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The proton-pumping NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase of Escherichia coli is composed of 14 different subunits and contains one FMN and up to nine iron-sulfur clusters as prosthetic groups. By use of salt treatment, the complex can be split into an NADH dehydrogenase fragment, a connecting fragment and a membrane fragment. The water-soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment has a molecular mass of approximately 170,000 Da and consists of the subunits NuoE, F, and G. The fragment harbors the FMN and probably six iron-sulfur clusters, four of them being observable by EPR spectroscopy. Here, we report that the fully assembled fragment can be overproduced in E. coli when the genes nuoE, F, and G were simultaneously overexpressed with the genes nuoB, C, and D. Furthermore, riboflavin, sodium sulfide, and ferric ammonium citrate have to be added to the culture medium. The fragment was purified from the cytoplasm by means of ammonium sulfate fractionation and chromatographic steps. The preparation contains one noncovalently bound FMN per molecule. Two binuclear (N1b and N1c) and two tetranuclear (N3 and N4) iron-sulfur clusters were detected by EPR in the NADH reduced preparation with spectral characteristics identical with those of the corresponding clusters in complex I. The preparation fulfills all prerequisites for crystallization of the fragment.  相似文献   

Enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase catalyses the last reductive step of fatty acid biosynthesis, reducing an enoyl acyl carrier protein to an acyl-acyl carrier protein with NAD(P)H as the cofactor. The crystal structure of enoyl reductase (ENR) from Escherichia coli has been determined to 2.1 A resolution using a combination of molecular replacement and isomorphous replacement and refined using data from 10 A to 2.1 A to an R-factor of 0.16. The final model consists of the four subunits of the tetramer, wherein each subunit is composed of 247 of the expected 262 residues, and a NAD+ cofactor for each subunit of the tetramer contained in the asymmetric unit plus a total of 327 solvent molecules. There are ten disordered residues per subunit which form a loop near the nucleotide binding site which may become ordered upon substrate binding. Each monomer is composed of a seven-stranded parallel beta-sheet flanked on each side by three alpha-helices with a further helix lying at the C terminus of the beta-sheet. This fold is highly reminiscent of the Rossmann fold, found in many NAD(P)H-dependent enzymes. Analysis of the sequence and structure of ENR and comparisons with the family of short-chain alcohol dehydrogenases, identify a conserved tyrosine and lysine residue as important for catalytic activity. Modelling studies suggest that a region of the protein surface that contains a number of strongly conserved hydrophobic residues and lies adjacent to the nicotinamide ring, forms the binding site for the fatty acid substrate.  相似文献   

The structures of AmpC beta-lactamase from Escherichia coli, alone and in complex with a transition-state analogue, have been determined by X-ray crystallography. The native enzyme was determined to 2.0 A resolution, and the structure with the transition-state analogue m-aminophenylboronic acid was determined to 2.3 A resolution. The structure of AmpC from E. coli resembles those previously determined for the class C enzymes from Enterobacter cloacae and Citrobacter freundii. The transition-state analogue, m-aminophenylboronic acid, makes several interactions with AmpC that were unexpected. Perhaps most surprisingly, the putative "oxyanion" of the boronic acid forms what appears to be a hydrogen bond with the backbone carbonyl oxygen of Ala318, suggesting that this atom is protonated. Although this interaction has not previously been discussed, a carbonyl oxygen contact with the putative oxyanion or ligand carbonyl oxygen appears in most complexes involving a beta-lactam recognizing enzyme. These observations may suggest that the high-energy intermediate for amide hydrolysis by beta-lactamases and related enzymes involves a hydroxyl and not an oxyanion, although the oxyanion form certainly cannot be discounted. The involvement of the main-chain carbonyl in ligand and transition-state recognition is a distinguishing feature between serine beta-lactamases and serine proteases, to which they are often compared. AmpC may use the interaction between the carbonyl of Ala318 and the carbonyl of the acylated enzyme to destabilize the ground-state intermediate, this destabilization energy might be relieved in the transition state by a hydroxyl hydrogen bond. The structure of the m-aminophenylboronic acid adduct also suggests several ways to improve the affinity of this class of inhibitor and points to the existence of several unusual binding-site-like features in the region of the AmpC catalytic site.  相似文献   

Purified uridine diphosphate N-acetylenolpyruvylglucosamine reductase (E.C. was analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) and UV-visible spectroscopy to establish the spectral properties of its tightly bound flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor. The polypeptide backbone displayed a single circular dichroic minimum at 208 nm and a single maximum at 193 nm. The CD spectrum of bound flavin exhibited a single major negative Cotton peak at 364 nm and two minor negative Cotton peaks at 464 and 495 nm. The protein was reversibly unfolded in 9.8 M urea and refolded in buffer in the presence of excess FAD. The refolded enzyme incorporated FAD and catalyzed full activity. The bound FAD displayed an absorption maximum at 464 nm with an extinction coefficient of epsilon 464 = 11700 M-1 cm-1. Anaerobic reduction with dithionite was complete at 1 equiv. Anaerobic reduction with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced form (NADPH), also was essentially complete at 1 equiv and produced a long-wavelength absorbance band characteristic of an FAD-pyridine nucleotide charge transfer complex. Photochemical bleaching in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) followed exponential kinetics. None of the anaerobic reductive titrations produced a spectral intermediate characteristic of a flavin semiquinone, and all reduced enzyme species could be fully reoxidized by oxygen, with full recovery of catalytic activity. Photochemically reduced enzyme was reoxidized by titration with either NADP+ or uridine diphospho N-acetylglucosamine enolpyruvate (UNAGEP). Reoxidation by NADP+ reached a chemical equilibrium, whereas reoxidation by UNAGEP was stoichiometric. Binding of NADP+ or UNAGEP to the oxidized form of the enzyme produced a dead-end complex that could be titrated by following a 10-nm red shift in the absorption spectrum of the bound FAD. The Kd of NADP+ for oxidized enzyme was 0.7 +/- 0.3 microM and the Kd of UNAGEP was 2.7 +/- 0.3 microM. Solvent deuterium isotope effects on binding were observed for both NADP+ and UNAGEP, depending on the pH. At pH 8.5, the HKd/DKd was 2.2 for NADP+ and 3.9 for UNAGEP. No spectral changes were observed in the presence of a 40-fold excess of uridine diphospho N-acetylmuramic acid (UNAM) either aerobically or anaerobically. These studies have identified spectral signals for five steps in the kinetic mechanism, have indicated that product formation is essentially irreversible, and have indicated that hydrogen bonding or protonation contributes significantly to ground-state complex formation with the physiological substrate.  相似文献   

The human large intestine contains a large and diverse population of bacteria. Certain genera, namely Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, are thought to exert health-promoting effects. Prebiotics such as fructooligosaccharides (FOS) have been shown to stimulate the growth of endogenous bifidobacteria. In this study, changes of lactic acid producing bacteria in continuous culture fermentors (semi-defined, anaerobic medium containing 5 g 1(-1) FOS, dilution rate of 0.1 h-1, pH 5.5) were followed over a 21 d period after inoculation with blended human faeces from four healthy adults. Samples were also taken every 3 d for influent/effluent FOS, short chain fatty acid (SCFA), lactate and microbiological analyses. Results showed that SCFA concentrations decreased abruptly 1 d after inoculation while lactate concentrations increased. Classical methods of enumeration using selective media showed that the proportion of total culturable count represented by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli increased from 11.9% on day 1 to 98.1% on day 21. However, molecular methods using genus-specific 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probes indicated that the bifidobacterial population maintained a level between 10 and 20% of total 16S rRNA during the first 6 d and disappeared rapidly when the maximum concentration of lactate was reached. Lactobacilli, which were initially present in low numbers, increased until day 9 and remained at high levels (20-42% of total 16S rRNA) to day 21, with the exception of day 18. Although FOS has usually been regarded as a selective substrate for bifidobacteria, these observations suggest that: (1) lactobacilli are also able to use FOS, (2) lactobacilli can out-compete bifidobacteria in continuous culture at pH 5.2-5.4 when FOS is the primary carbon and energy source, and (3) bifidobacteria can grow faster on FOS than lactobacilli under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

Analysis of the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) complex with folate by two-dimensional heteronuclear (1H-15N) nuclear magnetic relaxation revealed that isolated residues exhibit diverse backbone fluctuations on the nanosecond to picosecond time scale [Epstein, D. M., Benkovic, S. J., and Wright, P. E. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 11037-11048]. These dynamical features may be significant in forming the Michaelis complex. Of these residues, glycine 121 displays large-amplitude backbone motions on the nanosecond time scale. This amino acid, strictly conserved for prokaryotic DHFRs, is located at the center of the betaF-betaG loop. To investigate the catalytic importance of this residue, we report the effects of Gly121 deletion and glycine insertion into the modified betaF-betaG loop. Relative to wild type, deletion of Gly121 dramatically decreases the rate of hydride transfer 550-fold and the strength of cofactor binding 20-fold for NADPH and 7-fold for NADP+. Furthermore, DeltaG121 DHFR requires conformational changes dependent on the initial binary complex to attain the Michaelis complex poised for hydride transfer. Surprisingly, the insertion mutants displayed a significant decrease in both substrate and cofactor binding. The introduction of glycine into the modified betaF-betaG loop, however, generally eliminated conformational changes required by DeltaG121 DHFR to attain the Michaelis complex. Taken together, these results suggest that the catalytic role for the betaF-betaG loop includes formation of liganded complexes and proper orientation of substrate and cofactor. Through a transient interaction with the Met20 loop, alterations of the betaF-betaG loop can orchestrate proximal and distal effects on binding and catalysis that implicate a variety of enzyme conformations participating in the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

The flavoenzyme glutathione reductase catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of glutathione disulfide, yielding two molecules of glutathione. The oxidation-reduction potentials, Eox/EH2 (two-electron reduced enzyme), for yeast, Escherichia coli, and human glutathione reductase have been determined between pH 6.0 and 9.8 relative to the nonphysiological substrate couple NAD+/NADH and were found to be -237, -243, and -227 mV (+/-5 mV) at pH 7.0 and 20 degreesC, respectively. The potential as a function of pH demonstrated slopes of -51, -45, and -42 mV/pH unit, respectively, at low pH and -37, -31, and -34 mV/pH unit, respectively, at high pH. The change in slope indicated pKa values of 7.4, 8.5, and 7.6, respectively. The slopes indicate that two protons are associated with the two-electron reduction of Eox at low pH and that only one proton is involved with the two-electron reduction of Eox at high pH, provided that the effects of nearby titratable residues are considered in the data analysis. The influence of four such groups, Cys50, Cys45, His456', and either Tyr107 or the flavin-(N3), has been included (residue numbering refers to the yeast sequence). The enzyme loses activity upon deprotonation of the acid-base catalyst at high pH. Since the pKa ascribed to the EH2-to-EH- ionization is lower than the pKa of the acid-base catalyst, both the EH2 and EH- forms of glutathione reductase must be catalytically active, in contrast to the closely related enzyme lipoamide dehydrogenase, for which only EH2 is active.  相似文献   

Complex I (EC of the bacterium Escherichia coli is considered to be the minimal form of the type I NADH dehydrogenase, the first enzyme complex in the respiratory chain. Because of its small size and relative simplicity, the E. coli enzyme has become a model used to identify and characterize the mechanism(s) by which cells regulate the synthesis and assembly of this large respiratory complex. To begin dissecting the processes by which E. coli cells regulate the expression of nuo and the assembly of complex I, we undertook a genetic analysis of the nuo locus, which encodes the 14 Nuo subunits comprising E. coli complex I. Here we present the results of studies, performed on an isogenic collection of nuo mutants, that focus on the physiological, biochemical, and molecular consequences caused by the lack of or defects in several Nuo subunits. In particular, we present evidence that NuoG, a peripheral subunit, is essential for complex I function and that it plays a role in the regulation of nuo expression and/or the assembly of complex I.  相似文献   

We have determined the three-dimensional solution structure of the complex of Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase (18.3 kDa, 162 amino acid residues) formed with the anticancer drug methotrexate using 2531 distance, 361 dihedral angle and 48 hydrogen bond restraints obtained from analysis of multidimensional NMR spectra. Simulated annealing calculations produced a family of 21 structures fully consistent with the constraints. The structure has four alpha-helices and eight beta-strands with two other regions, comprising residues 11 to 14 and 126 to 127, also interacting with each other in a beta-sheet manner. The methotrexate binding site is very well defined and the structure around its glutamate moiety was improved by including restraints reflecting the previously determined specific interactions between the glutamate alpha-carboxylate group with Arg57 and the gamma-carboxylate group with His28. The overall fold of the binary complex in solution is very similar to that observed in the X-ray studies of the ternary complex of L. casei dihydrofolate reductase formed with methotrexate and NADPH (the structures of the binary and ternary complexes have a root-mean-square difference over the backbone atoms of 0.97 A). Thus no major conformational change takes place when NADPH binds to the binary complex. In the binary complex, the loop comprising residues 9 to 23 which forms part of the active site has been shown to be in the "closed" conformation as defined by M. R. Sawaya & J. Kraut, who considered the corresponding loops in crystal structures of complexes of dihydrofolate reductases from several organisms. Thus the absence of the NADPH does not result in the "occluded" form of the loop as seen in crystal studies of some other dihydrofolate reductases in the absence of coenzyme. Some regions of the structure in the binary complex which form interaction sites for NADPH are less well defined than other regions. However, in general terms, the NADPH binding site appears to be essentially pre-formed in the binary complex. This may contribute to the tighter binding of coenzyme in the presence of methotrexate.  相似文献   

Spermidine acetyltransferase (SAT) from Escherichia coli was purified about 40,000-fold. The molecular mass of native SAT was 95 kDa, and it consisted of four identical subunits. The products formed from the reaction of acetyl-CoA with spermidine by SAT were N1- and N8-acetylspermidine. The Km values for acetyl-CoA, spermidine, and spermine were 2 microM, 1.29 mM, and 220 microM, respectively. The enzymatic activity increased by 2.5-3.5-fold under the condition of poor nutrition but not in response to cold shock or high pH. By using synthetic oliogonucleotides deduced from amino acid sequences of the peptides in SAT, a polymerase chain reaction product with a length of 250 nucleotides was obtained. Using this polymerase chain reaction product, the gene encoding SAT (speG) was cloned and mapped at 35.6 min in the E. coli chromosome. E. coli cells transformed with the cloned speG gene increased SAT activity by 8-40-fold. The gene encoded a 186-amino acid protein, but SAT consisted of 185 amino acids because the initiator methionine was liberated from the protein. Thus, the predicted molecular mass was 21,756 Da. Significant similarity to aminoglycoside acetyltransferase and peptide N-acetyltransferase was observed in the amino acid sequence 87-141, and some similarity with spermidine-preferential binding protein (potD protein) in the spermidine-preferential uptake system was observed in the amino acid sequence 122-141. The results suggest that the active center of SAT may be located in the COOH-terminal portion.  相似文献   

The isolated hemeprotein subunit of sulfite reductase (SiR-HP) from Escherichia coli consists of a high spin ferric isobacteriochlorin (siroheme) coupled to a diamagnetic [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster. When supplied with an artificial electron donor, such as methyl viologen cation radical, SiR-HP can catalyze the six electron reductions of sulfite to sulfide and nitrite to ammonia. Thus, the hemeprotein subunit appears to represent the minimal protein structure required for multielectron reductase activity. Proton magnetic resonance spectra are reported for the first time on unligated SiR-HP at 300 MHz in all three redox states. The NMR spectrum of high spin ferric siroheme at pH 6.0 was obtained for the purpose of comparing its spectrum with that of oxidized SiR-HP. On the basis of line widths, T1 measurements, and 1D NOE experiments, preliminary assignments have been made for the oxidized enzyme in solution. The pH profile of oxidized SiR-HP is unusual in that a single resonance shows a 9 ppm shift over a range of only 3 pH units with an apparent pK = 6.7 +/- 0.2. Resonances arising from the beta-CH2 protons of cluster cysteines have been assigned using deuterium substitution for all redox states. One beta-CH2 resonance has been tentatively assigned to the bridging cysteine on the basis of chemical shift, T1, line width, and the presence of NOEs to protons from the siroheme ring. The observed pattern of hyperfine shifts can be used as a probe to measure the degree of coupling between siroheme and cluster in solution. The cluster iron sites of the resting (oxidized) enzyme are found to possess both positive and negative spin density which is in good agreement with Mossbauer results on frozen enzyme. The NMR spectrum of the 1-electron reduced form of SiR-HP is consistent with an intermediate spin (S = 1) siroheme. Intermediate spin Fe(II) hemes have only been previously observed in 4-coordinate model compounds. However, the amount of electron density transferred to the cluster, as measured by the isotropic shift of beta-CH2 resonances, is comparable to that present in the fully oxidized enzyme despite diminution of the total amount of unpaired spin density available. Addition of a second electron to SiR-HP, besides generating a reduced S = 1/2 cluster with both upfield and downfield shifted cysteine resonances, converts siroheme to the high spin (S = 2) ferrous state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

l-Aspartate oxidase (EC is a flavoprotein that catalyzes the first step in the de novobiosynthetic pathway to pyridine nucleotides both under aerobic and under anaerobic conditions. Despite the physiological importance of this biosynthesis particularly in facultative aerobic organisms, such as Escherichia coli, little is known about the electron acceptor of reduced L-aspartate oxidase in the absence of oxygen. In this report, evidence is presented which suggests that in vitro quinones can play such a role. L-Aspartate oxidase binds menadione and 2, 3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-p-benzoquinone with Kd values of 11.5 and 2.4 microM, respectively. A new L-aspartate:quinone oxidoreductase activity is described in the presence and in the absence of phospholipids, and its possible physiological relevance is discussed. Moreover, considering the striking sequence similarity between L-aspartate oxidase and the highly conserved family of succinate-fumarate oxidoreductases, the redox properties of L-aspartate oxidase were investigated in detail. A value of -216 mV was calculated for the midpoint potential of the couple FAD/FADH2 bound to the enzyme. This result perfectly explains why L-aspartate oxidase may be considered as a very particular fumarate reductase unable to use succinate as the electron donor.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins (Grxs) catalyze reversible oxidation/reduction of protein disulfide groups and glutathione-containing mixed disulfide groups via an active site Grx-glutathione mixed disulfide (Grx-SG) intermediate. The NMR solution structure of the Escherichia coli Grx3 mixed disulfide with glutathione (Grx3-SG) was determined using a C14S mutant which traps this intermediate in the redox reaction. The structure contains a thioredoxin fold, with a well-defined binding site for glutathione which involves two intermolecular backbone-backbone hydrogen bonds forming an antiparallel intermolecular beta-bridge between the protein and glutathione. The solution structure of E. coli Grx3-SG also suggests a binding site for a second glutathione in the reduction of the Grx3-SG intermediate, which is consistent with the specificity of reduction observed in Grxs. Molecular details of the structure in relation to the stability of the intermediate and the activity of Grx3 as a reductant of glutathione mixed disulfide groups are discussed. A comparison of glutathione binding in Grx3-SG and ligand binding in other members of the thioredoxin superfamily is presented, which illustrates the highly conserved intermolecular interactions in this protein family.  相似文献   

A circularized form of a Cys-free mutant of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) was used to search for a proteolytic site that gave new N- and C-termini on circularized DHFR with enzyme activity. Of the six site-specific proteolytic enzymes tested, three proteases, Achromobacter protease I (lysine-specific endopeptidase), asparaginylendopeptidase, and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, cleaved a single site of the circularized DHFR to form circular permuted variants. Twenty-four possible sites for cleavage were found formation of eight circular permuted variants was suggested by results of N-terminal sequence analysis of the linearized proteins isolated by gel filtration in the presence of 5 M guanidine hydrochloride. Mapping of the predicted cleavage sites on the DHFR molecule suggested that they were not all at a specific loop and, therefore, there are many possible circular permuted variants.  相似文献   

Surgical ablation of extrinsic cardiac nerve fibers results in a chronically denervated state of the left ventricle of the heart. The present study was performed to elucidate the effect of a period of 5 weeks of chronic denervation on cardiac catecholamine levels in general and dopamine in particular. Moreover, the possible effect on cardiac beta-adrenoceptor subtypes was investigated. Experiments were performed on adult dogs. In addition to adrenaline and noradrenaline the tissue levels of dopamine were found to be severely depressed. A significant shift from beta1- to beta2-adrenoceptor subtype was observed, while the total beta-adrenoceptor density remained unaffected. The present findings indicate that catecholamine synthesis in chronically denervated hearts is impaired upstream of dopamine and that a shift in beta-adrenoceptor subtype occurs already within a relatively short period of five weeks of denervation, and suggest that the lack of endogenous catecholamines influence the relative expression levels of the two subtypes of beta-adrenoceptors present in cardiac tissue.  相似文献   

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