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2021 年 2 月 24 日, 2020 年及"十三五"时期机械工业经济运行形势信息发布会在北京召开,此次会议由中国机械工业联合会(以下简称"中国机械联")主办,发布会由中国机械联执行副会长兼秘书长赵驰主持,中国机械联执行副会长陈斌发布2020年机械工业经济运行形势信息并回答记者提问,特邀嘉宾中国汽车工业协会副秘书长...  相似文献   

<正>2013年是实施"十二五"规划承上启下、承前启后的关键之年。从当前我国经济运行的整体情况看,虽然外部形势依然错综复杂,仍面临一些困难和挑战,但我国经济主要指标未偏于预期可控范围。机械工业作为基础产业,总体上继续保持了平稳发展的态势,主要经济指标温和增长,产销增速比上年回升近三个百分点,利润增速比上年回升七个百分点,利润回升速度快于产销,全行业回升势头强于全国工业。但应该看  相似文献   

一、生产发展情况 2002年分离机械行业在国家继续实施扩大内需,执行积极的财政政策,加快经济结构调整等一系列宏观经济政策的影响下,继续保持良好的发展态势,经济运行平稳进行,从总体上分析,国内分离机械市场供大于求,发展空间有限。  相似文献   

<正>机床工具行业是装备制造业的基础产业,是装备制造业技术进步和产业升级的重要标志。"十一五"期间,尽管受到全球金融危机的冲击和影响,但由于党中央和国务院审时度势,及时地采取了一揽子的政策措施,制定了装备制造业调整  相似文献   

一、我国模具业发展成效明显1.发展快由于市场需求的强劲拉动,近年来我国模具工业高速发展,市场广阔,产销两旺。1996年至2002年间,模具制造业的产值年平均增长14%左右。2003年我国模具增长25%左右,产值达到450亿元以上,紧随日本、美国其后,位居世界第三。2003年广东、江苏、浙江、山东等模具发达地区的增长在25%以上。2003年模具出口3.368亿美元,比上年增长33.5%,形势喜人。全国每年约有40亿元以上的模具市场,而且每年还以20%左右的增长速度在发展。据统计,75%的粗加工工业产品零件、50%的精加工零件由模具成型,家电行业的80%零件、机电行业…  相似文献   

2005年9月28日,温家宝总理主持国务院常务会议,讨论并原则通过《国务院关于加快振兴装备制造业的若干意见》,提出了振兴我国装备制造业的主要目标和主要任务,并明确了重点突破的方向,即“选择一批对国家经济安全有重要影响,对促进国民经济可持续发展有显著效果,对结构调整、  相似文献   

一、加工贸易对我国经济发展具有重要作用 加工贸易是发展进出口的重要贸易方式,对我国扩大出口、增加就业、利用外资、吸纳境外机械制造业转移都具有非常重要的作用。为此,我国十分重视加工贸易的发展,制定了多项鼓励加工贸易发展的政策、法规和管理制度。  相似文献   

The machinery industry is one of the most important exporting industries in Taiwan. The values of Taiwan’s machinery industry have been increasing continuously over the past years. Therefore, forecasting of production values is an essential issue for the machinery industry in Taiwan. Support vector machines (SVMs), a novel forecasting technique, have been successfully applied in solving non-linear regression and time series problems. In this paper, SVMs are employed to examine the feasibility in forecasting seasonal time series data of production values of Taiwan’s machinery industry. In addition, two other forecasting approaches, namely the seasonal time series autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model and general regression neural networks (GRNN), are used to compare the performance of forecasting. Experimental results show that support vector machines outperform SARIMA and the general regression neural networks in terms of forecasting accuracy.  相似文献   

The following investigation examines changes in the distance between the right and left dendritic termini arising from the serotonergic sensory neurons found in the apical ganglion of the larval dendronotid nudibranchs, Melibe leonina and Tritonia diomedea. A significant increase in separation, that is different in extent, occurs in both species as they grow from hatching to metamorphic competence. Competent M. leonina larvae exhibit a separation that is about 4.5 times that at hatching, whereas competent larvae of T. diomedea show an increase that is only 1.6 times that at hatching. The increase in separation of the lateral, serotonergic, dendritic termini (particularly in M. leonina) may allow the larva to more effectively assess left versus right differences in an as yet unknown sensory stimulus. The serotonergic innervation that arises from the apical ganglion is known to be associated with the muscles and large ciliated cells of the velum. Better right versus left discrimination of sensory stimuli experienced during the pelagic or settling larval phases may allow the larva to more precisely control swimming activities such that the likelihood of successful feeding or settlement behavior is increased.  相似文献   

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