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The outcomes and implications from the regional Latin America and the Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Building (SB04) are considered in conjunction with the current regional context. To understand the development of a Latin American approach to sustainable development in the property and construction sector, it is necessary to include the unique economic, social and natural problems faced by most of its countries. This unique context differentiates it from other regions and includes poverty reduction, maintaining economic growth, enhancing income distribution and coping with the unplanned growth of cities. The importance of a regional approach is highlighted and an overview provided on how sustainability relates to context specificities. Courses of action are suggested for major actors to accelerate progress towards sustainable building and construction implementation, including the development of new regional capabilities and networks, education and training, appropriate financial mechanisms and public policies, the use of appropriate technologies, and the development of appropriate metrics and assessment mechanisms to reflect local and regional needs. 相似文献
通过实地考察,从建筑师的角度对德国城市建设经验及成果进行了总结,从对历史建筑的保护性开发利用和新建筑的规划设计及城市环境,公共设施建设等方面阐述了德国城市建设的可持续发展理念,并介绍了该国城市建设中的细部设计,以期指导国内城市建设。 相似文献
《The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering》2013,6(3):196-202
Sustainable construction is critical to Singapore's national development as Singapore has little natural resources. Nearly, all construction materials have to be imported and it is therefore vital to improve Singapore's efficiency on the use of natural resources. Since 2007, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), together with Singapore's construction industry, strives to promote the adoption of sustainable construction materials and practices. Central to the drive of sustainable construction is the Sustainable Construction Masterplan, with five major strategic thrusts outlining strategies to achieve resource efficiency. The five strategic thrusts cover initiatives from government support, legislation to research and development support. This article also presents some recent initiatives of sustainable construction, such as the development of demolition protocol and sustainable construction capability development fund. The findings of a recently completed full-scale study on the use of recycled concrete aggregates in structural elements of a 3-storey office building are also presented. 相似文献
介绍了安全生产管理的含义与目标,对建筑施工过程中安全管理存在的问题进行了分析,提出了增强企业领导责任心、建立健全生产规章制度、开展安全教育等改善措施,以真正做好安全管理工作。 相似文献
我国城市发展正面临生态环境下降和自然资源不足的严峻挑战,加强全民资源节约意识和生态危机意识宣传和教育,保护土地资源、水资源、城市地域文化和生态环境,节约能源、保持发展与资源、环境之间相对平衡,才能真正做到以人为本,实现我国经济社会全面、协调、可持续的发展. 相似文献
建筑工程活动耗费大量的自然资源和能源,是典型的高能耗行业,碳排放量巨大。在碳中和战略下,绿色建筑是未来的必然选择,是实现建筑业可持续发展的前提。基于此,从经济、环保、健康、舒适的角度,结合国内外前沿技术和施工经验,阐述了绿色建筑对建筑业可持续发展的意义,分析了绿色建筑的发展现状和特征,提出了绿色建筑可持续的对策。 相似文献
《Construction Management & Economics》2012,30(8):639-651
Project management is a critical organizational capability in the engineering construction sector: the development of that capability through continuing professional development (CPD) is, therefore, of substantive interest to practitioners and researchers alike. The aim of this investigation was to explore current practice in CPD in engineering construction. This was achieved by undertaking a cross-case analysis of the experiences of project management CPD in 17 organizations. The analysis revealed a highly unsystematic approach to CPD and a very limited adaptation of CPD to the engineering construction context. The impact of introducing more structured and contextualized approaches to CPD on the effectiveness of project managers needs to be investigated further. 相似文献
Gayatri Sachin Vyas Kumar Neeraj Jha 《Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems》2016,33(4):313-334
Green building rating systems have been developed to measure the level of sustainability of buildings. Existing methods can be applied to different regions by addressing additional aspects such as varied climatic conditions and regional variations. This paper investigated the most widely used environmental building assessment methods, namely BREEAM, LEED, SB-Tool, CASBEE, LEED-India, GRIHA and Eco-housing. Comparative studies revealed that the existing assessment schemes had some limitations when applied to an Indian built environment. This necessitates the development of a new building environmental assessment scheme. An attempt is made to develop a framework to evaluate sustainability of buildings in India by applying principal component analysis (PCA). The PCA of 82 valid responses on the attributes measuring sustainability of buildings has extracted nine components: (1) site selection; (2) environment; (3) building resources and re-use; (4) building services and management; (5) innovative construction techniques, (6) environmental health and safety, (7) mechanical systems; (8) indoor air quality; (9) economy. Further, a framework suggested in this study can be applied for countries having similar climatic conditions. Findings of this paper can be helpful to designers and developers to achieve green development in developing countries. 相似文献
对建筑施工进度管理、质量管理、安全管理及成本管理进行了研究,并从节约能耗、避免污染、废弃物排放、噪声控制等角度分析了绿色建筑施工方法,探讨了施工管理及绿色施工两者的关系,以创造出优质的建筑。 相似文献
作者从城市土地利用、城市空间设计、城市生态和环境改善、节约材料和建设资金、“绿色” 建筑材料使用等方面,分析了城市建筑可持续发展方法及实施措施,研究了城市建筑对环境和资 源利用的不利影响及其原因,提出了减少这些不利影响的基本原则和相应政策法规的建议,论证 了高层建筑在减少土地耗费、增加城市公共空间(绿地、交通通道和采光空间)、构造城市空间美 感、节约材料和能源等方面的巨大作用,并阐述了高层建筑经济性最优化高度的观点及计算思路, 批评了确定建筑高度和体量的随意性行为。 相似文献
Chrisna du Plessis 《Building Research & Information》2005,33(5):405-415
Sustainable development, and by extension sustainable building, is an evolving concept that relies for its implementation on the development of regional and local approaches and solutions. There is, in particular, a split between the definitions, approaches and priorities in developed and developing countries. Subsequently, a process for creating an international agenda for sustainable building is needed to recognize these regional and local differences. Part of this process is the development of regional action plans for sustainable building and construction at a number of regional sustainable building conferences. The key elements of an action plan for Africa, based on a discussion session at the SB04 Africa Conference, are considered and placed within the African context and the larger international issues. The key issue is the establishment of a solid knowledge foundation for Africa that will equip the public, professionals, development agencies and governments with accurate and relevant knowledge generated within the framework of the continent's social needs, its cultures and its biophysical environment to guide their decisions and actions towards establishing a sustainable built environment. 相似文献
从可持续发展概念的由来看到了生态建筑具有的革命意义,分析了生态建筑侧重的设计内容及其特征,并且从经济合理性的角度提出了建立新的价值观和行为规范的迫切性,对于我国生态建筑目前发展存在的不足,强调需要增强可持续发展意识。 相似文献
基于可持续发展的研究背景,以成都市宽窄巷子的改造作为实例,分析了街区改造的背景、现状以及街区空间建构的场所特性与构成要素,试图探讨在城市化进程中得以保留的历史街区如何通过物的空间建构,达到场所文脉的可持续发展。 相似文献
通过对我国建设工程施工阶段安全管理现状的分析,结合建设工程管理实践,提出了加强建设工程施工阶段安全管理的措施,以减少建设工程施工安全事故的发生,确保工程的顺利进行。 相似文献
论工程建设项目施工管理 总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2
结合推行工程建设项目管理的意义 ,从建设项目施工管理的规范化 ,工程建设项目管理模式两方面 ,就其具体内容作了阐述 ,提出了推行工程建设项目管理中应注意的问题 相似文献
建筑业如何走可持续发展的道路 ,专家学者各有论述 ,本文认为在“全面建设小康社会”的进程中 ,用先进文化擎托建筑业可持续发展 ,用先进文化营造现代建筑理念 ,用先进文化构筑建筑文化体系 ,用先进文化促进建筑业创新在新时期、新形势、新经济环境下具有重要意义 相似文献
对绿色施工的概念进行了阐述,并分析了绿色施工管理理念对于建筑施工管理的意义,重点探讨了绿色施工管理理念下建筑施工管理的一些创新途径,包括能源、资源、污染、人员管理策略,以供参考。 相似文献
This paper critically examines programme structure as a dimension of programme strategy within the context of large-scale-multi-site (LSMS) information system (IS) based change programmes. While a centralized programme structure is often assumed both in literature and in practice, we argue that programme structure should be a strategic decision contingent upon programme environment. Following the structural contingency theory, we characterise programme environment by two dimensions of the programme environment as programme authority over the participating organizations and homogeneity of the business processes among the participating organizations. Based on these two dimensions, we develop an authority-homogeneity matrix. Given a programme of low authority and low homogeneity, the programme should adopt a matching decentralized structure supported by standard process and data interfaces. By comparing two programme cases, we demonstrate how a decentralized approach can work for a LSMS IS-based change programme while a centralized programme structure fails. 相似文献
从建筑施工技术与建筑施工现场两方面出发,对建筑施工的优化管理措施进行了阐述,指出对建筑施工进行优化管理是社会发展所必须的,是市场竞争所要求的,只有优化管理,才能促进建筑业的蓬勃发展。 相似文献