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ISO 9000, the series of quality management standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization, is being used by organizations involved in construction all over the world. The construction industry in the United States has generally lagged behind other industries and other countries in the acceptance and implementation of ISO 9000 standards. Differing opinions surround the issue of ISO 9000 in the U.S. construction industry; it has received either the support or the criticism of experts, who weigh the effects of ISO 9000 as a matter of real improvements in quality against competitiveness and specific requirements at a domestic and international level. This paper attempts to determine the applicability and effectiveness of ISO 9000 in U.S. construction firms and the barriers that hinder its acceptance. The methodology used consists of a literature review and a survey distributed to a sample of firms that have or have not received ISO 9000 certification. After analyzing the gathered data, it was concluded that ISO 9000 is an appropriate and effective tool for construction firms in the United States, although several obstacles affect its implementation and acceptance among construction organizations.  相似文献   

Construction productivity trends carry immense consequences for the economy as a whole. However, there is little scholarly consensus concerning even the direction of such trends. The main objectives of this paper are to (1) present an approach to studying long-term productivity trends in the U.S. construction industry; and (2) provide a preliminary indication of such trends over the past 25–30 years. Subsequent, extended statistical studies are suggested that may be based on the approach of the selected work presented here. Labor cost and output productivity trends are tracked for tasks that represent different trades and differing levels of technological intensity within the building construction sector. Specific tasks dealt with a range from a zero technology impact task, such as hand trenching, to compaction with a sheepsfoot roller. Means's cost manuals were used to trace the benchmark values for these tasks. These values reflect productivity trends. Unit labor costs in constant dollars and daily output factors were compared over decades for each task. Direct work rate data from 72 projects in Austin, Tex., over the last 25 years were also examined. Increasing the direct work rate usually increases construction productivity. The combined data indicate that productivity has increased in the 1980s and 1990s. Depressed real wages and technological advances appear to be the two biggest reasons for this increase. The data also indicate that management practices were not a leading contributor to construction productivity changes over time. Subsequent studies are required to add weight to these observations and can be based on the approach presented here.  相似文献   

In 1994, the AAMC surveyed the 126 U.S. medical schools to obtain data on live-animal use in the undergraduate medical curriculum. The questions focused entirely on the use of live animals in teaching laboratories that are either required or optional parts of the undergraduate medical curriculum. Seventy-seven of the 125 responding schools used live animals in one or more courses; of the required courses, animals were most often used in physiology courses (49 schools), followed by surgical clerkships (21) and pharmacology courses (13). Although these data show that the majority of schools used live animals in their curricula, the data also show that the majority of schools did not use live animals as part of the teaching of any specific course of discipline in 1994. The animals most often used were dogs (54 schools) and pigs (12). Forty-three of the 77 schools that used live animals offered a variety of alternatives to their use. The respondents' data indicate a steady decline in the number of schools using live animals in teaching labs since before 1982. The reasons most often reported for discontinuing live-animal use were expense, changes in curriculum or curriculum focus, and lack of time, faculty, or space. Several other reasons were also listed, but live animals' value in teaching was seldom a factor. Only 15 schools indicated they had experienced harassment, protests, or legal actions arising from their use of live animals in the previous two years.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data were obtained from the American Medical Association on Iranian physicians practicing in the U.S., and from the Iranian Medical Registry on U.S.-trained Iranian physicians who have returned to practice in Iran. There were 2,066 Iranian physicians practicing in the U.S. in 1972, 1,234 (60%) of whom were not undergoing any training. Only 600 of Iran's 9,535 physicians in 1972 had been trained in the United States. Thus, less than one-third of the specialists who have completed training in the U.S. have returned to practice in Iran. The specialist group with the highest rate of return is the combined surgery subspecialties (neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, orthopedic surgery, and plastic surgery). The specialist groups with the lowest rates of return were pathology, anesthesiology, and psychiatry. A comparison is made of the manpower problems Iran faces and the American problems in the area of physician manpower.  相似文献   

识别碳减排关键部门和领域,为“双碳”目标实施提供经验借鉴,从能源供给侧视角,基于电热分摊原则,对2005—2019年中国能源消费直接碳排放和责任碳排放进行测算,并比较两者动态变化趋势和差异性。结果表明:首先,中国能源消费量具有一定的刚性,能源结构优化效果明显,碳排放量处于高位平台期,碳达峰可期,碳中和任重道远。其次,各行业直接碳排放与责任碳排放存在较大的差异性,碳减排的重点部门已经发生变化。提出了妥善处理碳达峰、碳中和的关系、提倡低碳生产生活模式、从能源供给侧和需求侧促进能源结构优化、明确各行业能源碳排放核算口径等启示和建议。  相似文献   

黄金与美元   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在货币体系中,美元一诞生,黄金就成为美元的计价基础。布雷顿森林体系中,黄金一美元成为国际货币制度的基础。黄金非货币化后,美元成为黄金的主要计价货币,美元汇率对金价产生重大影响。  相似文献   

Contends that although US psychology at present occupies a major position in world psychology, the field is growing more rapidly in many other countries. An example of international cooperation in an endeavor that could not be achieved by the psychological community of any single nation (i.e., securing the admission of the International Union of Psychological Science to the International Council of Scientific Unions) is given. A list of suggestions is presented outlining ways in which individual psychologists can take part in international psychological activities. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The US South, and western regions of the US initially settled by Southerners, are more violent than the rest of the country. Homicide rates for White Southern males are substantially higher than those for White Northern males, especially in rural areas. But only for argument-related homicides are Southern rates higher. Southerners do not endorse violence more than do Northerners when survey questions are expressed in general terms, but they are more inclined to endorse violence for protection and in response to insults. Southern Ss responded with more apparent anger to insults than did Northerners and were more likely to propose violent solutions to conflicts presented in scenarios after being insulted. The social matrix that produced this pattern may be the culture of honor characteristic of particular economic circumstances, including the herding society of the early South. Consistent with this possibility, the herding regions of the South are still the most violent. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the theory that asserts that the residual reading abilities seen in deep dyslexia entirely reflect the operation of an intact right hemisphere reading system rather than a partially disabled left hemisphere reading system. Evidence from an experiment with normal Ss in a report by the present author and colleagues (1983) is presented, which suggests that the right hemisphere contains no lexical entries for abbreviations that can be accessed by visual presentation. Data are presented from studies by K. E. Patterson (1980; see also PA, Vols 63:12203 and 64:10691) on 2 male deep dyslexic's understanding of printed abbreviations, along with observations of a young female deep dyslexic who was tested on understanding of abbreviations and on letter-naming abilities. Considerable sparing of the ability to obtain semantic information from printed abbreviations was evidenced in all 3 Ss. This contrast suggests that the current right hemisphere account of the residual reading abilities seen in deep dyslexia is not a sufficient one and should be modified. (French abstract) (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper presents an augmented Lagrangian genetic algorithm model for resource scheduling. The algorithm considers scheduling characteristics that were ignored in prior research. Previous resource scheduling formulations have primarily focused on project duration minimization. Furthermore, resource leveling and resource-constrained scheduling have traditionally been solved independently. The model presented here considers all precedence relationships, multiple crew strategies, total project cost minimization, and time-cost trade-off. In the new formulation, resource leveling and resource-constrained scheduling are performed simultaneously. The model presented uses the quadratic penalty function to transform the resource-scheduling problem to an unconstrained one. The algorithm is general and can be applied to a broad class of optimization problems. An illustrative example is presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A previously fit 37-year-old woman was admitted with acute left ventricular failure, atrial fibrillation and a left-sided thromboembolic stroke. Her ventricular rate progressively increased despite full digitalisation. She had a cardiac arrest and was successfully resuscitated. Investigations revealed evidence of hyperthyroidism and she was treated for thyrotoxic crisis. She has made a complete recovery from the hemiparesis and is now in sinus rhythm. She denied any symptoms of hyperthyroidism. This patient had apathetic thyroid crisis, which is exceedingly rare in the young.  相似文献   

仲钨酸铵/氧化物/碳化钨粉/矿石和精矿/其他/钨铁/钨粉/废料和废金属/图1 2000年美国进口的钨材料  相似文献   

Despite a decrease in industry level measures in construction productivity, there has been a steady increase in construction productivity at the activity level. This research examines equipment technology as one factor that may explain that increase. The relationship between changes in equipment technology and partial factor productivity is examined for 200 activities over a 22 year time period. Specifically, the paper examines the relative impact of different types of equipment technology for five technology factors: energy, control, functional range, information processing, and ergonomics. Through ANOVA and regression analyses, it is found that activities that experienced a significant change in equipment technology also witnessed substantially greater long-term improvements in partial factor productivity than those that did not experience a change.  相似文献   

The construction industry possesses characteristics of the production and service industries. This uniqueness requires marketing practices tailored specifically to match the construction market. A questionnaire survey of 65 U.S. contractors was conducted to determine the extent to which they are implementing a modified marketing mix theory that is compatible with the construction industry. The modified marketing mix theory recommends that contractors confront marketing from five perspectives, known as the five P’s of marketing: product, price, promotion, place, and people. This study showed that the five P’s of marketing are used by U.S. contractors in this decreasing order: product, price, place, promotion, and people. According to the survey results, U.S. contractors allocate about 1.5% of their annual revenue to marketing, but they may be spending more than they report. There seem to be only few differences between contractors that negotiate their contracts versus contractors who competitively bid their contracts, larger versus smaller companies, and contractors with a higher success rate in getting new contract awards versus contractors with a lower success rate.  相似文献   

Vicia root-tip mitotic and pollen mother-cell meiotic tests are two major kinds of cytogenetic tests for environmental mutagens. According to the present review, 81 of 85 earlier studies used mitotic tests to determine the frequencies of chromosome or chromatid aberrations and/or sister-chromatid exchange from root-tip meristematic cells; only 4 used meiotic tests to determine the frequencies of chromosome aberration from pollen mother cells. Treatment of root-tip meristem can be done by allowing the newly germinated roots to absorb the chemical mutagens from a water solution. Pollen mother cells can be treated by spraying the solution or pipetting the liquid over the flower buds. After an appropriate recovery time, the samples are fixed and stained, and the slides are prepared for metaphase or anaphase figures for scoring aberration frequencies. Slides for meiotic tests are prepared for metaphase I and/or Anaphase I stages for scoring chromosome aberration frequencies. Results of both cytogenetic tests should be expressed in terms of number of breaks per cell or per 100 cells. Test results of 76 chemicals from 32 classes in this review indicate that the Vicia root-tip mitotic test is reliable, efficient, and relatively inexpensive. These results also reveal that antibiotics are most frequently studied, followed by alkyl sulfones, pyrimidine, and purine derivatives. Of all the agents studied through root-tip mitotic tests, about 90% gave positive responses; antibiotics (phleomycin and bleomycin) had very high mutagenicity (less than 1 ppm gave positive response).  相似文献   

Patents: U.S.A.     

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