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The Multi-access Edge Cloud(MEC) networks extend cloud computing services and capabilities to the edge of the networks. By bringing computation and storage capabilities closer to end-users and connected devices, MEC networks can support a wide range of applications. MEC networks can also leverage various types of resources, including computation resources, network resources, radio resources,and location-based resources, to provide multidimensional resources for intelligent applications in 5/6G.H...  相似文献   

Cloud computing is becoming a hot topic of the information industry in recent years. Many companies provide the cloud services, such as Google Apps and Apple multimedia services. In general, by applying the virtualization technologies, the data center is built for cloud computing to provide users with the computing and storage resources, as well as the software environment. Thus, the quality of service (QoS) must be considered to satisfy users’ requirements. This paper proposes a high efficiency scheduling scheme for supporting cloud computing. The virtual machine migration technique has been applied to the proposed scheduling scheme for improving the resources utilization and satisfying the QoS requirement of users. The experimental results show that in addition to satisfying the QoS requirement of users, the proposed scheme can improve the resources utilization effectively.  相似文献   

Cloud computing makes computing power universally available and provides flexibility in resource acquisition.It allows for scalable provision of services and more reasonable use of resources.This article considers cloud service deployment and virtualization from the perspective of mobile operators.A solution is proposed that allows mobile operators to maximize profits with minimal investment.  相似文献   

In 2010, cloud computing gained momentum.Cloud computing is a model for real-time, on-demand, pay-for-use network access to a shared pool of configurable computing and storage resources.It has matured from a promising business concept to a working reality in both the private and public IT sectors.The U.S.government, for example, has requested all its agencies to evaluate cloud computing alternatives as part of their budget submissions for new IT investment.  相似文献   

High-speed large-bandwidth networks and growth in rich internet applications has brought unprecedented pressure to bear on telecom operators. Consequently, operators need to play to the advantages of their networks, make good use of their large customer bases, and expand their business resources in service, platform, and interface. Network and customer resources should be integrated in order to create new business ecosystems. This paper describes new threats and challenges facing telecom operators and analyzes how leading operators are handling transformation in terms of operations and business model. A new concept called distributed intelligent open system (DIOS)—a public computing communication network—is proposed. The architecture and key technologies of DIOS is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

With the self-adjustment and develop-ment of the global telecom market,Chinese telecom industry has entereda stable growth period when all opera-tors are making efforts to develop services andtry new ways of profit-making. ZTE Corpora-tion always pays close attention to the efficien-cy of its customers' networks and the possibil-ity of providing new services that can promotethe network value. With rich customer serviceexperience, ZTE realized that excellent after-sales services must be the objective for ZTE tostrive for, and the bridge for building up awin-win relationship with customers. ZTEGlobal Customer Support Center was thereforeset up.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a novel computing paradigm that utilizes remote cloud resources to achieve a high-performance computation. Cloud provides infra- structure, platform and software as different on-demand services. China has made remarkable progress in cloud- based products and operating system technology. The government, enterprises and research institutions are all active in the development of cloud computing-related projects. Despite the progress,  相似文献   

With never-ending changes and improvements and an increasing industrial scale of the Internet, the emerging new application trends, such as social networking, network video, intelligent search and mobile Internet, and new Internet technologies, such as Mashup, artificial intelligence, grid computing and open platform, are significantly influencing the Internet industrial structure. Moreover, the rapid development of the Internet and the convergence of the Internet and telecom networks, especially the development of mobile Internet, are giving the telecom industry a shock. This shock will certainly change the structure of the telecom industry, gradually break the monopoly status of telecom operators, shift the telecom emphasis to services and contents, and enhance the importance of terminal vendors in the industrial chain.  相似文献   

Cloud computing technology is changing the development and usage patterns of IT infrastructure and applications. Virtualized and distributed systems as well as unified management and scheduling has greatly im proved computing and storage. Management has become easier, andOAM costs have been significantly reduced. Cloud desktop technology is develop ing rapidly. With this technology, users can flexibly and dynamically use virtual ma chine resources, companies' efficiency of using and allocating resources is greatly improved, and information security is ensured. In most existing virtual cloud desk top solutions, computing and storage are bound together, and data is stored as im age files. This limits the flexibility and expandability of systems and is insufficient for meetinz customers' requirements in different scenarios.  相似文献   

Network innovation and business transformation are both necessary for telecom operators to adapt to new situations,but operatorsface challenges in terms of network bearer complexity,business centralization,and IT/CT integration.Network function virtualiza-tion(NFV)may inspire new development ideas,but many doubts still exist within industry,especially about how to introduceNFV into an operator’s network.This article describes the latest progress in NFV standardization,NFV requirements and hottechnology issues,and typical NFV applications in an operator networks.  相似文献   

电信运营商的云计算与物联网发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以云计算与物联网为代表的新兴IT技术,对传统的电信运营业既带来冲击也带来机遇和发展。在云计算领域,电信运营商通过电信业务能力的开放,聚合电信云和IT云,实现通信资源和计算、存储资源的协同,创新了服务模式;在物联网领域,运营商可以通过构建物联网运营支撑平台和服务体系,在物联网产业链中发挥关键作用。面对新兴IT技术,电信运营商应该坚持合作与开放,并注重标准化,与产业链各方共同努力,开创新的发展空间。  相似文献   

云计算在电信领域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电信运营商面临着节能降耗、提升服务质量和业务创新的压力,云计算技术的出现为解决这些压力提供了新的思路。在基础设施层面,采用虚拟化技术能够有效提高资源利用率,提高系统的可伸缩性和可用性;在开发平台层面,电信网能够开放自身业务能力,为业务创新提供支持;在业务层面,电信网能够以服务的形式提供各类软件,开拓电信业务的范围。云计算同时也会带来安全、管理和标准等方面的问题,这些问题需要在发展中逐步解决。  相似文献   

云计算概念、模型和关键技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
云计算指IP技术架构下的网络计算,其本质是ICT业务的一种新的应用方式。绝大数企业和运营商的数据中心的改造将是云计算未来发展的主要任务:使云计算技术更为普遍和更为广泛地为绝大部分企业、机构、团体和运营商服务。云计算技术将不仅提供传统意义的IT资源和应用服务,而且将支持包括IT、通信、电视、移动和物联等一切互联网技术融合后的资源使用和业务应用。云计算发展的关键技术主要有统一交换构架、统一虚拟化和统一计算系统,云计算发展的战略推手将是组建开放产业联盟和推动开放技术标准。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a new network computing paradigm based on IP architecture, and its potential lies in new ICT business applications. For the majority of operators and enterprises, the main task associated with cloud computing is next generation data center transformation. This will ensure cloud computing becomes more widespread among enterprises, institutions, organizations, and operators. Cloud computing not only provides traditional IT resource usage and application services, but also supports full resource usage and application services such as IT, communications, video, mobile, and Internet of Things using a converged network infrastructure. Key cloud computing technologies include unified fabric, unified virtualization, and unified computing system. The formation of an open industry alliance and promotion of open technology standards will be critical for the future development of cloud computing.  相似文献   

容器是直接运行在操作系统内核上,拥有相对隔离、独立资源的运行环境。容器技术的发展符合云计算的本质要求,电信运营商作为云计算领域的深度玩家,必须重视容器技术的发展。简要介绍了容器技术背景,分析了容器技术在电信运营商的潜在应用场景,总结了电信运营商在容器技术方面的初步探索案例,探讨了容器技术在电信运营商转型升级中可能发挥的积极作用。  相似文献   

云计算技术简述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
云计算(Cloud computing)是当今IT界的热门技术,借助云计算,网络服务提供者可以在瞬息之间,处理数以千万计甚至亿计的信息,实现和超级计算机同样强大的效能。同时,用户可以按需弹性地使用这些资源和服务,从而实现将计算作为一种公用设施来提供的梦想。本文首先介绍了云计算的基本概念、组成部分、技术要点和国内外发展情况,然后分别从服务器虚拟化、存储虚拟化、应用虚拟化、平台虚拟化和桌面虚拟化五个方面重点介绍虚拟化技术同云计算之间密不可分的关系。  相似文献   

作为云计算的最新技术成果,云原生技术快速推动互联网和企业应用上云。云原生技术可以为通信运营商网络提供更加经济、便捷的部署和运营方法,随着运营商云网融合工作推进,云原生成为运营商网络云化的核心技术和关键抓手。分析了云原生技术应用情况和存在的问题,提出面向云网融合的智能云原生架构,研究演进设计、架构部署方案和关键技术,提出云原生化推进举措。  相似文献   

云计算网络虚拟化技术   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
云计算极大扩展了IT服务能够提供的种类和范围,网络作为云计算基础架构和服务提供的重要组成部分,需要满足更高的要求。本文首先给出网络的重要性,之后从数据中心网络、跨数据中心网络以及泛在的云接入网络三个层面分别分析了最新的技术进展和技术需求。  相似文献   

Cloud computing enables a transparent access to information technology (IT) services such that the users do not need to know the location and characteristics of the relevant resources. While IT resource virtualization and service abstraction have been widely investigated, data transport within the cloud and its efficient control have not received much attention in the technical literature. In fact, connectivity is, itself, a service that contributes to the overall performance of the cloud. This paper introduces a novel classification of the Network as a Service (NaaS) such that it can be orchestrated with other cloud services. Then, it proposes a network virtualization platform (NVP) as the mediation layer able to provide NaaS to cloud computing by exploiting the functionality provided by control plane (CP)-enabled networks. In particular, the proposed NVP maps the end-point addresses and perceived Quality of Service parameters of a NaaS requests in the parameters characterizing the connectivity as viewed by transport networks using the information obtained from the CP at the boundary of the network. The NVP uses these parameters to fulfill connectivity requests to the CP. Finally, this paper presents a complete design from both the software implementation and network signaling perspective of two use cases in which NaaS is involved as stand-alone facility for the connectivity service provisioning or is combined with other cloud services for a storage service provisioning.  相似文献   

安全桌面云计算架构解决方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,很多企业和行业用户纷纷采用桌面云计算技术改造或建设自身的信息化基础设施,以期提高信息系统治理水平,减少信息外泄的途径。随着虚拟化等关键技术的引入,桌面云计算架构也面临着新的安全风险,针对桌面云计算架构所面临的安全风险提出了较为完整的解决方案,远程用户可以基于此随时随地利用有线/无线等多种网络接入方式访问后台数据中心,如同在本地一样操作各类业务。  相似文献   

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