单位的联系,降低管道泄漏及火灾风险。  相似文献   

张贵明 《山西建筑》2011,37(8):50-52
介绍了郑州铁道陇海家园桩基础施工中出现的事故,并分析了事故原因,提出了针对性的施工措施和处理方法,通过对处理方法的论述,以确保对各施工事故作出正确处理。  相似文献   

为了液化石油气(LPG)的储运安全,以某LPG 槽罐 车重大爆炸事故为实例,探讨了此次爆炸事故的原因及性质,并利 用ALOHA 软件,重点对此次事故泄漏后引发的沸腾液体扩展为 蒸气爆炸(BLEVE)、蒸气云爆炸(UVCE)两种事故后果进行模 拟,定量给出事故危害范围与危害等级,同时通过Google Earth 软件将模拟结果可视化,并针对不同的危险区域等级,提出相应的 建议措施,以期为此类事故的应急救援与预防提供一定的理论参 考和技术支持,然后将模拟结果与事故后现场情况作对比,发现模 拟结果与事实相符,最后通过探究各事故后果影响因素可知,事发 时风速、相对湿度等环境因素均对事态发展不利,是造成事故后果 严重的主要因素。  相似文献   

在对建设项目事故阶段性划分的基础上,构建建设项目事故阶段性管理的整体框架,并详细分析框架所涉及的要素。然后,对建设项目安全事故影响因素属性进行分析,将其与信息技术进行匹配,给出阶段性管理的系统构架与基本运行流程,从而为事故的实时管理与控制提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

A neural network analysis was conducted on a quantitative occupational safety and health management system (OSHMS) audit with accident data obtained from the Singapore construction industry. The analysis is meant to investigate, through a case study, how neural network methodology can be used to understand the relationship between OSHMS elements and safety performance, and identify the critical OSHMS elements that have significant influence on the occurrence and severity of accidents in Singapore. Based on the analysis, the model may be used to predict the severity of accidents with adequate accuracy. More importantly, it was identified that the three most significant OSHMS elements in the case study are: incident investigation and analysis, emergency preparedness, and group meetings. The findings imply that learning from incidents, having well-prepared consequence mitigation strategies and open communication can reduce the severity and likelihood of accidents on construction worksites in Singapore. It was also demonstrated that a neural network approach is feasible for analysing empirical OSHMS data to derive meaningful insights on how to improve safety performance.  相似文献   

薛丽珍 《山西建筑》2014,(23):273-274
对建设单位在工程质量管理中存在的多元及多方面的问题进行了剖析,详细列举了针对不同问题的应对措施,指出只有深入了解工程事故的发展过程,科学分析事故原因,采取正确的措施才能避免类似工程事故的发生,提高工程质量。  相似文献   

针对宁波市某公司发生的火灾事故,调查组通过现场勘验、调查取证等方式委托相关机构、专家进行分析研究,查明了事故发生的经过、原因等情况,得出在特定条件下热塑胶性弹性体SBS1302颗粒自燃引发火灾的可能性.认定了事故性质和责任,并针对事故原因及暴露出的规范问题,提出了事故相关防范和整改措施.该起典型火灾为SBS自燃引发的火...  相似文献   

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