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宁巍巍 《山西建筑》2010,36(23):24-26
结合目前我国城市建筑的基本情况,分析了当前城市建筑创作中存在的千篇一律、缺乏特色等问题的根源,提出了相关对策和建议,以创造出更多能反映我国民族特色的建筑精品,并从城市规划、方案评审制度、审批管理三方面进行了具体阐述。  相似文献   

Despite the development of a large number of building performance simulation tools, designers still need a systematic framework appropriate for energy-oriented decision-making in the early stages of design. While the current workflow follows a “forward” modelling procedure in which simulation tools predict the performance of a design, this study proposes an “inverse” procedure that entails a performance objective that estimates design parameters. Using linear inverse modelling, this approach generates plausible ranges for design parameters given a preferred thermal performance. The paper begins by demonstrating that thermal demand in a particular building operation-and-climate condition can be expressed as a linear regression model and then, in two case-studies, uses the regression model to develop an inverse algorithm. After defining energy performance targets as input, users obtain a probabilistic estimate of design parameters as output that represents a large “menu” of feasible design solutions, provides confidence, and embodies the iterative nature of design.  相似文献   

As building information modelling (BIM) is positioned by governments and construction professionals as a solution to the problems in the construction industry, research is needed into the benefits BIM actually confers. The focus here is on the effectiveness of BIM as a medium for communicating information within a construction team. A case study of an offsite precast concrete fabrication facility was conducted. At the time of the study, the facility was supplying precast units for four public sector projects, and using four information management systems: e-mail, a construction project extranet tool, an Enterprise Resource Planning system and a new BIM-based system. The flow of information through the four media was measured and visualized as the projects progressed. This quantitative measurement of information flow was combined with qualitative data from interviews with facility staff. It was found that the introduction of the BIM-based system diverted information flow through the building model and away from the extranet system. The use of e-mail was largely unaffected. BIM allowed considerably more accurate, on-time and appropriate exchange of information. It is concluded it is possible to quantify some of the benefits of BIM to information management. This research paves the way for future research into the management of more construction project information linked more closely to building models.  相似文献   

于小生 《山西建筑》2012,(34):273-274
针对目前山西居住环境现状,分析了导致既有建筑严重不符合现行节能标准的原因,具体阐述了建造绿色建筑的方法及要点,包括新建建筑物的规划设计和既有建筑物的改造两方面内容,以实现节能,减排,创造绿色住宅小区。  相似文献   

梁慧  邢雨 《山西建筑》2012,(23):102-103,144
对绿色建筑的概念,规划设计进行了简略的描述,着重从施工方案中的位置选择、材料选择以及污染防治等方面概述如何经济合理的对绿色建筑进行设计,并对绿色建筑的运营与管理作了分析,具有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

An architectural design process is investigated to achieve form flexibility in industrialized building systems (IBS), as IBS constructions do not have sufficient flexibility to develop varied architectural forms. The ethnography method has been used to examine the issues related to “form” flexibility in the design life cycle of IBS constructions by observing the constructions of live experimental models. The major tasks and respective design aspects that facilitate form flexibilities in architectural design have been identified. Furthermore, an integrated life cycle model has been developed to effectively address the interfaces between the design tasks and eventually fulfill the needs of IBS in the design life cycle.  相似文献   

浅析城市设计与城市规划及建筑设计的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王民成 《山西建筑》2009,35(26):42-43
从城市发展的角度出发,分析了城市设计与城市规划及建筑设计的关系,在明确它们之间关系的基础上,找回人们遗失在快速城市化浪潮里的文明,从而创造更为舒适、更为人性化的城市空间。  相似文献   

Research and development of a new sophisticated software environment to support building design decisions are presented. This new software, the Building Design Advisor (BDA), is intended as a research tool, teaching aid and, eventually, as a practical professional tool to facilitate both strategic and detailed decision-making throughout the design process from the early schematic phases of building design through to the detailed specification of building components and systems. BDA supports the integrated, concurrent use of multiple simulation tools and databases, while allowing output to support multicriterion judgement. BDA's ultimate aims are to address the data needs of whole building life cycle analysis: design, construction, commissioning, operation, performance and demolition. Cette communication presente les travaux de recherche et de developpement portant sur un nouvel environnement logiciel sophistique destine a faciliter la prise de decisions en matiere de concepts de construction. Ce nouveau ligiciel, denomme Building Design Advisor (BDA), est a la fois un outil de recherche, une aide pedagogique et, finalement, un outil professionnel pratique qui facilite le processus decisionnel strategique et detaille tout au long de la procedure de conception, des la premiere phase d'esquisse de conception d'un batiment jusqu'a la specification detaillee des composants et des systemes de ce batiment. Le BDA est compatible avec l'utilisation integree et simultanee de multiples outils de simulation et de bases de donnees et ses resultats sont compatibles avec des jugements multi-criteres. Les objectifs ultimes du BDA sont d'etudier les besoins en donnees du processus d'analyse du cycle de vie complet d'un batiment: conception, construction, mise en service, exploitation/performances et demolition.  相似文献   

建筑结构抗震设计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
针对抗震设防在建筑结构设计中起着至关重要的作用,指出完整抗震设计包含概念设计和抗震计算分析两个部分,在分析震害的基础上,从概念设计和计算分析两方面简单介绍了建筑结构的抗震设计.  相似文献   

为了保证物业管理中建筑物维修管理工作的有序进行,本文根据数据库的设计原理、方法,结合建筑物维修管理的实际应用环境和操作业务流程,提出了建筑物维修管理系统数据库设计的4个阶段——用户实际需求分析、概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计和物理结构设计,设计出适用于各种建筑物维修管理系统的最优数据库模式,并建立了通用的数据库应用系统,使得维修管理系统能够进行建筑物损坏情况的综合评价和维修决策。  相似文献   

唐文 《福建建筑》2010,(11):115-117
本文以工程实例对空调的冷热源、空调风系统、空调水系统及自动控制进行阐述介绍,重点介绍了该工程的空调设计特点,以供相关专业设计人员参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

熊萍萍 《山西建筑》2009,35(33):30-31
对绿色建筑的内涵、绿色建筑应遵循的原则进行了分析,从节地、节能、节水、节材等方面阐述了绿色建筑在规划设计中应包含的技术要点,从而探索可行的绿色设计,推动建筑向节能、绿色、智能化方向发展。  相似文献   

汪涛 《山西建筑》2014,(18):18-19
选取上海及广州著名商业大厦为案例蓝本,重点从区位特征、空间布局、交通组织、交通设施建设等方面对比分析其配套停车场的设计和运营效益,研究成果对我国商业建筑地下停车场规划、运营及管理具有重要的实践参考价值。  相似文献   

浅谈采暖居住建筑的节能设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
马丽娜 《山西建筑》2007,33(3):218-219
针对国内建筑节能现状,从采暖居住建筑节能规划、采暖居住建筑节能构造两方面就节能问题进行了初步探讨,以提高能源利用率,尽快实现我国的节能目标。  相似文献   

邓爱英 《山西建筑》2011,37(3):188-189
针对目前能源短缺问题和建筑耗能逐年上升的现状,探讨了建筑节能的必要性及建筑规划设计对建筑节能的影响,并简要介绍了建筑规划设计中建筑节能的一些方法,以期将建筑功能与技术更好地结合,创造低成本、高效率的节能建筑。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for integrating building information modelling (BIM) and object-oriented physical modelling-based building energy modelling (BEM) focusing on thermal simulation to support decision-making in the design process. The framework is made of a system interface between BIM and Modelica-based BEM and the visualization of simulation results for building designers. The interface consists of the following two major features: (1) pre-processing BIM models to add required thermal parameters into BIM and generate the building topology and (2) translating BIM to Modelica-based building energy modelling automatically and running the thermal simulation. The visualization component presents the simulation results in BIM for designers to understand the relationship between design decisions and the building performance. For the framework implementation, we have created a ModelicaBIM library and utilized the Modelica Buildings library developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We conducted a case study to demonstrate and validate the framework simulation results.  相似文献   

赵强 《山西建筑》2014,(1):38-39
结合实践经验,对医院建筑设计的原则、理念、规划及注意事项进行了归纳总结,指出医疗建筑设计应坚持以人为本的原则,体现精益医疗的设计思路,从城市角度入手规划,从环境角度营造空间设计。  相似文献   

滕艳杰 《山西建筑》2006,32(12):233-233,268
论述了多功能建筑设计中不适合物业管理的问题,分析了多功能建筑设计与物业管理不适应的原因,从设计方、投资方、建设行政主管部门提出了多功能建筑设计不适于物业管理的解决方法。  相似文献   

The idea of reliability analysis in building physics design is presented. Reliability of building performance is described in terms of the probability of exceeding the critical values by the physical measures as a result of the changes of physical state of a building due to variations of climatic, structural or serviceability parameters.  相似文献   

目前,建筑行业依然是我国当代经济发展的主题,建筑规模越来越大,建筑形式千变万化,绿色可持续发展要求越来越高,对建筑结构的安全性提出了更高的要求。从结构设计和建筑施工等方面,简要分析影响建筑安全性因素,提出了一些提高建筑安全性的合理化措施,旨在解决建筑结构设计安全隐患问题。  相似文献   

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