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Computed tomography (CT) colonography is a minimally invasive screening technique for colorectal polyps, in which X-ray CT images of the distended colon are acquired, usually in the prone and supine positions of a single patient. Registration of segmented colon images from both positions will be useful for computer-assisted polyp detection. We have previously presented algorithms for registration of the prone and supine colons when both are well distended and there is a single connected lumen. However, due to inadequate bowel preparation or peristalsis, there may be collapsed segments in one or both of the colon images resulting in a topological change in the images. Such changes make deformable registration of the colon images difficult, and at present, there are no registration algorithms that can accommodate them. In this paper, we present an algorithm that can perform volume registration of prone/supine colon images in the presence of a topological change. For this purpose, 3-D volume images are embedded as a manifold in a 4-D space, and the manifold is evolved for nonrigid registration. Experiments using data from 24 patients show that the proposed method achieves good registration results in both the shape alignment of topologically different colon images from a single patient and the polyp location estimation between supine and prone colon images.  相似文献   

Dynamic cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MR) and computed tomography (CT) provide cardiologists and cardiac surgeons with high-quality 4-D images for diagnosis and therapy, yet the effective use of these high-quality anatomical models remains a challenge. Ultrasound (US) is a flexible imaging tool, but the US images produced are often difficult to interpret unless they are placed within their proper 3-D anatomical context. The ability to correlate real-time 3-D US volumes (RT3D US) with dynamic MR/CT images would offer a significant contribution to improve the quality of cardiac procedures. In this paper, we present a rapid two-step method for registering RT3D US to high-quality dynamic 3-D MR/CT images of the beating heart. This technique overcomes some major limitations of image registration (such as the correct registration result not necessarily occurring at the maximum of the mutual information (MI) metric) using the MI metric. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in a dynamic heart phantom (DHP) study and a human subject study. The achieved mean target registration error of CT+US images in the phantom study is 2.59 mm. Validation using human MR/US volumes shows a target registration error of 1.76 mm. We anticipate that this technique will substantially improve the quality of cardiac diagnosis and therapies.   相似文献   

Intraoperative freehand three-dimensional (3-D) ultrasound (3D-US) has been proposed as a noninvasive method for registering bones to a preoperative computed tomography image or computer-generated bone model during computer-aided orthopedic surgery (CAOS). In this technique, an US probe is tracked by a 3-D position sensor and acts as a percutaneous device for localizing the bone surface. However, variations in the acoustic properties of soft tissue, such as the average speed of sound, can introduce significant errors in the bone depth estimated from US images, which limits registration accuracy. We describe a new self-calibrating approach to US-based bone registration that addresses this problem, and demonstrate its application within a standard registration scheme. Using realistic US image data acquired from 6 femurs and 3 pelves of intact human cadavers, and accurate Gold Standard registration transformations calculated using bone-implanted fiducial markers, we show that self-calibrating registration is significantly more accurate than a standard method, yielding an average root mean squared target registration error of 1.6 mm. We conclude that self-calibrating registration results in significant improvements in registration accuracy for CAOS applications over conventional approaches where calibration parameters of the 3D-US system remain fixed to values determined using a preoperative phantom-based calibration.  相似文献   

We present an intensity-based nonrigid registration approach for the normalization of 3-D multichannel microscopy images of cell nuclei. A main problem with cell nuclei images is that the intensity structure of different nuclei differs very much; thus, an intensity-based registration scheme cannot be used directly. Instead, we first perform a segmentation of the images from the cell nucleus channel, smooth the resulting images by a Gaussian filter, and then apply an intensity-based registration algorithm. The obtained transformation is applied to the images from the nucleus channel as well as to the images from the other channels. To improve the convergence rate of the algorithm, we propose an adaptive step length optimization scheme and also employ a multiresolution scheme. Our approach has been successfully applied using 2-D cell-like synthetic images, 3-D phantom images as well as 3-D multichannel microscopy images representing different chromosome territories and gene regions. We also describe an extension of our approach, which is applied for the registration of 3D + t (4-D) image series of moving cell nuclei.  相似文献   

We present a method for alignment of an interventional plan to optically tracked two-dimensional intraoperative ultrasound (US) images of the liver. Our clinical motivation is to enable the accurate transfer of information from three-dimensional preoperative imaging modalities [magnetic resonance (MR) or computed tomography (CT)] to intraoperative US to aid needle placement for thermal ablation of liver metastases. An initial rigid registration to intraoperative coordinates is obtained using a set of US images acquired at maximum exhalation. A preprocessing step is applied to both the preoperative images and the US images to produce evidence of corresponding structures. This yields two sets of images representing classification of regions as vessels. The registration then proceeds using these images. The preoperative images and plan are then warped to correspond to a single US slice acquired at an unknown point in the breathing cycle where the liver is likely to have moved and deformed relative to the preoperative image. Alignment is constrained using a patient-specific model of breathing motion and deformation. Target registration error is estimated by carrying out simulation experiments using resliced MR volumes to simulate real US and comparing the registration results to a "bronze-standard" registration performed on the full MR volume. Finally, the system is tested using real US and verified using visual inspection.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel technique based on nonrigid image registration for myocardial motion estimation using both untagged and 3-D tagged MR images. The novel aspect of our technique is its simultaneous usage of complementary information from both untagged and 3-D tagged MR images. To estimate the motion within the myocardium, we register a sequence of tagged and untagged MR images during the cardiac cycle to a set of reference tagged and untagged MR images at end-diastole. The similarity measure is spatially weighted to maximize the utility of information from both images. In addition, the proposed approach integrates a valve plane tracker and adaptive incompressibility into the framework. We have evaluated the proposed approach on 12 subjects. Our results show a clear improvement in terms of accuracy compared to approaches that use either 3-D tagged or untagged MR image information alone. The relative error compared to manually tracked landmarks is less than 15% throughout the cardiac cycle. Finally, we demonstrate the automatic analysis of cardiac function from the myocardial deformation fields.  相似文献   

Establishing spatial correspondence between features visible in X-ray mammograms obtained at different times has great potential to aid assessment and quantitation of change in the breast indicative of malignancy. The literature contains numerous nonrigid registration algorithms developed for this purpose, but existing approaches are flawed by the assumption of inappropriate 2-D transformation models and quantitative estimation of registration accuracy is limited. In this paper, we describe a novel validation method which simulates plausible mammographic compressions of the breast using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) derived finite element model. By projecting the resulting known 3-D displacements into 2-D and generating pseudo-mammograms from these same compressed magnetic resonance (MR) volumes, we can generate convincing images with known 2-D displacements with which to validate a registration algorithm. We illustrate this approach by computing the accuracy for two conventional nonrigid 2-D registration algorithms applied to mammographic test images generated from three patient MR datasets. We show that the accuracy of these algorithms is close to the best achievable using a 2-D one-to-one correspondence model but that new algorithms incorporating more representative transformation models are required to achieve sufficiently accurate registrations for this application.  相似文献   

Automatic computer-based analyses of histological sections which are differently stained require that they are related to each other. Most registration methods are only able to perform rigid-body motion and are sensitive to noise and artifacts. Histological images, however, are accompanied by several artifacts and different contrasts, which require a nonrigid registration. In this paper, we present a hierarchical nonrigid registration algorithm able to align images, which contain minor image artifacts. The algorithm requires no a priori knowledge of the true image. The hierarchical design of the algorithm enhances robustness and accuracy, and saves computational costs. The proposed algorithm is decomposed into a fast, coarse, rigid registration step and a slower, but finer, nonrigid step. For the coarse registration, we use image pyramids, while for the second step, we combine a point-based registration with an elastic thin-plate spline interpolation. Accuracy tests, performed for 20 histological images obtained from human arteries, have shown that the error measure is acceptable, and that the image noise does not cause a problem. The associated convergence rate of the mean pixel displacement error during the rigid and nonrigid registrations is satisfying. The algorithm can be applied to various multicontrast elastic registration problems in medical imaging and may be extended to three dimensions.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of creating probabilistic brain atlases from manually labeled training data. Probabilistic atlases are typically constructed by counting the relative frequency of occurrence of labels in corresponding locations across the training images. However, such an “averaging” approach generalizes poorly to unseen cases when the number of training images is limited, and provides no principled way of aligning the training datasets using deformable registration. In this paper, we generalize the generative image model implicitly underlying standard “average” atlases, using mesh-based representations endowed with an explicit deformation model. Bayesian inference is used to infer the optimal model parameters from the training data, leading to a simultaneous group-wise registration and atlas estimation scheme that encompasses standard averaging as a special case. We also use Bayesian inference to compare alternative atlas models in light of the training data, and show how this leads to a data compression problem that is intuitive to interpret and computationally feasible. Using this technique, we automatically determine the optimal amount of spatial blurring, the best deformation field flexibility, and the most compact mesh representation. We demonstrate, using 2-D training datasets, that the resulting models are better at capturing the structure in the training data than conventional probabilistic atlases. We also present experiments of the proposed atlas construction technique in 3-D, and show the resulting atlases' potential in fully-automated, pulse sequence-adaptive segmentation of 36 neuroanatomical structures in brain MRI scans.   相似文献   

3-D/2-D registration of CT and MR to X-ray images   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A crucial part of image-guided therapy is registration of preoperative and intraoperative images, by which the precise position and orientation of the patient's anatomy is determined in three dimensions. This paper presents a novel approach to register three-dimensional (3-D) computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR) images to one or more two-dimensional (2-D) X-ray images. The registration is based solely on the information present in 2-D and 3-D images. It does not require fiducial markers, intraoperative X-ray image segmentation, or timely construction of digitally reconstructed radiographs. The originality of the approach is in using normals to bone surfaces, preoperatively defined in 3-D MR or CT data, and gradients of intraoperative X-ray images at locations defined by the X-ray source and 3-D surface points. The registration is concerned with finding the rigid transformation of a CT or MR volume, which provides the best match between surface normals and back projected gradients, considering their amplitudes and orientations. We have thoroughly validated our registration method by using MR, CT, and X-ray images of a cadaveric lumbar spine phantom for which "gold standard" registration was established by means of fiducial markers, and its accuracy assessed by target registration error. Volumes of interest, containing single vertebrae L1-L5, were registered to different pairs of X-ray images from different starting positions, chosen randomly and uniformly around the "gold standard" position. CT/X-ray (MR/ X-ray) registration, which is fast, was successful in more than 91% (82% except for L1) of trials if started from the "gold standard" translated or rotated for less than 6 mm or 17 degrees (3 mm or 8.6 degrees), respectively. Root-mean-square target registration errors were below 0.5 mm for the CT to X-ray registration and below 1.4 mm for MR to X-ray registration.  相似文献   

In image-guided therapy, high-quality preoperative images serve for planning and simulation, and intraoperatively as "background", onto which models of surgical instruments or radiation beams are projected. The link between a preoperative image and intraoperative physical space of the patient is established by image-to-patient registration. In this paper, we present a novel 3-D/2-D registration method. First, a 3-D image is reconstructed from a few 2-D X-ray images and next, the preoperative 3-D image is brought into the best possible spatial correspondence with the reconstructed image by optimizing a similarity measure (SM). Because the quality of the reconstructed image is generally low, we introduce a novel SM, which is able to cope with low image quality as well as with different imaging modalities. The novel 3-D/2-D registration method has been evaluated and compared to the gradient-based method (GBM) using standardized evaluation methodology and publicly available 3-D computed tomography (CT), 3-D rotational X-ray (3DRX), and magnetic resonance (MR) and 2-D X-ray images of two spine phantoms, for which gold standard registrations were known. For each of the 3DRX, CT, or MR images and each set of X-ray images, 1600 registrations were performed from starting positions, defined as the mean target registration error (mTRE), randomly generated and uniformly distributed in the interval of 0-20 mm around the gold standard. The capture range was defined as the distance from gold standard for which the final TRE was less than 2 mm in at least 95% of all cases. In terms of success rate, as the function of initial misalignment and capture range the proposed method outperformed the GBM. TREs of the novel method and the GBM were approximately the same. For the registration of 3DRX and CT images to X-ray images as few as 2-3 X-ray views were sufficient to obtain approximately 0.4 mm TREs, 7-9 mm capture range, and 80%-90% of successful registrations. To obtain similar results for MR to X-ray registrations, an image, reconstructed from at least 11 X-ray images was required. Reconstructions from more than 11 images had no effect on the registration results.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new nonrigid monomodality image registration algorithm based on B-splines. The deformation is described by a cubic B-spline field and found by minimizing the energy between a reference image and a deformed version of a floating image. To penalize noninvertible transformation, we propose two different constraints on the Jacobian of the transformation and its derivatives. The problem is modeled by an inequality constrained optimization problem which is efficiently solved by a combination of the multipliers method and the L-BFGS algorithm to handle the large number of variables and constraints of the registration of 3-D images. Numerical experiments are presented on magnetic resonance images using synthetic deformations and atlas based segmentation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method for validation of nonrigid medical image registration. This method is based on the simulation of physically plausible, biomechanical tissue deformations using finite-element methods. Applying a range of displacements to finite-element models of different patient anatomies generates model solutions which simulate gold standard deformations. From these solutions, deformed images are generated with a range of deformations typical of those likely to occur in vivo. The registration accuracy with respect to the finite-element simulations is quantified by co-registering the deformed images with the original images and comparing the recovered voxel displacements with the biomechanically simulated ones. The functionality of the validation method is demonstrated for a previously described nonrigid image registration technique based on free-form deformations using B-splines and normalized mutual information as a voxel similarity measure, with an application to contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance mammography image pairs. The exemplar nonrigid registration technique is shown to be of subvoxel accuracy on average for this particular application. The validation method presented here is an important step toward more generic simulations of biomechanically plausible tissue deformations and quantification of tissue motion recovery using nonrigid image registration. It will provide a basis for improving and comparing different nonrigid registration techniques for a diversity of medical applications, such as intrasubject tissue deformation or motion correction in the brain, liver or heart.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how the concept of statistical deformation models (SDMs) can be used for the construction of average models of the anatomy and their variability. SDMs are built by performing a statistical analysis of the deformations required to map anatomical features in one subject into the corresponding features in another subject. The concept of SDMs is similar to statistical shape models (SSMs) which capture statistical information about shapes across a population, but offers several advantages over SSMs. First, SDMs can be constructed directly from images such as three-dimensional (3-D) magnetic resonance (MR) or computer tomography volumes without the need for segmentation which is usually a prerequisite for the construction of SSMs. Instead, a nonrigid registration algorithm based on free-form deformations and normalized mutual information is used to compute the deformations required to establish dense correspondences between the reference subject and the subjects in the population class under investigation. Second, SDMs allow the construction of an atlas of the average anatomy as well as its variability across a population of subjects. Finally, SDMs take the 3-D nature of the underlying anatomy into account by analysing dense 3-D deformation fields rather than only information about the surface shape of anatomical structures. We show results for the construction of anatomical models of the brain from the MR images of 25 different subjects. The correspondences obtained by the nonrigid registration are evaluated using anatomical landmark locations and show an average error of 1.40 mm at these anatomical landmark positions. We also demonstrate that SDMs can be constructed so as to minimize the bias toward the chosen reference subject.  相似文献   

There is growing clinical demand for image registration techniques that allow multimodal data fusion for accurate targeting of needle biopsy and ablative prostate cancer treatments. However, during procedures where transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guidance is used, substantial gland deformation can occur due to TRUS probe pressure. In this paper, the ability of a statistical shape/motion model, trained using finite element simulations, to predict and compensate for this source of motion is investigated. Three-dimensional ultrasound images acquired on five patient prostates, before and after TRUS-probe-induced deformation, were registered using a nonrigid, surface-based method, and the accuracy of different deformation models compared. Registration using a statistical motion model was found to outperform alternative elastic deformation methods in terms of accuracy and robustness, and required substantially fewer target surface points to achieve a successful registration. The mean final target registration error (based on anatomical landmarks) using this method was 1.8 mm. We conclude that a statistical model of prostate deformation provides an accurate, rapid and robust means of predicting prostate deformation from sparse surface data, and is therefore well-suited to a number of interventional applications where there is a need for deformation compensation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a semiautomatic method for the registration of images acquired during surgery with a tracked laser range scanner (LRS). This method, which relies on the registration of vessels that can be visualized in the pre- and the post-resection images, is a component of a larger system designed to compute brain shift that occurs during tumor resection cases. Because very large differences between pre- and postresection images are typically observed, the development of fully automatic methods to register these images is difficult. The method presented herein is semiautomatic and requires only the identification of a number of points along the length of the vessels. Vessel segments joining these points are then automatically identified using an optimal path finding algorithm that relies on intensity features extracted from the images. Once vessels are identified, they are registered using a robust point-based nonrigid registration algorithm. The transformation computed with the vessels is then applied to the entire image. This permits establishment of a complete correspondence between the pre- and post-3-D LRS data. Experiments show that the method is robust to operator errors in localizing homologous points and a quantitative evaluation performed on ten surgical cases shows submillimetric registration accuracy.  相似文献   

Gradient-echo (GE) echo planar imaging (EPI) is susceptible to both geometric distortions and signal loss. This paper presents a retrospective correction approach based on nonrigid image registration. A new physics-based intensity correction factor derived to compensate for intravoxel dephasing in GE EPI images is incorporated into a previously reported nonrigid registration algorithm. Intravoxel dephasing causes signal loss and thus intensity attenuation in the images. The new rephasing factor we introduce, which changes the intensity of a voxel in images during the registration, is used to improve the accuracy of the intensity-based nonrigid registration method and mitigate the intensity attenuation effect. Simulation-based experiments are first used to evaluate the method. A magnetic resonance (MR) simulator and a real field map are used to generate a realistic GE EPI image. The geometric distortion computed from the field map is used as the ground truth to which the estimated nonrigid deformation is compared. We then apply the algorithm to a set of real human brain images. The results show that, after registration, alignment between EPI and multi-shot, spin-echo images, which have relatively long acquisition times but negligible distortion, is improved and that signal loss caused by dephasing can be recovered.  相似文献   

We propose a voxel-based nonrigid registration algorithm for temporal subtraction of two-dimensional thorax X-ray computed radiography images of the same subject. The deformation field is represented by a B-spline with a limited number of degrees of freedom, that allows global rib alignment to minimize subtraction artifacts within the lung field without obliterating interval changes of clinically relevant soft-tissue abnormalities. The spline parameters are constrained by a statistical deformation model that is learned from a training set of manually aligned image pairs using principal component analysis. Optimization proceeds along the transformation components rather then along the individual spline coefficients, using pattern intensity of the subtraction image within the automatically segmented lung field region as the criterion to be minimized and applying a simulated annealing strategy for global optimization in the presence of multiple local optima. The impact of different transformation models with varying number of deformation modes is evaluated on a training set of 26 images using a leave-one-out strategy and compared to the manual registration result in terms of criterion value and deformation error. Registration quality is assessed on a second set of validation images by a human expert rating each subtraction image on screen. In 85% of the cases, the registration is subjectively rated to be adequate for clinical use.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel nonrigid inter-subject multichannel image registration method which combines information from different modalities/channels to produce a unified joint registration. Multichannel images are created using co-registered multimodality images of the same subject to utilize information across modalities comprehensively. Contrary to the existing methods which combine the information at the image/intensity level, the proposed method uses feature-level information fusion method to spatio-adaptively combine the complementary information from different modalities that characterize different tissue types, through Gabor wavelets transformation and Independent Component Analysis (ICA), to produce a robust inter-subject registration. Experiments on both simulated and real multichannel images illustrate the applicability and robustness of the proposed registration method that combines information across modalities. This inter-subject registration is expected to pave the way for subsequent unified population-based multichannel studies.  相似文献   

Tagged magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is unique in its ability to noninvasively image the motion and deformation of the heart in vivo, but one of the fundamental reasons limiting its use in the clinical environment is the absence of automated tools to derive clinically useful information from tagged MR images. In this paper, we present a novel and fully automated technique based on nonrigid image registration using multilevel free-form deformations (MFFDs) for the analysis of myocardial motion using tagged MRI. The novel aspect of our technique is its integrated nature for tag localization and deformation field reconstruction using image registration and voxel based similarity measures. To extract the motion field within the myocardium during systole we register a sequence of images taken during systole to a set of reference images taken at end-diastole, maximizing the normalized mutual information between the images. We use both short-axis and long-axis images of the heart to estimate the full four-dimensional motion field within the myocardium. We also present validation results from data acquired from twelve volunteers.  相似文献   

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