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A fully randomized sampling design was adopted to test whether pollen viability of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) was impacted by NO(2) pollution. Spatial strata (500500 m each) with high (41.9-44.6 microg m(-3)) and low (15.4-21.0 microg m(-3)) NO(2) were selected from a defined population in a small area (236.5 km(2), <200 m range in elevation) in Northern Italy. Pollen viability was measured by means of the Tetrazolium (TTC) test. Analysis of variance by means of a generalised linear model showed that NO(2) was a significant factor (P=0.0425) affecting pollen viability. Within the treatment, no significant differences were detected among replicates. Within each replicate, sampling unit data were significantly different (P=0.000) and this suggested some improvement in the applied sampling design was needed. Pollen viability was significantly related to pollen germination (P<0.01) and tube length (P<0.01). This suggested a possible impact of NO(2) on the regeneration of Austrian pine in polluted environments.  相似文献   

The reference sampling procedure, used in the CEEM soil project on a single test area at Dornach, had been applied under different soil conditions in a sampling proficiency test and in the Swiss national soil-monitoring network related to pollution (NABO). Methods of analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to quantify sampling and analytical uncertainty. The soil sampling procedure and the chemical analysis were considered as two parts of the same measurement process and the so-called 'top-down' approach was used to quantify their combined contribution to the uncertainty. By this approach a systematic error of one sampler or of one laboratory becomes a random error when assessed as part of a multi-sampler or multi-laboratory comparison.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are persistent pollutants in soil environments where they continue to present considerable human health risks. Successful strategies to remediate contaminated soils are needed that are effective and of low cost. Bioremediation approaches that include the use of plants and microbial communities to promote degradation of PCB have significant potential but need further assessment under field conditions. The effects of growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and inoculation with a symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacterium (Rhizobium meliloti) on the removal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) from rhizosphere soil were evaluated in a field experiment. The initial PCB content of the soil ranged from 414 to 498 µg kg1. PCB removal for the rhizosphere soil was enhanced in the planted treatments, an average of 36% decrease in PCB levels compared to a 5.4% decrease in the unplanted soil, and further enhanced when plants were inoculated with the symbiotic Rhizobium (an average of 43% decrease) when evaluated at 90 days after planting. Plant biomass production was higher in the inoculated treatment. The total PCB content was increased from 3.30 µg kg1 to 26.72 µg kg1 in plant shoots, and from 115.07 µg kg1 to 142.23 µg kg1 in roots in the inoculated treatment compared to the planted treatment. Increased colony forming units (cfu) of total heterotrophic bacteria, biphenyl-degrading bacteria and fungi were observed in the rhizosphere of inoculated plants. PCB removal from the rhizosphere soil was not significantly correlated with the direct PCB uptake by the plants in any of the treatments but was significantly correlated with the stimulation of rhizosphere microflora. Changes in the soil microbial community structure in the planted and inoculated treatment were observed by profiling of bacterial ribosomal sequences. Some bacteria, such as Flavobacterium sp., may have contributed to the effective degradation of PCB and deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

A field study of fluoride pollution and of its consequences was made over a period of five years in the vicinity of an alumina reduction plant.This study, based upon the use of a static soda impregnated paper sampler, shows that the results obtained are in good agreement with the atmospheric fluoride concentrations obtained with dynamic samplers, especially when fluoride is present in gaseous form (HF).The results suggest that vertically mounted paper samplers are less sensitive to the collection of particulate fluorides.Collection rate is strongly influenced and increases with speed. If this parameter is known, an accurate estimation of the absolute atmospheric concentration is possible; the values shown by this technique are in good correlation with the value (annual mean) of pasture fluoride content.As a correlation exists between pasture fluoride content and the symptoms shown by cattle, the static filter samplers can predict disease in the case of slow chronic fluorosis.The field study agrees with earlier laboratory experiments and shows the validity of these simple and inexpensive types of exposure methods.  相似文献   

In Flanders, sampling guidelines for investigations on contamination of soils are in development. One detailed sampling guideline is currently available with respect to the prospective investigation in the frame of the decree related to soil sanitation. Four strategies for sampling may be followed as a function of available information about pollution sources. Guidelines indicate what has to be sampled (top soil, deeper soil, soil water), how sampling points must be determined, how the number of samples and analyses is determined and what parameters need to be analysed. The example given shows that sampling guidelines will strongly depend on the ultimate goal of a particular sampling. A sampling procedure should be developed with close consideration of practical aspects and limitations, in order to be practical, realistic and cost-effective.  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential of ZVI on Cd(II) contaminated soil remediation through laboratory experiment, mechanism study and field application. The results show that the dosage of ZVI, the initial concentration level and the reaction time have significant impacts on Cd(II) adsorption and about 88% of aqueous Cd(II) can be removed from soils. The ZVI is observed to promote the increase of Cd(II) residual fraction in Cd(II) contaminated soils according to the sequential extraction procedure (SEP) results. Regression of the laboratory experimental data based on the Langmuir isotherm equation shows the adsorption capacity can reach 34.7 mg/g. Such a high value is attributed to physical and chemical adsorption, which is proved by X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD), scanning electron microscope images (SEM), and Brunner-Emmet-Teller & Barret–Joyner–Halenda (BET-BJH) analysis. The field application shows that the ZVI can reduce the Cd(II) content in soils and brown rice by 51% and alleviate soil acidification, resulting in a 9.4% increase in rice yields.  相似文献   

A sampling strategy, based on previous knowledge of a test area, was compared with a Reference Sampling in the frame of the EU-funded CEEM project. The aim was a comparison of sampling strategies for the drafting of concentration maps for a set of trace elements (Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn), with three-dimension information that can be used for risk assessment. The main constraint was that only 15 soil samples were to be analysed. The test area (in Dornach, Switzerland) included different soil types and land uses (forest, arable land and permanent grasslands). The sampling strategy proposed defined strata on the basis of land use, then applying a systematic regular sampling within each stratum. A composite sample was formed from each individual sample. In forests, H and Ah horizons were taken separately. In arable lands, a depth within the ploughed layer (0-15 cm) was analysed. In grasslands, samples were taken at two depths (0-10 and 10-20 cm) to provide information on the vertical variability. The comparison of the results obtained with those derived from the Reference Sampling allowed us to estimate if the information obtained from the proposed sampling strategy was sufficiently representative for an assessment of the level of elements considered. It was concluded that recommendations on sampling strategy depend on the interaction pattern of the element. In this case, for mobile trace elements, such as Cd, the information derived from sampling of two soil layers was not as important as that for the rest of metals studied that accumulated in the upper layer. If the H horizons in forests was not considered this led to unreliable predictions of the concentration levels, since the concentrations in H and Ah horizons differed irrespective of whether they were expressed in mg kg(-1) (the H horizon was enriched in those trace elements, except for Cd) and in mg m(-2) (the low bulk density of the H horizon led to a lower trace element level than in Ah horizon). Finally, in undisturbed systems such as grasslands, sampling 0-10 cm instead of 0-20 cm is recommended to prevent dilution of the concentration of trace elements.  相似文献   

结合咸池沟弃渣场地质条件与现场工况,通过饱和试样大型三轴试验,分析了渣体材料在不同围压下应力—应变关系特性、变形特性以及抗剪强度特性。试验结果表明:该渣体材料不同于一般堆石料,其在轴向压力作用下无明显应变软化特性;随围压增大,渣体由剪胀逐渐过渡到剪缩,且在低围压下,渣体剪胀性在不同应力水平时表现不同;围压较低时,经典线性摩尔—库伦模型仍然适用于该渣体强度分析,但设计数据偏于保守;在高围压下应建立非线性强度模型。在试验分析和理论研究的基础上,认为有必要开展应力路径与应力历史对渣体材料力学特性影响的研究,为依托工程的设计及后期防护奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

This study describes the design and application of a stratified sampling strategy of waterbodies to assess and analyze the distribution of cyanobacteria at a regional scale (Ile-de-France, IDF). Ten groups of hydrographical zones were defined within the IDF on the basis of their anthropogenic and geomorphologic characteristics. Sampling effort (n = 50) was then randomly allocated according to the number of waterbodies in each group. This sampling strategy was tested in August 2006, using a field probe to estimate total phytoplankton as well as cyanobacteria biomasses. The sampled waterbodies exhibited a wide range of phytoplankton (<1-375 μg equiv. Chla L−1) and cyanobacteria biomasses (<1-278 μg equiv. Chla L−1). 72% of the waterbodies in the IDF were classified as eutrophic (42% hypereutrophic), and 24% of the sites studied were dominated by cyanobacteria. Waterbodies connected to hydrographical networks (n = 26) showed significantly higher total (p < 0.0001; 3.5 times greater) and cyanobacterial (p < 0.001, 3.2 times greater) biomasses than the isolated ones (n = 24). No significant overall relationship was found through contingency analysis between waterbody trophic status and global land use categories (urban, periurban, and rural) within their hydrographical zones. However, concerning the waterbodies linked to hydrographical networks, the percentage of land covered by forest appeared as a good indicator of phytoplankton and cyanobacterial biomasses. This observation may be a consequence of lower amounts of nutrients being discharged into waterbodies from highly forested hydrological zone than from urban and/or agricultural areas. Our results illustrate a successful means of selecting representative waterbodies to conduct a regional assessment of cyanobacteria distribution using accessible GIS analyses.  相似文献   

An experimental plot has been established on a calcareous soil in southern England to investigate the fate and transport of diuron (N'-[3,4-dichlorophenyl]-N,N-dimethylurea), a commonly used phenylurea herbicide. An agricultural grade of diuron was applied to the soil surface at a rate of 6.7 kg/ha along with a potassium bromide conservative tracer applied at 200 kg/ha, in early January, 2001. Hand augured samples were taken at regular intervals over the next 50 days, with samples collected down to 54 cm. Porewaters were extracted from the soil cores by using high speed centrifugation and the supernatant fluids were retained for analysis by HPLC, for diuron and three of its metabolites, N'-[3,4-dichlorophenyl]-N,N-methylurea (DCPMU), N'-3,4-dichlorophenylurea (DCPU) and 3,4-dichloroaniline (DCA). The centrifuged soil was retained and then extracted with methanol prior to HPLC analysis for the same suite of phenylureas. A mass balance approach showed large variations in diuron distribution, but on average accounted for 104% of the diuron applied. Concentrations of diuron and its metabolites were roughly five times higher in the soil than in the soil porewaters. After 50 days, metabolites comprised 10% of the total diuron present in the porewater and 20% of the total diuron sorbed to the soil matrix. After 36 days, a large pulse of diuron and DCPMU appeared in the porewaters and soil matrix at a depth of 54 cm, travelling an average of 0.15 cm/day faster than Br. A preferential route for diuron transport is suggested. There is evidence to suggest that degradation occurs at depth as well as at the soil surface. Metabolites generally appear to move more slowly than the parent compound. All metabolites were encountered, but interpreting transport and degradation processes simultaneously proved beyond the scope of the study. Diuron was detected once in a shallow (5 m) observation well, situated on the experimental plot. High concentrations of diuron and metabolites were still present in the soil and soil solutions after 50 days and remain as a source of potential groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

Soils are important compartments of ecosystems which are characterized by self-regulation within specific limits and different spatial and temporal heterogeneities. Soil sampling has to take into account the sampling strategy, pre-analytical sample processing, extraction and analysis and the interpretation of data as well as quality controls. Some examples from different investigations illustrate special sampling problems under different circumstances.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the published scientific data on the soil contamination by semivolatile organic chemicals (SVOCs) in China. Data has been found for more than 150 organic compounds which were grouped into six classes, namely, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and phthalic acid esters (PAEs). An overview of data collected from the literature is presented in this paper. The Chinese regulation and/or other maximum acceptable values for SVOCs were used for the characterization of soils. In general, the compounds that are mostly studied in Chinese soils are OCPs, PAHs and PCBs. According to the studies reviewed here, the most abundant compounds were PAEs and PAHs (up to 46 and 28 mg kg(-1) dry weight, respectively); PCBs and OCPs occurred generally at concentrations lower than 100 microg kg(-1) dry weight. Nevertheless, quite high concentrations of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs were observed in contaminated sites (e.g., the sites affected by electronic waste activities). The average concentrations of PAHs and OCPs in soils of North China were higher than those in South China. The principal component analysis demonstrated different distribution patterns for PAH, PCB and PCDD/F congeners and for the various sites/regions examined. The isomer ratios of DDTs and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) indicated different sources and residue levels in soils. Finally, this review has highlighted several areas where further research is considered necessary.  相似文献   

软土地基加筋土挡墙二维离散-连续耦合模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对一软土地基上土工格栅反包直立墙面加筋土挡墙进行数值模拟,挡墙部分采用离散元模拟分析,软土地基部分采用有限差分法模拟分析。通过PFC和FLAC的Socket I/O接口,实现二维离散-连续耦合分析。采用该离散-连续耦合方法对静载下加筋土挡墙的变形、颗粒位移场、土压力分布进行细观分析,并与相似比例模型试验实测结果进行比较,数值模拟结果与实测结果比较一致,表明该耦合分析方法是合理的。  相似文献   

A 2-D finite flement model was developed in this study to conduct a FE parametric study on the effects of some variables in the performance of geosynthetic reinforced soil integrated bridge system (GRS-IBS). The variables investigated in this study include the effect of internal friction angle of backfill material, width of reinforced soil foundation (RSF), secondary reinforcement within bearing bed, setback distance, bearing width and length of reinforcement. Other important parameters such as reinforcement stiffness and spacing were previously investgated by the authors. The performance of GRS-IBS were investgated in terms of lateral facing displacement, strain distribution along reinforcement, and location of potential failure zone. The results showed that the internal friction angle of backfill material has a significant impact on the performance of GRS-IBS. The secondary reinforcement, setback distance, and bearing width have low impact on the performance of GRS-IBS. However, it was found that the width of RSF and length of reinforcement have negligible effect on the performance of GRS-IBS. Finally, the potential failure envelope of the GRS-IBS abutment was found to be a combination of punching shear failure envelope (top) that starts under the inner edge of strip footing and extends vertically downward to intersect with Rankine active failure envelope (bottom).  相似文献   

A geostatistical autopsy of the Austrian indoor radon survey (1992-2002)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Indoor radon (Rn) concentrations have been measured intensively in many countries to assess the burden of diseases associated with exposure to this radioactive gas. So-called radon-risk maps have consequently been produced to delineate areas with high levels. Geostatistical techniques are commonly used nowadays to map a range of environmental variables, in particular to generate probability maps of exceeding a given threshold. However, very few case studies in which indoor radon measurements have been investigated using geostatistical techniques have been published so far. By analyzing around 12,000 Rn measurements made in Austrian ground floors during a 10-year survey, we aim here to review and discuss the potential of geostatistics for mapping an environmental variable that shows very strong local variability. In particular, we show how kriging of the scale components can shed new light on various factors that affect the very high spatial variability of the variable.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) are of global interest due to their occurrence and persistency in the environment. This study includes surface waters and sediments for the analysis of eleven PFAS. The PFAS studied can be grouped in perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCAs), perfluoroalkyl sulfonates (PFS) and perfluoroalkyl sulfonamides (PFSA). The two most important compounds are perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). These two substances showed the most significant values for surface water samples with maximum concentrations of 21 ng l−1 for PFOA and 37 ng l−1 for PFOS. Sediment samples from seven Austrian lakes and the river Danube were studied. Whereas PFSA and PFS were not detected in any sediment sample PFCAs were detected in most of the lake samples in concentrations up to 1.7 μg kg−1 dry wt. PFOA, perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) and perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) were detected in all Danube river sediment samples in concentrations varying from 0.1 up to 5.1 μg kg−1 dry wt. For the various sampling points the proportional mass flows deriving from wastewater discharges were calculated. Whereas only up to 10% of the average flow is discharged wastewater up to more than 50% of the PFAS mass flows in the rivers can be attributed to wastewater discharges. Besides wastewater different other pathways as emissions from point sources, further degradation of precursor products, runoff from contaminated sites or surface runoff as well as dry and wet deposition have to be considered as relevant sources for PFAS contamination in surface waters.  相似文献   

Mobility of two commonly used hydrophobic termiticides, chlorpyrifos and fenvalerate, was carried out by soil thin layer chromatograph using 3 field soils and 7 artificial soil as absorbent phases. Mobility factors (R(f)) were measured, and single- and multi-variable linear regression equations were then established. The result indicated that chlorpyrifos removed faster than fenvalerate in both field and artificial soils. In field soils negative correlation coefficients (r) was found between R(f) and organic matter (OM) content, pH, cationic exchange capacity (CEC), and clay content. It was noticeable, however, that correlation coefficient (r) derived from single-variable equations were not a reliable criterion for evaluation of relative importance of individual soil parameter in R(f) determination. One could see, in multi-variable regression, a functional superposition of OM and CEC in pesticide/soil interaction, and the influence of soil pH was overwhelmed by joint action of the other 3 parameters. R(f) of the two hydrophobic termiticides could therefore be predicted with adequate accuracy by either of the combinations of the two parameter: 1) OM content and clay content, 2) CEC and clay content. Introducing field soil properties into equations established from artificial soils one could see that the four-variable equations, which toke sphagnum as the only source of CEC, gave better prediction of field soil R(f). In spite of that these equations were different in two points with those from field soils: Firstly the parameter of soil pH could not be deprived, and secondly, R(f) of chlorpyrifos was positively correlated with the level of clay content.  相似文献   

王小强  石峰 《山西建筑》2014,(19):82-83
以具体工程为研究背景,结合工程的地质条件,对灰土挤密桩在大厚度湿陷性黄土场地中的应用进行了探讨,着重介绍了试桩的设计和检测要点,指出当建筑物基底荷载不大于350 kPa时,采用灰土挤密桩法处理地基效果显著,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

花岗岩残积土的试验及测试研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对残积土的一些试验及测试数据的统计与分析,阐述残积土的特性及某些工程性能,并对工程实践中残积土的利用提出几点看法。  相似文献   

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