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在一次调研采访中,认识了一位被称作“机械达人”的工程机械用户老马。老马是工程兵出身,不但能修理、组装工程机械,自己甚至可以根据工程需要对电路、液压系统进行改进,并拥有多项国家专利。  相似文献   

The low level of residential mobility in England, particularly in the social sector, has been a continuing topic both in the literature and among policy makers. The period 1995–2007 was one of relatively rapid tenure change as well as sustained economic growth which could be expected to have increased mobility across tenures but also the costs of immobility in both the labour and housing markets. It was also a period where allocations to the social sector were increasingly concentrated among more vulnerable households. Given these trends does social housing continue to stand out as particularly immobile? If so is the relative immobility an outcome of who lives in social housing rather than how the sector is managed? And do low levels of mobility have significant negative impacts generating labour market inefficiencies and poor use of social housing? This paper uses Survey of English Housing data for the decade of growth from the mid 1990s to examine the drivers of mobility across tenures and how these have changed over the period, with particular emphasis on outcomes in the social sector. These drivers are described and modelled for the study period and suggest that social sector tenants with similar characteristics are much less mobile than households in other tenures but that the costs of this immobility, while difficult to quantify may well be quite limited.  相似文献   

<正>【规则提炼】代词it常用作人称代词和非人称代词。1.用作人称代词,代替事、物或人等。①用来指代动物或无生命的事物。例如:Look at the koala.It is very cute.看这只考拉,它很可爱。②用来指代不清楚性别的小孩或不明身份的人。例如:Someone is knocking at the door.Please go and see who it is.有人在敲门,去看看是谁。  相似文献   

In response to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007–2009 the Australian Federal Government introduced the Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan (NBESP) to halt possible descent into recession. The NBESP mobilised a number of economic triggers, such as family and business payments. However, the bulk of funds were allocated to large capital works programs focused on building educational infrastructure and new sociaxl housing. This paper explores the planning and delivery of the Social Housing Initiative (SHI) in New South Wales. The SHI rests at the centre of a series of complex and competing objectives of the Federal government responding to global economic conditions, State governments operating within timeline and budget constraints established by the Federal government, and councils and residents responding to local contexts. Global economic conditions acted as the catalyst for the most significant expenditure on social housing in decades. Nevertheless, support for construction was far from universal as a series of localised conflicts arose around the planning and implementation of the SHI. Using a series controversial development sites, this paper traces community and council concerns over social housing provided under the NBESP. These positions are contrasted by State government employees charged with implementing the program. The paper explores the major areas of local concern. What is apparent is that communities opposed to social housing development mobilised complex points and modes of resistance which extend beyond NIMBYism and anti-social housing rhetoric. This resistance encompass concerns around planning processes, urban design, local democracy, infrastructure provision and the character of place.  相似文献   

“绿色”的概念,是一段时间来国内外各界广泛讨论的热点话题,其内容包括环境保护与可持续性发展等。由于环境与生态的急剧恶化,人们愈来愈认识到我们所居住的环境应当作为一个统一的系统来进行考虑,而室内设计业的迅猛发展所引发的各种问题,越来越引起各界的重视,因为它几乎包含和连带人类生活与自然环境关系的全部内容。因此,伴随着建筑的“绿色”时期的到来,室内设计也应同步进入“绿色”时期。  相似文献   

The mid-20th-century communist ideal was for cities that were ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’. Wang Jun , an editor at Outlook Weekly magazine and author of a best-selling book on the planning of Beijing, describes how the ambition to accommodate public life in urban space is a relatively modern phenomenon that goes against the grain of a long tradition of landownership in China. Given this background, can the original notion of the ‘People's City’ ultimately survive the current wave of property privatisation? Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

屏风妙处就在于“藏而不露”四个字上。它犹如苏州园林中的假山,能让有限甚至是局促的居室不至于一览无余,给人留下耐人寻味的想象空间,且具有普遍的实用效果。  相似文献   

据专家预测,1997—1998年的新色彩就是电脑化色彩的理念。其中最大的转变是1997—1998年在色彩的搭配上,已由传统的色彩缤纷转为都市感十足的单一主义配色,以保守性的搭配强调出都市生活的极限。据了解,1997—1998年色彩的流行趋势,共分五个流行主题: 1.现代文明色彩 (粉灰色):人造的都市秩序成为人类生活的重心,资讯控制人类,于是产生出  相似文献   

“自备”井是计划经济和城市建设落后状况下的产物。随着城市公共财政能力的逐步提高,城市“公共服务”性质的水资源供水日益成为城市供水的主体,在供水条件具备的情况下,“自备”井应逐步让位于城市公共供水体系,转为“公备”。陕西省各大城市“自备”井供水的现象较为普遍,根据对陕西近年来关闭“自备”井的研究,  相似文献   

熊明’93~’95作品选熊明前言1993年底我辞去院长职务后,又可以做自己喜爱的工作了。除指导少数院级设计项目外,主要是带领年轻建筑师和研究生进行建筑创作和研究,作了十几个项目的二十多个方案。其中有的已进入实施,有的在申报阶段,也有的因情况改变而作罢...  相似文献   

James  McCown  胡宾 《景观设计》2007,(3):86-89
宾西法尼亚大学由本杰明-弗兰克林创办.是美国著名的常青藤学校之一。这所大学的艺术.科学、工商管理.建筑等众多学科都是世界一流的。校长艾米·戈特曼在就职演说中提出她的目标是”让费城和世界都参与进来“。然而.舒库基尔河以及沿河的铁路和快速路却把学校和费城市中心分隔开了。由于没有其他的空间可供学校扩展.[第一段]  相似文献   

正韩国釜山2013海云台佑洞现代I'Park项目位于韩国釜山滨海,占地45 000平方英尺(418 063.68m2),是一座包含3个高层住宅楼、一个34层的酒店以及一座写字楼和一个3层购物商场的综合发展项目。这5栋高层用于塑造和表达出大海极致的美与力量。建筑群的几何曲线,往往衍生自自然的美丽,如波浪般的优雅,每一朵花瓣的独一无二,充满了风的帆,戏谑着传统的韩国建筑概念。  相似文献   

山有山势,地有地势,水有水势,火有火势。1993年的日历翻完了,1994年的日历也翻完了。同样的一部日历,各行人记各行事。那么消防局长们的日历呢,那是一部部火红的日历,谁看了都会吓上一跳,大吃一惊。透过这火红的日历,您会真正了解到“火爆”(火灾和爆炸)的原始含义。“火爆”的后边,还有赴汤蹈火的悲壮;火劫之后的悲哀;可歌可泣的呐喊;撕心裂肺的哭吸;以及那一片片无可奈何的黑色空白一、大祸(火)不单行常言道:祸不单行。其实,火亦不单行。1993年,最早的时刻是1月1日,最早的时刻带给人们一个最早的信息,不是喜讯,而…  相似文献   

山有山势,地有地势,水有水势,火有火势。1993年的日历翻完了。1994年的日历也将翻完。同样的一部日历,各行人说各行事。那么消防局长们的日历呢,那是一部部火红的日历,谁看了都会吓上一跳,大吃一惊。透过这火红的日历,您会真正了解到“火爆”(火灾和爆炸)的原始含义。“火爆”的后边,还有赴汤蹈火的悲壮;火劫之后的悲哀;可歌可泣的呐喊;撕心裂肺的哭嚎;以及那一片片无可奈何的黑色空白……一、大祸(火)不单行常言道:祸不单行。其实,火亦不单行。1993年,最早的时刻是1月1日1时。最早的时刻带给人们一个最早的信息,不是…  相似文献   

摩洛哥国面积只有1.9万平方公里,人口约2.5万人,全国仅有一支消防队,65名队员。这支消防队实行军事化管理,队员及其家属全部住在兵营式  相似文献   

1994年我国建材市场在宏观经济调控下,保持了基本平衡的势态。受市场需求的抑制,旺季不旺,总体呈供略大于求的恪局。建材产品价格随季节变化,起伏不大,但比上年降幅较大。需求增长平稳,市场交易清淡,库存总量有所增力口。 1995年建材市场将继续保持平稳,供需基本平衡,交易总势仍趋平淡,价格在小幅波动中将平缓微升;销售的地区差异和产品的价格差异仍将存在,东南沿海好于西北内陆;优质、高  相似文献   

历史传承和文化特色是城市园林绿化的灵魂。没有鲜明特色的城市绿化是缺乏个性的,而缺乏个性的城市绿化就必然缺少独特的魅力。然而,随着城市园林绿化建设进程的加快.越来越多的中国城市正遭遇前所未有的特色危机。我国当前的城市园林绿化建设中,不顾城市历史文化内涵,片面追求大广场、大草坪.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the evolution of the size distribution of the stock of immigrants in the period 1960–2000. In particular, we are interested in testing the validity of two empirical regularities: Zipf’s law, which postulates that the product between the rank and size of a population is constant; and Gibrat’s law, according to which the growth rate of a variable is independent of its initial size. We use parametric and nonparametric methods and apply them to absolute (stock of immigrants) and relative (migration density, defined as the quotient between the stock of immigrants of a country and its total population) measurements. We find that both the stock of immigrants and migration density follow similar size distributions to those of cities and of countries. Contrary to what traditional migrations models predict, growth in the stock of immigrants is independent of the initial stock. Moreover, the growth of migration density shows a divergent behaviour, which could be explained by the lower birth rates of host countries and the reduction in the cost of emigration produced by the presence of a previous stock of immigrants in the country.  相似文献   

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