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天津民间传统文化形态众多、资源丰富,并且有鲜明的地域特点,从形色到内容、从二维到三维甚至多维,立体展现了天津地域文化的个性和审美。文章从归纳天津地域民间文化的种类和天津文化创意产业发展的状况入手,分析天津地域文化中的精华元素成为文化创意产业的"本位基因",来进行新的创意设计,形成天津特色鲜明的文化创意品牌。  相似文献   

文化创意产业是衡量一个城市综合竞争力水平高低的重要标志,发展文化创意产业的关键是人才。为更好实施杭州文化创意产业人才的战略支持,本文对杭州未来10年文化创意产业人才供需进行预测。研究表明:未来5~10年,杭州文化创意产业人才的需求将呈稳步增长态势,基本处于供不应求的局面,主要是以前文化创意产业发展较为落后,而随着居民生活水平不断提高和第二产业中生产性服务业需求量的增加所形成的。高层次文化创意人才是推进自主创新、引领创意产业发展、提升创意产业竞争力的核心人才,本文最后提出了促进高层次人才与产业发展互动的政策建议。  相似文献   

文章通过研究天津文化创意产业发展现状与趋势,试图提出针对我国沿海城市文创产业未来发展策略。通过现有产业数据与文化资源进行分析,针对发展中存在的问题和未来发展的思路展开研究。用于求证天津以传统运河文化与滨海新区创意产业相结合,联手打造津门文化和津门好礼品牌产业经济的思路,对提升天津文化创意产业整体发展具有时效性的参考价值。  相似文献   

当代新锐艺术与设计有正向传递和衍生关系,设计以新锐艺术为生发点,跨界流行为特征,横向融合或传递于各类产品设计,以文化艺术导向为消费时尚,形成文化创意产业。任何一种新的艺术形式总是由天才艺术家创造,刷新时代对于艺术美的认知,启发产品设计师对新艺术观念、形式的接受,并将其运用在产品、图像、用户界面设计上,生产制造出供大众消费的流行商品,就是广义的文化创意产品,文化创意产业的本质特征就是"消费文艺",把文化、艺术、情感植入产品设计,诱发吸引受众潜在购买欲最终形成规模化商品。  相似文献   

计算机互联网的普及应用,给文化艺术创意产业的发展创造了广阔的空间.在文化产业信息制作采集和传播的过程中,数字媒体发挥了显著的积极作用.从世界经济发展的态势来看,文化创意产业异军突起,成为现代经济的支柱之一.近20年来,计算机、互联网智能手机等数字媒体在我国社会生活领域得以广泛应用,给文化创意产业的传播提供了良好的发展机遇,因而迅速发展壮大,数字媒体作为文化创意产业的重要支撑作用,非常显著.本文就是研究探讨数字媒体促进文化产业的创意方面的新成果,值得借鉴学习.  相似文献   

张攀东  代君 《福建电脑》2012,28(4):17-19
影响文化创意产业发展的因素有很多,文化创意产业的发展除了要获得国家政策支持之外,尤其要注意人力资本的投入,人力资本作为推动文化创意产业发展核心要素,将在文化创意产业发展过程中起决定性的作用。本文从文化创意人才的特征、人才的重要性、人才的开发及人才的管理方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

从"十二五"开始,发展文化创意产业就已经成为"北京文化发展"的重要内容之一。首都工艺美术产业作为北京文化创意产业的一个重要组成部分,在政府有力政策的支持下近几年了得到了较大的发展。文章试图通过借鉴和学习台湾文创产业成功经验,积极探索可融合与可复制到首都工艺美术产业中的结合点与切入点,总结归纳出一些行之有效的构建方法与措施,为首都工艺美术产业的可持续发展提供理论与实践依据,为北京文化创意产业的发展起到一定促进作用。  相似文献   

针对衡阳文化和创意产业存在的问题,文章从打造"创意+生活美学+文化IP"的文创理念、实行"合作开发+跨界营销"的研发和传播模式、实现"实体产品+互联网产品"的双向融合三个方面,论述了衡阳文化创意产业在"互联网+"驱动下创新发展的途径,旨在对衡阳文创产业的发展提出有益探索。  相似文献   

神垕古镇是五千多年陶瓷文化积淀而成的具有典型区域特色的中国文化历史名镇,近年被列为许昌市三大旅游品牌之一。但在其发展过程中,也没有避免"千村一面"的命运。文章通过文献法以及田野调查对神垕古镇的文化基因进行梳理和提取,对提取的文化基因进行元素的设计,最终应用于古镇的文创商品中,为神垕古镇的文化创意产业提供思路,也为设计出富有神垕特色的文创商品提供参考。  相似文献   

消费社会的发展,促使现代产业形态从单一的生产,到设计、生产、营销的换代升级迅速转型。产品与服务更新,不再是现有思路与工艺水平的简单重复,创意成为新一轮产品更新的重要竞争力,艺术设计深入到了文化创意层面,创意产业发展对设计人才培养提出新的要求。加强个性化想象艺术素养与实践能力的培育,构建以创造能量培养为核心的教育理念和教学模式,成为设计教育关注的焦点。  相似文献   

A recent trend in the luxury industry shows many companies using brand extension strategies to leverage their assets among competitors. Despite the popularity of brand extensions, limited research has been conducted to determine its effectiveness when using parent product brands in order to introduce new service brands. Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to propose the framework to increase the understanding of luxury brand extensions by focusing on the horizontal category brand extension from product to service. The impact of perceived quality, brand association and brand loyalty of the luxury car brand on consumers’ perception and attitude toward the rental car service brand was observed to differentiate from other research that focuses on brand extension within product categories. A total of 324 samples were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling with AMOS. The brand association of the parent brand showed a significant impact on the evaluation of the extended service brand. In addition, a high level of the brand association was also found to influence the final purchase decision of the extended service brand. However, this study could not find any significant effect of perceived quality and brand loyalty for the parent product brand on the extended service brand. The framework proposed in this study has merit to increase the understanding of service brand extensions by exploring luxury car brands and luxury rental car brands. In the service brand extension, there was a gap in consumer perception between the product brand and the extended service brand. In order to maximize the positive impact of the parent brand, marketers and retailers should investigate the different roles of the brand equity items.  相似文献   

汽车行业的发展已从传统的技术型驱动转变为品牌文化与技术型双重驱动。一方面.用户希望从产品背后得到更多的东西;另一方面,汽车厂商希望通过“提炼信息然后不断强化”的造型手法增强用户粘性,汽车造型设计中的横向造型特征统一性作为构建汽车品牌文化的载体和手段已发展为汽车企业的核心竞争力。文童将奥迪汽车的横向造型特征统一性分为车身侧面、车身前脸、车身尾部三个部分进行分析,探讨汽车的横向造型特征统一性与汽车品牌发展的关系。  相似文献   

Prior research on technology acceptance has primarily focused on understanding why individuals accept a particular technology, while very little is known about how individuals evaluate various types of technology, especially when they have different levels of experiences. In this research, we try to understand how individual characteristics influence their evaluation towards different types of technology. To test the research model empirically, a laboratory experiment was conducted, and the resulting data was used to test both measurement and structural models. Based on the statistic results, we found that people's need for cognition and originality cognitive style had different effects on technology evaluation in various contexts. This study sheds light on the rarely studied evaluation aspect of the technology acceptance. The main contribution of this study is that people employ different mechanisms to evaluate technology in different contexts, and individual characteristics play an important role in influencing technology evaluation.  相似文献   

文章基于南岳旅游纪念品的开发现状,从情感、创意和文化三个方面对南岳旅游纪念品进行定位,并以福寿、宗教和生态三个具有代表性地域文化作为切入点进行旅游纪念品的开发,最后指出基于品牌文化的旅游产品开发设计方法在整个旅游产品设计过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

随着欧美文化的渗透、韩流入侵,国内品牌与国际品牌同台竞争日趋激烈,使得国内服装业面临巨大的压力。由于国际经济环境的改变。外销市场前景不佳,致使我国纺织服装市场发生了较大的变化。由原来的外销加工型向内销创新型转化。为此,走产品创新之路成为我们面临的难题。设计如何定位?产品如何创新?人才如何培养?面对这些问题我们要明白服装设计的产品特征与要求,才可以寻根摸底。找到方向。笔者凭着多年的服装设计经验和多年的教学经验,对多元文化背景下服装设计师产品特征做一个深刻地探析。通过分享实现共同进步。  相似文献   

The implementation of evaluation methods with the aim to gain knowledge of the perceived quality aspects is a challenging task because of versatile disruptive factors on the users’ cognition. Commonly known disruptive factors like the different level of experience in the usage of a system or the publicity of a brand name are considered in research approaches only marginally. This becomes even more important when the evaluated system stays in direct interaction with the evaluator and an increase of external influences can be expected. On the example of a system with strong user interaction, a research approach for an objective evaluation of quality aspects was developed with cordless drills. An experiment has been carried out with 50 craftsmen which are divided into two groups, whereby the first of which will be given original labeled and the other blinded cordless drills for rating the application quality. Evaluation was divided into a preliminary test and a practical test phase, in which selected applications were performed. Results for the preliminary evaluation of the cordless drills indicate a significant brand influence with a strong positive effect on well-known (p<.001, r=0.492, +30.7%) and a negative effect on unknown brands (p=0.029, r=0.309, -17.2%). Practical usage of the devices leads to a significant change of ratings (well-know brand: p=0.007, r=0.378, +1.9%; unknown brand: p=0.053, r=0.274, +12%). Using paired sample t-test it can be shown that the practical use of cordless drills reduces variances in evaluation and ratings become more precise.Relevance for industry: Given approaches can be used in industry to conduct field studies with real users and benchmark systems to identify new development goals (quality aspects) for user-optimized products that are not affected by disruptive factors such as the brand name.  相似文献   

新通用顶级域名开放注册是互联网域名服务产业的一次重大创新,给产业带来了深刻变革。促进了产业链创新和繁荣,催生了新的细分行业。对互联网品牌用户尤其是广大企业用户而言,是其塑造企业全球品牌价值,开展业务创新的良好时机。  相似文献   

Annotating named entity recognition (NER) training corpora is a costly but necessary process for supervised NER approaches. This paper presents a general framework to generate large-scale NER training data from parallel corpora. In our method, we first employ a high performance NER system on one side of a bilingual corpus. Then, we project the named entity (NE) labels to the other side according to the word level alignments. Finally, we propose several strategies to select high-quality auto-labeled NER training data. We apply our approach to Chinese NER using an English-Chinese parallel corpus. Experimental results show that our approach can collect high-quality labeled data and can help improve Chinese NER.  相似文献   

This work deals with databases containing ill-known attribute values represented by possibility distributions. Any such database has a canonical interpretation as a set of regular databases, but it is well known that their manipulation raises a number of problems, in particular with respect to the soundness of querying operations and the tractability of the evaluation process. In This work, we propose a query language including three operators which are soundly defined on extended possibilistic (compact) relations, which is the key for tractability. The originality of the approach is twofold: 1) a nesting mechanism is introduced in the data model in order to support the expression of the result of some of the operations allowed, and 2) a joint operation enables to compose possibilistic relations under some reasonable hypotheses.  相似文献   

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