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在改进的传质池中通过在线检测草酸浓度,应用瞬时传质系数与平均传质系数,研究了各种方向及组合、不同电压、电极板形状与面积等条件下静电场对体系Cu2+-HDEHP-CCl4/H2O-H2C2O4伴随生成CuC2O4的传质过程特性。外场电压变化、电极面积可改变相间的传质速率,与传质方向成45°夹角的静电场作用对相界面传质速率的影响更为显著,表明相间传质阻力结构或相间传质层具有各向异性。  相似文献   

TRPO流程中U的反萃Ⅰ.反萃剂的选择   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
研究了TRPO萃取流程中的H2C2O4反萃Np、Pu段,在含U的TRPO相中出现沉淀的条件及消除办法。结果表明,提高洗涤段硝酸浓度,使TRPO相中H2C2O4与HNO3的浓度比小于3,在该相中就不会出现沉淀。当用0.2mol/L或0.8mol/LHNO3洗涤TRPO相2次后,再用(NH4)2CO3或Na2CO3溶液反萃U时,水相也不会产生(NH4)2C2O4或Na2C2O4沉淀,保证萃取过程正常进行  相似文献   

HNO3氧化去除铀反萃液中的C2O^2—4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了用HNO3氧化去除TRPO流程铀的(NH4)2CO3反萃液中C2O^2-4的条件。将含铀的(NH4)2CO3反萃液调节成0.2 ̄0.8mol.L^-1H2C2O4-7.5 ̄9.5mol.L^-1HNO3溶液,在100℃下蒸馏回流7h,其中的C2O^2-4被完全分解去除,得到UO2(NO3)2-NH4NO3溶液。蒸馏回流过程中,NH4NO3部分分解,在该条件下操作是安全的。  相似文献   

NHO3氧化去除Np—Pu反萃液中的H2C2O4   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了用NHO3氧化去除TRPO流程反萃Np-Pu的H2C2O4反萃液中H2C2O4的条件。7.5mol.L^-1HNO3-0.3mol.L^-1H2C2O4混合液于90℃下蒸发130h和100℃下蒸馏回流6h,H2C2O4可完全分解去除;混合液中添加适量催化剂MnCO3,于100℃下蒸发或蒸馏回流,H2C2O4分解加速,1-1.5h内H2C2O4完全分解。蒸发或蒸馏回流过程中产生的HNO2把Np  相似文献   

硝酸羟胺还原反萃高浓度钚   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对硝酸羟胺(HAN)从30%TBP/煤油中还原反萃高浓度Pu(Ⅳ)的影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:延长两相接触时间、降低酸度、升高温度均有利于Pu(Ⅳ)的还原反萃;增大硝酸羟胺浓度虽然也有利于Pu(Ⅳ)的还原反萃,但是当HAN浓度大于0.4mol/L后,反萃率增加不明显;增加肼的浓度也有利于Pu(Ⅳ)的还原反萃,但当肼浓度大于0.2mol/L后,Pu(Ⅳ)的反萃率随肼浓度增加而降低;溶液中硝酸根浓度对Pu(Ⅳ)反萃率的影响明显;随着钚浓度增加,反萃率降低。钚在水相和有机相的分配对HAN还原反萃高浓度钚有显著影响。  相似文献   

探讨了使用碳酸铵反萃TRPO中Np和Pu的工艺条件。测定了反萃平衡时间、(NH4)3CO3质量浓度、反萃温度和有机相中U质量浓度对反萃率的影响。进行了模拟动力堆高放废液的串级实验。结果表明,(NH4)2CO3可以在反萃U的同时反萃Np,Pu,并且反萃过程无沉淀和界面污物生成。实验给出了高放废液中其它核素在流程物流中的分布。  相似文献   

采用恒界面池法研究了异羟肟酸(AHA)从30%TBP-煤油中反萃Np(Ⅳ)的界面反应动力学。恒界面池装置示意图示于图1。  相似文献   

以水合联氨和二氧化碳为原料合成了碳酸肼,并研究了碳酸肼用于反萃TRPO中负载的U、Np、Pu的工艺条件。探讨了反萃平衡时间、碳酸肼和有机相中负载U浓度对反萃率的影响。使用模拟动力堆燃料后处理高放废液的串级实验结果表明,100 g/L碳酸肼三级逆流反萃对TRPO有机相负载的U、Pu反萃率在99%以上,反萃过程无沉淀和界面污物生成。反萃液经浓硝酸处理后加热可使溶液中的肼完全分解,实现无盐化反萃。  相似文献   

氨基羟基脲反萃TBP中的Np(Ⅳ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效提高铀中除镎的分离效果,对氨基羟基脲反萃30%TBP-煤油中Np(Ⅳ)的性能进行了研究,探讨了反萃剂浓度、酸度、温度、反萃时间、相比、有机相铀浓度对Np(Ⅳ)反萃率的影响。单级研究结果表明,氨基羟基脲能有效反萃TBP中Np(Ⅳ)。使用氨基羟基脲为反萃剂的台架实验结果表明,6级反萃对1BU中Np的净化系数为20。  相似文献   

采用氨基羟基脲(HSC)的硝酸水溶液研究了从30%(体积分数,下同)TBP/煤油中还原反萃高浓度四价钚(Pu(Ⅳ))的性能,并与羟胺-肼(HAN-HN)、N,N-二甲基羟胺-单甲基肼(DMHAN-MMH)在钚净化浓缩循环中反萃行为进行了对比。结果表明:在一定HSC浓度下,适当延长相接触时间、减小相比(o/a)、降低酸度和提高温度,均有利于Pu(Ⅳ)的还原反萃。HSC作为还原反萃剂,可以有效实现30%TBP/煤油中高浓钚的反萃,反萃效果较其它几种还原剂更好,有望在先进二循环流程的钚净化浓缩工艺中得到应用。  相似文献   

Hydrogen thermal plasma jet was employed to prepare nano-sized boron powder with hydrogen reduction of BCl3. The maximum yield of nano-sized boron powders was about 50% with the operational conditions of H2/BCl3 of 4.5:1, total feed of 4.9 m3/h, and plasma power of 25 kW. The samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), inductive combustion infrared absorption (ICIA) and Infrared thermal conductivity of oxygen and nitrogen analyzer (ITCA). The results show that the boron powders have different crystal structures with higher dispersion and purity. The average diameter is about 50 nm, and the purity is 90.29% or so. This new technology can use simple process to produce high quality boron powders, and is feasible for industrial production.  相似文献   

Spherical Bi2O3 powder prepared by plasma chemical vapor reaction and aqueous chemical precipitation is studied. The superfine spherical Bi2O3 powder with an average diameter of 1 μm is made by plasma process. During the precipitation process, the micrograph of the Bi2O3 powder can be controlled through the reaction temperature, the rate of addition of the precipitation reagent, the reaction time and the amount of the dispersant. Accordingly, spherical Bi2O3 powder with diameters ranging from 2μm to 3μm is prepared. The spherical Bi2O3 particles have such advantages as uniform size distribution and excellent dispersing property. ZnO varistors made from the resultant powder exhibit properties of a low discharge voltage ratio, great eligibility coefficient measured by a rectangle wave of 2 ins 800 A and good stability in the above characteristics.  相似文献   

介绍了基于Rietveld轮廓精修方法的粉末衍射轮廓精修程序Rietica处理中子粉末衍射数据的方法,并以钙钛矿锰氧化物La0.69Ca0.31Mn0.96Fe0.04O3的拟合过程为例,具体说明了输入参数文件和数据文件的编写方法和程序运行方法。  相似文献   

本研究涉及用于兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环上的碳剥离膜的制备方法。该剥离膜采用特殊的U形靶框和双层结构,使膜的强度大为加强,以提高高真空条件下剥离膜使用寿命。采用碳弧法制备的剥离膜的有效面积较大,为10cm2,质量厚度约为150μg/cm2。碳剥离膜的X衍射谱测试结果表明,膜上的碳以非晶体石墨形式存在。  相似文献   

A novel method was developed for preparing 35S-labeled Cu35SO4·5H2O directly from neutron irradiated KCl. One gram of neutron irradiated KCl was dissolved in water and passed through a cation exchange resin column in Cu2+-form for the purpose of converting KCl to CuCl2. In the presence of carrier sulfate, the precipitates of 35S-labeled sulfate were separated from the effluent by the addition of ethanol. Factors affecting the recovery and quality of the final products were studied and a standard procedure was devised at optimum conditions.  相似文献   

本文叙述了U_3Si_2板型燃料元件回收产品中微量铜的阳极溶出极谱法测定。本法测量范围为0—6.35μg/15ml,回收率为92%-119%,精密度优于±5%。  相似文献   

U-Mo合金是近期广受关注的金属型核燃料材料之一,它具有良好的抗辐照肿胀能力。分析认为,若能在U-Mo合金中加入一定的孔隙,可起到容纳裂变气体以进一步提高其抗辐照肿胀性能的作用。本文利用冷等静压 真空固相烧结的粉末冶金方法制备低密度U-10%Mo合金材料,探索了烧结工艺对产品密度的影响规律。实验得到了一系列不同孔隙度的U-Mo合金材料,利用金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对其微观结构进行了表征。结果证明,样品在1 100 ℃下烧结时密度随烧结时间的延长而提高,因此可通过改变烧结时间控制其孔隙率。  相似文献   

The development project of a conversion process using a microwave heating method (MH method) started in 1977. After basic experimental works, a co-conversion test unit was installed in the Plutonium Fuel Fabrication Facility (PFFF), PNC in 1979. The test unit had been operated to get engineering data of the MH method until 1984. During the operation of the test unit, the evaluation of the process and the characterization of the products powder have been performed.

The data shows that MH process has many excellent advantages, such as good characteristics of the MOX product powder, good homogeneity of Pu-U in pellets, simplicity of the process, and a little liquid waste etc.

Based on these data, the Plutonium Conversion Development Facility (PCDF) with the capacity of 10 kg Pu+U/d was designed and constructed beside the Tokai Reprocessing Plant.

After a test operation in 1983, the PCDF has been operated quite smoothly without trouble. The products MOX powder has been supplied as a raw materials of fuels for the ATR “FUGEN” and the FBR “JOYO”. Total quantity of the converted MOX powder was attained to about 4 t and over 50 t of MOX fuels have been fabricated and shipped to the reactor sites until July of 1988.

Through the operations of the test unit in the PFFF and the PCDF, so many studies on MH method have been also performed and continuous denitration units are under development for the future technology.  相似文献   

为弥补目前国内外精密异形放射源制备工艺的不足,将3D打印技术引入放射源制备领域。本研究采用相转移方法制备133Cs 3D打印用光敏树脂,使用高分辨电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)进行检测,探索制备条件。并通过溴化镧探测器对制备的137Cs 3D打印用光敏树脂材料进行检测。结果表明,通过相转移方法制备的三种133Cs 3D打印用光敏树脂和137Cs 3D打印用光敏树脂中铯元素分布不均匀度<5%。相转移法作为一种操作简便、反应条件温和的方法可用于制备含有铯元素的3D打印用光敏树脂,且具有一定普适性。  相似文献   

自悬浮定向流法制备Ti纳米颗粒及结构表征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用自悬浮定向流法制备钛纳米颗粒,并使用透射电镜、X射线衍射和X射线光电子能谱等方法,对钛纳米颗粒的形貌、粒度、结构及性能进行研究。结果表明:钛纳米颗粒呈球形,随着冷却气体Ar流速的增加,平均粒径逐渐减小,在流速为0.6、0.8和1.0 m3/h条件下,分别得到平均粒径为59、50和41 nm的钛纳米颗粒;在空气中,钛纳米颗粒极易氧化生成二氧化钛,同时能够与空气中的N2和水蒸气发生反应,生成少量的氮化物及羟基基团。  相似文献   

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