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This paper outlines the developments in strategic planning exemplified by the works of Porter (1979, 1985, 1990) and others. After describing the emerging concepts and techniques, it is observed that these have been applied by enterprises in other sectors of the economy in pursuit of competitive advantage. Such applications are taking place at the level of parts of an enterprise's operations and at the overall corporate level. This is contrasted with the situation in construction where strategic planning at any level is less widespread, although it is becoming more common. Several reasons are identified as hindrances to strategic planning in construction. The current and historical situation with regard to planning in construction is described. The ways in which strategic planning can be applied by construction enterprises are outlined. In conclusion, it is observed that Porter's new concepts of strategic planning have relevance to, and considerable scope for application in, construction enterprises. It is suggested that the changing nature of the task of the construction industry and the dynamism of its operating environment imply that the strategic planning techniques put forward by Porter are vital for the survival and progress of construction enterprises of all types.  相似文献   

Much of our research in IT in construction is concerned with developing technologies and prescribing how they can be applied to construction problems. Our rationale for our choice of technologies to push is often unstated and the relative significance of a range of technologies is rarely considered. The impact of emerging technologies on the strategic health of companies and professions is also rarely discussed. Few professions appear to be explicitly in control of how IT will impact their future.

This paper addresses both of these issues through the example of an IT forecast for the architectural profession. It does this by examining issues of technology forecasting and development by reviewing currently emerging IT's and by conducting an opinion survey of which are of greatest significance to the architectural profession. The result is a relative assessment of the importance to architects of 10 technological mini-scenarios from which an overall architectural IT scenario is constructed.  相似文献   

建筑业要响应国家发展低碳经济,实现节能降耗的科学发展目标,必须转变观念,加大执行力,采用信息技术对企业管理模式、生产经营方式、项目管理流程等进行重组改造。本文从执行力的三要素(人员、战略、运营)出发,阐述了在用信息化改造和提升传统产业的实施过程中,建筑企业应着力做好信息化战略规划、信息化全员培训、项目管理流程梳理等几项工作,改变建筑业过去高消耗、高污染、低效益的落后面貌,加速实现产业的转型升级。  相似文献   

过去企业在信息化建设中,主要关心IT技术,随着IT技术应用的普及以及实践经历,人们逐步将注意力转移到企业的业务处理上,认识到业务才是企业信息化的根本。本文从企业整体利益出发,以当今世界上最有效的两种管理工具———战略管理和项目管理为企业管控手段,构建了企业应用系统基本架构,力求实现企业业务处理与信息的集成,将所有者制定的合理制度、控制程序以及控制要点嵌入到信息系统中,使企业信息系统具备控制机制,完善企业管控体系,减少企业利益相关者之间的信息不对称,保护投资者的利益,支持企业治理,确保企业在正确的管控制度下运营。  相似文献   

For several decades, transfer of technologies from industrialized countries has been viewed as a key to addressing the low level of technological development of developing countries. This paper considers technology transfer as a mechanism for improving construction industries in developing countries. It discusses the nature of technology and its development and the relevance of its transfer. It outlines differences between construction and other sectors and their implications for the development and transfer of construction technology. Results and problems of technology transfer are discussed and the experience of Singapore outlined. Possible action to improve upon the situation is suggested.  相似文献   

An important issue regarding the use of construction investment as a public policy tool is the magnitude of its contribution to growth and the nature of its interactions with the other sectors in the economy. Development planners have long used the concepts of backward and forward linkages to examine these interactions. None of the previous analysts, however, has concentrated on the construction sector. In this paper, we discuss the general nature of backward and forward linkages and their role in inducing economic development, present the most commonly used measures for quantifying and understanding the strength and nature of these linkages, and review estimates of backward linkages. In all countries for which estimates exist, we found that gross construction linkages are strong and that the economic impact of construction activities is relatively evenly dispersed over the sectors from which they obtain their inputs.  相似文献   

结合信息技术在施工管理中的发展过程,阐述了信息技术与施工管理的关系,研究了施工管理中信息技术的应用现状,通过对国外信息技术应用经验的总结,对建筑企业如何提高信息技术在施工管理中的应用水平进行了分析。  相似文献   

Management in an information economy can only succeed by employing IT as a tool. To facilitate this, and for education to provide effective technology transfer in an information economy, the fundamental nature of IT must be re-examined, and new educational models, techniques and tools developed. This should enable management to capture value in a time of continuous change, form which a model of management capable of exploiting IT would emerge. The authors review the impact of post-industrial models of management on effective IT integration into business practice and outline an organisation model for the `technology of management'. In a scenario built around a fictitious organisation, the authors develop three models which describe generic approaches, and examine issues confronting the organisation in integrating IT into its business. The models are the machine model, hybrid model and organisation model  相似文献   

李峰 《城市建筑》2014,(21):135-135
在全球经济和信息一体化的环境背景之下,我国传统的工业建设,也就是建筑产业,面临着新的挑战。建筑企业利用信息技术提高效率是我国建筑工业需要解决的问题,本文对如何将信息化管的工作有效地应用到建筑工业中进行了分析。  相似文献   

With the unprecedented pace of construction in China, reliable and consistent communication between the various building industry players (both local and international) throughout the whole building delivery process is of paramount importance for the successful achievement of green building improvement in China. In order to achieve the goals of the green building standards through integrated team work in a reformed building delivery process, a web-based information technology (IT) infrastructure named China Green Building Codes and Standards Online (iCodes) is developed based on advanced web application and database technologies. The principal strategic thrust of the work is to develop an integrated bi-lingual platform to support the processes involved in building energy efficiency practices as well as research and development (R&D) purposes. It aims to provide a consistent knowledge repository for generating educational material for teaching and training purposes that cover the life-cycle building delivery process. With the help of the fast growing and wide spread Internet technology in China, this integrated IT framework and features will enable efficient dissemination of green building practice related information throughout China.  相似文献   

Urban challenges: the formal and informal economies in mega-cities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P. W. Daniels   《Cities》2004,21(6):501-511
There is a sense in which the formal and informal economies in mega-cities are taken for granted. The bulk of the literature focuses on the characteristics and problems of the latter. It is crucial, however, that they should not be examined and analysed as separate entities. Rather, it should be acknowledged at the outset that the activities that are normally considered part of the informal economy are often in one way or another linked to the activities in the formal economy. Other reasons for stressing the interconnectedness of the informal and formal sectors in cities are outlined. Perhaps, the key to policy development is to recognise that both sectors incorporate creativity, entrepreneurial flair, and a general desire to harness human capital in ways that maximises its potential.  相似文献   

The Construction Industry lags behind other industries in its acquisition and use of modern technology. As a result construction workers are dissatisfied with the level and availability of communication systems and channels. Construction managers are not confident to acquire modern technologies to the construction workplace, because of the unavailability of information on worker abilities, available technologies, possible outcomes, related costs and benefits and so on. Technology providers are also lagging in the understanding of the information related to construction industry specific needs. There were no direct studies noted in Canada that were focusing the construction stakeholder views — workers, managers, and technology providers — related to the information technology (IT). This paper presents the views of three different construction industry stakeholders regarding the possibilities and opportunities in using Information Technology in construction project to improve communication and worker satisfaction. The paper ends with a set of recommendations for enhancing the usage of IT tools and systems on construction projects.  相似文献   

This paper brings together the visions for information and communications technologies (ICT) in construction and the changing requirements of the construction industry. Drawing on case studies, previous research and future scenarios outlined by research road mapping projects, it illustrates how the areas identified as having potential for improvement can be addressed through the use of mobile IT. This vision is then developed into a scenario for communicating to industry professionals the construction site of the future. Their feedback on this scenario is used to assess the viability of the research propositions within mainstream construction. Finally, the paper examines the implications for the construction industry should the vision for the future be adopted; the potential for new islands of automation; the effects on our human resources; and the potential impact on knowledge management initiatives.  相似文献   

广西荔浦至玉林高速公路是国家高速公路网G59的重要组成部分,项目建成之后将完善中国国家高速公路网,促进北部湾经济向北部延伸,提高南北通道通行能力。项目具有规模和空间距离大、地质和地理环境复杂、涉及的区域规划协调关系较多、控制性工程技术复杂等难点。项目方案设计阶段采用Infraworks作为核心平台,勘查设计阶段采用MicroStation作为核心平台,通过多软件的应用,将道路、桥梁、建筑等数据导入到核心平台中,实现多源数据融合。通过利用BIM技术的综合优势逐一解决项目中存在的难点问题,实现从场地勘测到BIM协同设计、再到施工管理全过程的BIM集成应用,并且在施工阶段自主研发了基于设计BIM模型的施工管理系统,实现施工过程的信息化管理。本项目的BIM技术应用涵盖了勘测、设计、施工阶段,形成了前期应用、协同设计和施工管理的一套全过程应用流程和方法。  相似文献   

为促进数字孪生技术在提升建筑工程建造水平中的应用,本文以文献统计分析、计量学分析、文献内容分析等为主要研究手段,对国内外数字孪生技术在建筑工程领域的学术研究论文进行梳理总结。结果表明,数字孪生技术在设计阶段的应用覆盖了规划设计、概念设计、初步设计、深化设计与模拟仿真等方面;在施工阶段主要集中于施工过程监管、质量、安全控制和人材机管理等方面;在运维阶段主要集中在设备设施管理、维修管理、运维监控、能耗监控和结构安全监测等领域。但当前现有多数工作仍然只停留在模型展示、数据可视化等数字孪生初级使用阶段。未来针对面向建筑工程的数字孪生信息模型、数字孪生平台以及数字孪生技术与建筑工程管理模式融合的研究将成为新的热点。  相似文献   

The construction industry is slow in utilising information technology (IT) to manage projects. Application of IT is piecemeal, discrete and non-systematic. Managing information for construction projects is crucial in order to make good and full use of IT in the construction industry. This paper proposes a simplified model to achieve managing information for construction by utilising the ubiquitous Internet technologies. The openness of these technologies is receiving attention of not only academics and amateurs but also of business entities and government organisations. A database-web link is required in order to properly store, organise and archive information. Internet technologies can be adapted to a corporate Intranet or business Extranet. Experiencing the advantages of Internet technologies is crucial in order to avoid negative perceptions.  相似文献   

近几年来,随着计算机及信息技术的发展,各个国家各行业的信息化水平进入了新的里程。建筑行业作为国民经济的支柱产业也需要拓展和深化信息技术在本行业中的应用。设施管理处于整个工程项目生命周期中的维护阶段,设施管理信息化也是建筑行业信息化的重要组成部分。本文介绍了设施管理的概念和设施管理的范围和功能,分析了设施管理信息化的必要性以及信息技术在设施管理中的应用,最后阐述了设施管理信息化的研究重点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

The inherent worth and value of information technology (IT) employed within a business setting have been meticulously defined and subsequently examined throughout the general business community. However, within the construction industry issues surrounding the IT investment process remain largely unexplored as exhibited by recent survey work in Australia, which concludes that many construction organizations have not measured the impact of their IT investments. To address this aforementioned deficiency, a questionnaire survey was undertaken to examine the approaches used by construction organizations to evaluate and justify their IT investments. The analysis of 126 responses revealed the following key findings: different types of organization significantly (p<0.05) differ in the amount they investment in IT; investment levels in IT were not influenced by organizational size; and the scope of purpose of ex-ante IT evaluation was considered broader than a financial control mechanism. Instead, the organizations sampled used ex-post evaluation as an opportunity for learning and thus regenerated knowledge. Based on these findings a pragmatic ex-ante IT evaluation framework is proposed which can be used by construction organizations to ameliorate their investment decision-making process.  相似文献   

In most large Dutch construction firms, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have replaced non‐integrated information systems with integrated and maintainable software. The implementation of ERP systems in such firms is a difficult task. So far, ERP implementations have yielded more failures than successes. This study tries to understand the factors that lead to the success or failure of ERP in large construction firms by focusing on the fits between the following pairs of elements in ERP implementations: business and IT strategy, maturity of the IT infrastructure and the strategic role of IT, and the implementation method and organizational change. The premise of this study is that for an ERP implementation to be successful these elements must somehow fit together. Empirical research was conducted through a case study of three ERP implementations in different business units of a Dutch‐based construction firm. Implementing different systems within one company is typical of the way large construction firms in the Netherlands have dealt with ERP. The study shows that the success of ERP implementations depends on consistent patterns between: IT strategy and business strategy, IT maturity and the strategic role of IT, and the implementation method and organizational change.  相似文献   

浅谈测绘成果档案的信息化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翁韶琼 《福建建筑》2009,(5):130-131
大力推广应用信息技术和开发利用信息资源,是我省在“十一五”期间围绕“海峡西岸建设”提出的一项重要任务,而测绘工作涉及社会经济发展的各个领域,因此要针对目前在档案管理中存在的问题,大力推进测绘成果档案的信息化管理,保证测绘成果档案更好的为产业经济服务。  相似文献   

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