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This paper reviews the state of the art in the use of forensic engineering and failure case studies in civil engineering education. The study of engineering failures can offer students valuable insights into associated technical, ethical, and professional issues. Lessons learned from failures have substantially affected civil engineering practice. For the student, study of these cases can help place design and analysis procedures into historical context and reinforce the necessity of lifelong learning. Three approaches for bringing forensics and failure case studies into the civil engineering curriculum are discussed in this paper. These are stand-alone forensic engineering or failure case study courses, capstone design projects, and integration of case studies into the curriculum. Some of the cases have been developed and used in courses at the United States Military Academy and the Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, as well as at other institutions. Finally, the writers have tried to assemble many of the known sources of material, including books, technical papers, and magazine articles, videos, Web sites, prepared PowerPoint presentations, and television programs.  相似文献   

The delivery of civil engineering projects requires civil engineers to address a broad spectrum of issues generated by both project participants and regulatory agencies. Providing tools that assist team members in addressing these issues through the use of information and knowledge from previous projects may reduce project errors by creating informed decision makers. Recent advances in communications and computer technologies provide the opportunity to enhance professional and student access to these resources. The Civil Engineering Resource Library research effort explores this opportunity by combining an introduction to civil engineering processes with emerging web-based technologies for an electronic classroom supplement. The electronic library uses case studies to provide students with illustrations of emerging civil engineering practices and regulatory compliance strategies.  相似文献   

无论是建筑工程,还是桥梁工程都离不开钢结构设计,钢结构设计中的稳定性设计对于整个工程的质量是至关重要的。在现代工程史上有很多重大事故都是钢结构不稳定,在外界条件发生巨大变化时,出现结构失稳,建筑物倒塌的情况,造成严重的经济损失,为此加强钢结构设计中的稳定性,对于工程质量的控制和预防工程事故发生是很有必要的。本文主要分析了现阶段钢结构设计中稳定性的相关问题,并针对这些问题提出了一些解决的办法。  相似文献   

The case of a hydroelectric power project is presented to show how lack of understanding and poor filter design, along with insufficient control of construction quality, caused the failure of a dam. This paper summarizes the forensic investigations and attempts to explain the conditions that led to the formation of sinkholes on the embankment slope and the subsequent initiation of progressive failure of the embankment. The steps necessary to restart the power project, including the final remedial design, are then detailed. This paper also discusses how the functions of various engineering design components are integrated in the context of failure of the embankment. This case serves as a lesson for practicing engineers concerning the difficult technical, professional, and procedural issues that may arise during the design and construction of critical infrastructures.  相似文献   

Applications and Issues of GIS as Tool for Civil Engineering Modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A tool that has proliferated within civil engineering in recent years is geographic information systems (GIS). The goal of a tool is to supplement ability and knowledge that already exists, not to serve as a replacement for that which is lacking. To secure the benefits and avoid misuse of a burgeoning tool, engineers must understand the limitations, alternatives, and context of the tool. The common benefits of using GIS as a supplement to engineering modeling are summarized. Several brief case studies of GIS modeling applications are taken from popular civil engineering literature to demonstrate the wide use and varied implementation of GIS across the discipline. Drawing from the case studies, limitations regarding traditional GIS data models and the implementation of civil engineering models within current GIS are identified and countered by discussing the direction of the next generation of GIS. The paper concludes by highlighting the potential for the misuse of GIS in the context of engineering modeling and suggests that this potential can be reduced through education and awareness. The goal of this paper is to promote awareness of the issues related to GIS-based modeling and to assist in the formulation of questions regarding the application of current GIS. The technology has experienced much publicity of late, with many engineers being perhaps too excited about the usefulness of current GIS. An undoubtedly beneficial side effect of this, however, is that engineers are becoming more aware of GIS and, hopefully, the associated subtleties. Civil engineers must stay informed of GIS issues and progress, but more importantly, civil engineers must inform the GIS community to direct the technology development optimally.  相似文献   

The introduction of new communication technologies such as the World Wide Web is creating unique opportunities for civil engineering educators to develop new classroom collaboration methods, where student teams can interact remotely in a virtual team environment. Whereas traditional project collaboration requires regularly scheduled face-to-face meetings, technologies such as the Web are introducing concepts such as asynchronous collaboration, remote videoconferencing, and centralized information centers. These remote forms of collaboration introduce a unique set of questions and issues into the civil engineering domain such as the efficiency of the technology and the appropriateness of the technology. This paper introduces one approach to examining these issues through the use of benchmarks developed specifically for analyzing remote collaboration within Web-based teams. This paper introduces and summarizes results from the first 4 years of a benchmarking study focusing on Web-based collaboration technologies within the civil engineering classroom.  相似文献   

Construction education is not new. It was a part of the practical aspects of many early civil engineering degree programs. As early as the 1920's, specializations in construction engineering were found in a few civil engineering programs, paralleling structural engineering and other areas. However, the gradual need for more specialization than could normally be integrated in the civil engineering degree eventually led to the formation of some construction specialty degree undergraduate programs, particularly after World War II. This paper documents the historical evolution of construction education, promotes construction as a stand-alone professional engineering discipline, provides information for schools that are interested in starting an undergraduate construction engineering and management (CEM) degree program, and discusses the engineering accreditation aspects of the CEM curriculum and the role of the construction industry in the CEM curriculum development.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief chronology of the events that preceded the collapse of the walkways at the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel, including the prior failure that occurred during construction and the evolution of the detail that caused the catastrophe. Many of the facts surrounding the case were not publicized, due to the litigation. Some were not brought out during the litigation. No attempt will be made to affix responsibility, as these issues were resolved years ago. The chronology is followed by a discussion of the events that contributed to the collapse and of the changes that have been made in the industry toward preventing a similar occurrence.  相似文献   

The development of large-scale civil engineering projects requires the collaboration of experts from different specialties. However, conflicts and disputes occur regularly during the entire life cycle of large-scale projects due to the complex structure of organization and the different types of expertise involved. If these disputes or conflicts cannot be resolved or addressed quickly and effectively, the collaborative mode of the participants can be affected, creating a hostile environment in which progress of the project will slow to a halt. Therefore, better methodologies are needed to improve the collaborative process and to create more effective, efficient, and sustainable solutions to conflicts. This paper presents a methodology for facilitating the negotiation of conflicts during the development of large-scale civil engineering projects. Two fundamental theories are used in this methodology: (1) game theory, which is the study of players' actions based on the premise that the decision of any player can affect the payoff of all players; and (2) negotiation theory, which is the study of the interactions between parties, designed to reconcile their differences and produce a settlement. The strong support given by these two theories to negotiators is highlighted in the following observations. First, people need to negotiate because of their conflicting interests. From the negotiator's point of view, expressing the interests of all participants is very important in conflict resolution and can be accomplished by following the principles outlined in negotiation theory. Once the interests have been expressed correctly, the influence of positions or of conflicting interests on the overall negotiation outcome is evaluated using game theory. Based on these two fundamental theories, this paper presents a collaborative negotiation methodology and a computer agent named CONVINCER, which incorporates that methodology to facilitate or mediate the negotiation of conflicts in large-scale civil engineering projects. Hypothetical case studies and resolution processes demonstrate the effectiveness of the CONVINCER agent in conflict resolution. Results of applying the methodology to different scenarios also show that the CONVINCER agent provides efficient, effective, and sustainable solutions, thus improving the conflict resolution paradigm in the A∕E∕C industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines the background, history, and results of multiple investigations associated with pyrite-based expansive soils spanning almost 40 years in conjunction with a private elementary school located in western Pennsylvania. The school was initially designed in 1960. Original construction was completed in September 1961 and the first signs of distress, which were primarily related to slab heave, were reported in early 1962. One wing of the school, a 1965 classroom addition (1965 addition) with different structural and foundation systems, did not experience any expansive soil-related damages and served as a valuable comparison throughout multiple subsequent investigations. Pyritic soil material in the subgrade in conjunction with oxygen-rich groundwater was determined to be the cause of soil movement and building distress. Expansive soil-related problems at the school continued for decades despite an investigation, civil court action, and judgment in the late 1960s followed by a remediation program in the 1970s and 1980s. Following a second round of investigations and litigation in the late 1990s, all of the original classroom, office, and gymnasium building sections, with the exception of the 1965 addition, were demolished in late 2000 and early 2001 based on safety concerns and economic evaluation. Investigation and monitoring to confirm subgrade conditions continued throughout the demolition process. As a part of this paper, the history of this case dating back to one of the early identifications of pyrite as an expansive element of concern in building construction, including one of the earliest comprehensive identifications of the complete chemical-microbiological oxidation process is presented. The initial 1960s investigation and conclusions are identified as well as the series of engineering, procedural, and construction errors that took place during and after the first remediation process that led to ongoing soil expansion and structural damage, including misguided actions and misunderstandings that complicated and delayed a final resolution in this case. Today, the industry is more familiar with the potential for pyrite-related construction problems, nevertheless, the paper incorporates lessons learned for avoiding problems and in particular, the procedural failures that led to the eventual need to abandon and demolish the school facility.  相似文献   

This paper provides a road map to studies and databases about civil engineering demographics and industry involvement by tracing workforce statistics, engineering degrees, data on industries and government, and economic forecasts. It is aimed at helping civil engineering managers, educators, and policy makers understand how their workforce evolved and what it will face in the future. The engineering workforce comprises about 1.5 million professionals in the United States (second in size only to that of teachers); of this number, civil engineering, at about 200,000 workers, is third behind electrical and mechanical engineering. However, the study shows that aggregation of workforce and economic statistics hides unique characteristics of civil engineering work caused by the concentration on consulting and state and local government. In fact, over 80% of civil engineers work either for consultants or government. This characteristic of civil engineering employment needs more study, particularly to determine how best to educate civil engineers to respond to the public–private arena of infrastructure and environment. During the past century, civil engineering has been a steady field with good opportunities, but civil engineers in the future will face the same career issues and pressures as other professionals. Global production of new engineers has now passed the one million-per-year mark, with U.S. production being about 12% of the total. This large supply of engineers will present intense competition to all engineering disciplines. ASCE faces many challenges to respond to the many changes in the civil engineering profession. The concept of institutes contained in ASCE's strategic plan will address many of the technical issues, but the study indicates that professional and educational issues need more attention.  相似文献   

The case study method, which has been proven to be a very useful learning tool, can be further enhanced with the use of multimedia and the World Wide Web. This paper demonstrates multimedia and Web-based enhancement with the design and construction of a port, a large-scale civil engineering project. The main purpose was to create an educational tool that brings into the classroom a “real-life” design and construction problem, including the construction field, operation of equipment, and details of construction methods. This enables civil engineering students to better understand the details of the planning, design, and construction of a complicated project. Furthermore, through the use of evaluation tests, feedback on the students’ understanding of the case study can be provided to both the students and the educator. This application can be expanded beyond an academic environment for use as a learning tool in a business environment, which may be especially beneficial for new engineers.  相似文献   

Leadership is a key element in meeting the needs of the civil engineering profession in an era of heightened global competition. Consulting and construction executives intent on maintaining a competitive edge are calling upon educators to produce civil engineers capable of leading multidisciplinary teams, combining technical ingenuity with business acumen, and effectively communicating narrow engineering endeavors within a comprehensive social framework. Our industry is challenging undergraduate schools to broaden curricula beyond the intellectual endeavors of design and scientific inquiry to the greater domain of professional leadership. Many agree that formal leader development must be incorporated into engineering education programs to respond to the professional demands of practicing engineers; however, the means of achieving the objectives within tightly constrained curricula are debated. This paper explores the changing nature of civil engineering in a globally competitive environment, reviews the issues in realigning civil engineering education, identifies key leadership skills relevant to engineering, and proposes solutions for developing leaders at our undergraduate institutions.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that sustainability should be incorporated into engineering education. To prepare students with sustainability knowledge and techniques, engineering educators need to develop appropriate class contents and effective teaching techniques. Based on experience from developing and teaching a sustainability course within the construction management program in the civil engineering department, this paper discusses the process of identifying sustainability knowledge areas, course planning, and lessons learned from the class. The paper also includes main class topics as well as students’ feedbacks, both of which may serve as a starting point for continuous improvement of sustainability education in construction.  相似文献   

The paper examines the challenge of rehabilitation from complex political emergencies (CPEs) and identifies a strategy that is characterized as a civil society rebuilding approach. It focuses on Somalia and a case study of CARE project that aims to build the capacity of local NGOs. The paper argues that civil society in CPEs is simultaneously being undermined and contested by warring parties and emerging after state collapse. The scope of the paper is limited to one case study and that case study examines only a single aspect of civil society: national and international NGOs The paper therefore presents tentative and preliminary results based on limited research. However, in reviewing the literature and presenting a way of approaching the subject, it aims to suggest a starting-point for developing a theoretical framework for such research. The paper finds that international agencies have tended to focus on civil society institutions simply as conduits for aid money and that this has tended to create organisations which lack downward accountability, are dependent on donors and are not addressing the wider roles for civil society envisaged in the approach. Rebuilding civil society does hold out the promise of giving non-military interests a stronger voice and starting a process of changing the aid delivery culture. Achieving these objectives, however, will be a slow and largely indigenous process and there is a need for lowered expectations about what outside assistance can achieve.  相似文献   

A recent survey by ASCE showed a major need for rebuilding the critical components of the nation’s aging infrastructure, such as roads and water-supply systems. To accomplish this major task, in addition to knowledge of basic civil engineering principles and techniques, future civil engineers need to be aware of the effects of planning, design, and construction on our environment. Specifically, a course needs to be developed for educating future civil engineers on concepts and techniques of protecting our natural resources, and planning for sustainable development and construction in an environmentally friendly manner. Specific topics can include modules on water resources and recycling in construction. The focus should be on teaching applications of new environmentally friendly concepts and techniques through case histories and real-world problems. Continuous evaluation of course content and methods of presentation should be made. The course should instill environmental awareness in the students’ minds such that in the future, the environment is considered as much a part of any decision-making process in the practice of civil engineering, as are mathematics or the physical sciences.  相似文献   

Since 1989, the American Society of Civil Engineers Technical Council on Forensic Engineering has conducted two surveys to gauge the need for teaching failure analysis topics in the civil engineering curriculum. Although the surveys addressed different topics, the limited availability of instructional materials in failure analysis was a recurring theme. The purpose of this paper is to respond to each of the questionnaires by reporting on the ongoing development of a preliminary Internet web site whereby consultants can contribute failure case studies. These case studies will then be readily available for professors and instructors to use in stand-alone failure analysis courses. The case studies can also be used as supplemental material and can be integrated into existing general civil engineering curriculum courses as well.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a survey designed to capture information on the construction project procurement systems (CPPSs) knowledge base of civil engineering consultants, specifically on their level of competence in terms of advising clients to make appropriate choices of CPPSs. The study included an examination of whether the civil engineering consultants’ advice on CPPSs and CPPSs services fulfilled the client’s needs and also the degree to which the client’s project requirements were being met. The selection criteria used by civil engineering consultants when choosing an appropriate procurement system was investigated. Also included in the study was an investigation into the degree to which civil engineering consultants communicate and inform clients of the range of CPPSs available to them. A postal questionnaire survey was administered to the clients (property developers) and civil engineering consultants in South Africa’s Western Cape Province. The results show that civil engineering consultants are unaware of or underinformed about the various construction project procurement systems available. Their selection criteria for procurement systems is based on biased past experience and conservative choices, with the result that incorrect decisions with unfortunate consequences are made.  相似文献   

This paper will focus on the legal liability issues facing the professional engineer engaged in the design and construction administration of facilities built on expansive soils. These legal liability issues will be discussed from the perspectives of the geotechnical, civil, and structural engineer to alert those professionals to the legal ramifications of their daily activities. By focusing on these legal aspects facing the engineers that are involved in the process of building on expansive soils, hopefully litigation can be avoided or successfully defended. Attention to the legal ramifications of engineering is mandated by today’s litigious environment in the construction industry, especially when designing and administering the construction of facilities built on expansive soils.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a brief overview of the historical underpinnings of the design-construction industry and the development of design engineering and construction engineering as independent but related subdisciplines of civil engineering. The effects of the first and second generation of computer tools on design engineering are identified. The complementary and evolving definitions of construction engineering and design engineering are examined, specifically in the context of structural design engineering activities and deliverables and the corresponding construction engineering activities and deliverables. The concept of an “engineering continuum” is introduced, and the process is recast in light of that concept. Several case studies are used to examine the promise of third generation design-construction computing technologies such as virtual design and construction and their potential beneficial impact on the cost and schedule of the typical design-construction project. Refinements to the definitions of construction and design engineering that have the potential to maximize the benefits of third generation technology are proposed with an eye toward the form of fourth generation computing technologies that are on the horizon.  相似文献   

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