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Distribution and accumulation of NO3-N down to 4 m depth in the soil profile of a long term fertilization experiment with organic manure and N and P chemical fertilizer were studied after 12 years, wheat and corn were planted in each year. The apparent N recovery decreased with increased N and P fertilizer. NO3-N was mainly accumulated in 0-1.2 m depth of the soil profile with a maximum of 34 mg N kg-1 for the treatment with 120 kg N and 26 kg P per hectare, a secondary maximum of 7.2 mg N kg-1 was found at 3.2 m depth in the same treatment. NO3-N accumulation in the soil profile was minimized in the trials with highest manure application. Nitrogen that was not recovered was leached as NO3-N deeper than 4 m depth, was immobilized in the profile or was lost by denitrification. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of timing and method of cultivation of a 3-year old ryegrass/white clover pasture on subsequent N mineralization, NO 3 - -N leaching, and growth and N uptake of a wheat crop in the following season. The size of various N pools and decomposition of14C-labelled ryegrass material were also investigated. Cultivation method (mouldboard or chisel ploughing) generally had no significant effect on the accumulation of mineral N in the profile in the autumn or on the amount of NO 3 - -N leached over winter.14C measurements suggested that initial decomposition rate of plant material was faster from May than March cultivation treatments. Despite this, overall net mineralization of organic N (of soil plus plant origin) increased with increasing fallow period between cultivation and leaching. The total amounts of mineral N accumulated in the soil profile before the start of leaching were 139, 119 and 22 kg N ha–1 for the March, May and July cultivated soils respectively. Cumulative leaching losses over the trial calculated from soil solution samples were 78, 40 and 5 kg N ha–1 for the March, May and July cultivated soils respectively. Differences in N mineralization over the season were generally not reflected by changes in amounts of potentially-mineralizable soil N (as measured by extraction or laboratory incubation) or levels of microbial biomass during the season. The amount of mineral N in the profile in spring increased with decreasing fallow period. This was reflected in an approximately 15% and 25% greater grain yield and N uptake respectively by the following wheat crop in plots cultivated in July rather than in March.  相似文献   

Leaching loss of N applied as calcium cyanamide (CaCN2 — 19% N), urea and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN — 26% N) to a coarse textured, kaolinitic ultisol profile was studied in the laboratory using undisturbed soil columns. The soil columns were leached with an amount of water equivalent to the annual rainfall of the sampling site (2420mm) using a rainfall simulator over a period of 42 days. The leachability of the three N fertilizers differed greatly and followed the order of CAN > urea > CaCN2. Most of the N lost through leaching was in NO3 form. Calcium cyanamide lost only 3% of applied N. Breakdown of CaCN2 to NH4 was incomplete (64%) and nitrification in the soil was inhibited resulting in negligible leaching loss. Nitrogen retained in the soil columns after the leaching cycle was mainly in ammoniacal form irrespective of source of N used.Effectiveness of CaCN2 as a N source was also studied in a greenhouse experiment with maize (Zea mays) and upland rice (Oryza sativa) as testing crops. Calcium cyanamide applied one week before sowing of crops was as effective as CAN and urea under conditions of no N leaching. When applied at the time of planting and two or more weeks before planting gave lower dry matter yields and N uptake than CAN and urea.IITA Journal Paper no. 351  相似文献   

The Nitrate Directive of the European Union (EU) forces agriculture to reduce nitrate emission. The current study addressed nitrate emission and nitrate-N concentrations in leachate from cropping systems with and without the cultivation of catch crops (winter rye: Secale cereale L. and forage rape: Brassica napus ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinksk). For this purpose, ceramic suction cups were used, installed at 80 cm below the soil surface. Soil water samples were extracted at intervals of ca 14 days over the course of three leaching seasons (September – February) in 1992–1995 on sandy soil in a crop rotation comprising potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.). Nitrate-N concentration was determined in the soil water samples. In a selection of samples several cations and anions were determined in order to analyze which cations primarily leach in combination with nitrate. The water flux at 80 cm depth was calculated with the SWAP model. Nitrate-N loss per interval was obtained by multiplying the measured nitrate-N concentration and the calculated flux. Accumulation over the season yielded the total nitrate-N leaching and the seasonal flux-weighted nitrate-N concentration in leachate. Among the cases studied, the total leaching of nitrate-N ranged between 30 and 140 kg ha–1. Over the leaching season, the flux-weighted nitrate-N concentration ranged between 5 and 25 mg L–1. Without catch crop cultivation, that concentration exceeded the EU nitrate-N standard (11.3 mg L–1) in all cases. Averaged for the current rotation, cultivation of catch crops would result in average nitrate-N concentrations in leachate near or below the EU nitrate standard. Nitrate-N concentrations correlated with calcium concentration and to a lesser extent with magnesium and potassium, indicating that these three ion species primarily leach in combination with nitrate. It is concluded that systematic inclusion of catch crops helps to decrease the nitrate-N concentration in leachate to values near or below the EU standard in arable rotations on sandy soils.  相似文献   

The soil water and N dynamics have been studied during two long fallow periods (between wheat or oilseed rape and a spring crop) in a field experiment in Châlons-en-Champagne (eastern France, 48°50 N, 2°15 E). The experiment involved frequent measurements of soil water, soil mineral N, dry matter and N uptake by cover crops. Water and N budgets were established using Ritchie's model for calculating evapotranspiration in cropped soils and a model (LIXIM) for calculating water drainage, N leaching and N mineralisation in bare soils. During the first autumn and winter, a radish cover crop (grown from September 1994 to January 1995) was compared to a bare soil. During the second period (July 1995 to April 1996), a comparison was carried out between (i) oilseed rape volunteers, (ii) bare soil with two types of oilseed rape residues incorporated into the soil (R0 and R270 residues) and (iii) bare soil without residues incorporation. R0 and R270 residues came from two preceding oilseed rape crops which received two rates of N fertilizer (0 and 270 kg N ha-1).Soil mineral N content was markedly reduced by the presence of radish cover crop or oilseed rape volunteers during autumn. The calculated actual evapotranspiration (AET) did not differ much between treatments, meaning that the transpiration by the cover crop or volunteers was relatively low (100–150 L kg-1 of dry matter). Consequently, nitrate leaching was reduced during the rest of the winter and spring as well as nitrate concentration in the percolating water: 45 vs. 91 mg NO3 - L-1 for radish cover crop and bare soil, respectively. The incorporation of oilseed rape residues to soil also exerted a beneficial but smaller action on reducing the nitrate content in the soil. This effect was due to extra N immobilisation which reached a maximum of about 20 kg N ha-1 in mid-autumn for both types of residues. Nine months after the incorporation of the oilseed rape residues, and comparing to the control soil without residues incorporation, N rich residues induced a significant positive N net effect (+ 9 kg N ha-1) corresponding to 10% of N added whereas for N poor residues no net effect was still obtained at the end of experiment (–3 kg N ha-1, not significantly different from 0).To reduce nitrate leaching during long fallow periods, it is necessary to promote techniques leading to decrease mineral-N contents in the soil during autumn before the drainage period, such as (i) residue incorporation after harvest (without fertiliser-N) and (ii) allowing volunteers to grow or sowing a cover crop just after the harvest of the last main crop.  相似文献   

A GIS-based area-differentiating model has been used to analyze the nitrate pollution of soil and groundwater throughout Germany. The results of the calculations based on the model for the current situation show that a high potential for high nitrate pollution of the soil and groundwater (> 50 mg NO3/l) is to be expected in all regions of Germany subject to intensive agricultural use. In order to achieve a sustainable use of water resources, effective strategies to reduce the nitrogen surpluses from agriculture must be developed and analyzed with respect to their spatial and temporal impact on the nitrate pollution of soil and groundwater, taking into consideration the various agricultural land usages as well as the different hydrological, hydrogeological and agricultural conditions.The effects of three different nitrate reduction strategies on the resulting N-surpluses and the nitrate concentration in the leachate were investigated: firstly, a stocking rate limitation, secondly, a limitation of both organic and mineral fertilizers and thirdly, a combination of three reduction measures consisting of a stocking rate limitation, an improvement of the nitrogen utilization factor by livestock and a higher utilization factor of nitrogen bound in organic fertilizers by crops. The analysis showed that separate application of each of these nitrogen reduction measures would only lower the nitrogen surpluses in a few regions. In order to achieve a considerable reduction of nitrate concentrations both in leachate from land under agricultural use and in the groundwater a combination of area-covering and regionally effective measures (scenario III) turned out to be most promising.  相似文献   

The variable responses of crops to added nitrogen (N) in Alfisols of the Indian semi-arid tropics are partly due to variable rainfall and partly due to variable losses of available-N. To measure the losses of N through leaching, which can be appreciable under some circumstances, a field experiment was conducted during the rainy season (June-September) of 1992, using bromide (Br) as a tracer for NO 3 - . Bromide (as NaBr) was applied to bare fallow soil at a rate of 200 kg ha–1 in microplots (2 m × 2 m) and its vertical movement was monitored periodically. Data on rainfall and Br distribution in the soil profile on different dates of soil sampling clearly indicated that the movement of Br was strongly dependent on rainfall. During the first month (15 June-15 July) after Br application, with scattered and light rainfall about 90% of the added Br remained in the soil profile (0.6 m). After continuous heavy rainfall in early August more than 90% Br had moved beyond 0.6 m depth. This indicates a very high risk of NO 3 - leaching in this soil, and it is unavoidable without special measures to protect the applied N.  相似文献   

The effect of a nitrification inhibitor on the accumulation of ammonium (NH 4 + -N) and nitrate (NO 3 - -N) in the profile was investigated in two field experiments in Canterbury, New Zealand after the ploughing of a 4-year old ryegrass/white clover pasture in early (March) and late autumn (May). Nitrate leaching over the winter, and yield and N uptake of a following wheat crop were also assessed.The accumulation of N in the soil profile by the start of winter was greater in the March fallow (76–140 kg N ha–1) than in the May fallow treatment (36–49 kg N ha–1). The nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) did not affect the extent of net N mineralization, but it inhibited nitrification when applied to pasture before ploughing, especially at its depth of incorporation (100–200 mm). Nitrification inhibition in spring was greater when DCD was applied in May rather than in March due to its reduced degradation over the winter.Cumulative nitrate leaching losses were substantial from the March fallow treatment in both years (about 100 kg N ha–1). A delay in the cultivation of pasture and the application of DCD both reduced nitrate leaching losses. When leaching occurred early in the winter (in 1991), losses were less when pasture was cultivated in May (2 kg N ha–1) than when DCD was applied to pasture cultivated in March (68 kg N ha–1). When leaching occurred late in the winter (in 1992), similar losses were measured from pasture cultivated in May (49 kg N ha–1) and from DCD-treated pasture cultivated in March (57 kg N ha–1).Grain harvest yield and N uptake of the following spring wheat crop were generally unaffected by the size of the N leaching loss over the winter. This was due to the high N fertility of the soil after four years of a grazed leguminous pasture.  相似文献   

废弃线路板经破碎预处理后,用二氧化氯作为氧化剂,通过控制浸出体系电位+380~400 mV,在盐酸浓度2 mol/L,温度80℃,液固比8∶1,反应时间2.5 h的实验条件下,贱金属铜、铅和锡的浸出率分别为97.4%,96.2%,和97.2%,金银很少浸出留在浸出渣中,从而实现贵贱金属有效分离。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fertilizer applied in autumn to arable farm land raises concerns over affects on ground water quality. The contribution of autumn 15N-labelled fertilizer (50 kg N ha-1) to nitrate leaching losses from a cultivated soil (silt loam on sandy loam; Udic Ustochrept) was measured using undisturbed monolith lysimeters (500 mm diameter, 700 mm long) during consecutive winters in Canterbury, New Zealand. The addition of 15N-labelled fertilizer at 50 kg N ha-1 did not significantly increase nitrate leaching losses. Soil-derived-N contributed 78 and 88% (1996 and 1997, respectively) of the nitrate leached beneath fertilized lysimeters. Warmer weather and wetter soil conditions at cultivation and fertilizer application during 1997, compared with 1996, resulted in an increased release of soil-derived-N in 1997. Nitrate leaching and average nitrate concentrations were therefore 41% and 56% higher, respectively, during the winter of 1997 than the winter of 1996. However, fertilizer leaching losses were relatively consistent between years (7.8 and 8.6%). Although not statistically significant, total N leaching losses and average nitrate concentration were 24 to 30% higher below fertilized lysimeters as compared with unfertilized lysimeters, indicating a priming effect of fertilizer on soil N release. During both late winter periods, leachate nitrate concentrations from fertilized and unfertilized lysimeters exceeded World Health Organisation (WHO) limits for drinking water. Higher release of soil-derived-N in 1997 also meant WHO limits were exceeded for 6 weeks longer than in 1996. In conclusion, the application of 15N fertilizer in autumn directly contributed only a small proportion of the total amount of N leached in this cultivated soil. However, the apparent priming effect of autumn applied-N fertilizer has importance on the overall environmental impact of this production system, as the amount of N leached, and extent to which health limits were exceeded, was largely determined by the factors which controlled the release of soil-derived-N.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) tool has been applied to investigate the erosion of duct walls and that of tubers (10 × 10 aligned tube bank in the duct) near side walls, which is caused by coal ash particle impaction. The flow field is obtained by using direct numerical simulation (DNS) method. The coupling between tubes and flows are made through the immersed boundary technique. Particles are tracked by using Lagrangian approach and further coupled with gas phase. Four coal ash particles are considered 6.2, 20, 80, and 200 μm. In the end, the erosion of the duct walls and that of the tubes near side walls has been well predicted and characterized. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

A microreactor system consisting of membrane-dispersion tube-in-tube microreactors and delay loops was developed for the continuous synthesis of 1-ethoxy-2,3-difluoro-4-iodo-benzene. Because of the high mass and heat transfer in the microreactor system, ortho- and halogen-lithiation could be performed at −40 and −20°C, respectively, which are much higher than the temperature required (−70°C) for the batch reaction. In stirred tanks, the yield of 1-ethoxy-2,3-difluoro-4-iodo-benzene reaches 91.0% in 70 min. Nearly the same yield of 91.3% was achieved within a shorter time of 16 min in the microreactor system. Furthermore, the kinetics of ortho-lithiation calculated by the Gaussian software, were used for the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the reaction process in another microreactor system. Thus, a Gaussian-CFD-coupled-method for efficiently predicting reaction kinetics and yield without experiments could be established. The predicted yield reached 88.7% at 1000 s, which is comparable with the experimental yield of 90.1% at 960 s.  相似文献   

Cover crops (CC) are an important source of nitrogen (N) in organic farming systems. Only few data are available about the effect of management activities (liquid slurry amendments, crop residue management) on growth, nutrient uptake and biological N2 fixation (BNF) of a CC mixture. Furthermore, little information is available about the effect of CC harvesting on nutrient flows, nitrate leaching risk and soil mineral N supply of the succeeding main crop. The objectives of the presented field trials were (1) to measure the impact of organic manuring (straw residues and liquid slurry applications) on growth, composition, and BNF of a CC mixture with legumes and oil radish as components; (2) to determine the effect of CC species composition on nutrient content and uptake (N, P, K, Mg); and (3) to evaluate the effect of CC removal on field N balances and nitrate leaching risk. A CC mixture with legumes and non-legumes was able to compensate for many environmental and cultivation effects by influencing the competitive ability of the partners. For example, an increase of soil N supply due to additions of slurry or removal of cereal straw promoted growth of non-legumes at the expense of the legumes, resulting in N shortage at the end of the growing period, as shown by lower N contents and a wider C/N ratio of the non-legume partner. Low N availability at the beginning of the CC growth enhanced legume growth and/or reduced non-legume growth, resulting in a higher N supply in later periods of CC growth. A high legume percent composition within a CC mixture increases overall N content in the aboveground biomass and the N content of non-legumes within the mixture, and decreases the C/N ratio. Large amounts of nutrients were removed from the field by the harvesting of the CC aboveground biomass, significantly reducing the nitrate leaching risk. However, a reduction of the nitrate leaching risk was found only on fields where the green manure was incorporated in autumn.  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to discuss in depth the vital differences in the morphological development during synthesis, and properties of starch‐g‐poly‐(vinyl acetate) copolymers using two different initiators, potassium persulfate (KPS) and ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN). KPS‐initiated system gave relatively low values of grafting ratio and grafting efficiency, indicating a great tendency for the formation of poly(vinyl acetate) homopolymer (PVAc). Yet, higher values were seen for the CAN‐initiated system. Transmission electron microscope observations indicated a relatively broad distribution of latex particles for the KPS‐initiated system. The surface potential of latex particles was about ?3.5 mV, which turned out to be insufficient to maintain stability of latex particles. On the other hand, a uniform particle size distribution was found for the CAN‐initiated system, as the surface potential of latex particles was 21.5 mV. Moreover, radicals on starch molecules were generated directly through a redox reaction with positively charged ceric ion. The hydrophobic PVAc chains were thus grafted on starch, resulting in an amphiphilic graft copolymer, which provides a sufficient stabilization degree as a role of surfactant to render a relatively uniform distribution of latex particles. The synthesized starch‐g‐poly(vinyl acetate) copolymers were further converted to starch‐g‐poly(vinyl alcohol) through saponification, which were subjected to evaluations regarding the biodegradation and cell culture capability. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 3017–3027, 2006  相似文献   

As part of a series of papers describing the use of a simulation model to extrapolate experimental measurements of methane (CH4) emissions from rice fields in Asia and to evaluate the large-scale effect of various mitigation strategies, the collation and derivation of the spatial databases used are described. Daily weather data, including solar radiation, minimum and maximum temperatures, and rainfall were collated from 46 weather stations from the five countries in the study, namely China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand. Quantitative soil data relevant to the input requirements of the model were derived by combining data from the World Inventory of Soil Emissions (WISE) database, the ISIS database, and the FAO Digital Soil Map of the World (FAO-DSMW). These data included soil pH; organic carbon content; sand, silt, and clay fractions; and iron content for top and subsoil layers, and average values of bulk density and available water capacity for the whole profile. Data on the areas allocated to irrigated, rainfed, upland, and deepwater rice at the province or district level were derived from the Huke & Huke (1997) database developed at IRRI. Using a geographical information system (GIS), a series of georeferenced data sets on climate, soils, and land use were derived for each country, at the province or district level. A summary of the soil-related derived databases is presented and their applicationn for use in global change modeling discussed.  相似文献   

The comparative effects of ammonium nitrate (AN), urea or a combined 1:1 (w/w) AN/urea granular fertilizer with two different fillers (CaCO3 or silica) were investigated on the efficiency of dry matter production and15N recovery by perennial ryegrass grown in pots under controlled environmental conditions.There was no significant difference between CaCO3 and silica as the filler and therefore no indication that the presence of CaCO3 in the pellet enhanced N loss from urea. Ammonium nitrate was the most efficient N source and urea the least efficient in terms of all the parameters studied. The15N budget in shoots, roots and soil indicated that only 60% of the nitrogen from urea was recovered at the end of the experiment compared with 95% for AN. However, the % recovery of15N from urea was increased by 17% in the presence of AN whereas the % recovery of AN was decreased by 19% in the presence of urea. The combined 1:1 (w/w) AN/urea source therefore gave intermediate yields between AN and urea alone. The results indicate that an interaction occurred between AN and urea in the granule.  相似文献   

以停留时间分布(RTD)为评价指标,对硫磷混酸浸出白钨矿的连续浸出槽内固相颗粒流动行为进行实验研究。同时探究了进料流量、搅拌转速、连续浸出槽中物料进出口位置组合对固相颗粒流动行为的影响。实验结果表明:随着进口流量的增大,一开始槽内的返混程度得到了增强,量纲为1化方差变大,但是继续增大进口流量,进口处物料的横向迁移速度加强,使槽内流体流动趋向平推流,导致量纲为1化方差减小;量纲为1化方差随着搅拌转速的增大而增大,但是此时在槽下部区域会逐渐形成循环死区,槽内死区体积分数随之增大;平均停留时间随着物料进出口位置的变化而发生变化,下进下出的进出料位置组合其平均停留时间最大,且最接近理论平均停留时间。最后利用非理想流动模型来表征实验过程中的停留时间分布,模型拟合的停留时间曲线与实验测量的曲线吻合程度良好。  相似文献   

Polymer‐supported organotin chlorides have been synthesized by suspension copolymerization of organotin‐functionalized styrenic monomers using a precipitating porogen. Their activities as reducing catalysts have been evaluated in the reduction of bromoadamantane by sodium borohydride. The influence of the length of the spacer arm between the tin atom and the polymer backbone on the activity and the tin leaching of the supported catalyst have been studied. The nature of the alkyl groups (butyl or phenyl) attached on the tin atom plays an important role on the stability toward successive reuse of the supported catalyst. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 79: 1297–1308, 2001  相似文献   

To aid the development of simulation models for N-response, N-fertilizer experiments with onions (Allium cepa L.) were carried out on 5 different sites. In each experiment, there was little loss of fertilizer-N in soil during the period between application and rapid crop growth and little loss of mineral N by leaching at any time. Even so, a substantial proportion of the N applied as fertilizer could not be accounted for in the crop and soil at harvest; the sum of soil mineral-N plus crop N (excluding fibrous roots) was always linearly related to N rate applied over the entire range (0–300 kg N ha–1) and the gradient was always approximately the same, 0.64, irrespective of soil type or the amount of nitrate remaining in soil at harvest. Evidence was obtained that the phenomena resulted from roots retaining N and inducing immobilization at a rate proportional to soil nitrate concentration and that the proportionality constant was similar on all sites.Throughout plant growth there was little luxury consumption of N and the critical %N was related to plant mass by an equation previously deduced for other C3 crops (Plant and Soil 85, 163); plant nitrate concentration in the early stages increased with soil mineral-N (0–30 cm) to a maximum which varied from site to site but the nitrate concentration in the mature crop was always negligible. Plant yield in the early stages of growth generally declined with increase in fertilizer-N, despite the crops having been planted as sets and no more than 150 kg N ha–1 broadcast at one time; but at maturity, yield always increased asymptotically with increase in fertilizer-N. Mineralization rates were approximately the same in the first as in the second half of each experiment. At harvest, residual soil mineral-N in the upper 30, 60 and 90 cm of soil increased with increase in fertilizer-N even when crop demand for N exceeded supply. At harvest in every experiment, the ratio of crop dry weight in the absence of added N to the maximum obtained was approximately equal to the ratio of plant %N (with no fertilizer) to critical %N.The various phenomena concerning yields, plant-N contents, and values of soil mineral-N at harvest were quite well simulated by a slightly modified version of a previously published model (Fert. Res. 18, 153) with few site-dependent inputs.  相似文献   

Two field experiments, in which differing amounts and types of plant residues were incorporated into a red earth soil, were conducted at Katherine, N.T., Australia. The aim of the work was to evaluate the effect of the residues on uptake of soil and fertilizer N by a subsequent sorghum crop, on the accumulation and leaching of nitrate, and on losses of N.Stubble of grain sorghum applied at an exceptionally high rate (~ 18 000 kg ha–1) reduced uptake of N by sorghum by 13% and depressed the accumulation of nitrate under a crop and particularly under a fallow.Loss of fertilizer N, movement of nitrate down the profile, and uptake by the crop was studied in another experiment after application of N as15NH4 15NO3 to field microplots. By four weeks after fertilizer application 14% had been lost from the soil-plant system and by crop maturity 36 per cent had been lost. The pattern of15N distribution in the profile suggested that losses below 150 cm had occurred during crop growth. The recovery of15N by the crop alone ranged from 16 to 32 per cent. There was an apparent loss of N from the crop between anthesis and maturity. Residue levels common to sorghum crops in the region (~ 2000 kg ha–1) did not significantly affect uptake by a subsequent sorghum crop, N losses, or distribution of nitrate in the profile.  相似文献   

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