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制定个人信息保护法需要平衡数据创新应用与个人利益保护两种利益。这两种利益并非二元对立、非此即彼,从长远来看,个人信息保护法的制定能够为数字经济产业的健康发展带来充分利好。制定个人信息保护法的工作应以我国实际国情和现有法律制度为基础,以落实个人权利保护与促进数字经济发展为目标,通过进一步完善个人信息定义、明确个人信息处理的合法性基础等方式,勾勒中国方案,贡献中国智慧。  相似文献   

欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(以下简称GDPR)对于数据主体的权利进行了系统、全面的规定,但同时也规定了这些权利适用的例外情形。本文通过对GDPR数据主体权利例外规定的梳理和分析,探究其中的价值考量与选择,以对我国个人信息保护立法和实践工作提供参考。  相似文献   

人工智能的发展对数据有较高的依赖度。因个人信息保护立法的加严,对于人工智能产业获取优质数据带来了一定负面影响。在这一背景下,人工智能发展不仅要进行持续技术研发,还需通过数据合规手段提高数据处理的合法性水平。具体而言,可将“数据可用不可见”作为促进人工智能数据合规的突破口,通过数据分类分级夯实人工智能数据合规水平,在执法和司法实践中探索宽窄适中的个人信息范围,并不断通过多种手段对人工智能行业数据处理者利用个人信息的行为给予更充分制度保障。  相似文献   

随着网络化和社会信息化程度越来越高,人们更快捷地共享信息和利用信息,但是网上个人信息泄露给人们生活带来很多不便甚至威胁,增强网络时代个人信息保护意识具有非常重要的作用。鉴于此,对目前网络时代下关于个人信息保护的现状进行了调研,对网络时代下有关个人信息保护的相关问题有了一些基本认识,并针对存在的问题从公众生活、网络环境、立法建设等方面提出建设性思路和意见。  相似文献   

近年来,面向广大电话用户、互联网用户以及其他金融服务行业等用户,我国不断加强实名制登记工作。同时,实名制用户的个人信息面临着潜在的信息泄露的威胁。对此,个人信息保护工作亟需加强。实名制个人信息的安全是维护我国社会稳定的基础,我国的个人信息保护工作需要在立法、行政管理、行业规制、国家标准规范、信息保护关键技术以及信息安全人才培养等方面全方位进行,从而为国家的安全、社会的稳定打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

为应对大数据时代背景下的个人信息保护困境与挑战,全球个人信息保护立法进程快速推进。随着信息技术的快速发展、经济利益的驱动,以及制度内因和客观外因结合,导致侵犯公民个人信息的现象日益凸显,我国个人信息保护形势严峻。本文从立法、政府、企业以及个人等4个层面出发进行思考,建议全方位地构建我国个人信息保护制度设计,以推动和完善我国的个人信息保护工作。  相似文献   

湖南电信总经理廖仁斌强烈呼吁加快网络立法 目前,世界上已经有50多个国家和地区制定了个人信息保护相关法律法规。从总体来看,我国现有涉及个人信息保护的法律规定,过于原则,缺乏可操作性,存在保护范围狭窄、缺乏统一主管机构等问题。他建议尽快制定《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》,规范个人信息收集、保存和利用行为,尤其是加强对金融、房地产、互联网等重点行业的信息安全监管。  相似文献   

分析当前个人信息保护面临的严峻形势,研究国内外个人信息保护立法、政策发展趋势和特点,研判我国个人信息保护政策法规环境,给出个人信息保护标准体系架构和发展方向。  相似文献   

<正>大数据时代,信息抓取是重要的信息获取方式,但是也让个人信息陷入"裸奔"的尴尬境地。由于我国缺少个人隐私保护的法律传统,对信息抓取技术的法律规制应当在隐私权保护基础法律框架下进行,具体来说应当进一步扩大隐私权客体的范围,明确信息抓取的范围和边界,赋予用户对个人信息的主导权,并注重通过行业自律的方式加强网络环境下用户的隐私权保护。所谓信息抓取是将非结构化的信息抓取出来保  相似文献   

近日,工信部发布《信息安全技术个人信息保护指南》意见稿,该指南对个人信息主体的权利、信息管理者使用个人信息的要求等多方面做出规定。出台这样的标准草案是为促使目前拥有大量用户个人信息的网站进一步建立完善的个人信息保护政策,实施有效的个人信息保护措施。  相似文献   

Pierre Trudel 《电信纪事》2006,61(7-8):950-974
Actualization of legal approaches are needed to protect effectively the right of privacy. In network environments, data circulates and it is persistent. Trying to prevent misuse by hindering circulation is less and less effective. Legal framework must be reframed in order to improve guarantees of quality of information used to take decisions about individuals. In network universe, information is persistent and circulating. Trying to prevent information circulation just in case that it would be misused is a costly and inefficient approach. Privacy protection is weakened by faulty targeting of privacy law based on approaches prevailing in the 1970s and 1980s. Those approaches deny that it is legitimate for some information to circulate in public spaces, but do not provide effective protection for information truly relevant to privacy. The risk of ending up with a set of rules incompatible with the requirements of government seems sufficiently serious to justify assessment of the current legal framework and approaches that could increase its effectiveness. Given the inflexibility resulting from inappropriate interpretations, both government officials and legislators have had to resort to expedients, such as consent management and legislation establishing exceptions, thereby weakening protection for personal information. Worse, by paying little attention to effective enforcement of privacy legislation in situations where there is great risk of violation, we have failed to strengthen regulations against practices that truly invade privacy. Effective modernization of privacy legislation requires a critical rereading of the legislation’s foundations and how it has been enforced. This demands a lucid evaluation of the contexts in which information circulates. We will only weaken privacy rights if we take refuge in a faint-hearted defence of formal mechanisms inherited from earlier times. If we take that approach, we will increase the risk of ending up with ever more illusory protection.  相似文献   

家庭网络是社会数字化、信息化发展的关注焦点,但如何保障家庭网络中数字内容安全,保证价值链中各环节的合法利益,成为制约其发展的重要“瓶颈”。数字版权管理技术从数字内容及其权限的使用、存储、交换、追踪等方面给出了全面的解决方案。数字版权管理具有系统性、可控性等基本特征,家庭网络中数字版权管理技术需要解决内容与权限在使用、存储、转移中存在的一致性问题,需要研发端到端的安全传输、有条件接收、有条件播出、权限描述等关键技术,以适应家庭网中新媒体、新业务的发展和保护知识产权的需求。  相似文献   

随着计算机软件产业的蓬勃兴起,世界上许多国家尝试通过法律来规范和保护软件的知识产权,中国也制定了相关的法律和条例来保护软件版权,并且把软件正版化知识产权保护提到了议事日程。加大软件版权的保护力度、推进使用正板软件、营造健康规范的市场环境,是实施知识产权战略、促进软件产业发展的重要工作。  相似文献   

该文研究在采用波束赋形和人工噪声的物理层安全方案中利用人工噪声提高合法接收端性能。发送端根据发送符号和信道系数,判断人工噪声是否对合法接收端的信号检测有益,并针对有益噪声和无益噪声分别设计不同的噪声波束赋形矢量。通过利用有益噪声,在不改变窃听端接收信噪比的条件下,合法接收端的信噪比有较明显的提高。对误比特率和保密容量进行理论分析和仿真,结果显示,与传统的人工噪声方案相比,所提方案可提高合法接收端的性能,改善保密容量。  相似文献   

征信机构在征集、利用个人信用信息的过程中,由于对个人信息的披露易给个人权益造成损害。如何避免个人隐私受到侵犯,是个人征信建设必须要考虑的问题。文中在分析信用立法较完善国家的经验的基础上,对我国征信过程中个人信用信息隐私权的立法提出建议。  相似文献   

个人信息因其自身携带隐私特性,与每个个体息息相关.个人信息保护不当,影响公众权益、企业利益以及社会秩序.在互联网、大数据、5G万物互联的时代,个人信息被广泛收集和使用,必须妥善解决个人信息保护问题,才能保障整个数据产业健康发展.而现有的个人信息保护方法或技术,不足以应对新形势下的保护诉求.基于数据运营安全的个人信息保护...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In wireless network, MIMO (multiple inputs multiple output) is an advance antenna in which multiple antennas are employed at basis and target terminals. The...  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2003,40(5):23-25
Copyright owners concerned that digital technology can allow consumers to quickly make perfect copies of their works have increasingly considered adopting technology to limit that capability-technology that often limits viewing or hearing those works as well. The current fights over digital copyright are basically struggles over two questions. One is: how should the law protect copyright owners who control access to their works with measures such as encryption? The other asks whether you should be held liable for copyright violations if you make a product that can evade those control measures-but that also has legitimate uses. Answers to these questions are now emerging, if fitfully and confusingly, from a host of lawsuits, legislation, and business developments. Those answers will have far-reaching effects on everything from how we purchase music, movies, and other cultural works; what we can do with them after we buy them; and how future consumer electronics products are designed.  相似文献   

Currently most existing entity authentication protocols can not guarantee anonymity against compromised verifier in semi-honest model. To solve the question, this paper puts forward a shared certificate entity authentication model, by which some qualities for anonymous entity authentication in semi-honest situation are suggested reasonably. On basis of our proposed model, this paper designs two anonymous entity authentication protocols including an anonymous shared certificate bi-entity authentication protocol and an anonymous shared certificate multi-entity authentication protocol. In proposed protocols it is only single certificate that is used to verify identity correctly and anonymously for legitimate users who has different identity secret. Any compromised verifier has capability to verify correctly whether the user identity is legitimate or not, but it is difficult for it to judge which legitimate user has been verified and distinguish who the verifying user is in particular, therefore attacker does not learn any useful information from legitimate user by spying upon the information of public channel or compromising the certificate. So the security requirements of anonymous entity authentication are achieved successfully, meanwhile the proposed model is more feasibly and effective than zero knowledge protocol in practical applications.  相似文献   

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