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A method is presented for non-results-based effectiveness indexing of construction site managers (CSMs). The 52 competence element index is based on previous research on construction-specific competency elements and stakeholder assessment systems. The method was qualitatively assessed through industry focus groups and quantitatively validated through an empirical study. The performance of 61 Australian CSMs was evaluated by 329 peers, superiors and subordinates. The measurement tool successfully measured each individual's level of ability on each competence element and produced an individual effectiveness score for each CSM. The application of the method resulted in the identification of three levels of effectiveness: a distinct and homogeneous ‘elite’ group of very effective CSMs; a very low performing control group of former CSMs; and a group of CSMs that are adequately effective. The development and validation of the method are provided, plus some insights into the characteristics of each of the groups identified.  相似文献   

The just-in-time (JIT) philosophy has been used in the manufacturing industry for some forty to fifty years. This system increased not only the productivity of the industry but also the quality of its products. Explorative studies have been completed in recent years to see how JIT can be applied into the construction industry to reap the benefits of the system. Most of these studies have concluded that it is possible to apply the techniques of JIT in the construction industry with some modifications. Taking into consideration that one of the key components of site management is concerned with waste management (i.e. bringing wastage down to the minimum), this study focuses on applying JIT for site layout to improve productivity and quality. By eliminating waste on site, controlling the movement of inventory coming into the site and within the site, and controlling the usage of mechanized plant and equipment, smooth work flow can be achieved.  相似文献   

VR-based planning of construction site activities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an approach to the integration of site-related activities into the planning and scheduling of the entire construction project. The paper starts by briefly reviewing some common methods used by construction firms in the planning and scheduling of site activities. Next follows a discussion of current research efforts concerned with the modelling of site-related procedures. Then a virtual-reality-based model is proposed, which uses both knowledge-based simulation of the work progress and visualisation capabilities, to achieve the desired integration. Finally the prototype system is described and its potential is demonstrated through several examples.  相似文献   

Organizations are sites where gendered ideologies are established and played out and in the case of the construction industry there is a strong underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities in certain positions such as site managers. Masculine ideologies here denote the totality of norms, belief and assumptions that serve to enact specific images of e.g. leadership work. In the case of the Swedish construction industry, the site manager role is enacted as a paternal figure having full control of the situation, always in the position to take care of emerging and unforeseen events, and spending long hours at work. Such site management role is thus reproducing gender ideologies, imposing expectations on individual site managers, and erecting entry barriers for e.g. women or individuals not willing to forsake family life. The managerial implications are that the construction industry needs to critically evaluate what demands are put on site managers and how to create more balanced leadership positions.  相似文献   

介绍了建筑信息模型的概念、特征。结合具体案例,分析了建筑信息模型对建设项目全过程管理产生的影响,探讨了其对项目管理者的能力与素质所提出的新要求,明确了在新的环境下项目管理人员应具备的与建筑信息模型要求相适应的能力素质,并得出了结论。  相似文献   

张玲 《山西建筑》2015,(4):243-244
介绍了工程签证的概念及其在工作中的重要性,分析了影响签证及时准确的主要因素,并提出了改进施工企业签证管理的有效措施,同时综合论述了施工现场签证对成本的影响,以加强现场的签证管理工作。  相似文献   

A number of writers have cited poor records as limiting the ability of supervisors, and indeed of contractors, to carry out some of their most important functions. The study reported in this paper aimed to identify the problems in detail. This was achieved by conducting a mail-shot survey of construction supervisors working for firms of civil engineering consultants. The results indicate that there is considerable room for improvement in the records kept on most sites, where guidelines are said to be inadequate and the problems of enforcing these inadequate guidelines were also recognized. The main source data for progress records was identified as the site diaries kept by individual members of the supervisor's team, and these were found to be particularly difficult to access for a number of reasons. Since the site diaries are such an important source of information, it is argued that most benefit may be gained by taking steps to improve these daily logs which, in turn, will allow better overviews of progress to be produced.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact that integration can have on teamwork effectiveness within construction project delivery teams. The level of team integration was assessed within selected award-winning delivery teams of completed projects. A similar assessment was made of teamwork effectiveness achieved within the same project teams. The findings of this research reveal that teams with different levels of integration had the same or similar levels of teamwork effectiveness. Thus whilst integration is desirable, it is not the only requirement or condition for improved teamwork within a construction sector context. The findings suggest that the role and value of integration in project teams is unclear relative to other performance enhancing approaches. Further research is recommended to identify the factors and conditions that influence the direct impact of integration on teamwork effectiveness within the project delivery team.  相似文献   

Interpretation of electric cone penetration test (CPT) based pore water pressure measurement (CPTu) is well established for soils with behavior that follows classical soil mechanics. The literature on the interpretation of these tests performed on unsaturated tropical soils is limited, and little is known about the influence of soil suction on in situ test data. In this context, the CPT data are presented and discussed to illustrate the seasonal variability in an unsaturated tropical soil site. The test data show that soil suction significantly influenced CPT data up to a depth of 4 m at the study site. It shows the importance of considering seasonal variability in unsaturated soil sites caused by soil suction, which was related to water content through a soil-water retention curve (SWRC). It is also important to consider this aspect in the interpretation of CPT data from these soils.  相似文献   

Quality Management Systems (QMS) are being operated in some sectors in Turkey but it is rare to meet these systems in construction industry. There are many hinderances that make it difficult to apply these systems effectively due to the nature of construction and therefore, no objective way of measuring the effectiveness of these systems exists in construction industry.  相似文献   

In Singapore, the construction industry had implemented safety management system (SMS) and SMS auditing for about 10 years now, but the improvement in safety standard is not significant. In response to the need to improve the effectiveness of SMS and SMS audit, the aim of the paper is to propose a method to develop and test the tools that auditors may use to assess the effectiveness of a construction firm's SMS. The research methodology adopted in this study consists of 15 steps. Surveys were conducted; safety experts were consulted and invited to express their views, either through interviews or workshops. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Factor Analysis were used to assist in identifying the most crucial factors and attributes affecting safety. The model was developed by means of the multi-attribute value model (MAVT) approach. It was also subject to validation via site audits. Using the model, a Construction Safety Index (CSI) can be calculated. It is concluded that the CSI can act as an objective measure of different sites for management and appraisal purposes.  相似文献   

在建筑工程中,现场签证的影响极为重要。从现场签证的基本知识和现阶段所存在的问题以及促进现场签证合理性的方法与策略三个方面来分析和探讨,以此提高建设工程现场签证的质量,降低实施阶段的工程造价。  相似文献   

Personal exposures of 100 adult non-smokers living in the UK, as well as home and workplace microenvironment concentrations of 15 volatile organic compounds were investigated. The strength of the association between personal exposure and indoor home and workplace concentrations as well as with central site ambient air concentrations in medium to low pollution areas was assessed. Home microenvironment concentrations were strongly associated with personal exposures indicating that the home is the driving factor determining personal exposures to VOCs, explaining between 11 and 75% of the total variability. Workplace and central site ambient concentrations were less correlated with the corresponding personal concentrations, explaining up to 11-22% of the variability only at the low exposure end of the concentration range (e.g. benzene concentrations < 2.5 μg m−3). One of the reasons for the discrepancies between personal exposures and central site data was that the latter does not account for exposure due to personal activities (e.g. commuting, painting). A moderate effect of season on the strength of the association between personal exposure and ambient concentrations was found. This needs to be taken into account when using fixed site measurements to infer exposures.  相似文献   

传统的电子版二维图纸,由于自身的二维属性很难在现如今的施工精细化管理中发挥价值,建筑信息化模型(BIM)的兴起,将本身的二维扩展至三维空间、四维时间、五维成本,但建筑信息化模型的落地和价值体现一直是众说纷纭,通过具体的项目实施,研究BIM的应用价值,拓展新的应用点,通过应用信息化模型从模型建立到图纸问题发现、可视化交底、施工方案模拟、深化设计及碰撞检查,支吊架设计及洞口预留等等,来研究其价值,在项目上通过与5D平台、VR、无人机、智慧工地结合的方式来探究建筑信息化模型的落地的多种可能性,研究应用表明,建筑信息化模型,对房建施工有着很大的作用,在经济上产生了很大的节约,对质量安全管理的精细化、透明化有很强的推动作用,对企业的社会形象和社会效益也无形中带来了很大提升。  相似文献   

采用FDS对单甘压裂车火灾进行仿真模拟,研究压裂车火灾演化过程,分析压裂车火灾发展规模和影响范围,分析得到压裂车火灾的火焰长度、温度、热辐射分布.在单台压裂车火灾燃烧过程的基础上,对施工现场压裂车组火灾进行模拟分析,得到车组着火后蔓延范围及火灾规模,为压裂车火灾应急处置提供参考依据.  相似文献   

近年来物联网迅猛发展,其在智能建筑中有较广泛的应用,但在施工现场管理方面深度应用却很少。本文首先回顾了物联网及其在施工阶段的应用发展现状,然后以公司在建的新办公楼项目为依托详细阐述了施工现场管理的需求及具体的物联网技术施工解决方案,最后展望了物联网与BIM融合的未来。  相似文献   

介绍了建筑场地的类别划分方法 ,以及同一建筑在选用不同特征周期计算时地震作用效应的变化 ,结合具体工程实例的测算 ,提出了特征周期是地震计算作用中的重要参数。  相似文献   

郭绍光 《山西建筑》2003,29(5):255-256
回转另部件在安装时有时会碰到动平衡问题,一般是送平衡实验室在平衡机上做平衡,详细介绍了在安装现场、在转子自身轴承中做平衡的方法。  相似文献   

Investigations have been carried out which suggest that motivation of employees in all industries is affected by the environment or culture in which they work. Research undertaken in Melbourne, Australia investigated the effect of the workplace environment encountered on a construction site on motivation and demotivation of construction professionals. The data collected supported the hypothesis that the environment of a construction site does affect demotivation levels of site personnel. Specifically, several variables were significantly linked to this result, including long hours, chaos, non-recognition for work done and colleagues' aggressive management style. The results provide a valuable basis for indicating how the construction industry can create a more attractive workplace environment for professional site staff.  相似文献   

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