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Extreme weather events (EWEs) represent an important opportunity for hospital facilities managers to learn lessons to improve future hospital resilience. However, little is known about the process by which this occurs and how effectively this happens. These questions are addressed by an exploration of how individual hospital stakeholders learn about the performance of their facilities and share these lessons in the adaptation of future hospital disaster management plans. More specifically, the evidence of behavioural and social/collective learning is investigated amongst hospital stakeholders during EWEs. The data gathered from a case study of a major hospital network of four hospitals were qualitatively analysed within a constructionist ontology and interpretivist epistemology using causal loop diagrams (CLDs). This revealed how lessons were learned in the hospital network from collective stakeholder EWEs’ experiences. The findings highlight the need to develop appropriate processes and structures to capture, share and use facilities-related knowledge and embed new lessons learnt into future hospital disaster planning processes. Using Nonaka and Takeuchi's model of organizational knowledge creation, this paper presents new theoretical and practical insights for hospital facilities managers to build hospital resilience by better capturing the facilities-related lessons learnt in responding to an EWE.  相似文献   

Extreme weather is predicted to become more frequent and severe into the future. While our understanding of hospital infrastructure vulnerability to such events has advanced considerably in recent years, current approaches to healthcare facilities management treat hospitals in isolation from their surrounding governance infrastructure. However, recent research indicates that if hospital resilience is to be properly understood, health infrastructure must be managed holistically, as part of a much larger governance system of interdependent organizations. The inter-agency governance risks associated with this system are currently ignored in the facilities management literature. To explore these risks, an in-depth case study of 24 agencies in the state of New South Wales, Australia is presented. The results show that facilities managers are embedded in a highly complex and dynamic array of governance boundaries which are largely unresolved and misunderstood. A number of practical strategies are presented which could be adopted to significantly improve facilities manager’s integration into this system. These include: mapping hospital dependency on other agencies to build surge capacity; resolving overlapping operational boundaries with other agencies; proactive risk reduction for critical external support infrastructure; understanding potential conflicts with the objectives external agencies in responding to an extreme weather event.  相似文献   

关键基础设施体系是现代社会赖以生存和发展的基石,对于保障社会运转和居民生活起着至关重要的作用。为提升基础设施体系在灾害中迅速恢复和维持预定功能的能力,关键基础设施体系恢复力逐渐成为近年来国内外的研究热点。文章首先总结不同研究领域下体系恢复力的不同定义,对关键基础设施体系灾害恢复力的概念及相关定性研究进行综述,并对恢复力概念与以往“易损性”、“风险”等概念的区别和联系进行分析。随后对关键基础设施体灾害恢复力的各类定量评估和优化方法进行综述研究,并对现有研究存在的问题进行了总结。最后对关键基础设施体系灾害恢复力未来可能的研究方向进行展望,指出基于体系依存性和级联效应的多层关键基础设施体系恢复力联合研究是未来重要的探索方向。  相似文献   

刘帆  刘官海 《山西建筑》2012,38(26):5-6
通过研究遂宁生态基础设施现状,从水、生物栖息、灾害防护、休闲游憩、乡土遗产和视觉感知六方面探讨遂宁现代生态田园城市定位下的生态基础设施规划,以期对未来遂宁城市规划建设产生积极作用。  相似文献   

摘要 2020 年伊始爆发的新冠肺炎疫情,冲击了全球范围内的社会、经济等众多领域。围绕“疫情背景下的人居环境规划与设计”主题, 邀请了王世福、黄建中、张天尧等多位专家学者笔谈。王世福通过对我国人居环境的短板和治理盲区的反思,从宏观的城市到微观的社 区,有针对性地提出了韧性城市建设的相关内容,包括:将健康影响评估纳入城市规划、建设与管理全过程;加强综合防灾专项规划的 公共健康韧性;提升城市公共空间应急响应能力;提高公共设施空间通用性和稳健性;提升韧性社区的应急治理能力等。魏成以疫情下 新型基础设施建设的需求出发,探讨将大数据、云计算、人工智能、物联网等为主的“新基建”,积极纳入城乡规划与人居环境建设之中, 以期改善和提质设施供给与防灾减灾的智能化应用,并推动多方协作、多元互动的创新治理决策平台的形成。袁媛对在疫情中如何有效 提高城市医疗设施的应急能力,提出规划构建合理的基层医疗分区,梳理医疗设施配置模式在医疗分区内选择基础条件优良的街镇一级 医疗设施作为传染病初级分诊点,以及培育居民分诊就医习惯,提升城市在公共卫生事件冲击下的韧性等建议。单卓然基于线下零售服 务空间组织的“规模收缩、多心扁平、均衡分散化”过程,正在超常规加速,而且可能难以逆转的趋势,反观我国大城市空间治理中现 行的线下零售空间组织政策,提出四点建议,包括:“定点造极”转型“动态组网”,有限公共资源优先向市边缘区、区边缘街道投放; 研究优化零售商业网点规划配建标准;增强评估零售商业用地调规效应;搭建城市“一张网”零售服务动态监测平台。向科围绕公共空 间与私人空间、物理空间与虚拟空间等展开辩证的讨论,通过对疫情期间,物理性公共空间与虚拟公共空间的变化的研究,指出在快速 变迁和不断拓展的现实中,需要反复思考公共空间公共性的立场,从而构建新的公共空间结构、内容和形式。黄建中从社区角度的疫前、 疫中、疫后三个阶段,分析城市规划和治理工作之间相对脱节的问题,重点指出需要增加对基层单元的社区治理;后疫情时期,社区生 活圈应该是衔接空间与社会治理平台的重要单元。张天尧认为社区是卫生防疫等基本单元,作为基层区域性共同体,在公共卫生危机应 对中发挥着关键作用。针对健康社区治理的制度构建,从制度保障、协作网络、支撑系统三个方面提出了推动健康社区治理的建议。  相似文献   

面对新型冠状肺炎的突然暴发,国家快速启动应急医疗设施的建设。选址科学性和建设时效性是建设过程中面临的两大问题。利用城市绿地的防灾功能,通过平灾结合可在一定程度上缓解以上问题。通过比较发现,城郊森林公园在选址、规模、环境、基础设施、覆盖率等诸方面与应急医疗设施需求具有高度的契合性。将城郊森林公园纳入突发公共卫生事件应急预案,可以通过早期的合理选址、布局,预先勘探、铺设管网,加强污水、垃圾处理系统,合理规划康养功能等手段,大大提升灾时应急医疗设施建设的速度,并在一定程度上降低传染性疾病对人口和环境造成的危害。  相似文献   

针对城市防灾工程设施规划中,安全防灾规划仍以各部门制定的防灾专业规划和根据灾害事故种类制定的应急处置预案为主导,对城市防灾工程的综合规划、设施布局等缺乏有效的系统资源整合这一问题,以AHP方法为基础建立一种新的评估方法,对城市防灾工程设施的布局进行综合评价,以为解决防灾设施规划问题找到崭新的途径。  相似文献   

戴伟  刘博新 《中国园林》2023,39(7):53-58
城市雨洪灾害的产生与气候变化、土地利用、防洪排涝基础设施空间布局等密切相关。大量研究证实,单一依靠市政改造雨水管网的传统做法工程成本高、改造难度大,实际效果不理想。而基于自然的解决方案(Nature-based Solutions,Nb S)倡导对生态系统的最小干预,将灰蓝绿基础设施有机结合,为城市雨洪韧性规划提供了一种新思路。采用“理论研究+应用案例”相结合的方法,首先分析了将Nb S理念应用到城市雨洪韧性规划中的切入点,提出Nb S视角下城市雨洪韧性规划的一些思考;其次,应用MIKE FLOOD模型,对场地雨洪风险进行评估;最后,结合应用案例特点,以堤防岸线、水系网络、水位管理为抓手,阐述了Nb S理念在城市雨洪韧性规划中的具体方案。结果表明,Nb S视角下的城市雨洪韧性规划方案具有可行性,以期共同推动Nb S实施行动。  相似文献   

Infrastructure systems are often complex. Many have both natural and built components. For such systems, including water resource networks, resilience is a common policy goal. In the formalised study of complex systems, the structure and function of networks can contribute directly to system resilience. One branch of complex systems studies, network science, describes how connectivity between individual components can explain some system-wide properties of growth and reliability. Water resource systems analysis has only begun to apply techniques from network theory and complexity science to assess adaptability and resilience. We present an analysis of connectivity in a network model of California's water infrastructure system using several network science techniques. Results indicate that nodes in California's water system are clustered but without scale-free properties. The network originates from a mixture of top-down (centralised) and bottom-up (dispersed interactions of parties) planning. This structure provides managers greater flexibility to use local and distant water sources. We use the analysis to illustrate how several disciplinary notions of resilience apply to civil infrastructure planning. We also explore how adaptability, not just complexity, influences resilience in planning. Creating systems that can respond to future changes must be an important policy goal in planning civil infrastructure.  相似文献   

Public–private partnerships (PPPs) target overall benefits from mobilising private resources in delivering public infrastructure. Their longer time spans generate higher risks, hence the greater need for resilience in PPPs, compared to traditional procurement. PPP infrastructure outcomes should include both sustainable and resilient built infrastructure, as well as reliable and resilient service delivery. The public–private cross-sectoral relationships can be significant contributors to resilience. Previous research findings show that public–private relationships are still predominantly formal in PPPs. However, appropriate informal relationships can foster mutual trust and better teamworking that trigger self-adjustment mechanisms to overcome adversities and enhance resilience. Integrating relevant ‘people’ into PPPs to establish a public–private–people partnership (4P) is proposed to reinforce formal–informal relationships, while enhancing relevant ‘social infrastructure’, which could then lead to more resilient and better ‘value for money’ built infrastructure. Findings from another recent study demonstrate the value of 4P in pre-disaster planning. 4P also helps to develop resilient ‘social infrastructure’ for post-disaster reconstruction of sustainable built infrastructure. Conceptual diagrams are developed to summarise how the 4th P could reinforce public–private relationships and inject resilience into a potentially unstable PPP system.  相似文献   

Peter Lee 《Housing Studies》2019,34(7):1189-1211

The equilibrium model of resilience following shock has been highly critiqued as it implies status quo and no change in underlying power structures. This article fills a gap in the resilience literature as it applies to planning for housing by discussing the role of agency in contributing to the adaptive capacity of regions in responding shock events. A central tenet of the article is how agents can be the shock in slow-burn events. A case study of the development of regional strategic housing market assessments in an English region in the run-up to and during the global financial crisis illustrates how the concept of the epistemic community applies to planning for housing across scales. As resilience will increasingly drive global investments over the next century the aim of the article is to move away from rigid and conservative expressions of resilience to a more evolutionary approach relevant to regional housing systems.  相似文献   

曾悦  张佳 《室内设计》2020,(3):23-28
社区被视为体现城市韧性的典型 代表,也是近年许多国家研究的热点议题。 2020年的新冠疫情是对城乡韧性的集中考 验,社区更成为直面病毒的主战场。作为社 区的基本组成单元,各个城市的居住小区在 本次疫情防控中展现出的自组织能力为未来 社区韧性建设提供了重要参考。成都市作为 全国千万以上人口城市中感染率最低的城市 之一,其小区的防疫响应是全国小区的缩影。 本文试图通过对成都小区防疫响应的总结, 对提升社区韧性建设提出规划层面的思考, 包括从空间导向走向人本导向、利用移动社 交平台推动公众参与、增强规划弹性应对发 展变化、将风险管理意识融入规划全过程以 及运用智慧技术助力精细化管理。  相似文献   

魏文晖  方育铭  胡郢 《建材世界》2021,42(2):102-105
城市作为一个复杂系统,不仅包含许多基础设施系统,也拥有众多人口,当灾害发生时,城市系统容易受到影响,一般将导致众多人员伤亡.城市应急救援系统对于降低灾害后续人员伤亡起到关键的作用.采用韧性视角研究城市应急救援系统在灾害发生后的功能变化,可更有效地对城市功能改进提出建议.  相似文献   

Infrastructure planning for Urban Water Systems (UWSs) is challenged by, inter alia, increasing uncertainty in both demand and availability of water and aging infrastructure, and this is already impacting the climate-proofing of cities. In this context, the idea of resilience has been gradually embraced by the water sector, but the term itself is not yet universally defined, nor operationalised. Here, we propose a methodology to assess the resilience of a UWS, defining it as the degree to which the UWS continues to perform under increasing stress. A resilience assessment method is then proposed as a ‘stress-test’ of UWS configurations, under increasingly more stressful scenarios. We then demonstrate a toolbox assembled for the proposed analysis using, as a proof of concept, a semi-synthetic case study. Results are promising, suggesting that the approach could assist in the uptake and evolution of resilience thinking in strategic water infrastructure decision making, leading to water-wiser cities.  相似文献   

Civil infrastructure facilities play a central role in the economic, social and political health of modern society. Such facilities are susceptible to ageing, which is stochastic in nature and makes their reliabilities time dependent. Life-cycle engineering analysis and risk-informed decision tools have advanced in recent years for managing public investments in performance assurance and risk mitigation of civil infrastructure. However, certain civil infrastructure projects may be designed for service periods that are substantially longer than what has been typically expected of buildings, bridges and similar facilities, extending the potential consequences of life-cycle engineering decisions far beyond the limits for which there is practical experience. Current assessment procedures will require modification to evaluate performance of civil infrastructure facilities over extended time frames and to support sustainable and equitable decisions affecting long-term public safety. This paper considers a number of key issues that must be addressed in life-cycle reliability assessment of civil infrastructure facilities that must remain functional for service periods of several generations, and introduces perspectives on risk that are germane to ensure sustainability and intergenerational equity in risk-informed decision-making.  相似文献   

近年来,极端天气导致的自然灾害频发,江心洲由于其特殊的地理位置,受自然灾害影响很大。为了构建良好的江心洲绿色基础设施系统,提出将韧性规划与江心洲的绿色基础设施相结合,以水系网络及其水岸空间为研究对象,通过韧性规划特有的"抵御""适应"与"恢复"作用过程,在面对干扰时保证绿色基础设施的正常运作。  相似文献   

Recent research into the concept of resilience has shown that it helps key players in urban development to assess and set priorities for resistance and recovery for disaster risk management. However, a competing issue within post-disaster recovery is managing the trade-offs between quickly restoring infrastructure services versus taking time to consider and consult on alternative options. Through an examination of the post-earthquake reconstruction in Christchurch, New Zealand, this paper considers infrastructure resilience by using a hierarchy of measures. This hierarchy shows how infrastructure resilience needs to be considered as a series of interventions in response to different levels of damage. It elucidates the varying nature of resilience measures, the decision-making processes required to implement them and constraints, chiefly in funding, that prevent wider application of such measures. This is an important consideration for defining and acting upon the opportunity for change created by a disaster. Furthermore, a broader examination of resilience in disaster risk management highlights that clarification is needed over what constitutes an appropriate response for community involvement in post-disaster infrastructure reconstruction.  相似文献   

本文从佛山市南海区的经济发展背景入手,提出南海由工业经济向城市经济转型过程中,政府积极推动了城市化发展模式的转变,通过城市中心区持续地规划、建设、培育,为发展城市型经济提供了空间载体。文章回顾总结了南海区城市中心区的发展历程,最后对这一发展模式进行深入地反思。  相似文献   

Bridge infrastructure managers are facing multiple challenges to improve the availability and serviceability of ageing infrastructure, while the maintenance planning is constrained by budget restrictions. Many research efforts are ongoing, for the last few decades, ranging from development of bridge management system, decision support tools, optimisation models, life cycle cost analysis, etc. Since transport infrastructures are deeply embedded in society, they are not only subject to technical requirements, but are required to meet the requirements of societal and economic developments. Therefore, bridge maintenance planning should accommodate multiple performance goals which need to be quantified by various performance indicators. In this paper, an application of Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) for bridge maintenance planning is illustrated with a case study of bridges from the Netherlands road network. MAUT seeks to optimise multiple objectives by suggesting a trade-off among them and finally assigns a ranking to the considered bridges. Moreover, utility functions of MAUT appropriately account for the involved uncertainty and risk attitude of infrastructure managers. The main contribution of this study is in presenting a proof-of-concept on how MAUT provides a systematic approach to improve the decision-making of maintenance planning by making use of available data, accommodating multiple performance goals, their uncertainty, and preferences of infrastructure managers.  相似文献   

A new hospital building represents a rare opportunity to align the physical environment of healthcare with contemporary healthcare needs and models of healthcare delivery to help ensure optimal health outcomes. The effectiveness of interaction between project stakeholders from the hospital and design teams during the briefing process of any hospital project is critical in ensuring this alignment occurs. Therefore it is important to explore the process of knowledge sharing during this project briefing stage. Using thematic content analysis to explore communication exchanges between these project stakeholders, we show that knowledge exchanged during the briefing process is acquired not only explicitly but implicitly through social processes whereby participants attempt to socially construct a common understanding of the project. In particular, the importance of constructive conflict in driving this process is critical. This has implications for health planners, project managers, facilities managers and health professions engaged in the briefing process of hospital projects. In particular, it highlights the importance of providing the correct environment and enough time for culturally conducive social interaction and knowledge sharing to occur between the many stakeholders involved.  相似文献   

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