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信息艺术是一个前沿、交叉的学科,从产品设计的视角,将艺术与信息科学交叉是一个新兴的研究领域。本文基于信息技术与产品设计融合的角度,通过对数字化时代产品设计的新方向研究,运用归纳分析的方法,探讨了信息艺术与产品设计的关系,分析了信息艺术与产品设计结合要重点解决的三大关键技术。产品设计师通过把握以计算机技术为代表的信息科技发展方向,关注新技术、新材料,充分运用信息艺术手段是设计出更加人性化、更加满足用户需求的产品的重要途径。  相似文献   

产品是现代科技发展的产物,包含着丰富的美育的内容和实践方法。本文从产品设计所体现美学的角度,论述了产品对于当代中国社会美育开展的价值与意义,剖析产品所蕴含的美学内涵。本文试图从产品所承载的美学的角度探索产品设计中植入美学的途径,分析产品所展现的功能美、形态美、材料美、技术美、意境美等几个方面,通过对相关设计案例分析,论述了产品设计中融入社会美学理念的手段,探讨美育理念下的产品设计的实现途径。  相似文献   

文章通过酒杯这一酒文化的实体代表,营造高雅、健康的酒文化氛围,展示性格化产品设计所带来的更多的对“火”的性格和人文关怀。以性格化产品设计表现主张及其包含的三种设计屡次在本土酒杯设计中的实际应用,通过魏晋时期“竹林七赞”这一群体所特有的酒文化观以及各自承载的老庄思想内涵作为同一主题下的七欺酒杯进行性格化设计的源泉。用性格化产品设计理念与现代产品设计手段结合。对系列酒杯进行创新设计。  相似文献   

互联网信息技术的快速发展促使参与式设计方法发生变革,与以往定性研究为主的参与式方法不同,线上互联的参与平台不仅为企业提供了更直接、快速地了解用户需求的途径,也使用户更直接、广泛、深入地参与到产品设计的各个阶段成为可能。文章通过引入以双钻模型为核心的设计流程,用以分析以往参与式设计实践与互联平台下新兴的参与式设计模式在产品设计各阶段的不同表现,以及后者对于设计模式所带来的影响。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,Internet和CAE的推广和普及,电子样本应运而生。该文以产品设计过程为例,阐述应用illustrator、photoshop、adobe acrobat、Microsoft Office Document Imaging、autocad等多重软件对电子样本的图像信息进行分析和数据采集,从而在产品设计时建立常用外购件的数据库,提高产品的设计质量和缩短设计周期。  相似文献   

文章通过阐述产品设计中经济原理的基本内涵,分析产品设计中的"经济效果最优"原理,侧重对该原理在产品设计中的应用形式与应用效果作出评析。旨在帮助设计师在设计产品时,运用"经济效果最优"原理评估设计方案,通过设计活动过程中对产品生命周期内企业所获经济效益评价、用户使用效果评价与产生的社会影响评价,进而优化设计方案。  相似文献   

随着信息时代浪潮的推进更迭,物联网作为信息技术领域的又一次大的飞跃,近年来受到各个行业的广泛关注。与信息技术紧密相连的智能产品设计也在物联网的推动下朝着新方向迈进。文章在简述物联网概念的基础上分析了物联网时代的智能产品相对于互联网时代的显著特点,更进一步借用划分智商的概念对智能产品所具备的能力进行不同层级的分类,从而引出对物联网时代的产品设计在不同层面的思考和策略指引导。  相似文献   

徐敏  蒋伟梁 《计算机时代》2015,(2):40-41,44
交互式产品设计能给用户带来人和产品之间双向信息交流的体验,它除了实现产品本身的功能外,其交互设计能否最大限度地令用户对产品易用、乐用和高效应用是产品的重要评判标准。借用模糊数学中的模糊综合评价方法,综合考虑交互式产品设计各因素,结合用户体验,建立交互式产品设计评价的数学模型;按模糊矩阵的运算方法和最大隶属原则得到综合评价结果;实现从定性到定量,最终又回到定性的转化,为产品的决策提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

文章从产品设计的定义入手,先简要说明产品设计与经济的关系,进而从经济发展在历史和产品本身两个方面对产品设计的影响以及产品设计的发展对经济的作用,两个大方面分析产品设计与经济的关系。最后对未来产品设计的经济性发展做出展望,并认为生态设计和服务设计是未来设计在经济方面的发展方向。  相似文献   

在体验经济时代,交互产品设计得到越来越多的重视。本文运用符号学的一些原理来分析交互产品设计,从产品的交互方式和人的感官角度进行一些探索性的研究,希望能给设计师们的设计带来些启发,从而创造出更好的产品。  相似文献   

越来越多的数码产品进入了我们的生活,给我们的工作方式、休闲方式带来了很大的改变,而数码产品设计本身也在不断的向前发展。本文从分析数码产品发展的不同趋势着手,阐述了信息图形设计在数码产品设计中的重要作用,希望能对国内的数码产品设计带来一些帮助和启迪。  相似文献   

In product lifecycle management, the efficiency of information reuse relies on the definition and management of equivalence information between various product data and structure representations. Equivalence information ensures the consistency and traceability of product information throughout the product lifecycle. The sales-delivery process of engineer-to-order (ETO) products presents a great potential for design reuse, i.e. the reuse of previously validated design solutions in the design of new product variants according to customer-specific requirements. A product family data model that focuses on the interdependencies of viewpoints on information will therefore improve the setup of design reuse mechanisms such as modularity. This paper describes the Adaptive Generic Product Structure (AGPS), a dynamic structure-based product family modelling approach that enables the systematic aggregation of product variants and their distinctive components. The purpose of the approach is to capitalize on the expanding component variety developed within previous product variants as early as the sales lead phase of the sales-delivery process, in order to reduce customer-driven design costs and shorten lead-times. An illustrative example based on the aerospace industry is presented.  相似文献   

随着数字产品的广泛应用且存在有巨大的商业价值,其内容的安全性已成为备注关注的课题。数字水印技术是为了保护数字内容的版权而产生的,它通过一定的算法将一些标志性信息直接嵌到数字产品内容中作为数字产品拥有权的依据。水印嵌入算法较多,该文设计一种常见的基于DCT域的鲁棒性水印。通过实验结果表明,DCT域嵌入的水印具有较好的隐藏性和较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of computer and information automatics, advanced manufacturing technologies (such as numerical control technology and computer-aided manufacturing) have been invented and matured. In the face of fierce competition in the international market of 21st century, high-tech application becomes one of the main battle fields. In recent years, reverse engineering technology has developed rapidly, through which the digital computer-aided design (CAD) models of products can be obtained rapidly and accurately; in association with optimization design, computer aided design and finite element analysis, reverse engineering technology significantly improves the development efficiency of new products. As one of the representative technologies of the third industrial revolution, three-dimensional (3D) printing technology is adopted in reverse engineering to realize rapid manufacturing of products in a lot of fields; in addition, 3D printing is gradually penetrating into each link of product design, attracting more and more attention from industrial and investment communities.  相似文献   

The basic driving force that will determine the future of the factory is likely to be the margin of profitability. In rapidly changing high technology industry the advances in product design will enable them to increase the margin of profitability through increases in the selling price, whereas in more traditional industries it must be obtained by decreasing the total manufacturing cost. Among the most important factors that will affect the manufacturing cost are, in order of importance, information management (which determines the indirect cost), the materials cost, the direct labor cost, and the capital cost. In order to reduce the direct cost, computers will be used extensively to integrate the entire manufacturing system, ranging from design to manufacturing processes to quality control. For computer-integrated manufacturing systems to be effective, more intelligent machines should be developed to minimize the information flow. However, the single most important thing that will always have the most significant effect on margin of profitability, and thus on the factory of the future, will be the ability to make rational decisions during the synthesis of processes and products. The yield of electronic component fabrication processes, the efficiency of mechanical products, the productivity of a factory, and the portability and efficiency of software can be improved when design decisions are evaluated using the synthesis axioms. Therefore, the factory of the future should not only involve computer-integrated manufacturing systems, but also the computers should be provided with intelligence so as to enable them to make correct decisions and aid the decision makers at all levels of industrial hierarchy.  相似文献   

随着WLAN在室内环境的日益普及,基于现代的移动设备可以方便实时地获取各种有价值的WLAN数据,这对我们识别个体日常生活中的多样化行为提供了前所未有的机会。近年来,用户的兴趣点与行为模式挖掘等领域日益引起各界的广泛关注,设计了一套基于室内定位的推荐系统,基于用户的历史访问记录,实现从过载的信息中识别出用户感兴趣的内容。现有的位置服务通常只针对用户的室外位置数据,缺乏对室内数据的挖掘分析,忽略了室内位置数据中蕴含的大量语义信息。利用室内定位技术获取用户在商场中的活动轨迹,根据用户去过的店铺和浏览过的商品等历史信息,估算用户的兴趣爱好并进而向用户个性化地推荐感兴趣的商品,基于以上思路设计实现了一套基于室内定位和微信平台的个性化商品推荐系统。  相似文献   

Kansei engineering was founded 30 years ago, as an ergonomics and consumer-oriented technology for producing a new product. When a consumer wants to buy something, he/she will have a kind of feeling and image (kansei in Japanese) in his/her mind. If the consumer's feeling could be implemented in the new product, he/she would be more satisfied with the product. Kansei engineering aims at translation of kansei into the product design field including product mechanical function. This is why it is called the consumer-oriented aspect. There are many products in Japan which have applied kansei engineering. Recently, it has also been applied to construction products as well as to community design.  相似文献   

A.W. Court   《Knowledge》1998,11(7-8):391-398
With increased market pressures now imposed on companies there is a greater requirement for information and knowledge to be considered as fundamental resources; the need to rapidly provide high quality products of high performance and reliability is forcing companies to change the way in which they manage them. The goal of this paper is to identify the pertinent research issues that will need to be considered in order for knowledge (and information) to be successfully integrated into future product development. This will be achieved by presenting the key findings from empirical and simulation studies of information and knowledge access in engineering design, within a number of different design activities. In particular, this will show the extent to which engineers rely on their personal knowledge.  相似文献   

区块链中的区块按照时间历史顺序进行排列,同时通过数据加密技术以及共识机制使区块链具有不可篡改性,这使产品溯源成为区块链的重要应用场景。选择产品信息追溯技术要考虑技术的可行性同时要考虑产品以及生产者的市场属性,这使许可链代替公有链成为产品信息溯源的重要部署方式。现有研究成果中对溯源许可链的研究多停留在机制设计和框架建构上,少有对适用于产品信息溯源的共识算法进行研究。在技术工程实践过程中,联盟链中多选用实用拜占庭容错(PBFT,practical byzantine fault tolerance)作为溯源链的共识机制(如超级账本项目 Hyperledger),但随着参与节点数量的增加,溯源链的运行效率明显下降,延迟时间明显提高,致使多数项目依然处于实验阶段。基于此,提出基于双层架构的溯源许可链共识机制(DLPCM)。首先将参与者在垂直维度上化分为两层,其次在不同层次上根据区块链的不同部署方式采用不同的共识机制,最后对该共识机制下的溯源信息查询机制进行介绍,为基于许可链的溯源系统的开发和设计提供了重要借鉴。  相似文献   

The scale of e-commerce systems is increasing and more and more products are being offered online. However, users must find their own desired products among a large amount of unrelated information, which makes it increasingly difficult for them to make a purchase. In order to solve this problem of information overload, and effectively assist e-commerce users to shop easily and conveniently, an e-commerce personalized recommendation system technology has been proposed. This paper introduces the design and implementation of a personalized product recommendation model based on user interest. The “shopping basket analysis” functional model centered on the Apriori algorithm uses the sales data in the transaction database to mine various interesting links between the products purchased by the customers. Moreover, it helps merchants to formulate marketing strategies, reasonably arranges shelf-guided sales, and attracts more customers. This platform adopts a B/S structure and uses JSP+AJAX technology to achieve the dynamic loading of pages. In the background, the Struts2 framework is combined with the SQL Server database to establish the system function module, and then the function is gradually improved according to the requirement analysis, and the development of the platform is finally completed.  相似文献   

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