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正ronment/vol/1/issue/1Volume 1,Issue 1,Pages 1-130(January 2020)(1) Simulation study on performance of a dual-source hybrid heat pump unit with alternative refrigerants,by Chenguang Bai,Zongwei Han,Haotian Wei,Xiaomei Ju,Xinwei Meng,Qi  相似文献   

基于建筑环境的空调系统设计及节能分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
分析了建筑环境对暖通空调系统的影响,提出从建筑环境方而考虑问题是暖通空调节能的必要途径,概括地介绍了空调能源的发展方向和空调节能的多种手法。  相似文献   

Places of large potentials of sustainable energy production and places of large energy consumption are often very different and separated by large distances across the globe. This paper first discusses potentials of solar technology in terms of global availability using PV (photovoltaic) technology and actual energy production. Solar energy is widely under-used and one way to reduce this is to improve production in low-energy places with high demand: large cities. According to this option, about 40% of the electricity consumption in the built environment could be produced by solar PV systems and energy storage systems. This paper discusses conditions in the built environment and functional and design qualities enabling an increased diffusion of the technologies In a comparative analysis of PV technologies, the criteria taken into account encompass efficiency of the type of solar cell and commercial availability. Special attention is paid to the design features of different PV systems, like flexibility, colour and transparency that might help in their utilization as integrated in building material and ornaments in modem architecture. The same procedure is followed for electricity storage devices. The preliminary conclusion is that at present the freedom of design is largest for a combination of crystalline silicon PV cells and Li-ion batteries.  相似文献   

首先非常感谢财政部对建设部的建筑节能工作,尤其是最需要政府扶持的可再生能源在建筑中应用工作的支持,财政部金人庆部长、朱志刚副部长和经济建设司胡静林司长、曾晓安副司长等对可再生能源在建筑中应用工作给予了高度的关心和支持。同时也非常感谢地方财政厅、建设厅对地方建筑节能工作的支持和推进。建筑节能工作,包括可再生能源建筑应用工作,仅靠中央定目标、定方向是不够的,一定要通过地方有关部门通力合作才能完成。长期以来,地方建设厅(局、委)和建设部共同在建筑节能和可再生能源建筑应用方面通力合作并取得了良好的成效,这为下一…  相似文献   

可再生能源在建筑中应用的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了适用于厦门气候条件的各种可再生能源在建筑中的应用类型,分析了可再生能源在不同建筑中的节能效果.重点研究了太阳能、风能及热泵系统,探讨了海水源热泵在临海建筑中的应用.针对可再生能源应用中存在的问题,提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

常慧 《建筑节能》2013,(4):39-41
可再生能源利用是促进建筑节能的重要技术。讨论了可应用在绿色建筑中的可再生能源技术,包括太阳能系统、地热能等。针对绿色建筑应用可再生能源技术现状,提出了提供高可再生能源利用效率的建议。  相似文献   

李莉  吴蓉蓉  沈芳 《建筑节能》2016,(12):102-106
通过分析可再生能源建筑的应用现状之后,发现我国可再生能源建筑还处于缓慢发展期。从市场的供给方和需求方分别分析了可再生能源建筑的发展障碍,进而引出合同能源管理模式,通过节能服务公司的加入帮助开发商完成可再生能源建筑项目。而在可再生能源建筑项目开展时,合作双方普遍被利益分配问题困扰,如何确定利益分配方式是项目合作成功的关键。通过对比分析现有的利益分配方法,建立了"Shapley值"理论的利益分配模型,得出了开发商、节能服务公司以及金融机构都认可的合理利益分配结果。  相似文献   

建筑环境评估体系及比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黄宁 《建筑学报》2005,(1):24-26
进入新世纪以来,可持续发展在世界范围内成为一个更加严峻的话题,为了更有效地控制和利用我们的环境资源,许多国家纷纷制定了相关的建筑环境评估体系。本文介绍了当今四个具影响力的环境评估体系,包括英国的 BREEAM体系,美国的 L E E DTM 系统,澳大利亚的NABERS以及中国的 GBCAS。通过对比阐述了四个体系不同的发展历程、内容、权重及特别之处。  相似文献   

本文包括光伏发电、天然光利用和风能发电三方面在建筑中的应用。论述了可再生能源应用技术的基本原理、系统组成、应用方式等,分析了可再生能源在建筑领域的应用现状及前景。为促进可再生能源的开发利用,增加能源供应.节约能源消耗,提出了一系列方案,给建筑节能提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

构建一个有利于人体健康的建成 环境已经成为当前社会关注的热点。建筑 环境微生物学(microbiolog y of the built environment)就是通过研究建筑环境中的 微生物群落多样性,通过设计改善微生物 群落质量,使其更有利于人体健康。运用文 献综述法和比较分析归纳法,对近年来国 内外学者在此领域的最新研究情况进行综 述,指出建筑环境对微生物组成与分布的 影响路径和建筑环境微生物学未来发展的 三个方向:一、探索环境微生物对建筑与城 市环境健康的影响机制;二、研究建筑和城 市居住环境中微生物群落分布的时空特征, 建立环境微生物维度的建筑分类体系;三、 提供使用者在建筑室内环境中的健康“路线 图”,从而通过调控室内环境的设计要素, 降低和控制使用者的健康风险。得出以下 结论:当前研究存在深度不够、侧重于环境 数据分析和多学科综合研究薄弱等问题,最终未来的研究将呈现出从定性分析向定量模拟方 向发展的趋势。  相似文献   

本文总结了适用于厦门气候条件的各种可再生能源在建筑中的应用类型,分析了可再生能源在不同建筑中的节能效果。重点研究了太阳能、风能及热泵系统,探讨了海水源热泵在临海建筑中的应用。本文还针对可再生能源应用中存在的问题,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Performance-based fire protection design (PBFPD) approaches have now been in use for more than 20 years. One might be tempted to conclude that the current ‘state of the art’ is working well. However, application of PBFPD remains limited, several shortcomings exist, and an increasing number of countries are moving toward ‘prescribed performance’ to address the gaps. There are many factors contributing to these problems with PBFPD. Research has been carried out in two principal problem areas: the relationship between occupants and fire safety measures in the context of holistic building performance expectations during everyday use of the building, and also the lack of specifics within current PBFPD approaches. To address these concerns, a new framework for risk-informed PBFPD has been developed, centered on the study of systems formed by specific building types and their associated occupants. This framework replaces generic guidance with a more in-depth and targeted “building-occupant” system approach. This article focuses on how a successful implementation of the new risk-informed PBFPD approach will require acceptance of the need for a paradigm shift from one in which fire is the center of the problem to one in which building performance metrics are evaluated in case of fire events. This article also details the different steps of the new PBFPD process and how this process differs from the current ones, notably in separating technical steps from political steps related to decision making and policy. Finally, this article presents how the new approach is practically applied to a project, focusing on a proof of concept of the new PBFPD process.  相似文献   

太阳能光热技术是太阳能热利用中具有代表性的一种技术,是目前太阳能应用发展中最具经济价值、技术最成熟且已商业化的一项应用技术。将低碳、节能、环保新技术与木结构建筑相结合,以石家庄市某实际工程应用为例,对使用太阳能热水系统的应用效果、产生的经济效益和环境效益进行分析,以推动现代木结构建筑在我国的快速发展,促进了现代木结构建筑向产业化、本地化方向迈进。  相似文献   

The purpose of intelligent built environment is to improve inhabitant's quality of life and to satisfy inhabitants by replacing routine work with smart devices and robots. Smart devices and robots can interpret changes in the built environment and respond appropriately. The problem is how to define a rational intelligent built environment when many various stakeholders are involved, projects have thousands of alternative versions and the quality of life and economical efficiency changes with alterations in micro and macro environmental conditions and the constituent parts of the process in question. Moreover, the realization of some objectives seems more rational from the economic perspective though their significance is varied from other perspectives. The formalized Model for Complex Analysis of Intelligent Built Environment and the Multiple Criteria Decision Support System of Intelligent Built Environment developed by the authors of this paper show how changes in project alternatives and the extent to which the goals of various stakeholders are satisfied cause respective changes in the value and utility degree of a project. To achieve the above-mentioned aims new multiple criteria analysis methods were developed.  相似文献   

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