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<正>芬兰森林工业联盟近日公布的数字显示,受经济衰退影响,2009年芬兰森林工业生产出现大幅下滑。总产值由上年的200亿欧 相似文献
芬兰对两大工业领域的投资为俄罗斯的发展起到了很好的促进作用,在此以俄罗斯最不发达的林业和最具创新性的电力为例进行说明。欧盟与俄罗斯就原木出口关税及如何增加在俄罗斯的投资长期处于争议阶段。 相似文献
文章通过介绍芬兰的资源利用与回收情况(热电联产,泥煤发电,资源循环)对我国现今的资源利用提出几点建议。面临资源匮乏问题,芬兰采取的某些方案,例如对某些能源征收能源税,分散能源生产,采用泥煤发电,建立独特的回收系统以及环保意识的宣传都有其过人之处。其经验值得我国借鉴。 相似文献
我国纺织行业ERP应用现状与前景分析 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8
描述了纺织行业ERP的结构,介绍了几种国内应用较为成熟的ERP系统,分析了ERP实施中的困难和对策,并对纺织行业ERP的前景进行了展望。 相似文献
对2003年江苏省造纸工业的产量、经济效益等情况进行了概述,并对2004年的发展趋势进行了展望. 相似文献
我国近年印染行业发展新特点是,企业规模偏小,以民营为主,多为加工、间接出口型,产品布局不断在调整,并基本控制了产能,部分企业已跨行业发展;发展中的主要问题是节能环保任务重,缺少有竞争力的品牌,产品风格不鲜明,创新设计能力薄弱;认为行业应由“数量增长”向“质量增长”转型发展。 相似文献
"可持续性"概念最先是1972年在斯德哥尔摩举行的联合国人类环境研讨会上提出的。1980年国际自然及自然资源保护同盟的《世界自然资源保护战略报告》指出:"必须研究自然的、社会的、生态的、经济的以及利用自然资源过程中的基本关系,以确保全球的可持续发展。"1987年,世界环境与发展委员会发表了题为《我们共同的未来》的报告,正式将"可持续性"定义为:"既能满足当代人的需要,又不对子孙后代满足其需要的能力构成危害。" 相似文献
One of the recommendations of the Textile Expert Committee, India, was to set a Technology Demonstration Centre to address the issues related to improvement in productivity and efficiency of the Indian garment industry. The committee identified the key factors responsible for the low level of production efficiency, which were low labour and capital productivities, high capital cost, outdated technology and low-skilled workers. In the light of subsequent recommendations made by the committee, the researchers examined the technical efficiency of the Indian garment industry. For this, a two-stage analytical process using cross-sectional data from 275 Indian garment firms spread across various states in India for the year 2004–2005 was adopted. In the first stage, data envelopment analysis was used to measure technical efficiency scores. Subsequently, in the second stage, Tobit regression was used to study the factors affecting the technical efficiency of the firms. The results of the study show that on an average, a garment firm could increase its output by 32.1% with the existing level of inputs by way of improving its input-use efficiency and adjusting plant size to the optimum level. Further, the overall technical efficiency scores were found to be more sensitive to the variation in the pure technical efficiency (PTE) scores than that in the scale efficiency scores. Lower PTE scores in all the states indicated the poor performance of the industry in converting inputs into output. The results of the study also showed that the micro-sized firms were more efficient in utilizing resources than the small and medium ones. The Tobit regression results confirmed that investment in plant and machinery and outstanding loans did have a negative impact on a firm’s efficiency. By way of contrast, efficiency was found to be positively associated with labour productivity, wages per employee and labour–staff ratio. 相似文献
This paper takes the perspective of both managers and of employees to examine the determinants of training transfer in the wine industry. To that end, a number of conceptual hypotheses are formulated focusing on three factors: the design of the training, the characteristics of the trainees, and those of the organization, with these being tested using information from the Rioja wine industry (Spain). Three contextual characteristics are compared: the company ownership, its location, and its size. The results indicate that, from the perspective of management, transfer is related to the organizational environment; while from the perspective of the employee, transfer reflects their motivation for training. According to managers, significant differences exist among the three contexts, while, according to employees, there are no contextual differences. 相似文献